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The Official Unofficial Pvp Thread.


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I keep playing warframe always hoping to see pvp one day... But I agree that the game is nowhere near ready for it, it's a good thing that the devs focus just in pve for now. What I imagine pvp as, is as always team-based, so that the game continues at its core to be a cooperative game. The argument against pvp is usually that the balancing would result in either pve or pvp suffering, and that's why I believe the right thing to do is to balance pvp and pve separately. If they were going to implement pvp without separating it from pve I'd be against that too, of course.

I just hope this post helps to educate people who just say "NO PVP!".

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Open world PvP with objectives and the potential to face "rogue" Tenno and Grineer/Corpus/Infested would be great. Two squads competing or resources and end-mission objective. Or even something broader.

But please no unimaginative versus. Nothing more boring than two Tenno blindly swinging blades at each other with the limited martial arts and melee animations currently in the game.

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"Open World" is not perhaps the best word choice. Open World PvP brings to mind games like EVE-Online or Ultima Online, where PvP is totally open and almost constant. I also think Planet Side 2 or Arma/DayZ. The Pathfinder Online MMO has that also as a basic development concept, and it brings very different expectations of player interaction then say a MOBA or even a team Hero Defense map.

Warframe isn't up to being an Open World game. Even in the distant future.


Competing objective is an idea. The most basic form is a simple survive waves of progressively stronger enemies. Which is at one leve isl competitive Tetris. As the other side completes "objectives" (cleaning 2 - 4 lines of blocks) better, the other side gets hit with additional hazards. Process repeats until a winning condition is met. Best example from my child hood would be Tetris Plus Battle mode. Now the thing to keep in mind that's different with Tetris Plus is the Professor character who will climb up the blocks, the video linked should end in loss for player 1 as the Professor will climb all the way into the spikes. To win you either had drive your foe into the slowly lowering spikes or clear a path for the Professor to the treasure room below. Thus two options, win by elimination or win by goal completion.

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Yeah not a fan of PVP, so I'm good with it as is. If they ever impliment PVP, I'm hoping it doesn't get pushed into the PVE stuff...because I refuse to do PVP.

What do you define as PvP? I ask out of curiosity beause many folks have same kind reaction you do.

Would you consider a game type like tag or PropHunt PvP?

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No ults and add specific aiming "crosshair" area for certain skills. Like for shuriken and psybolts, have a medium aim box for shuriken and a tiny one for psybolt. thar we go, balanced as can be, "sip"

Not really. Not when a cloaked Ash or Loki can drop very high damage with a Hek or Dual Zoren. It's one of the reasons direct Warframe on Warframe PvP is not a particaually viable route. Rarely are PvE mechancis viable to be directly ported into PvP. City of Heroes had to do a number of tweaks to character abilites to get their PvP zones working, and even then it wasn't the greatest. EVE-Online can kinda get away with it because eveything uses the same mechanics and most NPC ships are not overly beefed up the way most PvE games handle difficulty curves. Then again in EVE you often fit out ships very differently for PvE compared to PvP.

It is why the discussion is turning more toward Warframe vs non-Warframe methods. DE is not going to do a major rebuild on power/weapon/melee damage/stun mechanics just to cater to PvP.

Also, how would futzing with aim boxes fix anything? Are you saying make those power less accurate then near pin-point? What about Pull, Shock, Fireball? Switch Teleporting into places where non-Loki will be stuck?

In short, not "sip".

Edited by Brasten
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, I'm from Brazil and started playing recently and in my opinion a common PVP would end the game, I think the player can choose one of three factions is valid and derevia be considered.

I'm not saying there should be no PVP but a differentiation between the factions as in a certain game in which one faction plays in first person (FPS) and another in the third person, as is the Tenno who is already choose to play as a GRINEER could play in first person and who play as CORPUS have a system like that in RTS vai counting and managing weapons standalone scenario.

Am I asking the impossible? No I'm not, there are games out there with at least two of the three elements (ways to play) and I mentioned how great a game with a PVP common Warfram not match.

