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My Oberon Rework!


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I have been an Oberon main since I first started playing Warframe. Around Revenant's release, actually. I love him to death and do consider him highly slept on, but he is indeed OUTDATED. Not only in how his abilities flow, but also as a concept. Even before, his identity as the "Radiation Warframe" was poor, and now that Qorvex is in the mix, makes that title completely irrelevant. So, with some perspective on some new supports we received such as Citrine and Jade, here is my personal ideas for a rework for our favorite goat druid/paladin, Obie~!


Passive: Grant All Allies, Frames and Companions, Armor, Shield, and Health-Link, as well as one free instant revive per mission.


**NOTE: The original passive can be quite useful for those who like pets, so why not spread that ability to the whole crew?


Ability 1: "Aspects of Nature" Rotate between 4 togglable (channel) buffs:


"Bear's Claws": Increase Armor, Weaponry gains innate Slash damage, Slash Procs hemorrhage enemies, dealing additional bleed damage and drop Health Orbs.


"Eagle's Talons": Increase Shields, Weaponry gains innate Puncture damage, Puncture Procs hinder enemies, slowing their movement drastically.


"Ram's Horns": Increase Health, Weaponry gains innate Impact damage, Impact Procs knock enemies away with immense force.


"Rabbit's Foot": Increase Sprint and Bullet Jump Speed, Weaponry deals extra Elemental damage (no effect if weapon does not have elemental damage), enemies affected by elemental statuses have increased enemy drop chances. How Lucky!


**NOTE: This toggle ability would make Oberon one of the only frames to ADD physical damage to weaponry, and also give him a niche in farming materials and loot. Also a funny gameplay mechanic with Ram's Horns.


Ability 2: "Hallowed Ground":


·Increase base Range and Duration, cast in a 360° around Oberon.


·Change Radiation damage to Corrosive, and add Thorns that deal Slash and Puncture damage to enemies.


·Keep Status cleanse, while standing on field, Renewal grants full health targets Overguard.


**NOTE: This would ultimately make Hallowed Ground a full utility ability, allowing for Armor Strip, Bleed procs, AND Ally support all in one ability without having to annihilate an entire room of enemies.


Ability 3: "Renewal"


·Allies that come within Oberon's Affinity Range while Renewal is active gain the buff.


**NOTE: Renewal as it stands is Oberon's bread and butter. Very little needs to be changed, but with this change it can allow teammates at a much wider range to gain the benefits of Oberon's heals and armor without having to recast it.


Ability 4: "Reckoning"

·Increase Base Range (Match Augment Range)

·Innate Armor Shred


·Drops Health Orbs upon damage to enemies, instead of enemy kill


·When combined with Hallowed Ground, Damage is doubled and DoT statuses on enemies are triggered in one burst.


**NOTE: As it stands Reckoning does not do nearly enough damage as it should. Even at 300% Strength it hardly tickles anything past level 60. These changes would help give some baseline utility to the ultimate, while also fulfilling a niche for Oberon setting him as a unit that can detonate status procs.


With these changes, the idea is to not only make his kit more attuned to helping his team both defensively and offensively, but also make sure his Mod priorities are reduced down to Power and Efficiency, rather than depending on all four stats. Of course this won't take him to top tier because that's not the intended goal, but rather ...Renew his identity as the Druid/Paladin tanky support. I hope you guys liked this~!

Edited by StarMoral
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I feel that the 1 free revive for the passive is unnecessary and feels out of place with the theme of Warframe. Also, instead of the passive being given to allies, the 1st ability should be shared between your teammates.

Ability 1 feels fine and I think this is a great change.

Ability 2 feels ok, but I think it should be that ALL damage for YOU only (so it stops Oberon from sabotaging other ppls’ builds).

Ability 3 is also fine, as you say doesn’t need much change.

Ability 4 is great, but maybe along with the health bonuses it should give someone more. I’m not sure what, but I feel that just HP is not much. Maybe instead of HP it should give over

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11 hours ago, DeWJ23 said:

I feel that the 1 free revive for the passive is unnecessary and feels out of place with the theme of Warframe. Also, instead of the passive being given to allies, the 1st ability should be shared between your teammates.

Ability 1 feels fine and I think this is a great change.

Ability 2 feels ok, but I think it should be that ALL damage for YOU only (so it stops Oberon from sabotaging other ppls’ builds).

Ability 3 is also fine, as you say doesn’t need much change.

Ability 4 is great, but maybe along with the health bonuses it should give someone more. I’m not sure what, but I feel that just HP is not much. Maybe instead of HP it should give over

I really only added the instant revive because that's actually already in his base passive... But for companions.

For Ability 2: Yeah it wouldn't be a buff for allies, rather an improved version of the HG we have now.

For Ability 4: I thought the innate armor shred and the DoT status burst would suffice, but I suppose his Augment to increase Overguard within the clouds?

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Can you please not write with a black /gray text I can't read that in dark mode.


As to the actual recommendations, I feel the 1 is far too different and would probably be better on a different more animalistic frame.

I have citrines helminth that gives energy and health orbs on death and inflicts Impact and slash status on the enemies. This work amazingly well , so something that's helping energy management in some way is what I would prefer.

Edited by 0_The_F00l
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Hello. Fellow Oberon enthusiast, here...

...Some of the ideas are really interesting. The idea of reckoning having built-in armor strip and the idea of hallowed ground having extra QoL and usability in of itself are neat. However, I can't help but disagree for the 1st and 3rd abilities.

The 1st ability (smite) as it is, is low-key busted. provided the target's armor is stripped ahead of time, the wisps spawned off of the initial smite burst deal a total of 35% of the targets health + shields. While ability strength wont increase the wisp damage (in fact, it decreases it by increasing the wisp amount), the damage is increased with sources like arcane arach, vigorous swap, and orange archon shards. Combined with viral and a build that can use reckoning or another armor strip source, this will actually clean groups out long past what someone's weapons are capable of.

