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I Don't Usually Rant, But Update 11.3...


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It's dreadful.

Just when I was finally getting Damage 2.0 down, they go ahead and swap everything around in a horrible arrangement.

Now Frost is extremely powerful, Saryn is quite powerful and Ember, Volt and Mag have been thrown into the bin.

Just as Volt was starting to get good...

Not only that, the new damage system is just generally poorly built.

Magnetic damage now does +75% to Shields, but -75% to Flesh...

Why would you make a certain element very powerful against one half of a faction, and terrible against the rest?

Not to mention, to make this effective, I have to switch weapons every time I get rid of the shields of a crewman just to take out his health with decent speed!

Also, Viral is just a completely useless element now.

This cacophony of nonsense is causing headaches all around, and I haven't yet found a single person who's likes them.

Not only that, but DE also removed fixed Infested missions.

So popular Infested defenses, such as Xini, are useless?

Good one.

Not only that, it seems Vauban has lost his happy place.

He really shone during infested defense missions, and now he's all warped.

Now it's just 4 frosts in every mission, with the very occasional Saryn.

Now I'm having to purchase an OD key every time I want to do a decent Infested defense, which is running me ragged.

This update is just too poor for me to remain silent about.

I can't even be excited about the changes that I find decent in 11.3 because this new damage system is too much hassle.

Again, I usually hate ranting, but this system is just a huge slap to the face.

And I wish I could be more constructive about it, but the only thing I can suggest is... change it back.




Edited by EganMC
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not only Vauban but Ember as well... in case of Kappa - Nova is superior, in case of Cyath - Ember is superior.

With removing Cyath, DE basically killed 80% of the game for me.


ah yes one more thing, new WoF effects - horrible. visuals and sounds....

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Im with you for the elemental stuff, the magnetic resistance in flesh seems a bit harsh and viral feels kind of useless. But we knew things like this would be coming because damage 2.0 (this is actually damage 2.2 at this point) is still a work in progress and even though its still got some issues it does feel like progress


the infested stuff I actually dont mind. The place is littered with infested missions some of which are defense if youre that hungry for them.

And removing the "must farm" missions like xini and cyath arent really that huge a loss to be honest. It was a terrible system for there to be one level or mission that was better than any other.

Edited by Santaphrax
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I haven't played with the changes yet so my opinions is subject to change but without much to do anymore apart from constantly level gear, and the removal of my favourite faction from fixed nodes (of which i use to level my gear) i probably won't be doing much in warframe in a while :(

Edited by ethics
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Not only that, the new damage system is just generally poorly built.

Magnetic damage now does +75% to Shields, but -75% to Flesh...

Why would you make a certain element very powerful against one half of a faction, and terrible against the rest?

Not to mention, to make this effective, I have to switch weapons every time I get rid of the shields of a crewman just to take out his health with decent speed!

Also, Viral is just a completely useless element now.


You could always, ya know, use a mix of gas and magnetic...

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And removing the "must farm" missions like xini and cyath arent really that huge a loss to be honest. It was a terrible system for there to be one level or mission that was better than any other.

Maybe if they didn't keep buffing and working on one faction (grineer) and actually fixed some bugs to do with resistance stacking (corpus shield takes the resistance from their box heads), we might be more inclined to fight something else.

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Not only that, the new damage system is just generally poorly built.

Magnetic damage now does +75% to Shields, but -75% to Flesh...


i haven't been on in a while. is that a change to 2.0?


if so, i prolly wont be impressed when i jump back on either. that sounds horrible :/


Edit: i played a bit of damage 2.0 and it felt much better than the old system. is this a 2.1 type change?

Edited by MillbrookWest
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(Quotes from https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/146887-i-dont-usually-rant-but-update-113/#entry1740086)


the infested stuff I actually dont mind. The place is littered with infested missions some of which are defense if youre that hungry for them.

Except they're all nothing but 5-minute/5-wave speedrun fests where everyone just wants the invasion reward, screw having actual fun or farming.




And removing the "must farm" missions like xini and cyath arent really that huge a loss to be honest. It was a terrible system for there to be one level or mission that was better than any other.

Some of us, myself included, derived much pleasure from mindlessly cleaving and smoking through infinite hordes of charging infested, good sir.

Edited by Dalewyn
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Another thread I agree with completely. Resistance should be trashed all together. Give us a bonus damage but don't punish us for using certain elements.  This is not fun. 