(google translator)

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i saw all ur comments , and let me tell u 1 thing u may notice , so far i saw max players are 800 users online , ppl QQ in the global chat to do some boss missions and stuff ( lack of players online ) , well i know that pvprs numbers are more then pve ones ( well in this type of games ) , yes pve is good in warfame but the problem is we have 2 or 3 maps doing them over and over again and killing AI over and over for some loot that took u 2 days to get what u need from 1/5 other thing u need , so u will need like 7 days to build and item + 12Hrs + credits , i am not QQ about this , infact i do like it , but not so many ppl like to grind . other ppl said it will never be balanced ( i tell them since when a game or mmo or fps game was balanced ? ) go COD u will see that there some weapons do more dmg then others and BF3 is the same . but here u have the option of : there is PVE that u can go there and loot wht u can loot a good cards for ur frame , in other words , go PVE for 2 weeks so u can play pvp + i am sure they can make a good Que system , like ranks and stuff , and the warframe that u have in pvp is not the same one u got from the pve , means that all players are equals , and u can use only weapons and abilities cards from the pve mode . i have more ideas for pvp stuff , but i will stick with this for now and see wht u guys think about wht i have said .

ps : sorry for my bad eng , my 1st laung is not eng .

Edited by Lamonna08
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i saw all ur comments , and let me tell u 1 thing u may notice , so far i saw max players are 800 users online , ppl QQ in the global chat to do some boss missions and stuff ( lack of players online ) , well i know that pvprs numbers are more then pve ones ( well in this type of games ) , yes pve is good in warfame but the problem is we have 2 or 3 maps doing them over and over again and killing AI over and over for some loot that took u 2 days to get what u need from 1/5 other thing u need , so u will need like 7 days to build and item + 12Hrs + credits , i am not QQ about this , infact i do like it , but not so many ppl like to grind .

This was designed as PVE game. If people dont like to grind, then this is simply not their game. I do understand the wish for PVP, but you simply dont change a games focus just because some people dont like grinding. Its like saying: Oh a racing game, I dont like to drive, I want it to be a shooter.

I still think PVP "can" be added. But it should never be the main game.

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I still think PVP "can" be added. But it should never be the main game.

Which is why I keep bring up PropHunt and other forms of indirect Player vs Player action. Player vs Player does not have to mean "Shoot other Players". Also


People get TOO stuck on that. Once you get beyond that and open your mind to the wider range of "competition" options the better this game will be when help up against crap like CoD.

Look at all the odd stuff people make for Halo using Forge. Grif Ball, Flushing Toilet(language), basically everything RoosterTeeth plays in Achievement Horse.

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Which is why I keep bring up PropHunt and other forms of indirect Player vs Player action. Player vs Player does not have to mean "Shoot other Players". Also


People get TOO stuck on that. Once you get beyond that and open your mind to the wider range of "competition" options the better this game will be when help up against crap like CoD.

Look at all the odd stuff people make for Halo using Forge. Grif Ball, Flushing Toilet(language), basically everything RoosterTeeth plays in Achievement Horse.

yeah, but most peopel suggest TDM or other sh****

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Warframe needs to stick with a niche.

Consider this: I have Planetside2, which is pure PVP and it is what I will play when I have the desire to PVP. I can have a larger variety of assets to play with: Planes, tanks, infantry classes, plus customizations within each asset class.

DE might want to consider: can they do PVP as well as other games to achieve commercial success? DE was involved in Unreal Tournament, which was a hugely successful FPS multiplayer game, but Homefront's multiplayer experience was considered "forgettable" by many players and critics alike. In that game, DE built pvp "just because the formula demanded it" / "other games have it"

Customers often don't know what they want (if they do, then we would have people drawing up schemas of iPhone in 1980s and asking Nokia to build it). I like Planetside2, but I will probably be disappointed if Warframe decides to copy-cat PS2.

In short - I cannot imagine the kind of PVP experience I can possibly like in Warframe, and if DE wants to attempt Homefront all over again and expect different results, then it would likely be a mistake.