I would say, though counterintuitive it may seem at first, that renewal is the squeaky wheel on Oberon's kit. The 1st, 2nd, and 4th abilities have a well-thought-out synergy, albeit energy intensive. This is exasperated by the fact that renewal is a channeling ability, that effectively locks out pretty much every energy source besides arcane energize, and hunter adren. While the energy off of these sources is no slouch, neither is consistent. Reckoning stuns non-eximus enemies, which is a really useful thing if not for the fact that stunned enemies aren't gonna be hitting you to get the energy back, making any builds using both renewal and reckoning having to consider ability strength and duration balancing. Energy nexus, archon stretch, primary exhilarate, exodia brave, tome regen, zenurik bubble, energy vampire... A lot of potential energy sources to run parallel to hunter adren, only to be stopped by channeling restrictions.

My 2nd major reason to think that renewal needs a revamp, is the sheer, undeniable fact that health-tanking as a whole needs revamping. While it was going to happen eventually, Belly of the Beast was personally a wake-up call to where health-tanking is right now. Sure, normal situations wont bombard someone with piles of jade light eximuses, but with all of the recent content is a trend that is clearly favoring shield gating and overguard gating. Not that Oberon can't adapt to the trend, but because the trend is creeping away from health-tanking, the usefulness of renewal is becoming increasingly undermined. I have quite a few builds on Oberon for this, actually, and pretty much all of them, I have subsumed over renewal. If renewal had an innate damage reduction, a feature that adds the drain/s to overguard, or some other thing that made it more useful, just that could make Oberon much more viable in the powercreep.

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hace 6 horas, WisdomOfTheWoods dijo:

The 1st ability (smite) as it is, is low-key busted. provided the target's armor is stripped ahead of time, the wisps spawned off of the initial smite burst deal a total of 35% of the targets health + shields. While ability strength wont increase the wisp damage (in fact, it decreases it by increasing the wisp amount), the damage is increased with sources like arcane arach, vigorous swap, and orange archon shards. Combined with viral and a build that can use reckoning or another armor strip source, this will actually clean groups out long past what someone's weapons are capable of.

Too much resources to make viable a single ability.

  • Need radiation on enemies for archon shards to take effect
    • Have to cast several times Smite for rad status, losing a lot of energy & time because of cast time/animation
    • Have to cast HG or Reckoning for rad status, losing a lot of energy (150) & time because of cast time/animation & range
  • Need armor strip
    • Have to cast HG + Reckoning, losing a lot of energy (+250) & time because of cast time/animation & range
    • Casting Fire Blast have the same problem, 150 energy for armor strip
    • Casting Terrify will make enemies run away and you need to sacrifice a mod slot for its agument
    • Casting Tharros Strike, is similar to HG because of the angle, have to cast multiple times losing time
  • Need viral & damage buff
    • I think this is okay and cool, but Vigorous Swap makes the experience very clunky & tedious
    • Archon shards & arcane arach are mid or late game resouces. Not accesible for most of the players, specially with that arcane
  • Need multiple casts of Smite to feel a single impact on gameplay
    • On single cast or 3 are not enough to feel "oh, this thing does something!"

The impact of Smite can be felt more on normal mode missions, but in sp this ability is horrible. Enemies keep comming in mass making you feel that you did nothing. Its better a buff this ability or just a rework, because of having a pack of buffs it will feel a lot better.

Even if Oberon would have abilities with less energy drain, Smite will still be horrible because of the multiple casts you have to do. I agree that a 25 energy ability can't be broken, but we're in a point that we're used to deal enemies in mass. Anyway, DE has the resources to test what works and what not, what is fun and what not while changing stats to abilities, they'll know what is better.

The big issue of Oberon is a late game warframe, because you need specific resources to make him vaiable for sp and other missions. And still, he struggles to do more than tanking for the first 250 levels. Oberon is a DPS & Support warframe, but now it only feels a support with high ammount of energy drain, who struggles with range, strength, efficiency & duration; and depends on archon shards to say "hey, I exist, I can do something!"

hace 6 horas, WisdomOfTheWoods dijo:

My 2nd major reason to think that renewal needs a revamp, is the sheer, undeniable fact that health-tanking as a whole needs revamping. While it was going to happen eventually, Belly of the Beast was personally a wake-up call to where health-tanking is right now. Sure, normal situations wont bombard someone with piles of jade light eximuses, but with all of the recent content is a trend that is clearly favoring shield gating and overguard gating. Not that Oberon can't adapt to the trend, but because the trend is creeping away from health-tanking, the usefulness of renewal is becoming increasingly undermined. I have quite a few builds on Oberon for this, actually, and pretty much all of them, I have subsumed over renewal. If renewal had an innate damage reduction, a feature that adds the drain/s to overguard, or some other thing that made it more useful, just that could make Oberon much more viable in the powercreep.

I agree with that on Revewal, personally I prefer a buff of damage reduction or to its stats (+armor & +health/s), because I prefer variety over the same overguard strategy. Or fuse the agument to the ability, making a second chance for player mistakes and oneself.

hace 9 horas, 0_The_F00l dijo:

As to the actual recommendations, I feel the 1 is far too different and would probably be better on a different more animalistic frame.

Oberon is directly related to nature, so his idea is okay.

Edited by AngeloTheBuck
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1 hour ago, AngeloTheBuck said:

Too much resources to make viable a single ability.

