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Thank You For Watching Livestream #19!


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Thank you for watching Livestream #19, our last Dev stream of 2013.




Are you still the voice for Lotus? I heard they got another person to voice her.


Also, is it possible to message the winners of the plats on your livestreams? (I meant message their twitch).

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Embers new ult effect is god damn awesome.


The new Paladin class Warframe is looking great. I like his hooves and the fact he seems (at least visually + possibly the way he is gonna play) like a cross between Frost & Nekros.


Melee system update is a much anticipated change for me, as I've wanted to manually equip my melee weapon for so long. The HUD update being inbound as well is another thing I have been hoping for and cannot wait for it to roll out.


Thank you so much all we need now is the parkour/free run system to be tweaked so it flows a bit better and this game will be visually astonishingly polished.


As for the next Prime frame, I vote for Loki Prime. Seeing that OG with some gold trim only seems fitting as he is the only starter frame (well other than Volt) that doesn't have a prime variant.

Now to address more serious matters, I am so sorry to hear about Brian he seemed like a very talented, interesting person (I love people with a good sense of humour) and he will be missed greatly. Just know that he is at peace now though and in my home country we have a saying that basically translates to "death is the worst for those of us left behind." All the best to his family in this difficult time.

Try to have a happy holiday DE and I hope the new year brings nothing but gain for all of you.


Love from Ben.



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Can't say that I like new HUD, ability bar should remain in upper right corner IMHO.

And Paladin = Frost + Loki lol


Also, HP/SP numbers in new HUD, pull them to sides, pulling to center makes them hard to read.


I didn't liked the new HUD over the current one either. It's far too "Borderlands". Made Warframe lose it's flair.


It's not Warframe enough. Looks a little bit generic (without taking the merit of the people behind it, naturally).

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as usual, a lot of great information. 


and... my condolences. 


I didn't liked the new HUD over the current one either. It's far too "Borderlands". Made Warframe lose it's flair.
It's not Warframe enough. Looks a little bit generic (without taking the merit of the people behind it, naturally).
no offense, but, what 'flair' does the current HUD have? the only thing i can think of is a blue them, but that's not uncommon in games, (almost) everyone likes blue.
i'm mostly a bit concerned about so much red. i get that Health is normally red, but i don't really like Red, other than being used as in accenting color. i feel Red should be used to draw attention to important things, to suck your eyes in. not a color theme. 
other more neutral colors would be better, i think. a... for lack of a better term, decayed neon green would be a good color for Health, i think.
(and to be honest, all i want out of powers on the HUD is to know which ones i have equipped, and duration timers, etc. - which can all take up very little space).
Edited by taiiat
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no offense, but, what 'flair' does the current HUD have? the only thing i can think of is a blue them, but that's not uncommon in games, (almost) everyone likes blue.

i'm mostly a bit concerned about so much red. i get that Health is normally red, but i don't really like Red, other than being used as in accenting color. i feel Red should be used to draw attention to important things, to suck your eyes in. not a color theme. 
other more neutral colors would be better, i think. a... for lack of a better term, decayed neon green would be a good color for Health, i think.
(and to be honest, all i want out of powers on the HUD is to know which ones i have equipped, and duration timers, etc. - which can all take up very little space).



Well what flair it has it's unique to Warframe, unlike the new one which reminds me of far too many games to stand out on its own.


I just can't comprehend Hek. what is he?


A propaganda machine.

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Well what flair it has it's unique to Warframe, unlike the new one which reminds me of far too many games to stand out on its own.


They could replace the Red with a nice Blue (Something like #0068ff) tint, so it looks a little more Warframe-y, and colorblind helpful.

Edited by Sidathe
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Son if you are trying to initiate my self destruct sequence, you are entering the wrong code. :P



On a serious note, it's not the color scheme that bothers me but the faux-3D effect. It screams Borderlands.

Ohh, okay. Fixed it. Was using Paint the first time, couldn't find the other paint thing I was using. lol


I don't know about the faux-3d Effect, no real opinion on it, beyond it might be saving on space or something?

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Brian's not dead. God just needed some art lessons.


OK....i think we gone a litter too far....






anyway..about Melee change...does the "E keyboard" still related to the U12 Melee ?


do we need go change from gun-blade and from blade-gun ?

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On a serious note, it's not the color scheme that bothers me but the faux-3D effect. It screams Borderlands.

perhaps it's commonly used for a reason? it adds another dimension. it makes it seem like the HUD is part of the world. 


and to be honest, i found the HUD in Borderlands somewhat annoying. it just looked sideways, not pseudo-3D. they didn't do a good job of making that effect work. 


just because someone else has used a similar feature in software doesn't mean you can't ever use it again. and it can match Warframe, and look like it belongs, if enough time is spent on it. since that's basically just a Photoshop picture though, it hasn't had any tuning to make it look like it belongs in Warframe.


like everything else, it'll take work and testing. and i'm sure people will complain that it was released unfinished like everything is, despite that being how the Development process here works.

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my condolences to the DEv team, I too have lost loved ones before their time (car accident)

felt kinda bad about ending the stream on such a somber note =[, im sure that Brian, whoever he was would want his friends and family to be happy and enjoy their own lives in honor of his memory

this song recently gave me a new appreciation for its depth and meaning, I hope it can do the same for others

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Condolences for your loss.  Much appreciated that you would share such a moment with us.


Back to Business;

Vey Hek.. WoW, very much a change there, though looks like hes using corpus tech as well.  It's a nice touch showing that tenno tech isnt the only thing the grineer are harvesting.


Jungle tilesets I cant wait to see how they go (hopefully they dont chewup and spit out too many video cards), they look very overgrown and presuming the paladin is planed to go along with it, it fits quite well for that style.


The Hud:

Looks ok, though stamina is less important to actually be on the centeral hud as it doesnt matter that much for close tracking of its value.  Shields and health (and even energy to a lesser extent) are far more important and prominant values to be keeping track of (something thats currently quite hard to do in the heat of battle) than stamina actually is currently.


Powers are much the same, having upto 4 of them they are quite easy to keep track off so dont really need a prominant location of the display, even now most people refer them as a key number rather than a powers name anyway.


Switch to melee weapons is a good move as it will open up so much more ability to make use of melee.  Prehaps even the potential for melee/pistol dual wielding combinations in the future.


Thanks for the live stream, good to have more information.

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