I apologize for not contributing any new ideas or comment on ideas I like, but the least I can offer is describe in full honesty what I don't like: a lame attempt at something just because "this game needs pvp too because every game has it / people asked for it". The time and resource spent at something the shop is not good at should be reallocated to something they specialize in.

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I apologize for not contributing any new ideas or comment on ideas I like, but the least I can offer is describe in full honesty what I don't like: a lame attempt at something just because "this game needs pvp too because every game has it / people asked for it". The time and resource spent at something the shop is not good at should be reallocated to something they specialize in.

I don't whant PVP for this game as a "me too" thing. I whant PVP for this game because NO OTHER PVP GAME HAS BADASS SCIFI SPACE NINJAS.

I can't wall run and fly kick some guy in the face and then cut him in half in planetside (or battlefield or COD or even crysis 3), I can in warframe, and doing that to antoher player who is trying to do the same to me in PVP, would be AWESOME.

Warframe allready has a Niche, that Niche is space ninja badass. PVP space ninja badass would be delicious.

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If PvP and PvE are balanced separatly the game has everything to gain. And I don't even think it would be that hard to balance PvP. Things like the Loki invisibility are not really that OP, you can see an "invisible" loki, don't know if you noticed but there is a distortion where the loki is, for PvP in case that visibility would not be enough that effect could just be increased, that way the loki becomes stealthed but not invincible.

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yeah, but most peopel suggest TDM or other sh****

And they already get dismissed for it. However people shoud not be shouting them down with "NO *BURBBLERAGEFUMESMOKECHAOSHATE* PVP!" Simply posting a link to


and saying "how about this" will change the dynamic of thinking. PvP does have to be "I shoot you, you shoot me". At its heart PvP is about matching wits with another human in a test of skill. Take a look at modern games that have "PvP", most AAA games are direct "Shoot the other guy" style. It is the "shoot/stab/power-spam the other guy" that will be hardest for the Warframe/DE team to implement. Not only does the netcode have to be better (lag in Co-Op is bad enough, not think about the lag we find tolerable in PvE applied to PvP... *listens for sounds of rage*), but the weapons/powers stats would have to be reblanced with PvP in mind.

I hate to say it but CoD BlackOPs 2's Grief Mode would be one of the few examples (outside Tetris multiplayer) where you have PvP that is mainly driven by PvE. The PvP aspect comes in when the other team can messes with the progress of the opposition, blocking doors, pulling mobs, etc. Skip the abililty to knife/stagger or even just put the teams in two different zones.

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And they already get dismissed for it. However people shoud not be shouting them down with "NO *BURBBLERAGEFUMESMOKECHAOSHATE* PVP!" Simply posting a link to


and saying "how about this" will change the dynamic of thinking. PvP does have to be "I shoot you, you shoot me". At its heart PvP is about matching wits with another human in a test of skill. Take a look at modern games that have "PvP", most AAA games are direct "Shoot the other guy" style. It is the "shoot/stab/power-spam the other guy" that will be hardest for the Warframe/DE team to implement. Not only does the netcode have to be better (lag in Co-Op is bad enough, not think about the lag we find tolerable in PvE applied to PvP... *listens for sounds of rage*), but the weapons/powers stats would have to be reblanced with PvP in mind.

I hate to say it but CoD BlackOPs 2's Grief Mode would be one of the few examples (outside Tetris multiplayer) where you have PvP that is mainly driven by PvE. The PvP aspect comes in when the other team can messes with the progress of the opposition, blocking doors, pulling mobs, etc. Skip the abililty to knife/stagger or even just put the teams in two different zones.

I really understand the wish for PVP in this game. In my opinion, the PVP should 1: Never take any main focus and 2: Be sperated from PVE.

This way, everyone would be happy. A nice PVP mode would actually be fun and a good way to do stuff between new updates for the main game. =)

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This discussion sounds for me like a automobile company which bought a bicycle one and thinks now, how to implement engines into them, "becouse without them its just boring".

ITT: Guys which bought the wrong game for themselves, I guess?

Edited by calgon
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