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A New Warframe: Whats Your Idea


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Next one probably will be caster, since we just got "tank". But it can be tank as well, since past few frames were all casters. Or it can be stealth frame, since only stealth frames are Loki and Ash.



I'm really hoping for a stealth frame, since stealth play should be supported a little more.

Even though I'm just running through missions with my Ignis while having my left mouse button taped down.

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I expect a frame for the control and manipulation of time in the future.  This guy wouldn't even awaken from a cryopod, he just puts himself in stasis and wakes up thousands of years later via seconds of meditation from his perspective.  Or you know... he can actually time travel from the Tenno betrayel to when the Corpus open up the railways again.  One of his skills could be a "reset" that basically warps him back to a place he set with the previous shields, health, and ammo he had at the time he made his "save point."  Could be an interesting addition to the lore because he wouldn't need a cryopod, thus would actually remember $#!%.

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I envision a male alt-version of Saryn, focused on long range DoT application and abilities focused towards extreme range. His 1 would be a puff of poison gas that applies a DoT and knocks enemies back (his "Get Away" ability), his 2 would be a Wall-Cling ability to gain higher vantage points, his 3 would be a Toxin DoT/damage buff to ranged attacks, and his 4 would be a long distance root.  


I imagine a name like "Recluse", with a spider theme.

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Maybe a technocyte based warframe that has the ability to infect (dot), break down (loot), control (cc) and absorb enemies (heal). S/he's be low on shield and armor and use self-healing via absorption. Maybe named Pathos (from pathogen)?


Absorption, hmm? Something like a parasite warframe would be neat.. Latch onto a faction( grineer, infested, or corpus) and get different forms. Each forms have different bonuses or something.


I like transformation kind of stuff, so a powering up frame would be cool, like a super saiyan.

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I still want a blood fanatic frame like my Sanguine:

Parasitic and insidious by nature, SANGUINE utilizes the blood and bones of his enemies with his dark powers. His blood can serve as a potent catalyst for Warframe abilities, and he can use the bones of his enemies to devasting effect. By infesting the blood of his foes, he can regain life while harming both his host and those nearby with his corrosive presence. Worst of all, he truly enjoys the battlefield, and when he loses himself to his bloodlust, the spectacle is both horrific and inspirational.


Some concept art, courtesy of IgnusDei. Some more red would have been nice to provide a little more contrast/definition in low-light, his hips are a little wide (remind me of Grineer ^_^), and the arm-blade would probably have to be shrunk a bit to avoid clipping issues... but otherwise it's absolutely perfect. I'm digging that helmet especially, and though I admit that I was initially skeptical of the rib-cage/skeletal theme (even in minor), the end result is simply amazing.


I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, nothing but respect for Ignus. Just noting some slight differences that would make an in-game model potentially more dynamic.


Sacrifice: Sanguine's blood is a powerful catalyst, one that Warframes are capable of absorbing and utilizing to increase their destructive capabilities. By shedding more and more of his blood, Sanguine can power up his team for a short while.

Health Lost (Cost) 75/70/65/60

Duration X/X/X/X (+3 on recast while still active)

Radius X meters

Stacking Power Damage Increase X/X/X/X%

I think this ability would be best with a decently large area of effect, but not massive. It also seems like a good way to make the ability scale for higher levels, as by those higher levels he will have more health to invest in this buff, while it still require not too much energy (as a 1st ability). More, as the ability itself grows, it become a more efficient use of his health.


Splinter: Sanguine's focuses his power upon an enemy, shattering their bones and dealing high damage to the inital target, while the shards deal a lesser amount of damage in a small radius. Sanguine can draw the lifeblood from the marrow of his shattered target, splitting the health between himself and his team-mates.

Damage X/X/X/X

Radial Damage 50%

Radius X/X/X/X meters

Range X/X/X/X meters

Healing Percentage 15%

The idea is that as Sanguine advances this ability, he can explode their bones with more force, shredding both their own flesh and those of their allies more, while also sending the shards of bone further from their bodies. Despite the healing effect, Sanguine is not intended to be a very viable replacement for Trinity, with his healing being a very low percentage of damage. It is designed mainly to compensate for the fact that some of his abilities feed off his health. While at first glance this is quite powerful for a second ability, you have to take three things into account: Sanguine is not an incredibly durable frame, the casting range is quite short, and the area of effect is relatively small. At max level, I'm thinking a similar size to Frost's default bubble.


Parasite: Sanguine is capable of dissolving into the blood of an enemy, leeching health from them and turning them into a locus of Sanguine's corrosive presence. Enemies around Sanguine's host take damage over time, while Sanguine is completely shielded from damage for the duration.

Duration X/X/X/X seconds

Range X meters

Radius X meters

Health leech/DoT X/X/X/X

Sanguine can use this regenerate his own life, but no others will be affected. Moreover, he is unaffected by buffs such as Trinity's blessing while using this because as far as the ability is concerned he doesn't currently exist. The ONLY buff that WOULD affect him in this form would like be his own Sacrifice. Also, while he does not pick up energy or health orbs, his abilities are not disabled in this form, and he can still cast his abilities he has energy for. For example, he can activate Sacrifice to boost his damage and the powers of those around him, can splinter the bones of foes near his host, can use parasite to jump to another nearby host, and can activate Bloodlust to boost nearby team-mates.


A potential alternate to this ability, because some controversy has arisen over the 'science' behind it: Transfusion. This would allow Sanguine to swap health totals with a target. I'm extremely fond of this, it just didn't seem to fit Sanguine as much as the others. So we'll see what people think!


Bloodlust: Sanguine loves the battlefield, and when this twisted enjoyment gets the better of him, very few can stand in his way and no wounds can stop him, while every enemy slain increases his fury. This renewed ferocity can inspire outnumbered Tenno on the verge of death, turning stalemate into slaughter.

Incoming Damage Modifier 110-115% (Sanguine Only)

Radius X meters

Damage Amplification per Death X/X/X/X%

Duration X/X/X/X

The melodramatic description might not be clear enough so let me clarify. Enemies who die within a fair-sized radius around Sanguine will increase the effects of the buff for the time remaining on the ability. The damage boost is applied to all of your weapons but not abilities, as well as those of any Tenno within the same radius. Sanguine takes additional damage from outside sources for the duration of the effect. Given this drawback, it is easy to see why one might wish to cast Bloodlust while within a host via Parasite, even though Sanguine himself will not benefit from the damage boost and contribution to the death around him is limited to his parasitic aura and splintering.


HP: 90 (270)

SHIELDS: 100 (300)

ENERGY: 150 (225)



AURA: Defense (D)

POLARITIES: Offensive (V) and Support (-)

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My idea would be pretty much a long range warframe.

His first ability would be wall walking so players could find a good place to snipe in some of the bigger rooms but a player can only go a certain distance before it wears off

His second ability would be a homing bullet that has a extra kick to it

His third ability would be marking all visible enemies allowing other team mates to know their locations

His uber ability would be him going into a quick reflexes mode where he will one shot kills on a certian number of enemies(with the exception of bosses and heavy enemies).

He will of course have to have loki level shields and armour to balance things out and they will have to update enemy ai to counter him as well

So what do you guys think too limited or over powered or weak.

Edited by warpath514
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