Resistances are fine, people being to lazy is the problem.  Edit: Although admittedly they did go a little overboard and misjudge some things e.g. corrosive not boosting against robotics etc.)


i know im lagging behind due to school work but is frost amazing against everything? or what? someone please fill in the blanks for me


I think right now, cold damage has no negative multiplier against anything

Edited by DrPandisimo
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i haven't been on in a while. is that a change to 2.0?

if so, i prolly wont be impressed when i jump back on either. that sounds horrible :/

Edit: i played a bit of damage 2.0 and it felt much better than the old system. is this a 2.1 type change?

That is indeed a change.

Infact, a lot of the changes are tailored to making certain damage types less effective against 1 faction as a whole.

You could always, ya know, use a mix of gas and magnetic...

I know that my rant seems somewhat lazy, but the changes here are completely unnecessary.

I don't think DE ever looked at builds and thought "Hey, let's make it so they need to tailor it almost entirely around elemental mods!"

To make a mixture of both gas and magnetic on a weapon without a default element would take 4 mod slots and approximately 40+ mod space, leaving me just around enough room for a serration.

That is a flaw.

Edited by EganMC
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Radiation and Impact, Slash and Magnetic,  there are new set ups that work mate if you use the base damage to compliment the elemental combo. Now let's be clear, I'm not claiming this is a good move totally reworking all the damage types just as the player base got comfortable with their understanding with it, messing with infested and rendering tons of frames worthless.


I am saying things will need to be tweaked and asking things to be totally changed back does not seem realistic at this moment.

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 you can't be serious. having fun running spy for 8k affinity and few mods?


Or you could do the defense / survival / mobile defense ones like you did before? which work the exact same way they have always worked, except now they arent stuck to just that one mission with the same material drops and enemy levels to play over and over.


(Quotes from https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/146887-i-dont-usually-rant-but-update-113/#entry1740086)


Except they're all nothing but 5-minute/5-wave speedrun fests where everyone just wants the invasion reward, screw having actual fun or farming.




Some of us, myself included, derived much pleasure from mindlessly cleaving and smoking through infinite hordes of charging infested, good sir.


If you want to go past 5 waves you shouldnt be going in with pugs. That was a general rule of thumb even before people were just doing them for the rewards.


I like endless hoards of meat to cleave through too. I still have that endless meat supply Im just willing to go get it rather than play one mission over and over. And if for any brief period of time there are no defense / survival / mobdef infested invasions theres always the derelict to tide you over until another one pops up.

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Resistances are fine, people being to lazy is the problem.  


It's not lazy to want to avoid having to consult a huge table for five minutes between each mission to make sure you can actually do any damage. 


It should not take longer than running the mission to work out which gun, which mods and which arrangement of mods will give you the best performance. 


If DE actually put the tools in the game to help people understand how mods interact and how much damage they could put out against each faction then we'd be on to something. But personally I don't think it's unreasonable to be able to fit any weapon you use without reference to a HUGE and extremely hard to comprehend chart that looks like it belongs on a goddamn games masters screen rather than in a computer game. 

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If you want to go past 5 waves you shouldnt be going in with pugs. That was a general rule of thumb even before people were just doing them for the rewards.

Except, you know, people actually stuck around to wave 15~20+ on Xini. Without even bringing the topic up. Silent agreement between Tenno.


The new invasion system's just encouraging greed-driven, efficiency-focused speedruns, and that is a terrible way to play the game in general. If I want to do speedruns I'd be doing alerts or boss rushes.

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lets make a list of the possible changes (health is flesh in this list)


impact: currently does +50% shields, -25% health, +25% infested. change infested for health.

heat: should do extra damage against infested again

blast: i dont like it, but no idea how it should work

corrosive: change the -25% health to -25% shields

magnetic: get rid of the -75% health

radiation:  why do -25% less to shields and 25 more to robotic? im never going to use gas against corpus, so why do that? change those 2 stats with something else, no idea what.

viral: it´s useless. i think you figured out why.




dont make elements that have bonuses against part a line of defense of a faction, and negatives against the same faction.


make elements be strong against a faction and weak against the other.


edit: gonna make my own topic with this list

Edited by lautalocos
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I wake up to this mega crappy update, mag i just finish forma her it she get nerf to the ground and what up with stupid mini map that dint need fixing at all.They buff garbage weapon that are still crap and i would never use again.Seriously give me back update 10 it would better they playing this crappy 11 stuff.


P.S was hoping for better stuff in update 11.5 but seeying this make really scared of what they will do....

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Or you could do the defense / survival / mobile defense ones like you did before? which work the exact same way they have always worked, except now they arent stuck to just that one mission with the same material drops and enemy levels to play over and over.

oh god.

before saying something like that try to calculate affinity income to time, mods income to time ok?

Edited by Althix
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