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I Can't Believe You Broke Your Promise Warframe Team =(


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you need to read I am stating that the game was changed before pvp. it was changed to make pvp balanced. I was warframe nerfing and the 2nd change in how the equip system worked. So you may not see it but pvp was why the changes happened. Yet still not what I said. I said they lied and they did so you suck it up or leave. you just calling me names and nothing more.

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you need to read I am stating that the game was changed before pvp. it was changed to make pvp balanced. I was warframe nerfing and the 2nd change in how the equip system worked. So you may not see it but pvp was why the changes happened. Yet still not what I said. I said they lied and they did so you suck it up or leave. you just calling me names and nothing more.

It was changed for pvp before pvp was a thing. I... how.. how does that even work?

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that whining and provoke to those who stated logical reasoning to you............if you feel betrayed then just quit. Problem solve, why can't you just do that/  


Also, you need to be the one to find, to give proof, not us. Since this problem is yours, not our problem. You told us to search up link about how they said things regarding pvp, yet you won't bother to do it? pff. 

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so rhino still has his ground punch and a stomp that stops time lol. plz lol you don't take a tank and give him support move that doesn't help him. why do that.


I think half the reason people aren't taking you seriously is you keep typing lol after every statement you make.

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There is so much in this thread I want to respond to.. But I'm just going to say that the Devs never said "We will not ever do PVP". They said "PVE will remain the primary focus of Warframe no matter what. We do not have plans for PVP as of yet, but we reserve the implementation of a PVP system in the future. It will not affect the PVE side of Warframe." 

I am paraphrasing a little, but that's it. The two modes are balanced independently. You are making things up and then complaining about them. Someone close this thread.

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The OP's complaint about Rhino and Loki is exactly why I don't want PvP in Warframe.  PvP balance is a bottomless pit for dev resources; the PvP'ers will never be content no matter how much time and effort DE spends on it.  Dev resources are not infinite, and those efforts could be spent to add or improve PvE content.  

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Agree with the OP guy, people seem too dont understand it doesnt matter which frame you pick or which build you choose.


Because nature of pvp in later conclave  ranks you will either 1 shoot the guy, or you will be 1 shooted, the most obvious way too make conclave little less boring is too remove modes from weapons while you are in it.


And allow only shield and hp mods for frames.


That way weapons you have will matter, but you wont roflstomp and be trashed in 0000001 sec.

Edited by SALE94
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Wait a minute.. Rhino's been nerfed? Holy s**t, I thought he's a badass, he used to be a super-mega-ultra-badass back then?


Now, about Rhino being easily killed, that REALLY ticks me off, why, because usually my Rhino is the one reviving other downed warframes, had to ditch my kill-spree just to revive them, you know how much that sucks?

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I don't even know why u guys keep bothering responding to this thread... Waste of time lol..

Well, I work at a counter, when there's nothing to do (like now), I just kill some time at this forum, can't kill grineer @ corpus cuz this PC is a pos. Also I'm pissed when people said Rhino is weak.

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Rhino is not weak at all, besides trinity he is the most durable in warframe.

But as i was saying it doesnt matter which frame you choose you will get stomped fast, because PVP should not have mods for weapons and only have hp+ shield basic mods for warframes.

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But the point you are all missing is that when this game came out they said no pvp ever. now there is pvp. They lied straight to my face. This isn't about rhino or balance. I don't even own rhino. All I know is I destroy him cause he no longer functions as he once did. He is now pure comedy. This is a statement saying there is one guy out there who is sticking up for all those ppl who were misguided. I want my game back but I can never trust the warframe team again. They lied.

Please offer a link to where the Devs of DE said 'there will never be any form of pvp in Warframe'? What plays can -say- something, but doesn't make it true. I would like actual proof thy ever said this or where they ever mention this as a selling point.

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I know this is my old school gaming vs the new kids. Well at least some of it is. But, I think it's this crazy mentality that is ruining game after game. if you disagree ask yourself this " when is the last time I got through a mission unseen?"

earlier today actually i went through an entire mission using oberon and ogris and just blowing people up before they saw me granted it was only the first extermination on uranus but still got through unseen

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So confused.  Mittens are you drunk?  Is that what brought you back to this 3 month old argument spouting all kinds of non-sense?


There has been no changes to the frames from PVP.  There have been changes to PVP but the nerf to Rhino was from a PVE game play standpoint.  Same as all of the nerfs and damage overhaul.


Holy cow the hate at PVP , which is nothing but dueling really... I don't get it.

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DE never made PvP changes that affected PvE in any way. Where are you getting this idea?

I suggest you read the patch notes that clearly stated they increased the damage of the enemies at the cost of their reduced resistance.

Not only that, the Damage 2.0 isn't fully applied on the Warframe resistance itself yet.

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