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This is my concept for an archwing minigun or gatling gun, it's called a ribbon gun and fires plasma heated alloy out of a rack of rotating gauss rifle barrels. I made a quick 3d mockup for it.







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NEW arachnid based frame

Name: ARACHNE (from mythology)

Or Black Widow

Could be cool to have 6 arms (may not work but still cool idea)

Possible abilities :

1. Shoots webs

2. Ensnared - places Web traps on floor or in door ways to ensnare enemies)

Similar to Tentacle swarm mechanic from Hydroid.

3. sticks to surfaces and can climb walls (my favourite idea) great for trapping or sniper.

4. Can wrap enemies in webbing and hangs them from ceilings

5. AREA attack - Throws out 3-5 spider egg sacks that hatch releasing small spiders to attack and poison enemies and slow them down.

6. COCOON - Single or group buff that encases player or group in Web cocoons to prevent damage being taken and recharges shields.

Armor 45?

Health 100?

Shield 95?

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It Seems This is up and running again :) so i can post some stuff here!



https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/382627-flora-the-plant-warframe-art-includednew-model-in-comments/'>Flora, The plant Warframe [WARFRAME]


https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/188308-dual-wield-primary-the-breaker-concept-art/'>Breaker, the dual tenno rifle [PRIMARY]

Edited by MrPigman
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Oww man, I'm surprised these aren't here :


(warframe concept section)


Myst (ghost/vapor frame): https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/192490-myst-warframe-concept-sneak-peek-oo/


Vyper (stealthy shapeshifter frame) : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/260083-warframe-vyper-stealthy-shapeshifter/#entry3019498


(enemy concept)


Void guardians : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/242865-void-guardian-statues-mob-and-maybe-boss/


(encounter concept)


Trap Jaw (infested assassin) : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/183253-warframe-creature-concept/


(boss concept)


Control tower : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/242561-the-control-tower-a-void-boss-concept/



Add these pleaaase.

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Warframe Concept - Mimic


Copies other warframe powers (with limits/restrictions) to provide a more customized power set to fit user's play styles while also having limits/restrictions in place to not create a God mode frame.



Edited by weezedog
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Doesnt seem like its updated in a long time, last update was in July 2014... Sheesh, where is this guy? lol


This guy has been busy with school. And his computer couldn't handle warframe for a while after the engine switch, cause it was badly in need of optimization... stupid omnipresent particle effects. He is, however, back now. And shall do his utmost to get the index back on track ASAP. I think I was on like... page 28ish? So I've got some bit of reading ahead of me.

EDIT: Ok, it's actually more like page 23 25... well, crap XD

EDIT: I got through page 28 tonight... some very nice ideas in there, and congrats to nubnubbud for prompting the creation of a new section to the index: resources. Very nice templates, thanks for your contributions!


OP doesn't have to be here for people to see posts. People can still view the thread to find concepts.


Right you are, and I do apologize for my extended absence.

Edited by Siubijeni
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This guy has been busy with school. And his computer couldn't handle warframe for a while after the engine switch, cause it was badly in need of optimization... stupid omnipresent particle effects. He is, however, back now. And shall do his utmost to get the index back on track ASAP. I think I was on like... page 28ish? So I've got some bit of reading ahead of me.

EDIT: Ok, it's actually more like page 23 25... well, crap XD

EDIT: I got through page 28 tonight... some very nice ideas in there, and congrats to nubnubbud for prompting the creation of a new section to the index: resources. Very nice templates, thanks for your contributions!

Right you are, and I do apologize for my extended absence.

Never apologize bro life comes before warframe. You have done an excellent job. :)

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This guy has been busy with school. And his computer couldn't handle warframe for a while after the engine switch, cause it was badly in need of optimization... stupid omnipresent particle effects. He is, however, back now. And shall do his utmost to get the index back on track ASAP. I think I was on like... page 28ish? So I've got some bit of reading ahead of me.

EDIT: Ok, it's actually more like page 23 25... well, crap XD

EDIT: I got through page 28 tonight... some very nice ideas in there, and congrats to nubnubbud for prompting the creation of a new section to the index: resources. Very nice templates, thanks for your contributions!



Right you are, and I do apologize for my extended absence.

Keep doing this, it's amazing!


So many concepts falling in the forgotten realm, and your thread is throwing a rope to help them go to the daylight...

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Never apologize bro life comes before warframe. You have done an excellent job. :)

Aye aye, I'm not exactly apologizing for being busy so much as I am for not so much as posting an occasional "I'm not dead, just busy," hehehe.


Keep doing this, it's amazing!


So many concepts falling in the forgotten realm, and your thread is throwing a rope to help them go to the daylight...

I certainly intend to :P It's kind of fun to be in a position where I get to see everything; not really that it gets filtered through me, cause I try not to judge them or anything--that ain't my place, although I like to offer advice where I can--but I can't think of the proper word to replace 'filter.' It's definitely not the right word, 'cause I filter nothing from the Index.


I am starting a Melee Weapons ONLY compilation: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/343597-compilation-more-melee-weapons/?p=3837289

Hopefully by breaking this thread up we can get some properly maintained indexes that don't overwhelm everyone.

Thanks for the thought and effort to help me, but looks like your thread never took off. In all honesty, though, I would consider this thread to be fairly decently maintained... at least for the most part. I was gone for around half a year, true enough, but my previous absences have never been that long. And even that half a year is not bad compared to how long the original thread went from when iValianT left to when I took over--if I recall correctly, that was something like 10 months. It was only one month from when he gave notice that he had officially quit warframe and someone needed to take over that I did, but he had been inactive for quite some time before that.


Anywho, status update: Got through page 30 today. Not as much as I might of liked, but it was my sister's birthday and I fortunately have my priorities in proper order. There is now a category for Archwings, which are listed with the Warframes (just like in the Market). I added Hunter's latest contribution to the index, and will continue to prioritize adding new contributions to the index because it will help keep me from falling behind again. But considering I'm only 5 pages behind, it oughtn't take much longer to get up to date.


EDIT: Also, any mods who see this, something I've been wondering: I know posts can only contain so much, so when that first post fills up I'll have to continue it in another. I didn't think to reserve the next few posts for future expansions, unfortunately... so what I'm wondering is what is the best way to cross that bridge when I come to it? Can moderators insert posts, giving me the second slot in the thread to continue it? Or will I have to add the post at whatever point the thread is at, with a link to the continuation from the first post? Just curious--not even sure how close the post is to full. Thanks.

Edited by Siubijeni
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@CampLeaderHoliday: Indexed, but since you don't have a name... I just put it in under the first name suggested in your thread, Heisenberg. This can easily be changed, but it really does need a name or title or something to be listed under. Lemme know when you have one to be updated to.

@Kelkha & Mofojokers: Indexed your topics.


is there a way to directly submit ideas into this index, other than posting in this thread? 

No, not really. Only I (as OP) and the Moderators can edit the Index post. I guess you can PM me a link to be added if you don't want to post it here, for whatever reason... bu there isn't really any reason not to post here, since it's going to show up in a public Index, either way. Currently up through most of page 32. EDIT: Well, I've gotten up to page 34 now :) Almost caught up.


@phuvana99: Your Zinister fella's topic seems to be broken. Link you gave me just errors. First post on page 33, if you need to find it to see what the problem might be.


EDIT: The Index is officially up to date. I've gone through all of the pages I missed. Huzzah!

Edited by Siubijeni
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