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Index Of "little Things". Small Suggestions Done By The Community.


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getting lost is starting to get frustrating.


i want another option for the map where i can have my player Arrow(the large map) be controlled by my Camera direction instead of my Character direction (for when the map is alignment locked).


as it is now, i'll be looking around trying to figure out which direction i'm being told to go, and trying to fight at the same time, and all too often i'll have no idea where the hell i'm supposed to go unless i stand still and just read the map for a while. i can't multitask because the direction arrow can't be tied to my Camera - even though that would make the most sense. 

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I would like it if the map [M] would actually show the location of my teammates, instead of giving me the same view of their dot that I would get when viewing the mini-map. As in, I know my teammate is down in that general direction, but I don't know which room exactly, so I can plan ahead and pick him back up.

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there is a mod for reviving the sentinel, in case you haven´t found it yet.

usually if your Sentinel dies nowadays, it'll just be dead. the only times i can think of my Sentinel dying are Toxics or Napalms. both situations, if it dies, it usually dies twice in one second. 

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there is a mod for reviving the sentinel, in case you haven´t found it yet.



These notes were copied directly from the wikia...

  • This mod does not actually revive the Sentinel, but instead it automatically heals the Sentinel a certain percent depending on the fusion rank when it reaches 0 health.


Now maybe if you could say, use whatever your max energy is to "revive" it would be a neat touch

Edited by (PS4)PoinTmaN_BingA
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the game is too easy and isnt a big challage as it used to be wen i first started playing and its losing its luster as well the game could be more ninija with actual steath game modes

Why did you make a thread with this and then repost the same thing here?

Yet again in black, despite Letter13 editing it in your own thread.

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I understand the difficulty of ranking up through tests, but the twenty-four hour wait to take a test after failing seems a bit  much. Succeeding the tests should warrant a twenty-four hour wait to prepare for the next one, failing it should allow to try again in at least a few minutes.

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Remove ability mods from loot table, replace them with fusion cores 1-5.


Make loot pickup shared between players, so everyone does not have to go through the tedium of running over things/using carrier.

life is already easy for afkers, dont want to give them more incentive   

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Ability to turn off hop over parkour moment(bad add on). Seriously I like the whole jumpng over objects much better in the past. There are a lot of problems with the whole railing hop over.



#1 I hop over boxes when I'm trying to jump over them. This makes me fall down a pit.

#2 Trying to jump slide or jump over railings(depending on the design), I hop over the railing and fall into another pit, if not I am unable to get away from enemies fast enough due to inability to slide kick and I instantly get killed.

#3 Trying to jump over something is such a pain, I sometimes repeat the hop over and this makes me fall behind from fighting bosses, capture enemies, etc.

Edited by Makemap
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Ability to turn off hop over parkour moment(bad add on). Seriously I like the whole jumpng over objects much better in the past. There are a lot of problems with the whole railing hop over.

having Vaulting be a Jump modifier would also work. ex. with default controls - hold LAlt while pressing Space to Vault, Space to just jump.



alternatively, Jump could be 'OnRelease' rather than 'OnPress'. so that way a quick tap on Jump or a short hold on Jump could be the difference between choosing to jump or choosing to Vault.

Edited by taiiat
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Squad Action Feed
I'd like a feed of teammates' actions posted in chat. Enable/disable in Options with a choice of which notifs you want in the feed. It would let us know:


*X called for an elevator

*X hacked a terminal

*X activated life support

*X picked up/dropped a datamass

*X is at extraction

*X is bleeding out

*X revived Y



It would go a long way towards keeping the team in sync (ex. "X called for an elevator" lets teammates know an elevator point is up ahead, so you don't stop to open every other locker or "X is activating life support", so others will not double trigger one at another location).

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i found a bug, i know, that in this thread it will be fixed soon, so:


when you play SOLO in survival mission(i played vs infested), when you click PAUSE(Esc) your game is freezing BUT LIFE-SUPPORT LEVEL STILL GOING DOWN! so, when i unpaused my 70% became 0....check it please, thank you.

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I think this might not be something to post here but I think you should prolong invasions which have an Orokin Catalyst/Reactors in them. A friend found one yesterday and it went by before I could even log in. People only look forward to the time there will be a potato in the invasions so it's a bit unfair to make it's duration like any other invasion mission(inb4 you snooze you lose). You can add some sort of special meaning as to why there is a potato, like some sort of medium scale war and you have to wipe out a certain faction. Or a person with a powerful position in the given faction fighting someone with equal power and you have to help one of them. Anything is possible for the background story.

Edited by ToXiC.bLiZz
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taken from this post https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/165349-more-info-when-getting-invitation/#entry1939072

more info in the small window that appears when someone invites you. I want to know in what I'm getting in to.

"James Bond invited you to play" below that
"Jupiter - Themisto"
"Level 12-14"

or just the planet/void key that the lobby is

The option to change crosshair color, especially on the sniper scope on a tower misson when you can tell where you are aiming.

use waypoint to signal rendezvous point room for npc.

the idea is to mark a waypoint so that controlled enemies, revived units or invasion allies group or start advancing in the direction of the room, or at leat get them into the elevator.

I'd like an item to revive a destroyed sentinel. so there is another way apart from dying and using a revive.

i would like the ability to manually rearrange my inventory so i can put the weapons i want on top.

I'd rather not have to sell the extra stuff to avoid wading through it

Remove ability mods from loot table, replace them with fusion cores 1-5.

Make loot pickup shared between players, so everyone does not have to go through the tedium of running over things/using carrier.


