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No More Infested Survival/defense?


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People played xini for fun. Not for exp or mods (well they used to go there for mods before the nerf).




It was fun to go on xini and kick a few rounds about :)




We had corpus and grineer already - don't need more.


Eris no longer infested home = loss of fun :(  By all means keep the invasion stuff, but at least give eris back to the infested as before.


I have few friends left playing this game from those i started with and as i know they like relaxing and having fun on xini/gnathos i fear this will drive them away too. I am willing to bet you will lose many players because of this change, and not the kind of people that come to the forums and complain - the kind that just un-install and dont come back.




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Welcome to the forums.

On topic: System is new, needs tweaking, nothing is perfect at start.

This has potential of becoming a really interesting game mechanic, give it time and support.

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Welcome to the forums.

On topic: System is new, needs tweaking, nothing is perfect at start.

This has potential of becoming a really interesting game mechanic, give it time and support.

Wait you cant say that, that's Obama's excuse

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I just likes to kill infested.  i likes the noises they make when you hurt them.  Seriously tho, infested were an easy way to level a wep, and i just likes to mow dem down.


that may be one of the main reason why they changed it, to stop grinding, because if the game resumes itself to that, sooner then later, ppl will get tired of it.

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Seriously Seriously tho.

You just made a good game into a 1st person shooter.  As a reformed and cured World of Warcraft (dare i say that here) Orc Warrior addict of 5 years, i found Warframe an almost perfect game.  I loved my melee weapons and fighting like a man, IN YOUR FACE INFESTED.  Not running and sniping with my guns,  tho i do enjoy that aspect of Warframe.  As a casual player, Warframe did a good job of combining both elements into an enjoyable sitdown in the evenings to destroy infested and sooth my anger and probs of the day.  I play almost entirely solo and over half of my jillion kills are infested.

Warframe Gods, give me my infested back so i can be a warrior again and kill like a man.  Dont relegate us to crappy void missions.  Give us a new planet - make us infested dungeons - i feel so discriminated against.






Well bloody said ! There is nothing more enjoyible then taking your Galatine and go face off them ancients whit your Rhino ! But now im forced to sit in Orokin Derelics and reform my party everytime someone have to go.....


 Give me back infested Eris !

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that may be one of the main reason why they changed it, to stop grinding, because if the game resumes itself to that, sooner then later, ppl will get tired of it.

So now people are forced to grind a faction they don't like if they want to level up weapons meaning they will get tired of it faster.

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Loki and Vau for defense now. Radial Disarm and Bastille.


You're welcome.


Sorry, but this "adapt or die"-feel is just ridiculous in this case. It's not like Damage 2.0 which had potential when first released and just needed some minor tweaks to make it bulletproof. In fact this time they killed 30-50% off the game for some people. For example I've more Infested kills (~90k) than Corpus (~40k) +Grineer (~44k) together, so actually it's half of the game for me. And yeah, I like to play against Corpus and Grineer, but that's because they are a different challenge, that's because they are armed and use more or less military tactics. I liked to play Infested because of the swarming hordes and because they don't mow you down when you're actually trying to melee them.


2)Get yourself a premade squad lol.


Also why nobody complains that farming Nyx and Volt is kinda impossible now? 


Going to the recruitment tab, when there's actually a drop-in-drop-out/matchmaking-system that works/worked for most part? Making things that are convenient more unconvenient?


I don't fear about Nyx becoming impossible to farm. Instead I fear that when Outbreaks are more common and the fresh air is gone and people start to don't care about Outbreaks, that like 2 or more Phorids will be blocking other default frames from being able to obtain. Not that I need to, because I already own every default frame, but for new/other players it's just horrible if they have to rely on the good will of the majority of players who seem to not care about the Outbreaks. I'm not talking about right now, but imagine the same in 3-4 months, when you're like "meh, another Outbreak, don't care."


Also if the Devs have to clean off the Infestation manually once in a while, doesn't that proof that people don't care? Defeating the purpose of having such a feature? Not that I'm against the Outbreaks... I think they should have been an addition, not a full replacement.


Let Steve to play with his new tech for a bit, we are here for THEIR amusement after all as beta participants. And stop throwing tantrums raging-penguin style "Nerfd favourite enmyes - deleted game".


Do your job - go test stuff.

Infesteds still in game, infested defence and survival still in game, Derelict is in game. why not complain about making Derelict missions worth the time?


What the hell, man... I know we are deep in beta, can't call it anything else most of the time... I know they are trying stuff out, but this time they killed an entire faction and it's not like we have 10 factions to choose from. No we had 3 and now only 2. It makes the game a hell of a lot more boring to see only Corpus and Grineer... and more Corpus and more Grineer... and sporadically every 12-36h an Outbreak where Grineer and Corpus are also present as allied NPCs so you never forget what you're up to when there are no Infested. Yeah, also they still keep taunting us with "Tenno Skuuuum" (which I personally love the most) while we are supporting them, which eventually they could have at least figured out in the past when there where RNG faction wars during normal missions.


Yeah, making the Derelicts more worthwhile... That's why they shouldn't have made them key-only in first place, but nobody listened to my thread back when they released the stuff and I first complained about how that key-stuff is just gameplay/session-breaking and not a worthy endgame-content.


If there would be fixed Derelict nodes with the basic missiontypes, why not? Spares people the Credits and Resources for one-time-keys, at least for beginners, because I and most others still keep piling up on everything, including those annoying Nav Coordinates. Why not have a graveyard of floating around Derelict ships? Why not sometimes have some ships go off course and end up in populated space, causing the Outbreaks? At least that would be some lore-driving factor and explanation.


