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Phase 1: Melee Weapon Concept Submissions


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Weapon: Sentei Hasami

Faction: Tenno


Ninja was disguised as a gardener when you enter the castle.
They had mastered the fighting skills by pruning shears








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Name:Nemean  (ネメアン)

Fuction:Grineer (グリニア)

Grip:attched to one arm. (片腕に装着)

Brief Description:wielding nail in the incredible power.
As GALATINE and ORTHOS,tear multiple enemies around.
Charge attack is give off shock towards the front.(Can't specify the target.)



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Name: Murakumo

Faction: Tenno

Description: This is a Greatsword-type weapon with the intent of being a speedy heavy weapon, relying on basic attacks as opposed to heavy attacks, much like the Dakra Prime. It would use the standard heavy weapon animations and wouldn't require that much work to put into the game, because I felt like being nice to you guys. :3


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Dating back to the time of the first Tenno, the Scuta is a simple two part shield that is used to protect and shield the tenno. The Sucta are two sperate pieces of a whole, both strapped to the Tenno forearm and with a simple boxing mechanic of a 3 hit combo (left jab, right jab, upper cut), the Scuta is used to punch close range enemies. The Power attack is a powerful slam of the two pieces into a boxing guard held up in front of the Tenno that stuns opponents and sends them flying. when blocking with the Scuta the Tenno place both pieces side by side creating an impenetrable shield similar to the grineer shield lancer. Knockdowns are still possible, but bullets cannot pierce the tenno shield, however explosives will still knock you down.  




I like it. hope it isn't like the obex or kogake, uncontrollable

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so much cool concepts and artwork :O


hmmmm, can't keep up with most of them, but I'll throw in the idea regardless of how "original" it is or not. XD





Dual Energy Gauntlets


Faction: Tenno

Grip Type: Wrist-mounted


Description: A pair of gauntlets, emitting a blade of energy each.


Basic Attack: A flowing combination of both punching moves and swings

Charge Attack: Tenno holds the gauntlets behind him/herself as they supercharge their core, then swinging both arms forward, cutting down enemies to the sides and infront of the Tenno, like a scissor.

Slide Attack: Tenno does a quick dash forward, with the arms pointed in front, cutting through enemies in their path.

Air Attack: Tenno jumps to the ground, crouches and swipes both blades from the front to the back in circular motion, swooping enemies off their feet.




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Phoenix spear


Faction: Tenno/Orokin


Grip type: Spear/thrown


Description: A fast spear that stays in a contracted phase, when you use a charge attack, multiple parts extend while emitting flames and the user throws it. The spear is then materialized and returned to the user


Basic attack: a fast stabbing combo

Charge attack: A slow charge speed, the user throws the spear and it flies through mid-air at a high speed



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 Dual Mantis

Faction: infested


Worn on the forearm like gauntlets but used in a slashing manor. When idle the blade part closes like a praying mantis normally looks but when slashing they extend. When using a charge attack the Tenno will extend their arms down and to the side (like this /I\) and when released the tenno will jump forward slashing the claws into an X. A stealth attack will have the tenno wrap one claw around the enemies neck while the other grabs around the shoulder and rips backward. They would do slash and toxic damage.


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Name: Dual Hasta


Faction: Tenno


Grip: Spear


Description: The Dual Hasta is a legendary Tenno spear which sliced thousands of enemies. Fast attack rate and decent damage allow Tenno to become more agile. (Hasta means spear in Latin.)


Original Artwork:





I suck at drawing stuff so I can only draw in 2D without colour. D:

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Faction: Tenno


Description: Grip-type: Unique (nunchaku). A "nunchaku" style weapon composed of similar materials as the Bo staff. It will primarily do Impact Damage. This weapon will have a relatively low base damage (lower than the Kogake), but what it lacks in power it compensates in Attack Rate and Proc Chance. Another feature could be a high stagger chance on charge attacks. The most impressive feature for this weapon would be its stunning attack animations for that "martial artist" feel (sorry animators...)





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Faction: Tenno

Grip Type: Two Handed/ Heavy Greatsword

Description: Like the Ether Blades before it, the Ether Greatsword was made for the larger infested masses, used to quickly and cleanly dissect the Technocyte Plague Victims, ending their misery and stopping their rampant spread.

Weapon Description: Slightly breaking the mold for Two handed/ Heavy Weapons, The Ether Greatsword is a lightweight weapon, wielded with two hands due to its size compared to its smaller sibling, the Ether Blade. The Ether Greatsword is not meant for single, heavy strikes, but for multiple fast, lethal swings. Because of this, the speed of this weapon is high, as is its Slashing Capability. Its Charge Damage, however will suffer for this, as it is not meant to be used as a charging weapon.

