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Stop The Nerfs, Bring On The Buffs!


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I think, as a community, we need to stop complaining about the weapons that are too strong, and complain about the weapons that are too weak!  (I'm going to use the Soma as my main example because it's mostly what I use)



We can't keep nerfing every weapon that's stronger than the majority of other weapons!  If we do, it'll just make it harder to do high level survivals and defenses, which is a lot of time where all the fun is!




I propose that we stop demanding nerfs on weapons, like the ones seen recently on the Braak, and demand buffs to weapons that are now a tad too weak in comparison.  Instead of nerfing the Braak, they should have buffed the Bronco family a little bit (Bronco Prime enough to be just below the Braak).


People complain about the Soma being too strong, but I don't think that's the case (mostly because I LOVE the Soma! :P).  I think the other weapons need a buff.  Make the Boltor stronger, give the supra a buff.  


I don't want all the weapons to be Soma duplicates though, that's not what I'm saying!  Give a boost to some weapons' Status Chance (Significant boost, like up to 35%), make some weapons that fire slowly but deal really high damage per shot to match what the Soma does in 5 shots.  



I like the firing mechanism behind the Boltor and Burston and Flux, but if I'm going to do a 50 minute survival, I'm bringing the Soma.  If I'm clearing planets, or doing Void missions, I'm bringing the Soma.  Don't make the best weapons worse, make the mediocre weapons better!   I really enjoy feeling over-powered in this game and being able to mow down enemies is awesome!  



I want to see more OP weapons, not less!  Start calling for buffs instead of nerfs.  






Please discuss

Edited by CannaWhoopazz
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I won't defend people who asks for nerfs, but I won't defend people who asks for buff either. IMO the right thing is to do both. We should take a weapon that would act like a reference weapon, let's say Braton Prime for primaries, Dual Vipers for secondaries and Orthos Prime for melee weapons (note that I DO NOT have these weapon at time) and see what's really outclass them for a nerf, and what's is really oultclassed by them for a buff.


It's a total suggestion ! Do NOT jump on my face because the Dual Vipers/Braton Prime/Orthos Prime are not good weapons (which I really doubt) or because I said nerf in my damn post.


Brakk nerf sounds good actually.

Edited by Einde
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People complain about the Soma being too strong, but I don't think that's the case (mostly because I LOVE the Soma! :P).  I think the other weapons need a buff.  Make the Boltor stronger, give the supra a buff.  


the somas direct descendant was the grakata. They gave up on the grakata (or so it would seem because it actually received a nerf after being considered the worst weapon in the game) and just came out with the soma which is what the grakata should have been. so in a sense the soma does need a nerf to bring it back down into scale with EVERY OTHER WEAPON.


case being some weapons just really need a nerf.

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Agreed.  The Cernos was probably the most painful weapon to level of all.  It felt like I was launching toothpicks at the enemy.  My sentinel was putting me to shame.  =/


Great...  I thought the Grakata was bad to level and I was planning on doing the Cernos next...I haven't found a fun weapon to level since Despair in Dam 1.0

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Supra , really need a epic buff , for a rank 7 weapon's is a damn Joke , this is harder to use and weaker... oh wait its shiny maybe that the balance...Nerf the shiny animation !


Yeah.  While they should really make some of those "useless" weapons a bit stronger, they most definitely need to buff weapons requiring a "relatively" higher mastery rank (like the Supra at Mastery Rank 7) to appropriate levels.


I do recall reading from either one of DERebecca's or DEMegan's posts that all weapons were being investigated prior to 11.5 or something.  (I don't remember where and if what I've written isn't accurate I apologize.)

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You can if you buff everything to OP!  Once everything is OP, then nothing is!

That's true but imagine only one of all the weapons is OP, what's easier? Buffing every single weapon on the game OR nerfing that one weapon? It'd be a bloody waste of time for the devs and we'd probably only see a balanced game by 2019...


Not to mention that weapons aren't just about the numbers and when you increase a weapon's damage it may become stronger than you antecipated just judging by their DPS.

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I disagree!

Stop the buffs, bring on the nerfs! Kidding..

But seriously, you need both things, you can't have balance if one of them is missing.



You can if you buff everything to OP!  Once everything is OP, then nothing is!


All too true.  I don't really think the point of the whole buff/nerf discussion is to really make everything equal to a flat 100 damage points, but varying types of damage and thus achieving "utopia" level 9000 damage.  Lol.


There are weapons in this game that are purely mastery fodder.  As a collector I've kept every weapon/warframe in game and sometimes I'm rewarded for doing so, by being pleasantly surprised with a buff.  (The Ignis was a perfect example of this.)


The arguments/discussions I've been reading on these forums (while mostly personal reflections from each individual making and commenting on each thread) seem to all have something in common....  Which is whether or not the damage/utility for the particular weapon being discussed is APPROPRIATE.


I am on the side of there being a progression of weapons.  Meaning that a good 1/3 of the weapons be entry level, 1/3 being mid game, and 1/3 being end game, all scaled and obtainable only when us Tenno have achieved high enough mastery.  I'm not talking about the best weapons being only attainable after rank 13, etc.  It should really be like rank 0-3 being beginner, 3-8 being intermediate, 8-up being advanced.


While many will argue that it is allot easier to achieve Rank 8 than before (now we have other ways of ranking up other than weapons), we can all agree that if a player has played enough to rank up to Mastery Rank 8, that the player is rather serious about Warframe and is in fact playing at an advanced level.


All of what I've written is my opinion of course and purely based on my gut feelings.  I'm sure many of  you have your own ideas as to what is advanced and what is not.


While I do hate almost all the nerf request posts I encounter here on these forums.  (I TRULY believe some of them are written by trolls and competitors to DE trying to ruin this game.)  I do feel that if there's anything that causes an huge imbalance or disparity in this game it should be investigated.  What I mean by that is something that's so overwhelmingly powerful that it outclasses everything else and actually ruins other players gaming experience.  Also...  Exclusive weapons that can no longer be obtained that outclass every "in game obtainable" weapon, without any "in game" alternative that can be obtained in a reasonable way.  These cases are often rare, and within the items first release you can be sure there's a discussion happening here on the forums about it.

Edited by sushidubya
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That's true but imagine only one of all the weapons is OP, what's easier? Buffing every single weapon on the game OR nerfing that one weapon? It'd be a bloody waste of time for the devs and we'd probably only see a balanced game by 2019...


2019 would be just in time for when the Beta ends!!!



And I'm not saying EVERY weapon needs to be buffed, but weapons that are only available for rank 6+ should be stronger to match the current best.

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I won't defend people who asks for nerfs, but I won't defend people who asks for buff either. IMO the right thing is to do both. We should take a weapon that would act like a reference weapon, let's say Braton Prime for primaries, Dual Vipers for secondaries and Orthos Prime for melee weapons (note that I DO NOT have these weapon at time) and see what's really outclass them for a nerf, and what's is really oultclassed by them for a buff.


It's a total suggestion ! Do NOT jump on my face because the Dual Vipers/Braton Prime/Orthos Prime are not good weapons (which I really doubt) or because I said nerf in my damn post.


Brakk nerf sounds good actually.

I like this method of thinking, you take base weapons and you adjust accordingly due to the fact that those weps are atm the most balanced. That sounds like a game plan.

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No thank you. DE tried that pre u9 and had t. Buff every enemy in the game to try and get rid of some of the power creep.

If a weapon is too powerful it should be brought back in line with everything else. This keeps the games balance.

Likewise weapons lacking in power should be brought up to the correct level of power.

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