  • Need radiation on enemies for archon shards to take effect
    • Have to cast several times Smite for rad status, losing a lot of energy & time because of cast time/animation
    • Have to cast HG or Reckoning for rad status, losing a lot of energy (150) & time because of cast time/animation & range
  • Need armor strip
    • Have to cast HG + Reckoning, losing a lot of energy (+250) & time because of cast time/animation & range
    • Casting Fire Blast have the same problem, 150 energy for armor strip
    • Casting Terrify will make enemies run away and you need to sacrifice a mod slot for its agument
    • Casting Tharros Strike, is similar to HG because of the angle, have to cast multiple times losing time
  • Need viral & damage buff
    • I think this is okay and cool, but Vigorous Swap makes the experience very clunky & tedious
    • Archon shards & arcane arach are mid or late game resouces. Not accesible for most of the players, specially with that arcane
  • Need multiple casts of Smite to feel a single impact on gameplay
    • On single cast or 3 are not enough to feel "oh, this thing does something!"

While I agree with the "too many moving parts" thing on reckoning's requirement of hallowed ground to armor strip, those energy numbers are exaggerated. For the very reason that reckoning is a whopping 100 base energy for an ability that requires an augment and/or another ability to be useful, most builds that utilize casting over the face-tanking mechanics of Oberon are going to focus in on efficiency. 175% eff makes the base combo of 2-2-4-1-1-1-1 cost 75 energy, 100 energy if the strength is below 200%.

When thinking about the shards for damage, remember that depending on the stat spread for the Oberon in question, enemies are not only being hit by reckoning 100% SC, but also the varying% SC from hallowed ground. I would actually believe it if I was told the shards were a stealth-buff for Oberon in hindsight. This amount is a damage buff multiplicative of other sources of damage buffing, like vigor swap, arcane arach, roar, or eclipse (tho those are additive of each-other).

Honestly, I agree with the problematic fact that most Oberon builds require significant investment to really shine, compared to a lot of other frames that are plug and play. This is one of the biggest reasons why people gravitate toward frames like wisp, instead (also kind of because Oberon's drop pool is literally adrift in space, and wisp being revisited by end-game players can appreciate wisp's easy to use invis/I-frame clutch).

Pain, Below:


The first Oberon required umbral forma, arcane guardian/grace, noruish subsume, and red tauforged (strength) shards to minmax it's health facetanking enough to run netracells comfortably. The second Oberon required 3 tauforged orange (ability damage), 2 tauforged purple (equilibrium), the advent of energy nexus + tome / hound + archon stretch, at least 170% efficiency, and a solid cast-gating kit running alongside everything. The third Oberon was lower investment, but still 5 tauforged blue and the advent of primed redirection with that arcane aegis mentioned, to get shield-tanking to work.

The point being, that all of this investment to actually build out an Oberon to carry weight into endgame content or levelcap, just so frames like wisp, dante, zephyr, revenant, and so on can be just as useful with a un-forma'd build with a handful of relatively easily-obtainable mods.

Oberon is powerful in it's own right, but without significant workarounds to the abysmal QoL that most frames of that generation have, getting an Oberon to that level is an uphill battle. Reckoning has the worst QoL out of all the abilities, to where if someone commits to bringing it up to deal with higher levels, then it tends to be at the cost of the rest of the kit, and vice versa.

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15 minutes ago, WisdomOfTheWoods said:

While I agree with the "too many moving parts" thing on reckoning's requirement of hallowed ground to armor strip, those energy numbers are exaggerated. For the very reason that reckoning is a whopping 100 base energy for an ability that requires an augment and/or another ability to be useful, most builds that utilize casting over the face-tanking mechanics of Oberon are going to focus in on efficiency. 175% eff makes the base combo of 2-2-4-1-1-1-1 cost 75 energy, 100 energy if the strength is below 200%.

When thinking about the shards for damage, remember that depending on the stat spread for the Oberon in question, enemies are not only being hit by reckoning 100% SC, but also the varying% SC from hallowed ground. I would actually believe it if I was told the shards were a stealth-buff for Oberon in hindsight. This amount is a damage buff multiplicative of other sources of damage buffing, like vigor swap, arcane arach, roar, or eclipse (tho those are additive of each-other).

Honestly, I agree with the problematic fact that most Oberon builds require significant investment to really shine, compared to a lot of other frames that are plug and play. This is one of the biggest reasons why people gravitate toward frames like wisp, instead (also kind of because Oberon's drop pool is literally adrift in space, and wisp being revisited by end-game players can appreciate wisp's easy to use invis/I-frame clutch).

Pain, Below:

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The first Oberon required umbral forma, arcane guardian/grace, noruish subsume, and red tauforged (strength) shards to minmax it's health facetanking enough to run netracells comfortably. The second Oberon required 3 tauforged orange (ability damage), 2 tauforged purple (equilibrium), the advent of energy nexus + tome / hound + archon stretch, at least 170% efficiency, and a solid cast-gating kit running alongside everything. The third Oberon was lower investment, but still 5 tauforged blue and the advent of primed redirection with that arcane aegis mentioned, to get shield-tanking to work.

The point being, that all of this investment to actually build out an Oberon to carry weight into endgame content or levelcap, just so frames like wisp, dante, zephyr, revenant, and so on can be just as useful with a un-forma'd build with a handful of relatively easily-obtainable mods.

Oberon is powerful in it's own right, but without significant workarounds to the abysmal QoL that most frames of that generation have, getting an Oberon to that level is an uphill battle. Reckoning has the worst QoL out of all the abilities, to where if someone commits to bringing it up to deal with higher levels, then it tends to be at the cost of the rest of the kit, and vice versa.

175% efficiency is requires 2 mod slots BARE minimum (1) and makes shield gating all the harder (2). Also, it is perfectly possible to work around health tanking with just as much effort as you took to get to utilizing the 1 spam with any modicum of efficiency, only difference is, health tanking WOULD benefit from this rework, and I guess you would lose your gimmicky fiddly build. I feel you, I love making weird, fiddly builds, BUT making Oberon a potential looter frame with a lot more variety in buffing, adding more offensive buffs, changing the element to corrosive for easy armor stripping, making him a status detonator, AND making him synergize better with Vazarin focus school for his renewal, big W.


