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Infested Concepts (Revised Runner Added)


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Thought I'd start this thread to share some concepts of either new, or revamped Infested Units I had.  Only one to show to start with atm, a model I made in Sculptris.




This is the Watcher, a stationary infested unit that acts much like Corpus cameras, but rather than activating turrets or laser doors, let's out a shriek to alert the 'horde'.  I haven't decided what size they are (originally was only going to be as big as a human skull, but that may be too annoyingly small), but no bigger than a Crawler I think.  I imagine them to sit mostly on the floor, but can be found on the ceiling as well.


Edit: I realize the infested are not symmetrical, but the program I was using crashed when I tried to go into asymmetrical mode.  Bah...

Edited by Slaskia
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I love the concept, but is the shriek necessary? I mean, the enemies in this game already act as a hive mind due to faulty AI. Once a single lone Crawler sees you, every single enemy within the next however many tiles will pinpoint your exact location before you give the crawler a chance to make a noise.


What would be interesting is if it spit some glob of sticky fluid of sorts at you which impaired movement while attracting aggro. Kinda like Boomer Bile from L4D. So you'd be slowed down and enemies would attack you over your friendlies, even Iron Skin Rhinos and (maybe) Decoys.

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(for some reason the site is not letting me using the quote function...or copy/paste *grumble*)




I do, in my head.  Will get them out eventually. I do have a sketch of a revamped Runner that I'm trying to color (the sketch was posted in the Fan Art section, will repost when the coloring is done).




I consider the shriek the infested version of Lotus' 'You've been spotted'.  Right now, there's no real indicator of whether the whole 'hive' is alerted or not infested wise (I've gotten stealth kills on 'unaware' mobs late into a mission long after I've been 'spotted').  Watchers would be the equivalent to the Grinner/Corpus 'alert control panels', only without the need of another unit to trigger.


As for the 'attack' bit:  that's for another concept I have brewing in my head.

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Whipped this up in about an hour: meet the spitter (based on SortaRandom's suggestion).




It's another stationary unit, though I haven't decided whether it would be dependent on the Watcher for 'sight' or if it would have it's own means of 'sensing' enemies in close proximity.  Spits a slowing goo at players, but this goo also has a minor DoT.  This DoT is accumulative (the slow is also accumulative):  meaning the more 'globs' on you the more damage you take (a room full of these things could be very deadly), though each 'glob' would wear off quickly.  Killing you is not it's main function however: it's to slow you down so the more mobile units can rip you to pieces.

Edited by Slaskia
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Whipped this up in about an hour: meet the spitter (based on SortaRandom's suggestion).




It's another stationary unit, though I haven't decided whether it would be dependent on the Watcher for 'sight' or if it would have it's own means of 'sensing' enemies in close proximity.  Spits a slowing goo at players, but this goo also has a minor DoT.  This DoT is accumulative (the slow is also accumulative):  meaning the more 'globs' on you the more damage you take (a room full of these things could be very deadly), though each 'glob' would wear off quickly.  Killing you is not it's main function however: it's to slow you down so the more mobile units can rip you to pieces.

So, if it depends on the other for sight, it is just like a turret/seurity camera.
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This one is not really ‘new’ as I originally posted it in the fan art section *didn’t notice this section until after then*, but I believe if would fit here as well (original topic here for reference).  Anyway, here’s the (still WIP) pic (nope, no model this time.  May try modeling it though if I can build up the confidence too…):




To quote from my other topic:


One thing has always bothered me about the Runners:  their sole purpose is to run up to you and explode in your face, yet neither their name nor their model, seem to reflect that.  The model and AI should reflect both the name and purpose, and as they stand right now, their model and name match, but their purpose does not. However, I recognize that recoding the AI of a mob is trickier than just replacing the model and renaming it…


No arms, because he doesn't need them (he just runs up to you and explodes, after all), covered in gas-filled bags from the waist up (but the lower half is pretty much 'normal') and I imagine they 'smoke' a bit a well (just enough to make  you think 'oh hey, I don't want that thing near me!').


So this is my idea on what I would replace the current model with.  As for the name…I have no idea (‘Boomer’ is so widely used for similar units in undead games these days it’s kind of cliché), but I’d rather not use ‘runner’…as a ‘runner’ suggests something that runs away from you (like to alert the horde).

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 Have you been in my head?


Thought I'd start this thread to share some concepts of either new, or revamped Infested Units I had.  Only one to show to start with atm, a model I made in Sculptris.




This is the Watcher, a stationary infested unit that acts much like Corpus cameras, but rather than activating turrets or laser doors, let's out a shriek to alert the 'horde'.  I haven't decided what size they are (originally was only going to be as big as a human skull, but that may be too annoyingly small), but no bigger than a Crawler I think.  I imagine them to sit mostly on the floor, but can be found on the ceiling as well.


