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So What Kinds Of Things Do You Dislike In Warframe?


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Hello everyone! I was just wondering what kinds of things people dislike about the game right now. The reason why I made this thread was because literally just a few minutes ago I found a host who's internet was a disaster. It was nearly impossible to pick up anything and I couldn't damage the enemy. This has happened for 20 minutes straight and then after the mission the game said I disconnected and that I will return to the multiplayer screen but it didn't...All I heard were just the infested feasting onto my corpse...So then I had to completely turn off my game...Hopefully this doesn't happen to anyone because it just would make you feel useless.

Here is my own little list since everyone else pretty much has their own.
People who don't wait for me or any other people at the elevator.
People who leaves Survival when we are around 13:00 and with 90% Life support.
Really bad teammates for an example. I lose all my health and I fall down onto the ground waiting for someone to get me back on my feet. My entire team ignores me and just tries killing the enemies instead when I don't really have any enemies near me. This is even worse when I don't have any revives left.
Those moments where I just jumped over something and suddenly some weird glitch happens and I get pulled back 20 feet back. (I know this is beta but still.)
When my entire team are rushers.
When my teammates get in the way of the enemy that I'm shooting.
Lastly the lack of colors you get to pick at the start. Why can't we just buy the colors for like...50,000 credits or something. I'm saying 50,000 credits since I get rather a lot of credits sometimes.
Removal of infested being a faction. (Like one guy said here...I didn't really notice that till he said that and sometimes I'd like to kill some infested.)
Lack of a story.

I hope the dev's take a look at this and fix all of the games problems (They obviously can't fix what the community really does.) and if they do then I will just be one happy guy running down the streets saying. "THEY MADE THE GAME 100% BETTER WOOHOO!" of course I don't really see this happening anytime soon.

Also I love how I forgot to spell check some things...Oops.

Edited by IXGuilmonXI
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Boring grind.

RNG = Almost everything A lot of things.


"Pay 4 Exclusives" Milking.

Other players.

Minmax/comparison discussions.

Banshee's feet.

Public games.

People who use both uppercase i's and lowercase L's in their names.

The removal of Ember's Overheat.

Being a botanist on top of a farmer.

Oberon's Arms.

Spawn killers.

Slow pacing of game.

Almost every previous event.

Ankyros being so weak.

Steam-only exclusive skins.

DE giving false hope by going "we'll see, but no promises.".

Stamina being limited when it's biggest use was just to travel.

The excessive rate of players who quit this game.

The next person to quote this post to contradict me.

Everyone who contradicts me for this, period.

The value in this game is hoarding, design and gameplay.

2/3 of those values lean a bit towards pay-2-get.


Edited by LadyScootaloo
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Lol... what happened to you happens alot to almost everyone i think. To put up a list of things that i dislike presently in Warframe would be somewhat of a long list (not in the mood, just got up) but i can relate with the game still being broken or simply annoying in some areas. 


Let's wait for them hotfixes and pray DE makes up for the past 2 weeks of crapy bugs and crapy crashes. 

Edited by Bazools
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RNG = Almost everything


"Pay 4 Exclusives" Milking.

Other players.

Minmax/comparison discussions.

Banshee's feet.

Public games.

People who use both uppercase i's and lowercase L's in their names.

The removal of Ember's Overheat.

Being a botanist on top of a farmer.

Oberon's Arms.

Spawn killers.

Slow pacing of game.

Almost every previous event.

Ankyros being so weak.

Steam-only exclusive skins.

DE giving false hope by going "we'll see, but no promises.".

That. Also the fact that I am getting doubles of Mag Prime helmets and Paris lower limbs in Void Survival. 25 minutes for 2 Mag Prime helmets and 2 Paris Prime Lower Limbs. -_-

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Layered RNG

Hallway Heroes in MD

Auto resolve not working

No distinguishment between mods used on warframe weapon and sentinel 

Skins for warframes and weapons appearing untextured

Alienation of rushers 

People who don't seek easily found information for themselves

Poor reading comprehension to things clearly explained (I understand that English may not be the first language for everyone, but it doesn't mean that it is ALWAYS the case)

Edited by Exie.
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- The BS credit rewards when doing survival missions.

- Lack of a proper story.