Maybe, ADD the 3 Phoenix Renewal Augment by Default, change the Augment to a bonus %max health/second heal that flows over into overguard based on EFFECTIVE HP it represents, making it ALSO scale with the armor at the time it is acquired. 

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18 minutes ago, Ihmael said:

175% efficiency is requires 2 mod slots BARE minimum (1) and makes shield gating all the harder (2). Also, it is perfectly possible to work around health tanking with just as much effort as you took to get to utilizing the 1 spam with any modicum of efficiency, only difference is, health tanking WOULD benefit from this rework, and I guess you would lose your gimmicky fiddly build. I feel you, I love making weird, fiddly builds, BUT making Oberon a potential looter frame with a lot more variety in buffing, adding more offensive buffs, changing the element to corrosive for easy armor stripping, making him a status detonator, AND making him synergize better with Vazarin focus school for his renewal, big W.

Well, yeah. Efficiency of that scale requires at least 2 mod slots reasonably, with cast-gating/shieldtanking requiring ~2-3. The idea of the rest of the kit working with renewal as it is would require both investment into base stats (armor/health) ~2 mods, as well as DR means such as Rage/Adren+QT ~2-3 mods, and adaptation 1 mod, for a total of 5 mods before the strength is considered that would be needed to sustain renewal. Flow works for this, but depending on the duration-range-efficiency for the arcanes/archon/extra slots, the other 3 abilities would be used sparingly for mainly ridding of armor.

When done right, smite wisps are a force to be reckoned with (I had to, the pun asked me to make it). Out of morbid curiosity, I found my smite build was able to outdamage DPS frames during BotB, probably by the sheer virtue of enemies having no armor... So there is something here with smite that is worth keeping.

37 minutes ago, Ihmael said:

Maybe, ADD the 3 Phoenix Renewal Augment by Default, change the Augment to a bonus %max health/second heal that flows over into overguard based on EFFECTIVE HP it represents, making it ALSO scale with the armor at the time it is acquired. 

Ultimately, I agree on the need for a QoL: Renewal would just be better as a non-channeling, ontop of other buffs such as DR and %health/s (the augment simply needs a much shorter cooldown). The other abilities like reckoning would be useful armor stripping in their own right with the health orb effect applying to them when they die to anything (the augment giving overguard/s when allies stand in the bubbles). Hallowed ground having an effect that also decreases incoming damage from enemies standing on it (the augment doubling wisps spawned/damage of smite, and armor strip of reckoning for enemies standing on it, making base strength armor strip). Oberon's passive could also have an addition to where radiation procs add 10% to final weapon/companion damage per stack.

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On 2024-09-03 at 1:03 PM, StarMoral said:

I have been an Oberon main since I first started playing Warframe. Around Revenant's release, actually. I love him to death and do consider him highly slept on, but he is indeed OUTDATED. Not only in how his abilities flow, but also as a concept. Even before, his identity as the "Radiation Warframe" was poor, and now that Qorvex is in the mix, makes that title completely irrelevant. So, with some perspective on some new supports we received such as Citrine and Jade, here is my personal ideas for a rework for our favorite goat druid/paladin, Obie~!


Passive: Grant All Allies, Frames and Companions, Armor, Shield, and Health-Link, as well as one free instant revive per mission.


**NOTE: The original passive can be quite useful for those who like pets, so why not spread that ability to the whole crew?


Ability 1: "Aspects of Nature" Rotate between 4 togglable (channel) buffs:


"Bear's Claws": Increase Armor, Weaponry gains innate Slash damage, Slash Procs hemorrhage enemies, dealing additional bleed damage and drop Health Orbs.


"Eagle's Talons": Increase Shields, Weaponry gains innate Puncture damage, Puncture Procs hinder enemies, slowing their movement drastically.


"Ram's Horns": Increase Health, Weaponry gains innate Impact damage, Impact Procs knock enemies away with immense force.


"Rabbit's Foot": Increase Sprint and Bullet Jump Speed, Weaponry deals extra Elemental damage (no effect if weapon does not have elemental damage), enemies affected by elemental statuses have increased enemy drop chances. How Lucky!


**NOTE: This toggle ability would make Oberon one of the only frames to ADD physical damage to weaponry, and also give him a niche in farming materials and loot. Also a funny gameplay mechanic with Ram's Horns.


Ability 2: "Hallowed Ground":


·Increase base Range and Duration, cast in a 360° around Oberon.


·Change Radiation damage to Corrosive, and add Thorns that deal Slash and Puncture damage to enemies.


·Keep Status cleanse, while standing on field, Renewal grants full health targets Overguard.


**NOTE: This would ultimately make Hallowed Ground a full utility ability, allowing for Armor Strip, Bleed procs, AND Ally support all in one ability without having to annihilate an entire room of enemies.


Ability 3: "Renewal"


·Allies that come within Oberon's Affinity Range while Renewal is active gain the buff.


**NOTE: Renewal as it stands is Oberon's bread and butter. Very little needs to be changed, but with this change it can allow teammates at a much wider range to gain the benefits of Oberon's heals and armor without having to recast it.


Ability 4: "Reckoning"

·Increase Base Range (Match Augment Range)

·Innate Armor Shred


·Drops Health Orbs upon damage to enemies, instead of enemy kill


·When combined with Hallowed Ground, Damage is doubled and DoT statuses on enemies are triggered in one burst.


**NOTE: As it stands Reckoning does not do nearly enough damage as it should. Even at 300% Strength it hardly tickles anything past level 60. These changes would help give some baseline utility to the ultimate, while also fulfilling a niche for Oberon setting him as a unit that can detonate status procs.


