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Ign Review On Warframe


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The thing is that the reviewer need to understand the concept of how this is more of a grind game than a casual FPS. I could point out that this game is a sci-fi FPS counterpart of Monster Hunter.

Does MH has good story? Hell no.... the story is nothing.
Mods and systems in WF are not explained? Neither did MH.
4 hrs of gameplay and still can't get the cheapest suit? LOL MH players need to run around with their starting gear for the first 10-15 hrs before they could afford the very first craftable equipments...

And what score and how successfull MH was again? You could say it's the only title left for Capcom to milk out money from players now. Monster Hunter became the biggest franchise of handheld game in Japan.

I agree that if you compare WF to other casual FPS, it would lack tons of content. And it doesn't have enough potential to go on PS4 yet. DE needs to work their way out somehow. BUT Warframe is not a casual FPS for god sake... You can't compare the mechanics of this game to other FPS game like at all.

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On topic of the expensive shop.


While it is true that convenience things (guns, warframes) are very expensive, the actual "need to have" things like storage space (weaponslots) and character slots (warframe slots) are, with a price of what... 12 platinium?... actually extremely cheap compared to other F2P games.

To translate into Warframe prices in most games a weapon or warframe would be 30 to 50 plat, but at the same time a single warframe slot would be 300 plat or higher and weapon slots would cost 100 plat or more for a pair. (If you look around F2P MMORPGs 12-15$ for a single character slot are not that uncommon)

XP/Money boosters are around the average you'd expect.


I actually prefer the WF way to the "normal way".



Also WF is handing out quite a lot of discounts with their ingame login rewards. Though that is luck based.

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On topic of the expensive shop.


While it is true that convenience things (guns, warframes) are very expensive, the actual "need to have" things like storage space (weaponslots) and character slots (warframe slots) are, with a price of what... 12 platinium?... actually extremely cheap compared to other F2P games.

To translate into Warframe prices in most games a weapon or warframe would be 30 to 50 plat, but at the same time a single warframe slot would be 300 plat or higher and weapon slots would cost 100 plat or more for a pair. (If you look around F2P MMORPGs 12-15$ for a single character slot are not that uncommon)

XP/Money boosters are around the average you'd expect.


I actually prefer the WF way to the "normal way".



Also WF is handing out quite a lot of discounts with their ingame login rewards. Though that is luck based.

You also forgot all games that do the F2P path with the offer of buying things in game usually leave you with... NOTHING TO BUY... Unless you want to buy cosmetics, or something to reset the character, or even... MORE COSMETICS... then usually spending money on the game makes no sense. Warframe? well... there is a lot to say *is throwing money at DE while talking*

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Eh, he's not wrong on a few things. The mission types do get pretty repetitive after awhile, with the big appeal being the different loadouts I can run instead of the differences in mission. The plat prices are pretty insane in the market as well (800 plat for the Stalker pack? 225 for some weapons? up to 375 for a new suit? 90 plat for 30,000 credits?), with the slow gain of credits early in the game (around 1000ish per mission, only really picking up around Earth) increasing the pressure to buy some plat just so you can upgrade.

Hell, the first weapon I picked up was the Strun shotgun - 75000 credits to throw down for that, and christ did that take some effort to get. I was halfway up Saturn before I could afford it, since every mod upgrade I did drained my bank more and more. While now I can buy blueprints and build weapons effortlessly, back when I first started attempting to build something took a fair amount of planning ahead, which could get annoying when all I wanted was something else to level because I'd been running around with level 30 gear for the last 20 missions.

Don't get me wrong, I love Warframe (250+ hours and counting), but damn does the grind for gear get annoying, and I can totally understand it being daunting for the newer players.

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Over 500 hours ingame, over 2000 hours logged.

I agree with the reviewer and you will all see how most ppl will share his opinions.

This game might have been awesome 5 years ago, but by todays standards...outdated garbage. For the past 200 hours all I have done is leveled weaps and tried to farm the void for prime gear. Theres nothing else for someone like myself to do...same repetitive missions and enemies.

So effing monotonous, and a shame cuz this game had great potential.

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Over 500 hours ingame, over 2000 hours logged.

I agree with the reviewer and you will all see how most ppl will share his opinions.

This game might have been awesome 5 years ago, but by todays standards...outdated garbage. For the past 200 hours all I have done is leveled weaps and tried to farm the void for prime gear. Theres nothing else for someone like myself to do...same repetitive missions and enemies.

So effing monotonous, and a shame cuz this game had great potential.

5 years ago people were playing Armored Core, and other over the top games... Today people just want some good ol fashion massacre games like Predator Concrete Jungle, AVP2, and various other games with fun ways to massacre.

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Over 500 hours ingame, over 2000 hours logged.

I agree with the reviewer and you will all see how most ppl will share his opinions.

This game might have been awesome 5 years ago, but by todays standards...outdated garbage. For the past 200 hours all I have done is leveled weaps and tried to farm the void for prime gear. Theres nothing else for someone like myself to do...same repetitive missions and enemies.

