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Index Of "little Things". Small Suggestions Done By The Community.


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I'd love something to the effect of a "HUB" area where people could gather and just goof off instead of being stuck in their ship most of the time. Something like the Clan Dojo, but open to all. And quite bigger too. Could even have vendors and other neat things.

Lot's of areas to parkour on as well?

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I think this may have already been suggested, but:

it would be awesome to implement some kind of safe point system, what I mean is:

crashes happen, and will happen all the time, but when doing survivals or defenses for long times,

it is frustrating to get a crash and lose all xp and all items farmed.


If possible, for example in survivals every 5 minutes account information get updated, and even if you crash you at least get everything earned up to that 5,10,15...30,35 minute mark.

or in defense same way only for 5 waves, in this case to minimize consciously made crashes you can take out wave rewards leaving only earned in session items and xp.

Made a post on this happening https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/292212-error-1101-and-random-host-migrations/#entry3340280

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There are so many suggestions, I don't know if I am not repeating, but my 2 cent:


Foundry rush production cost.


The cost to rush anything should be proportional to the completion level of the item. You can use linear or logarythmic scale for this or any other calculation method, but make those two correlated - rush cost and completion level.


Now, we have 50 pt at the beginning of the project, for example, and 50 pt even if it is 75% completed.


Hope that gets accepted :)


Thank you

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I started this game 'bout a week ago and now that I've seen most of the common stuff I must tell these things that, in my opinion as a gamer who likes to test a lot games, are ruining some of the best parts of the game itself. I think most of this is just changing something that's already ther just a bit so it would make the game A LOT better.


I'm not sure how "little" this thing would be, but in my opinion; 2 starting slots for warframes is just.. to put it bluntly... stupid! I get the idea that it may cause some problems with exp or something and that's maybe why it's limited..? 

But for real, there should be at least one slot for every warframe in the game or there just is no point in gathering each, witch is somewhat the point of the whole game besides ranking up and beating hard missions. Using this as an example weapon slots are way too limiting too, but not so ridiculous than 2 warframe slots.. 


Also me and many in my clan are having problems with inviting others. "Session not found" and other messages that say that joining to the game didn't succeed are displayed way too often. This game is ment to be co-op, isn't it? If something could be done to this that would be great.


Failed Rank up tests having 24 hour cooldowns is just plain mean, even 12 hours would be better. Also other over 6 hour timers for crafting and research and such could be taken down by a notch, like halving 3 days to 1 days and 12 hours and 12 hours to 6 hours or something like that. It would be just a simple quality of life change that would let us enjoy the game more frequently than waiting that 3 days to finally get a new warframe or complete the research so you can wait more. It is possible to live with these timers we have now but it may make the game boring if you don't have any real goals but that warframe after 3 days..


These are based on 5 - 6 days of "experiments" in the game and personally I would like to hear every and all corrections, opinions and  such about the matter.


Thank you

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I've not read the thread, so I don't know if someone else has already mentioned it.


But a "save/apply colour scheme"  button would be nice. I know I had a colour scheme I used on my starting frame and all the weapons, but I can't remember it completely. So applying it to new weapons, frames, and sentinels can take a few minutes. Nothing too irritating, but a way of just applying the same colour scheme to everything would be nice, and saving a few minutes here and there would also be pretty cool.

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This is a post I made earlier today about how the developers could change enemy spawning:


Everyone's played that round of Survival where the enemies refuse to spawn and you, because you chose to be a player and not a farmer, didn't bring Nekros. Likely it was because of the spawning system, which was punishing you for being to close to enemy spawns, and as a result you had to bail out early.


The spawning system is based on the premise of not letting the player see the enemies spawn. Obviously it would break immersion for players to watch enemies appear in front of them.


But why do enemies have to just appear? What if spawns were designed to look like enemy troops being moved to your location?


For example: The Void has spawn rooms that look like elevators, but enemies still have to be hidden from us. What if elevators dropped from the ceilings, carrying three or four Void enemies? It could happen right in front of the player, if s/he was close by, but would not be immersion-breaking.


This same thing could be applied to the rest of the game's enemies, with some variations based on maps. On the Earth tileset, for example, enemies could be dropped in like paratroopers without chutes, or flown in by ships that hover near the ground, allowing them to jump out. Infested could just wall-climb/jump down from the ceiling. Grineer, because they seem to have a major technology issue for Space Marines, could slide down on ropes, or climb out of man-sized pods similar to Grineer lockers in design.