With these changes, the idea is to not only make his kit more attuned to helping his team both defensively and offensively, but also make sure his Mod priorities are reduced down to Power and Efficiency, rather than depending on all four stats. Of course this won't take him to top tier because that's not the intended goal, but rather ...Renew his identity as the Druid/Paladin tanky support. I hope you guys liked this~!

His 1 would be too busted, the slash and loot stuff on one ability is a bit much, try shifting some of that power around to other abilitys.

Im also not too impressed with puncture/shield health/impact.

They just dont do too much compared to slash.

His 2 doesn't really need the slash and puncture damage, It wouldn't scale nearly well enough to hurt anything, and your 1 would already do the job of spreading slash damage way, way, way better.

Just corrosive procs would be enough, but then you run into an issue with 4.

Why would you need corrosive on it, when no enemy's are going to have armor because the shred on his last ability?

So that would be a little bit of a waste as well, which means the 2 rework Idea isn't too great in my opinion.

Everything it does other abilities do better.

I like the 4, simple quality of life changes that improve him a lot.

Renewal, again, a good quality of life change, I just dont really care for the ability at base.

Health regen, I dont really need.

There will be more then enough orbs

Same goes for armor buffs, because of how armor acts in general. 

Theyre only a big deal if youre not trying anything too hard.

90% or 99% reduction of a 100.000.000 hit, both will still kill me.

Id rather have him do something that does the same early, but scales better with enemys.

Stat resistance at full health is also rarely usefull.

The only real dangerous effect is poison, and even that isnt that hard to negate or purge.

Most builds can do it without help.

Shield gating just scales so much better.

The bleedout timer reduction isnt really worth too much either, the time you have normally is more then enough to save someone.

The augment will rarely come into play if youre doing your job in a mission properly, and even if it does, its kind of counter productive with the already weak rest of the ability, because you cant be bleeding out if you dont get downed, which means you dont get the slow bleedout buff.

And again, a free revive isnt worth too much. Takes a few seconds to get a guy back up, and is perfectly safe in voidpotato-mode

Unless im missing something, important, Id probably remove renewal for something else as well.

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hace 27 minutos, Weilerkhan dijo:

Im also not too impressed with puncture/shield health/impact.

They just dont do too much compared to slash.

  • Puncture reduce enemy damage
  • Impact does cc

These can be useful for AoE weapons. It depends on your preferences

hace 35 minutos, Weilerkhan dijo:

Health regen, I dont really need.

There will be more then enough orbs

For me, I really need

hace 35 minutos, Weilerkhan dijo:

Same goes for armor buffs, because of how armor acts in general. 

Theyre only a big deal if youre not trying anything too hard.

90% or 99% reduction of a 100.000.000 hit, both will still kill me.

Armor + adaption + any damage reduction resource, this combo is very good for high level enemies. Just combine Trinity & Citrine buffs, Caliban passive, Adaptation, Eclipse from Mirage, Armor buff, Equinox night debuff.

  • Trinity 4° ability -> 75%
  • Citrine 2° ability -> 75% (specter)
  • Caliban passive -> 50% (specter)
  • Adaptation -> 90%
  • Eclipse -> 75% (helminth)
  • Equinox night debuff (enemies deal less damage ~x0.70) -> ~70%
  • Armor buff (from guardian arcane & Renewall at 200%) -> 900+400+240= 1540 (83.7%)

A result of 99.9962% damage reduction

  • Ancient healer specter does 90% damage reduction in 10m range

A result of 99.9997% damage reduction

With this you can hit almost level 9999.


hace 52 minutos, Weilerkhan dijo:

Stat resistance at full health is also rarely usefull.

The only real dangerous effect is poison, and even that isnt that hard to negate or purge.

hace 54 minutos, Weilerkhan dijo:

Shield gating just scales so much better.

Sorry, but I dont understand you. Stat resistance is really usefull, from radiation, heat, cold and toxin.

Oberon is not designed for shield gating even for shield buffs or overguard because of Renewal. So I dont get why you mention it. This playstyle doesnt match to him

hace 57 minutos, Weilerkhan dijo:

The bleedout timer reduction isnt really worth too much either, the time you have normally is more then enough to save someone.

Believe me, it helps a lot. Players tend to move between rooms every time so this buff is really useful. Indeed, in high level, to save someone you need to prepare the zone before doing so, or the enemy will kill you while reviving the player.

hace 59 minutos, Weilerkhan dijo:

The augment will rarely come into play if youre doing your job in a mission properly, and even if it does, its kind of counter productive with the already weak rest of the ability, because you cant be bleeding out if you dont get downed, which means you dont get the slow bleedout buff.

And again, a free revive isnt worth too much. Takes a few seconds to get a guy back up, and is perfectly safe in voidpotato-mode

The millions times I saved players from dead because of that augment and they keep doing their job without doing a pause to recover of what they were doing.

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On 2024-09-03 at 8:03 PM, StarMoral said:

Ram's Horns": Increase Health, Weaponry gains innate Impact damage, Impact Procs knock enemies away with immense force.

oof, no thanks. fun as impact procs are solo, it's annoying for the team when you get knockbacks but no kills, it's why the Sonicor Space Program got nerfed. 

the other ideas aren't bad thoguh, mainly I just wish his 4 could actually kill stuff. 

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38 minutes ago, AngeloTheBuck said:
  • Puncture reduce enemy damage
  • Impact does cc

These can be useful for AoE weapons. It depends on your preferences

For me, I really need

Armor + adaption + any damage reduction resource, this combo is very good for high level enemies. Just combine Trinity & Citrine buffs, Caliban passive, Adaptation, Eclipse from Mirage, Armor buff, Equinox night debuff.