An option to choose not to be host as discussed here - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/167123-option-to-opt-out-of-hosting/

Ability to turn off hop over parkour moment(bad add on). Seriously I like the whole jumpng over objects much better in the past. There are a lot of problems with the whole railing hop over.

#1 I hop over boxes when I'm trying to jump over them. This makes me fall down a pit.
#2 Trying to jump slide or jump over railings(depending on the design), I hop over the railing and fall into another pit, if not I am unable to get away from enemies fast enough due to inability to slide kick and I instantly get killed.
#3 Trying to jump over something is such a pain, I sometimes repeat the hop over and this makes me fall behind from fighting bosses, capture enemies, etc.

Squad Action Feed
I'd like a feed of teammates' actions posted in chat. Enable/disable in Options with a choice of which notifs you want in the feed. It would let us know:

*X called for an elevator
*X hacked a terminal
*X activated life support
*X picked up/dropped a datamass
*X is at extraction
*X is bleeding out
*X revived Y

It would go a long way towards keeping the team in sync (ex. "X called for an elevator" lets teammates know an elevator point is up ahead, so you don't stop to open every other locker or "X is activating life support", so others will not double trigger one at another location).

Add a way to see if it's day or night on Earth (and other planets).

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It would be nice if they add mastery rank badges, currently mastery rank only provides slight advantages on unlocking weapons mostly and few others such as increasing the number of trades according to mastery rank, which is still not enough, for what i think we need to be rewarded or complimented for reaching higher mastery rank. Despite myself being mastery rank 14, i still dont feel other than usual different mastery rank tests, nothing new nearly even after reaching it.


Wearing mastery rank badge as a compliment or at least rewarding to ppl who has spent alot of time or efforts on reaching higher mastery rank, even if its cosmetic, it still needs to be rewardable after completing the further mastery ranks. It should value something than nothing.

A menu with "usual commands" that translates across what ever language is rather simple.
You choose French/English/Russian/Chinese aso. Then send
Command 1 - "Stop"
The command is sent, every one gets the command translated in game to their own selected language.
Works in most other games.

Enemies that jam/detonate rockets|grenades after launching (limits ogris/penta spam).
Sentinel anti-missile mod that detonates large projectiles (Grenades, Jackal, Hyena, Phorid, Napalm, Bombards) at range.
Some mods should still be entirely random and marked in red. (People who claim this is unfair probably never studied probability).
Infested runners are pathetic. Need updating, faster explosion time and a chance to proc slashing or electrical damage on explosion.
Infested generally need an AI update, with a flying unit, or a wall running unit to make the single line swarm a bit less linear.
If the game is about balance, then we need data. Who is winning the war? A display of territorial control % on the main screen and each system would be nice.
Farming a single faction for a weapon (Detron) is balance-breaking and could be solved by putting the parts on [All] hunters.
A change to how forma polarized slots work - Any slot polarized by forma can be changed to any polarity from the arsenal. Save polarity and loadout in profiles.

Just a thought on the waypoints:
Recently they increased the expiry time of waypoints which is great for marking thing far away from other players but I just wanted to suggest that the devs provide a method for deleting a waypoint. A simple solution would be to hold in the waypoint button to disengage a waypoint (would be friendly for controllers too if it was implemented).

There was also a suggestion for the “stealth kill on heavy units” where the melee attack from behind could be chained and extended if a second and third prompt was pressed at the correct time interval. That way, heavy units could be taken down quietly and with an increase in difficulty.

Lastly, I started an unnoticed thread a while back regarding consumable gear. The response was generally positive so I wanted to suggest it again:
Many have requested more feasible consumable gear such as grenadestrapsturrets and various balancing boosts; that is to say boosts that have negative side effects after their use such as a 'shield overload' that damages nearby enemies at the expense of draining your shield.

Used it, don't use it, great thread anyway.
Thanks Renan Ruivo.

Void on the map:
I guess it would look like a black hole or dark nebula, it could orbit the edge of the system or be fixed in a corner it maters not.

Clicking on the void will take you to the void like it would for any of the planets, from here you will be able to pick a void mission.

I'm not clear how exactly they will be laid out but you will be able to pick the type of missions and tier.

As for Orakin Derelict ships, these could spawn in the void region and drift out into normal space also. Seen as ships visible on the star chart.

Once a mission has been clicked:
You do not have a key you will join a lobby of someone who is using their key.

No lobbies are found and you have the right key for that mission & tier you are given the option to host.

If none of the above is applicable, wait i guess.

Other players will be able to join you freely based on whether you are set to current options:
Invite only

This means you won't have to use the recruitment chat room to jump into the void, bliss.

I have a few ideas I'm not sure if they were already requested so I'm just going to go ahead and say them.

when I'm adjusting the colors on my equipment I often get confused about which color is where and what color I already have on when I'm choosing the new color.
so why not make it to where the current color is highlighted in the color select and when you highlight one of the options the parts that the color are on the equipment flash so you know what you're coloring.
this is more a convenience thing but when I'm changing my frame each frame I have uses completely different loadouts for what I have them for so could we get a few custom loadout slots so we can easily switch to a different play style or color scheme.

Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but seeing as you can equip each warframe/weapon/sentinel with an A,B and C loadout for Corpus/Infected/Grineer, the Devs should make another hot button on the player start screen. What I mean by this is where you (for PS4 anyways) press triangle to have your dropdown for solo, invite only, online etc, there should be another hot button for "set all items to loadout A, B or C". This would help out a lot if you are switching from an alert mission for one type of enemy, and then going back to a specific planet with another kind of enemy, or switching from one planet to another.

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