But the point is there should be at least some fixed infested nodes even in neighbouring systems, because not everyone likes the Derelict-Design. I for the most part, like the design, but I hate that it's too dark most of the times, not knowing where I jump to and glitching up details which make you stuck randomly, wallruns which are nearly impossible to achieve with some frames because you're never sure where it's possible to do so. There was only one other game I know of that had such annoying collision problems where you could get stuck and movement problems because of details: UT2003, which happens to be partly made by DE too and they had to redo every damn map for UT2004 because of this problems.


You guys are missing the point. 


Infested now act as they should.


With their rate of invasion there should always be infested (if you didn't know there are at least 3 infested defences and 2 survival currently)


Infested give poor xp and mods so they are a bad thing to farm anyway


Grineer as just as easy to kill if your not a noob and have at least one other person with you.


I farmed nyx in 4 runs on earth, there is soon to be another node you can use.


The grineer/corpus team mates die off quick enough and you do not get more in defence or survival so it does not ruin your group strategy.


You get battle pay.


Farming infested defence was always the easy/noob was out anyway, you just take a vauban and an ignis.


No more people going -I'm pro, i lasted 3 hours on Xini- when all they did was stand beside a vortex and flame it


Tldr: stop your moaning. 


Yeah they are acting like they should, but the point is it should have been an addition, not a replacement. Personally I don't like waiting 12-36h until RNG™ decides to spawn another Outbreak. And then people are just rushing through the missions with 5min/wave style to get their battlepay. Personally I hate this playing style, even I have to adapt to it because I can't force people to stay longer as they wish.


Also the battlepay won't be a driving factor for a long period of time, because at one point you just have enough credits, enough Resources. For example I pile up on Fieldron since Gradivus, so they can't lure me in with that anymore, not to speak of the 2000+ Fieldronsamples I also own. The only thing people will be caring of are Forma and Potatoes and I don't think they will throw them at every mission once the point is reached that most players think "Meh another outbreak.". And it's not like Battlepay stacks up either, so what's the point of doing more than 5 missions for the most players?


So there also should be a better reward for players who participate in cleaning up the Invasion... Like some special node that appears for a limited time once the last node has been cleared of Infestation. Some place where you can get super-rare mods or something like it, so people have the feel they want the Infestation gone from the system.


Yeah, there might be some players who play only Cyath/Xini for XP and goodies, but there are still others like me that enjoyed having their Infested-ride here and there all over the solarmap. That's because the Infested are my favorite faction. Don't care on XP or 3 hours of survival. Also I don't play Vauban, which is pretty much useless when there are no Infested, but I feel sorry for all weapons which were tweaked against Infested because they can stay at home for most part now. Also what they may haven't thought of yet is that nearly all mods that drop from Infested are now like rare ones, making it even more dependend on the good will of RNG™ to spawn Infested Outbreaks in your level-range, because not everyone, especial new players is able to go off and kill level 30 mobs.


I like the new changes :) They just can be much better and DE is working hard on that! This is exactly what beta is for, trying out new crazy things! I love it!


I also like changes and new crazy additions. Not replacements, swaps and cuts. It's like taking 1 step forward, going 1-2 back for each.


Derelict survival......


Look at the upper part of my comment.


Welcome to the forums.

On topic: System is new, needs tweaking, nothing is perfect at start.

This has potential of becoming a really interesting game mechanic, give it time and support.


It has potential, and I liked the idea of Invasions coming as regular feature, but it should be an addition, then they can tweak and squizzle with it as they like, while we still have our core gameplay while they are figuring stuff out. For now I don't have the feel to do a mission. Yeah I tried to force, "force" is the right word to describe it, to do more Corpus and Grineer missions instead, but nope, it doesn't feel the same because they are armed and require some other tactics, at least if you're not killing them like flies. Don't even bother me with Loki-Master-Race stuff, he's just not my pal. ^^


that may be one of the main reason why they changed it, to stop grinding, because if the game resumes itself to that, sooner then later, ppl will get tired of it.


It will always be grinding, if it's against Corpus or Grineer, it doesn't matter, but I didn't do missions against Infested because only for grinding reasons. It's because I had fun doing it and most other people too.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Yea they need to fix this.

It really does kill the game for me, It has lost a lot of its fun factor because like many, I enjoyed the mass destruction that came with Xini.

The game will always be about grinding out your character, so removing it because its easy to grind there is not the solution.

Maybe we'll need some Starship Troopers/StarCraft Kerrigan smart bug eventually to give purpose behind the infested or at least reinitialize some of these levels that have been removed. Either way, removing the infested is a bad idea. The Tenno are given the choice to live honorably or as mercenaries. Forcing us to team up with Grinner or Corpus is stupid because personally I'd team up with neither, but this is the only way for us to fight infested now and it blows.

Maybe they need to create an actual infestation during these Grineer, Corpus missions. Have the infestation happen at a certain point where you have to use your fight or flight response, You can even make some of this missions nearly impossible by doubling or tripling the enemy rate to ensure you run. Or give us a planet that is in the middle of being infested, World War Z style.

Anything but the burning pile of crap they've now given us.

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Remember when we could choose to play high-level infested defense or survival whenever we wanted?

Remember when we could do high level defenses without having to worry about gathering a team - we could just roll with random people and still win?

Remember when we could throw a glaive down a corridor full of infested and it didn't bounce off of a wall of 'helpful' NPCs?


Remember when, in an infested map, there weren't a bunch of shambling NPCs TOTALLY CRAMPING OUR SPACE-NINJA STYLES!?!?!?

Remember when I wasn't mad, bro?  Yes, I am now mad.

         P.S.  "In space, no one can hear dose panties drop..."    Think about it.

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If the infested invasions were twice as common as the other two factions combined it would not be so bad.

At the moment I want to farm for Banshee's helmet and the only place available is ODD as there is literally one planetary node with Infested on it.

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