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Trinity 4° ability -> 75%
  • Citrine 2° ability -> 75% (specter)
  • Caliban passive -> 50% (specter)
  • Adaptation -> 90%
  • Eclipse -> 75% (helminth)
  • Equinox night debuff (enemies deal less damage ~x0.70) -> ~70%
  • Armor buff (from guardian arcane & Renewall at 200%) -> 900+400+240= 1540 (83.7%)

A result of 99.9962% damage reduction

  • Ancient healer specter does 90% damage reduction in 10m range

A result of 99.9997% damage reduction

With this you can hit almost level 9999.


Sorry, but I dont understand you. Stat resistance is really usefull, from radiation, heat, cold and toxin.

Oberon is not designed for shield gating even for shield buffs or overguard because of Renewal. So I dont get why you mention it. This playstyle doesnt match to him

Believe me, it helps a lot. Players tend to move between rooms every time so this buff is really useful. Indeed, in high level, to save someone you need to prepare the zone before doing so, or the enemy will kill you while reviving the player.

The millions times I saved players from dead because of that augment and they keep doing their job without doing a pause to recover of what they were doing.


1. Puncture and Impact.

They cc and reduce enemy damage.

Thats cool, but really useless compared to what slash does.

It kills enemies.

Being dead disables them permanently, they cant do any damage that way.

Which is why it will always beat out impact and puncture who disable or weaken them only temporarily.

2. How are you getting hit so much?

I see myself looking for health extremely rarely, usually because something hit me with toxin, and there the orbs laying all over the place could get it up to full ten times over.

And I use a lot of them even at full health, because I like running Equilibrium.

3. Thats a incredible amount of things used just to attempt to emulate what Shield Gating and or rolling guard can do. Why would I designate two thirds of my build to not dying when I can just use one single mod instead and get better results? 

4. Don't care for Heat. Don't Care for Cold. Can match Toxin with heals or my own purge on most frames. Same goes for radiation, I never have trouble dealing with it myself.

I would agree that Status resist is a nice bonus on stuff.

But its not worth much by itself.

Add cc immunity and some elemental weapon buff to the consecrated ground and were talking.

What OP suggested isn't nearly enough though, in my opinion.

Rolling Guard is a Incredibly common mod, and it takes care of all of these things for you, which isnt good if all of these things are what a whole warframe does.

5.Oberon is designed to make you not dead. Thats his playstyle. Whether he does it by getting up your blue resource or your red resources doesn't change much about what he does.

I bring up the blue resource, to explain how its a lot better then the red one, and maybe they should have focused Oberon on that instead.

6. I know your million is probably exaggerated on purpose, I really hope so, but do you know how much downtime that augment has?

90s of nothing to save you 2 or 3 seconds of work.

hats a wasted modslot right there.

And that's if we pretend that a player dies exactly every 90 seconds. 

If they don't, if its every 5, 10, 20 minutes or so, that's just 20 minutes of that augment doing absolutely nothing.

There can be whole missions where it just doesnt do anything at all if no one lets themselves get downed.

And again, even if they are, its just 5 seconds of work at most that it saves you from.

Just go into operator, pick em up, contnue the mission.

No need to waste the slot.

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hace 1 hora, Weilerkhan dijo:

1. Puncture and Impact.

They cc and reduce enemy damage.

Thats cool, but really useless compared to what slash does.

It kills enemies.

Being dead disables them permanently, they cant do any damage that way.

Which is why it will always beat out impact and puncture who disable or weaken them only temporarily.

hace 2 horas, AngeloTheBuck dijo:

It depends on your preferences


hace 1 hora, Weilerkhan dijo:

How are you getting hit so much?

It's not about taking a lot of shots, it's about comfort and playstyle. If you want to kill, killing is your thing, I'm into combat, not cleaning areas.

Oberon has a slow playstyle, so that's why I play him.

hace 1 hora, Weilerkhan dijo:

3. Thats a incredible amount of things used just to attempt to emulate what Shield Gating and or rolling guard can do. Why would I designate two thirds of my build to not dying when I can just use one single mod instead and get better results? 

0.1s inmunity after shield gating can be tedious, for me its better having a team for damage reduction to make the game more enjoyable than pressing buttons like crazy

You're talking like shield gating is a must and any other way is never, same with status resistance. This game has a lot of resources to make things work. I told all of that to make you understand armor is still a good resource of survivability and damage reduction too

hace 2 horas, Weilerkhan dijo:

4. Don't care

Your thing, not mine

hace 2 horas, Weilerkhan dijo:

5.Oberon is designed to make you not dead

Lol no, he's more than that. Check wiki to know his concept, abilites and potencial


hace 2 horas, Weilerkhan dijo:

I bring up the blue resource, to explain how its a lot better then the red one, and maybe they should have focused Oberon on that instead.

I can see clearly you're only for meta builds, weapons, warframes, etc; after saying this.

Archon shards are made to "have combat advantages or boost a playstyle you like". This info is from the game.

Oberon starts working decent when having specific archon shards, wich is not good in base of what shards are supposed to offer. Still, my 3 Oberons as much they have 2 blue shards and the rest between yellow, red and purple; and they work well in sp.

Im getting another Oberon to try other shards, because I'm not done exploring his potencial.

hace 2 horas, Weilerkhan dijo:

wasted modslot right there.

I know that, but the fact he can give you invulnerability after a mistake is a huge W.

This agument is a must for Renewal because it has a big impact. I noticed that I have to revive my teamates like 2-3 times less and thats a lot from my experience. Obviously if the player is AFK or struggling in the mission, I will notice this agument can feel a bit useless, but how many times a experienced player dies? like once per 5-10 minutes? I really like this agument, but the current state of this warframe is kinda hard to use a slot for it.