- The dumb AI, sometimes.

- Random containers that go through the ground.

- Being pushed into a corner and insta killed by 5 chargers and 2 ancients.

Edited by Brahmastra
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- cant go past wave 100 duo bug


- people that cry about everything and make 20 threads about the same thing while not beeing smart enough to see "hey they are already threads about this"


- RNG crybabies since its there from the start. (tho its a big topic.. theres also RNG stuff thats not good and unneeded)


- the constant "removing bosses/missions" from stuff like jupiter/earth for new tilesets instead of just adding a complete NEW planet/moon


- somethings gets released and the kids gone wild insulting DE with there NON constructive critic (i would ban them & there accounts)


- people who think anyone would care if they leave the game


- hidden update/patch stuff u cant read in the patchnotes


- many many more stuff

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Hmm what i dislike?


Strict NAT/Performance issues.

Pumping more content instead of fixing some bugs/issues.

RNG walls (rng in rng etc) /Drop tables (instead of rng/luck i would love to see some challanges with the good rewards)

Stamina nerfs (we're ninjas right? right?).

Skins sometimes don't load properly (yay! i'm carpet frame xD )

Unbalanced waframes/weapons (i hope in the future all frames/wepons will be fully usefull in "endgame" content)

Press 4 to win. (i would like to use all four powers regardless of enemy level etc, maybe powers should scale with enemy level?).


Lack of empathy between people. (welcome to Harbinger era).

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i dislike when i have 2 out of 3 of the parts i need to build a prime weapon, the last piece just won't drop no matter what.  

That reminds me when I was trying to get some part for Ash...I don't know how many times I've killed the same boss but I know I killed him more than 30 times.

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I honestly hate having to turn on team UI each mission as well as the map overlay. It bugs me to no end. Overall I like the difficulty, I like how hard it is to get good weapons because it gives me a sense if pride in myself when I finally got it because I didn't give up. I find a straight RNG system refreshing int he simple fact that if I have something handed to me I get bored quickly, if I didn't work for it it means little to me and I will move on to another game no matter how much money I spent. If I got something that took my sweat, tears, frustration to get; I have pride in that weapon. If It was handed to me, how can I show pride in it? I can't honestly say I worked for it...with RNG I can honestly say I did.

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Remixed with my opinion


Repetitiveness with no end-game satisfication.  What's the difference between Warframe and Left 4 Dead 2?  Think about it.

"Pay 4 Exclusives" milking when they do not release normal market content at the same time.  When was the last time we've gotten scarves for the market.......


Banshee's feet.


TEXTURES in this game NOT loading completely......I don't understand why I cant see my teammate in high quality if I zoom in on him.....he is literally like 10 ft in front of me and the game wont load HQ textures...hif you zoom in most of the time the enemy are blurring moving objects...the AF in this game is just badly used....AA isnt that bad..but the AF is damn horrid


People who use both uppercase i's and lowercase L's in their names.


The removal of Ember's Overheat.


Being a botanist on top of a farmer.


Spawn killers.


Slow pacing of game.


Steam-only exclusive skins.


Stamina being limited when it's biggest use was just to travel.  Ever since this change I feel the game has been going downhill in regards to its "thrill"

The excessive rate of players who quit this game.  Yeah I could care less but its never a good sign regardless of the dorks who comment in the threads.......

  This game is a big test on how to [RNG Button] consumers.....but it starting to lose its fun >:l  Just make RNG fun :(  If you can't then remove it.......period


Sloppy Textures


The forum for this game is pretty pathetic....well not the forum but players....hey my opinion deal with it...some of you people have the crappiest outlook on things


Almost all of the so called Ninja mechanics don't work.......do no damage.....holds no purpose what so ever.........we will see with melee 2.0 ..but did it make since for the BLOCK feature to be pointless for THIS LONG?  lol  


The walking and running animations need some work.........each frame needs more uniqueness..collectively animations need tweaking.


I am really......really sick and tired of the AI retreatinag from me when I am literally 1-2 ft behind them......it is really annoying being in Valks Ult and you are trying to slash your life away and the enemy is just in front of you pointing his gun at you laughing his &#! off


you know why ^ that happens?  because of stamina heavynerf

Edited by Ishki88
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