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Index Of "little Things". Small Suggestions Done By The Community.


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For us controller players, it would be nice to either have the ability to equip your melee weapon or put it in the rotation for the switch weapons button now that the new melee update has rolled around. That was probably confusing but basically, I want to equip my sword but I can't just by using my controller.

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For us controller players, it would be nice to either have the ability to equip your melee weapon or put it in the rotation for the switch weapons button now that the new melee update has rolled around. That was probably confusing but basically, I want to equip my sword but I can't just by using my controller.

holding the change Weapon button should Equip it. there's two ways to Equip it. a dedicated button, and that shortcut.

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since the add of the poison dmg mods, sarin's contagion feels kinda lame and nothing special at all like it used to be, plus if im going to go melee on my enemies, then whats the point in add poison to them if im going to keep fighthing them anyways, in that case the poison don't seem to help that much


i would like a rework on that, maybe get rid of the melee part and just make sarin expel a poison gas wherever she goes for a period of time

or keep the melee poison and make it more special than any other poison like make any affected go sick and shake on the ground for a few seconds unable to fight

or when sarin kills with contagion activated on her melee weapon, the corpse explode dealing dmg and leaving a poisonous cloud for some time


or anithing better thet you may think





also a new way to trade would be nice something like select the thing you would like to trade and then lock them or mark them in some way, making it unusable in anything untill put out of that state 


and have a search system to find who is trading that thing, and for people who sell that thing and get a list of the prices they ask, that way it would be easier to find something and at the best price 


maybe also a mod list with every mod so people could like, right click it and then find who is selling or trading that mod

but the whole thing should be avaliable only for players currently online

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Idea for next warframe

Infested warframe that took control of the infection in his body and uses it at his own advantage.

1st power: Biochemical Pulse (does corrosion damage by sending a pulse of bioelectric energy)

2nd power:Healing Aura (reserves a set amount of energy and as long as it is active, it will continuously heal nearby allies)

3rd power:Last Breath (infects enemies with a miasma and turns them into friendly infested. Enemy infested turn into explosive cocoons. Doesn't work on robots)

4th power:Mass Extinction (spikes come out of the warframe hitting all nearby enemies and other spikes spread out of enemies who died instantly. Those who survived will loose continuously their health until they die and will be slowed down as the infections spreads through their body. The corpses can still kill enemies if they come too near)

Edited by Davorito
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I would like to have the squad size increased.  I'd even be willing for there to be a hit on the experience/rewards earned if the squad size is over 4.  I play with my sons and daughter and their friends.  A lot of the time everyone is over there are 5 or 6 of us so we don't play Warframe, we go play something else because we can't all squad up together. But we want to play Warframe and we want to play together. May be have 8 or 10 as an upper limit. And still keep the default of 4 for max size of the Online play.  But let us have a few more members in Private or Invite play. We'd usually be at the 5 or 6 member squad size.  

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Maybe you guys can update a little more on where to farm for stance mod and lex prime? That would be easier. I mean people do found the locations and the enemies that drop them but just to be a little more on details. Because currently the stance mods most of them are like rare and uncommon. It's really difficult for us to farm for it. It's okay if you guys are making the game real challenging and fun but on the other side try to give more details to the players and we can farm at that exact locations. 

One stance mod is never enough.
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I know. But the stance mods are not there

they are there. Enemies which have Stance Mods to be dropped, state so in their list of Mods that can be dropped.


there are, a couple Bosses that may need their Mod lists updated, as Stances that retortedly can be dropped by them are not on their Mod lists. but all of the 'normal' Enemies' lists are working fine.

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Kind of a very important little thing to me, but could you add this or something along the lines of what I meant in that thread. In that we'd like to be able to use the original weapon skins on Prime weapons if we own both weapons. Some of us really don't like gold and shouldn't be forced to choose stats vs aesthetics (punished) for upgrading.


Edited by Sirabot
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hi,i would suggest to put a limit on  how many dark sectors  can be  at  coflict  at once,cause most  of  the   time  they are always  at  coflict  for  2 days  and  every single dark sector mission with its rewards  are locked,and  there are many mods  which are unque to that palce,so please  put  a limit on it like  maximum 60% of  the  dark sectors  can  be at  conflict pls,thx

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A "Fill" button when contributing to stuff in the Dojo. Or at least make the increment-jumps bigger. Very tired of contributing 900 somethings in increments of 10...


im not sure how number input works on the ps4, but if you just type the same number over and over again, it will default to max, or max donation.

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I wish my Carrier Sentinel would stop shooting inactive turrets... because it does. Inactive turrets maintain top aggro for the Carrier attacks, and this is a total nuisance.


Also, in Clan Dojos, sentinels belonging to duel spectators will often shoot at the battle participants, and in rare cases harm them. Vice versa, combatant sentinels sometimes shoot at people outside the area.

Edited by YourBusDriver
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I wish for: "Don't disband squads after void or OD missions"


I have loads of keys and having to re-invite or find new people for each key makes it take longer than the actual missions.


and this thread is over 6 months old! Look at me! Look at me do a dance! Waving my arms so some one will read this!

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