So effing monotonous, and a shame cuz this game had great potential.

little question to that why you played then 200 hours and 2k logged on if you dont like it O.o and why you`re then founder seems suspicios to me sorry

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The problem isn't that the story is bad, it's that it's not conveyed particularly well via the gameplay.   Aside from a few lines of dialogue about the bosses, there's virtually nothing that happens during the missions that has any narrative "meat".


DE has made a start with the codex entries and so on, but they really need to take a step back and work on implementing some story elements into the missions themselves.  Even something as simple as having lore/flavour voice-overs or pop-ups would do wonders for introducing players to the game world.  It worked for the Diablo series, after all.


Don't get me wrong, the codex is a step in the right direction, but there's precious little information there (so far) and newer players aren't exactly pointed towards it when they start the game, so...

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yap ign aka the EA loverboy =/ what you expect they try to find in a shooter/mmo a story where gets still worked on and biggest things ITS NOT FROM EA so it must be bad thats what ign does hold ea up to top and lemmings follows the big bad wolf ~.~

Said it before, and I will say it again they are just butt hurt because DE isn't giving them free PS4, Xbox One, or Doritos and Mountain Dew... Nothing new...

Edited by Arlayn
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Don't worry they are just butt hurt because DE isn't giving them free PS4, Xbox One, or Doritos and Mountain Dew... Nothing new...

Who? IGN? No, for once they actually have some valid points. There is no story, the tutorial is awful, it's grindy as hell without a real point to the grind other than to say you completed leveling every weapon/frame you could, the shop is overpriced on all weapons/frames/resources (i.e. credits, rudedo, salvage, etc)/Rush prices don't decrease with time, and the missions are very repetitive (partly because there is no story to give context to your actions)

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Story? What story?

I thought this game was an excuse to become random space ninjas that use the ancient art of magics taught from the wizard Merlin to imitate the escapades of John Rambo of blowing crap up in a galaxy far, far away. As well as acquiring a vast arsenal of weaponry after we unlocked the sci-fi guns and swords data sector of the Matrix in order to reach our goal of pleasing the Great Mother Lotus, who may or may not be a killer cyborg from the future protecting us from an impending future apocalypse...



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Seems suspicious that this is the third accredited review that has a lackluster opinion of the game....yet you biased fanboys think its some conspiracy against DE.

maybe you should try and remain unbiased, look at everything with an open mind, and stop slobbering all over DE's knob. If they got more constructive criticism maybe we would not be in this situation now. Go back to livestreams from April and May and see how much DE's vision of this game has changed, they have lost focus.

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Some parts are accurate but...


"You will receive red error symbols and not understand why..."


He's totally right in that.


When I first started playing, I was confused beyond belief. They let you try out your Warframe's powers in the tutorial, then quickly remove them by your first mission. When you finally figure out that the mod system exists, you then have to figure out how it works. Nothing at all is explained there, which makes it really frustrating.


It's perfectly fine to let the player figure out some of the ingame controls(wallrunning, dodging, blocking, etc.) for themselves, but making them figure out the mod system is just plain mean.

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Seems suspicious that this is the third accredited review that has a lackluster opinion of the game....yet you biased fanboys think its some conspiracy against DE.

maybe you should try and remain unbiased, look at everything with an open mind, and stop slobbering all over DE's knob. If they got more constructive criticism maybe we would not be in this situation now. Go back to livestreams from April and May and see how much DE's vision of this game has changed, they have lost focus.

Totally agree, and going back 7 months, the rating hasn't changed much from all other source.


Except for one non English speaking country, giving it a score of 9.

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I wouldn't try and be too much of a Warframe fanboy about this review. I would say a 7.5 is fair and his points are pretty much right on.


The only thing I would question is the "pricey microtransactions". The necessities like slots, potatoes and arguably forma are not that pricey really, and you can earn the platinum by collecting mods for sale rather easily.


Seeing as DE have stuck by their frame and weapon prices however, I am under the impression that the high cost of in game items of premium currency is actually meant to deter you from outright buying the items. Also not to mention that they can all be crafted via in game play, with no need to pay. 


I do feel that in future, Warframe should split apart the premium market from the blueprint market, to prevent people from assuming that most weapons or frames have to be bought. This is something that the majority of reviewers have got wrong about Warframe, and you can see why. It's confusing.

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Warframe was given a score of 7.3 and it is a "good" game.


The main reasons why they didn't like it are:

-Stale gameplay

-boring story

-high prices in the market

-credits are hard to obtain

-after 4 hours of gameplay, he wasn't (i am assuming) mastery rank 2 yet


While I do agree that the gameplay does get stale after a while, their other points are slightly invalid.

1- Warframe lore is continuously growing and expanding

2- The high prices are to prevent warframe from becoming a Pay-to-Win game.

3- The person who reviewed warframe clearly had not been to the void yet. Most missions can give you 50,000+ credits. Right now I have almost 500,000 credits and im pretty sure a lot of you out there have a lot too.

4- Warframe is designed to be played for 400+ hours, not 4 hours.


This is just my take on their review but I would like to know what you guys think.

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