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Faction: Tenno
Description: Grip-type: Mace/Flail. "Frangit"
"There are times when the elegance of blades are set aside for the simple and raw crushing power of blunt weapons. The Frangit is capable of performing wide, sweeping strikes to stagger multiple foes at once. when fully extended; when retracted, it can allow a Tenno to focus its immense impact damage onto a single target, turning them into pulp with a powerful blow."
- Normal Attack: Extended Mode + Multiple Targets 
- High Proc Chance to consistently trigger the Impact proc (Stagger) or a 100% stagger mechanic.
- Low Crit chance
- Charge Attack: Retracted Mode + Single Target
- High Damage
- High Crit chance
- Slide Attack = Extended Mode -> Low Damage + Sure Knockdown (or at least a sure stagger) 
- Stealth Attack: Extended Mode -> Spin the flail -> Nutshot from behind (at least for humanoid targets) 
- Jump Attack: Stagger/Knockdown
Funny thing was, last night I was thinking of making a Grineer Mace that had a Blast element-type on its charge attack, but I changed it into this a few hours ago; and then, lo and behold, when I checked this thread for new posts, someone beat me to the Exploding Grineer Mace idea (with better art, too!). It looked really cool though


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Name: Nijuba


Faction: Tenno


Double bladed form: Used much like the Orthos but releases stored electrical charge that generates in the blue core in the middle upon movement and impact.


Single Bladed form: Same effects as above but held and fought with like a Naginata 




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can i just get some bandages to wrap around my fists for bare hand martial art style fighting.


faction: Tenno

grip: fist weapons.





who needs a weapon when you already have two, and you can get a much better satisfaction of punching something with your own two fists. Can add some dingle wrappings hanging on each hand to make it stand out a bit.



i apologize to any vomiting my awesome drawing induced XD lol

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Firstly, apologies for the artwork, i have no art skills as you will be able to tell, so i hope i get the point of these across!

Name: Bladefury/Bladefuries

Faction: Tenno

Description: Fist weapons with spikes, punch like other fist weapons and do puncture/impact damage, has blades for a charged attack, which is crossed arms in front, then slash outwards, and spin attack utilising both blades with both fists.





I am adding in a photo i've found, of something very similar, as the art doesn't do the idea justice, i understand this may count as a disqualification, but obviously this wont win when cant draw, so worth the risk, this shows more what they would look like, but with an extra blade.



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Okay, I genuinely apologise for the contents of the spoiler but here goes.


Name: Verto

Faction: Tenno

Description: The Verto is a dagger with a telescopic handle, giving it the ability to change into a polearm. The Verto would change forms on a charge attack. The dagger form would sacrifice a little damage for much higher attack speed, but only be able to hit a single target. The polearm form would sacrifice attack speed for more damage and the ability to hit multiple enemies per swing.


"Art" (This is terrible and I apologise)


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Utter crap because I'm a S#&$e artist and there are already many other awesome ideas. But here goes:


Faction: Grineer

Throwing weapon

Name: Mauler



A series of blades held from within the center. The center unit that connects the blades is actually motorized, with a throttle controlled on the carrying handle. When throttled up, the powerful blades rotate at high speeds, acting both as an effective shield, slashing, or throwing weapon for advanced users.

A chain can be attached to the handle to allow further control while in midair, allowing the user to both modify the throttle and direction of the blade mid-flight.


The blades are similar to grineer machetes in design, more akin to sharpened chunks of steel made for brute forcing their way through armor and flesh than slicing elegantly through.

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Tenno use this weapon as a blade and scissors. Using as scissors, you can cut a strong enemy silently as if to clip offshoots using a pruning scissors applying principle of lever.  When scissors are closed, you can swing this as a blade.





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Here's my attempt for this contest: XD

Faction: Tenno

Weapon Type: Legging or Feet ONLY

Weapon Name: Kakato (Talons)

Grip type: Feet shoes or boots

Brief Description: you'll know when you see it.....can hit multiple enemies

Concept Arts:


stick figures:


Stick Figure OP

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This is my go at a weapon... took me two hours!
Faction: Ancient Tenno
This weapon is like the Orthos but a bit more modern I suppose because the blades attract from the handle thing and come out, fast and high damage :) the original artwork is in the picture I think hehe

- Thanks and this weapon would look amazing if more time and detail went into it! :D

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The Three-Sections Staffs called Kerberos




Brief Description:


Bestowed to hands of the Tenno after mastering the art of the sword, this weapon may look like a simple toy but, this staff is surprisingly deadly offering fast flurries of deadly blows with extremely wide AOE, Exceptionally lethal even on a hands of a recruit. All emotions carried by the Tenno on this weapon are controlled & calmed after the Tenno's brutal and ruthless training.


Faction: Tenno


Grip type/stance:


Agile Version:



Noble Version:



Default Version:



Suggested Attack Animations:





Suggested Charge Attack Animations:

http://youtu.be/td3yEpz87RI?t=1m11s stops at 1m15



Block Animations:


Slide Attack Animations:

http://youtu.be/qYazNHJuVTM?t=50s but twice as fast


Wall Attack Animations:

http://youtu.be/XvWxyl83LRY?t=2m1s but in mid-air and Tenno spinning itself simultaneously like a windmill

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Faction: Grineer

Brief Description: Attached to the forearm with a metal thread sleeve covering the arm.

Originally designed as a tool to discipline multiple subordinate troops at once, this Grineer tri-whip now serves as a frightening weapon to deliver multiple highly flammable strikes to anyone in its path.

This hollowed nut and bolt style weapon houses three mini reactors that superheat long coils. Charging spins the weapon to the wrist for a wild 360 attack.

Drastically slow speed and low damage are the tradeoff for very high status chance, long range, and the ability to hit each enemy three times in a single swing.

Original Artwork:


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