So the mod should be fused to the ability and change the augment for something else.

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2 hours ago, AngeloTheBuck said:


It's not about taking a lot of shots, it's about comfort and playstyle. If you want to kill, killing is your thing, I'm into combat, not cleaning areas.

Oberon has a slow playstyle, so that's why I play him.

0.1s inmunity after shield gating can be tedious, for me its better having a team for damage reduction to make the game more enjoyable than pressing buttons like crazy

You're talking like shield gating is a must and any other way is never, same with status resistance. This game has a lot of resources to make things work. I told all of that to make you understand armor is still a good resource of survivability and damage reduction too

Your thing, not mine

Lol no, he's more than that. Check wiki to know his concept, abilites and potencial


I can see clearly you're only for meta builds, weapons, warframes, etc; after saying this.

Archon shards are made to "have combat advantages or boost a playstyle you like". This info is from the game.

Oberon starts working decent when having specific archon shards, wich is not good in base of what shards are supposed to offer. Still, my 3 Oberons as much they have 2 blue shards and the rest between yellow, red and purple; and they work well in sp.

Im getting another Oberon to try other shards, because I'm not done exploring his potencial.

I know that, but the fact he can give you invulnerability after a mistake is a huge W.

This agument is a must for Renewal because it has a big impact. I noticed that I have to revive my teamates like 2-3 times less and thats a lot from my experience. Obviously if the player is AFK or struggling in the mission, I will notice this agument can feel a bit useless, but how many times a experienced player dies? like once per 5-10 minutes? I really like this agument, but the current state of this warframe is kinda hard to use a slot for it.

So the mod should be fused to the ability and change the augment for something else.

Sorry, but Oberons playstyle isn't slow, its bad.

Atlas would be an example of a at least semi-slow playstyle. 

Petrify an enemy, landslide him, petrify again and build up your armor for his landslide augments damage bonus over time.

Gara is slow as well, with her Splinter storm.

Baruuk with his fourth ability and its pacify-counter.

They all have to stack their combo counter as well.

These three examples do something over a long time and improve on it if played right.

Oberon in his current state does nothing and improves on nothing. 

But you know what?

Its fine if you're happy with that.

You can like the bad thing.

Play it too, I don't mind. 

Going to heal your squad in a Archimedea Deep Dive for 75 health every 2 minutes?

Maybe revive a guy once per mission?

Be my guest.

I play some really #*!%ing silly things myself.

Just don't try to convince me its good. Or even just better then what's actually there.

Cause Oberon really doesn't have all too many redeeming factors, and as sorry as I am to say it, the rework suggested by OP wouldn't change that much either.

He is trash, his ability's are bad.

You can enjoy what's there, but that doesn't change what it is.

he would be C at best, If i had to put it in a tier-list, if were bringing up the meta already.

Maybe very low B at best, if were really stretching it, because of the Slash passive on 1.

A one trick pony, kind of like Grendel with his nourish, that basically nobody would play.


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il y a 11 minutes, Weilerkhan a dit :

Sorry, but Oberons playstyle isn't slow, its bad.

Atlas would be an example of a at least semi-slow playstyle. 

Petrify an enemy, landslide him, petrify again and build up your armor for his landslide augments damage bonus over time.

Gara is slow as well, with her Splinter storm.

Baruuk with his fourth ability and its pacify-counter.

They all have to stack their combo counter as well.

These three examples do something over a long time and improve on it if played right.

Oberon in his current state does nothing and improves on nothing. 

But you know what?

Its fine if you're happy with that.

You can like the bad thing.

Play it too, I don't mind. 

Going to heal your squad in a Archimedea Deep Dive for 75 health every 2 minutes?

Maybe revive a guy once per mission?

Be my guest.

I play some really #*!%ing silly things myself.

Just don't try to convince me its good. Or even just better then what's actually there.

Cause Oberon really doesn't have all too many redeeming factors, and as sorry as I am to say it, the rework suggested by OP wouldn't change that much either.

He is trash, his ability's are bad.

You can enjoy what's there, but that doesn't change what it is.

he would be C at best, If i had to put it in a tier-list, if were bringing up the meta already.

Maybe very low B at best, if were really stretching it, because of the Slash passive on 1.

A one trick pony, kind of like Grendel with his nourish, that basically nobody would play.


Oberon's play style is great. Setting up the best augmented 2+3 with ramping up conditionnal for the whole squad is great. Having a strip armor on command and a squad buff from 1/helminthed 1 is great.

It's not because you don't like it that it's bad.

You are not everybody.

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12 hours ago, AngeloTheBuck said:

Oberon is directly related to nature, so his idea is okay.

Not disagreeing , 

But DE has kept the kit of oberon more in line to a paladin (loosely) than a nature theme (granted it does have one of the best nature/plant skins).

And while DE is not really known for trying to retain a theme , they are known for taking the approach of least effort.

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hace 5 horas, Weilerkhan dijo:

Sorry, but Oberons playstyle isn't slow, its bad.

Atlas would be an example of a at least semi-slow playstyle. 

Petrify an enemy, landslide him, petrify again and build up your armor for his landslide augments damage bonus over time.

Gara is slow as well, with her Splinter storm.

Baruuk with his fourth ability and its pacify-counter.

They all have to stack their combo counter as well.

These three examples do something over a long time and improve on it if played right.

Oberon in his current state does nothing and improves on nothing. 

But you know what?

Its fine if you're happy with that.

You can like the bad thing.

Play it too, I don't mind. 

Going to heal your squad in a Archimedea Deep Dive for 75 health every 2 minutes?

Maybe revive a guy once per mission?

Be my guest.

I play some really #*!%ing silly things myself.

Just don't try to convince me its good. Or even just better then what's actually there.