The point is, this could be a way for spawning to be less dependent on player location.

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I hope I'm not repeating anything, but here's my quick list:


- "Stealth Attack" should be replaced with an always-available "Backstab", which prompts whenever behind an enemy, not just while the enemy is unaware. This makes tactics like flanking viable during combat, and abilities like Loki's invisibility to be useful outside of stealth.


- During stealth there should be a slight 'pause' between an enemy seeing you and the enemy getting alerted. Too many times have I got a clean headshot with Paris but still got the whole room alerted because the dude saw me while the arrow was flying into his face. Also, it allows people to try to quickly kill an alerted enemy, giving them a chance to fix their mistake, rather than making everyone immediately try to murder you the second you bump into someone.


- Enemy radar implementation, that can show you enemy positions. Seeing the enemy before they see you is the most basic Stealth rule. Just try an extermination mission and see how much easier stealth is because you know the nearest enemy's position. The radar can even have mods that increase its range or show which way the enemy is facing.


- I'm not sure if this is actually a problem, or if I'm just underleveled, but: Melee should do more damage. The most fun moments are where I'm channeling my sword, charging some dude and slice him in half. But the fun is cut up when my ninja tactics have been reduced to mashing the E button while getting shot from all directions. If you and your enemy are the same level, melee should kill in 2 or 3 hits maximum.


- Wall-runs should let you jump in the direction your facing by pressing/letting go of the spacebar during a wall-run. This'll make it easier to parkour to higher places by looking up, wall-jump across 2 parallel walls by jumping off each of them, and it'll let players wall-climb up a wall and jump to a catwalk out of reach, because those things are impossible to grab on to otherwise.


- I don't know if it's true, but I feel as though more enemies spawn during co-op. Even if it's not, co-op missions should give enemies more health or do more damage, according to the number of players. This will (hopefully) make co-op missions about teamwork, focusing down tough targets, combining abilities for max dps, distracting and flanking for backstabs (if those are implemented), and basically make them feel less like a sprint through the level because all the enemies are pitifully reduced to nothing in seconds and people who fall behind have to play catch-up, because no matter what, that one guy with the best Warframe and weapons will completely decimate with or without you.

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Can't see this mentioned so:


- Remove opened crates and dead doghouses from the codex scanner's highlight vision. They are a huge hinderance with absolutely no redeeming purpose, in a scanner that already demonstrates it knows how to omit things it's finished with.


It's unnecessary to see a world of blinky green useless things when trying to spot the distant slim shards of a jadeleaf or dragonlily or a missed crate. And then of course there's something obscured *behind* the dead doghouse... I'm looking at you threshcone!

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Hey DE (or anyone who looks at this).
We have a bunch of stances in the game right?
Each stance is unique and some of the combos do neat things. Some deal more damage, some activate a status effect, some even allow the use of a finisher.

However... The stances don't tell us this.
something I think should change.

here are some examples of what I suggest should be done.

example 1 example 2

the highlighted combos already have those effects in game.
all this change would do is give the player more info on the combos.

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Yo guys =) hope this topic is still active.


I would like to ask if it would be possible to change sound of fire for Magnus/Ak Magnus. I like these two, looks badass, reminds me real magnums but serious that sound is just funny. Pew pew pew...Weapons like these should have also badass sound of fire. Sound which would arouse respect. For example I am using Ak vasto now and I gotta love them. They reminds me revolvers and they have just awsome sound of fire.


Also I would like to ask if game managment is open for not only small suggestion but also big one? I mean are you open to ideas of new warframe? New weapons?


P.S. For moderator: I am sorry I just noticed word "suggestion" in name of foulder and I post it >.> I think this should went to weapons section...Crap didnt realize it.

Edited by HellRisen
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mods that increase slash damage should also increase bleed status damage.

hell why not make all the base damage mods (impact / puncture / slash) increase the effectiveness of their status effects.

Edited by RIOTx
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In the Cryotic event, there was a special enemy type that carried power cells. Why can't we have a special enemy type that carries oxygen tanks in survival?

sounds good, however, it would seem a bit odd that only like, 1/10 Enemies gets Oxygen, and the rest are forced to suffocate :D

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Remove stamina drain for sprint.

Seems redundant to support coptering to go fast, but kneecap people who just want to run parkour content.


On that note.

Include more level design to show off the parkour system again. Now its just walk and fly like a helicopter frame.

Like coptering myself, but it only exists because Movement is so slow and chugged due to stamina drain on sprint.

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