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Tell Me Something I Don't Know...


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At this point I am waiting for Megan to come along and say something about how she dressed me in a sailor suit or some **** like that.


Also, I have met Bret and Jamaine from Flight of the Concords.

I am probably thinking of you wearing some girls' favorite, Sailor Moon suit, by now. :3

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I've had what most would classify as a bowl-cut for all of my life, and I still can't come up with a sufficiently convincing reason to change it. Why?
1. It's conveniently simple: it doesn't get in my way, dries quickly, and is easy to cut without going to a barber.

2. Nobody seems to be capable of telling me which hairstyle would suit me better, outside of mohawks, afros, dreads, buzz-cuts or other extreme changes/commitments I'm not particularly interested in.
3. In all honesty, every other hairstyle that seems to be "trending" looks just as ridiculous as a bowl cut, in my opinion. Any of the ones involving styling or other hair products are also more trouble than they're worth. With the way I am now, I can run my hand through my hair and have it look as though I used a comb.

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I am an Aquarius with Aquarius as a rising sign.


I have never been abroad, yet my English language skills are far better than most of my coursemates who do.


I experience mood swings on a regular basis. They are pretty strong, too.


A car hit me while I was going to a party, but it didn't harm me in the slightest. I still had to spend the night at the hospital, though.


I'm approaching my 23rd birthday, yet I still look like a 17 years old. I'm also rather short (1.61).

Edited by Vintovka
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I cannot sleep if there is a release on any game until i complete it all, I have a kinda OCD about updates.


i.e. I haven't slept for 26 hours, should be in a lecture at the moment and have coursework due in 5 hours that i have not started


but I must complete every node before I can leave or work.

Edited by supersaupe
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Awesome stuff!


My next one was going to be that [DE]Rebecca cut my hair as a young child, but since she has already spilt that one...



I once got pulled over by a cop, whilst being a sober driver, on a routine check for drunk driving. I wasn't drunk, but our towns police prosecutor in my passenger seat was.

Edited by Sixty5
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I trained as a cross country runner, and still run some... but I have a bad knee.

My sense of smell is nearly non-existant, yet somehow I still have most of my sense of taste.

I'm mostly deaf in my left ear because of dense scarring on the ear drum--seasonal allergies to alder trees causes fluid to build up in my ear every spring. If I don't catch it in time to start using ear drops and taking antibiotics, said drum bursts due to pressure. Having had this happen to me five times, I can say it's not a pleasant experience. Fun fact, it's also incredibly distracting when you can feel yourself breathe through your ear.

I have scars on the inside of my cheeks from brackets that held headgear for braces. Because the brackets would tear into my mouth if I moved around too much, I got used to being blank-faced most of the time. It is now hard for me to smile without very good reason to do so, making me a very non-photogenic person. My expressions all look fake.

I am double-jointed, and can actually turn my arm around enough that my elbow is backwards by a few degrees.

I am incredibly accident prone, and probably the only reason I haven't gotten seriously hurt by now is that I'm also inherently... most people would call me paranoid, but I prefer "hyper-cautious."

I once burned my face on an oven door. Don't ask.

Edited by Siubijeni
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