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Ba$Tard Sword Design


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Ok, so some people have left comments on my some of my posts under the assumption that i only like Japanese weapons....not true. and i've been saying all week how i would eventually get to a European style weapon so here you go.


I thought this was fitting since we've seen the Paladin Frame is coming soon. so this would be a good companion to him.




YES this is basically a one handed version of Galatine. a bastard sword, or "hand and a half" sword. What makes this different from Galatine, and the other 100 slash damage swords we have? "i know, i know ANOTHER SWORD." Lets play with some of the new game mechanics. lets give this weapon a high STATUS CHANCE. if you are hit with this weapon you are going to bleed out bad! 


could probably be used in conjunction with a shield that I'm working on, since it also fits in with my Gladius design. hope you European fans are satisfied, cause i like this one. enjoy.


my other designs

Gladius https://forums.warfr...d/#entry1716417
Guan Dao https://forums.warfr...o/#entry1718013

Kanabo https://forums.warfr...-weapon-design/

Tomahawk https://forums.warfr...n/#entry1731896

Katana https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/142876-a-katana-weapon-please/#entry1693952

Mace/Flail https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/148539-grineer-maceflail/


my DA page


Edited by Rasputin29
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It looks nearly like galatine, it should better be a skin, im pretty sure the galatine is enough for the new paladin frame

Galatine is much bigger than this sword. almost twice the size. this is a one handed sword really.  the size of the machete. different animations, damage, and faster.


And yes it looks like Galatine, that was the point. i wanted to seem like it was made the same way. something that would be in the game.

Edited by Rasputin29
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Galatine is much bigger than this sword. almost twice the size. this is a one handed sword really.  the size of the machete. different animations, damage, and faster.


And yes it looks like Galatine, that was the point. i wanted to seem like it was made the same way. something that would be in the game.

Machete is pretty small and weak, so that just lost my interest and respect for it, either way, galatine is enough, I don't think that DE would simply put in an english sword and just make the moveset look like you are all royal and can wave a sword when you want, that would be funny though. Excalibur-"ENGAURD RHINO! I AM KING ARTHUR AND WITH THIS COOL LOOKING BASTARD SWORD! I CAN KICK UR ARSE!"

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nah, this is just too awesome, I would love this but what would happen if they made a dual version for this sense its one-handed, what happens if you use 2 but lighter so more speed but less power


your designs are amazing, looking at your others, you haven't stopped amazing me with your awesome designs and good ideas


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