Edit: I realize the infested are not symmetrical, but the program I was using crashed when I tried to go into asymmetrical mode.  Bah...





















i had these same idea for the infested as well.............. take a look...



1. Corpus


New units:


Capture (Cryo or Hazmat which is better?) MOA: Well the Corpus now has their own Grineer napalm, allow me to break the ice with the Capture MOA. This dark grey MOA is armed with new Cryo-cannon that fires a cocktail of cryonic liquids in a glowing blue ball at you (like the mine osprey only blue). If they miss you, watch out! You will be walking on a patch of thin ice (well more like the ice walk ways in the void). Oh, the Cryo-cannon is not my idea, there are others who drew up concept of this weapon.


Elite Technician: remember the scouts in the void event? Well the merchants have agreed to give their valued employee in engineering a gun. The technicians on higher capture missions will be replaced with these guys. But be careful unlike the cannon fodder class this guy can activate lock downs immediately and has a cloaking grenade he activates when he hides in a corner.


Hazmat Crewman: Hazmat’s carry the mini version of the Supra and place Quarantine projectors in front of them. They will place these on walkways, hallways, or doorways that have no laser walls. They have the average toughness of a crewman but with a higher shield rating.


Quarantine projectors: It’s a wall of energy, just like the one you see in the profit trailer. Only these activate when placed on the ground. They cause you Warframe to lose half of its shielding when you walk trough them and can block your bullets (but only corpus weapons and penetration mods can pierce it so bring one of those on higher levels).


Riot Tech: Has the new Corpus shotgun and will only show up on the new gas harvester tile sets in Jupiter. He is the same size as the corpus tech only he will show up to deploy Quarantine projectors.



2. Grineer


New units:  


Flameblade (2.0): only that stupid prova is removed and is given dual cleavers with flame effects but with a faster attack speed.


Repairman (and elite version): He looks like a Sawman only he’s orange, and the elite version is just like the corpus Elite technician only he has the Brakk instead of the spectra and activates a radial blind instead of a cloaking grenade if you get too close to him.


Shock trooper (Literally!): Is a blue version of a napalmer, only they have their weapon replace with the Amphis (Come on guys, they have a shock staff why don't they use it in game!). They show up on the new upcoming ship yard tile set.




3. Infested


New units:


Spores (AKA flying bombs): these little guys are like metroids only they slow you down with some kind of goopy webbing when they attach to you. They will float around until they see you and swarm you until you are covered in them. Then they will detonate after a period of time, however rolling or having a teammate shoot it will remove them.


Ocular: These glowing eyeballs control the toxin growth and Tendrils that line the infested hallways of the ship. Unlike the corpus camera the don't emit light beams, killing it will shut down some of the defenses it created. But the infested will be alerted of your presence!


Behemoth (Monster gunner): the golem from dark sector only the size of the infested ancient, his right arm is the Lephatis infested head only with a bigger barrel that shoots torid projectiles (please DE replace that stupid ogris model for the torid with this). The projectile will not detonate when they hit the ground instead the change into spores that explode after a short time.


Tendril (tentacles with Dart launchers): These creepy things come out of anything that has infestation growth. They are like corpus sentry turrets only they shoot darts like the acrid and will die if you kill them or the Ocular.


Toxin Growth: these are the poor Grineer and Corpus that have been fused into the walls. These organic lumps will open up and shoot constant jets of poison like the lasers in the Orokin void. Only they are located alongside the tendrils, but they will shut down after the ocular is dead.

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I have a few ideas for your modeling ;o


Spore Osprey - Malfunctioning Ospreys with erratic movements that have a sizeable chunk of the technocyte virus growing on them like a mold. When they get close to players, they explode, slowing the player down and heals any Infested units for a slight amount of their health.


Wyvern - A pure infested like the Ancients. The Wyverns resemble bat-like creatures with long, barbed tails used for jabbing enemies and injecting them with a neurotoxin. Could have a chance to apply a Poison DoT and/or slow players?

I was thinking of the flying bros in Comix Zone when thinking of these guys


Wyvern Nest - Stuff that spawns the Wyverns. Looks something similar to a large, organic cocoon with many holes in it.


Electric/Charged/Amped Ancient - An ancient that emits an electromagnetic pulse that deals high damage against Shields, but low damage to Health.


Shambler - This is taken from here. Basically, these are the "Brutes" of Warframe. They are one of the few Infested with armor, and can certainly take a beating. However they have multiple weak points on their bodies due to the fusion of multiple corpses.

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