Cause Oberon really doesn't have all too many redeeming factors, and as sorry as I am to say it, the rework suggested by OP wouldn't change that much either.

He is trash, his ability's are bad.

You can enjoy what's there, but that doesn't change what it is.

he would be C at best, If i had to put it in a tier-list, if were bringing up the meta already.

Maybe very low B at best, if were really stretching it, because of the Slash passive on 1.

A one trick pony, kind of like Grendel with his nourish, that basically nobody would play.


Donald Duck Lol GIF

Meta players will never listen, so this conversation has concluded.

I will keep playing this trash warframe for my own fun~

hace 4 horas, 0_The_F00l dijo:

granted it does have one of the best nature/plant skins

Would like to have more skins from him <3

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21 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

oof, no thanks. fun as impact procs are solo, it's annoying for the team when you get knockbacks but no kills, it's why the Sonicor Space Program got nerfed. 

the other ideas aren't bad thoguh, mainly I just wish his 4 could actually kill stuff. 

Yeah, the space program idea there was meant purely for memes lol. Realistically, it could easily reduce armor and shields, but I thought a little gimmick wouldn't hurt haha

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22 hours ago, Weilerkhan said:

Just corrosive procs would be enough, but then you run into an issue with 4.

Why would you need corrosive on it, when no enemy's are going to have armor because the shred on his last ability?

So that would be a little bit of a waste as well, which means the 2 rework Idea isn't too great in my opinion.

I was contemplating between Corrosive and Heat damage, since both can strip armor. In retrospect, Heat might work better with his kit considering his 4 would detonate DoT effects.

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hace 3 horas, StarMoral dijo:

Specifically ones designed my Liger, pls DE. Pls, I need the buffed up Obie booty

That could perfectly match with his Taurus Helmet <3


hace 3 horas, StarMoral dijo:

I was contemplating between Corrosive and Heat damage, since both can strip armor

1 corrosive stack = 26% less armor

5 corrosive stack = 6*4+26% = 46% less armor

1 heat stack = 50% less armor (max.)


I think increasing status chance for his HG, corrosive would be a nice choice. Combining green shards to get armor strip with 14 corrosive stacks could make this ability extremly good with multiple Hollowed Grounds.

Meanwhile heat would be better and can combine with his 4th doing another 50% armor reduction.

For me, radiation is perfect for CC. Oberon has a huge impact with this, specially on survivability, mobile defense, excavation. But for defense this can be very problematic, so having like "hold" to cast HG with corrosive or heat instead of radiation is better, making his ability more versatile.

Or maybe changing radiation to slow down enemies on HG. But honestly I dont care, I just want a buff or rework to my boi. DE will choose what to do with Oberon, so for the moment we need to make noise. So I'm glad people like you make posts like this

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On 2024-09-04 at 5:01 PM, AngeloTheBuck said:
Hide contents
  • Trinity 4° ability -> 75%
  • Citrine 2° ability -> 75% (specter)
  • Caliban passive -> 50% (specter)
  • Adaptation -> 90%
  • Eclipse -> 75% (helminth)
  • Equinox night debuff (enemies deal less damage ~x0.70) -> ~70%
  • Armor buff (from guardian arcane & Renewall at 200%) -> 900+400+240= 1540 (83.7%)

A result of 99.9962% damage reduction

  • Ancient healer specter does 90% damage reduction in 10m range

A result of 99.9997% damage reduction

With this you can hit almost level 9999.

On 2024-09-04 at 3:53 PM, Weilerkhan said:

90% or 99% reduction of a 100.000.000 hit, both will still kill me.

This is honestly a valid point, and is what I had meant with health-tanking being dated. To even consider the hypothetical of levelcap with reliance on health, there needs to be about this much amount of investment just to survive... compared to shields or overguard requiring much less to scale better, for the sole exception of toxin damage. While many health-tanking builds can still technically do the latest content, we are starting to see scenarios where its no longer unreasonable to find generally well-invested, single-player-reliant, health-tanking builds buckle under the weight of things like SP circuit, arcamedia/elite, and IMO most notoriously for this list, BotB.

DR being added will only be a stopgap if average enemy damage follows the powercreep.

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On 2024-09-04 at 10:09 PM, Weilerkhan said:

Sorry, but Oberons playstyle isn't slow, its bad.

Atlas would be an example of a at least semi-slow playstyle. 

Petrify an enemy, landslide him, petrify again and build up your armor for his landslide augments damage bonus over time.

Gara is slow as well, with her Splinter storm.

Baruuk with his fourth ability and its pacify-counter.

They all have to stack their combo counter as well.

These three examples do something over a long time and improve on it if played right.

Oberon in his current state does nothing and improves on nothing. 

But you know what?

Its fine if you're happy with that.

You can like the bad thing.

Play it too, I don't mind. 

Going to heal your squad in a Archimedea Deep Dive for 75 health every 2 minutes?

Maybe revive a guy once per mission?

Be my guest.

I play some really #*!%ing silly things myself.

Just don't try to convince me its good. Or even just better then what's actually there.

Cause Oberon really doesn't have all too many redeeming factors, and as sorry as I am to say it, the rework suggested by OP wouldn't change that much either.

He is trash, his ability's are bad.

You can enjoy what's there, but that doesn't change what it is.

he would be C at best, If i had to put it in a tier-list, if were bringing up the meta already.

Maybe very low B at best, if were really stretching it, because of the Slash passive on 1.

A one trick pony, kind of like Grendel with his nourish, that basically nobody would play.

Dude, I know you can say whatever you want, cause yes, but why are you even here? The point of this at the end of the day is a work-shopping of ideas to potentially make Oberon better in light of the shortcomings. That is like, y'know, the point of actually investing time into a frame is to see how far it goes, and a workshop for potential buffs would be what would make it go further.

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