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So What Kinds Of Things Do You Dislike In Warframe?


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RNG nonsense...this is honestly hitting Vindictus/Korean MMO levels FAST!


Warframes taking 3 DAYS to be made. Seriously, in a good day, you can make your starter Warframe at lvl 15-30 EASY and atleast the weapons and guns can take 12 hours-a day so it makes it easier to swap to something new.


Buying the main blueprint...only to need to spend money AGAIN to make what you need...I know this isn't a problem the further you go, but this feels wrong on so many levels...


No real tutorial on the usage of Mods and how beneficial it is to Fuse them. I mean, I didn't even know about placing them in the right slots cuts their cost in half and not doing so raises their cost...and it's absolutely something to buff Serration, Hornet Strike, Point Blank, etc. to raise your damage for the mid-endgame and all the other skills.


You only have TWO Warframe slots at the start...you give us all these Warframes we can ask for, but unless we spend the free 50 Plat on those slots, we STILL will only have 4-5 slots, which is barely enough to really mix it up and be useful in multiple areas.


MK-1 Braxton being so useless...Seriously, it's a freaking wonder they didn't give you a literal peashooter as a starter primary.


The first Shotgun you can get...is 75K...What The ****!


ANY. ENEMY. WITH. KNOCKDOWN ATTACKS! Holy freaking hell, who thought this was smart at all?


The Glitches. I know this is still Open Beta, but the Walljumping and everything else with La Parkour is easily can be glitched out in bad ways. I remember 2 days ago during Earth Infestation, I fell into the abyss and couldn't res back onto the plant. I will randomly make a jump, only to kick off of nothing and sometimes be sent up tens of feet into the air. And sometimes(mainly with the MK-1 Braxton), if I get knocked down while I'm shooting, I have to LITERALLY let go of the trigger before I can shoot again or else I won't be able to fire my gun.


These are my main gripes at the moment and I hope they get addressed.

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nonexistant rifle mods

more shotgun mods stuffed down your throat

capture missions

build times


mobile defense missions

survival missions

grineer commanders

shield ospreys

ancient disruptors

enemy having more hp than you have ammo

cold zones

corpus laser shotgun crewmen

grineer rockets (all kinds)

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The guy who rushes to the elevator, can't be bothered to wait for anyone else to get on, goes up or down a floor, dies.

The guy who doesn't bring any toxins to Cicero, fights 20 miles away from the objective when the defense event starts, dies.

That guy who appeared on my defense mission last night, typed "I hate Nekros" in chat and logged off again.

The guy whose internet connection consists of a potato, a paper clip and the first season of MacGyver, who inexplicably ends up being the host.

Lotus. "You're surrounded by grineer marines" when the map is completely empty. "We've got infested incoming" when you're already surrounded by 200 of the damn things. Go drunk, you're home!

I like this game. I think the community is pretty decent. Warframe is fun to play solo or with people you know and love. Random public games... dear god, help us all!

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Hello everyone! I was just wondering what kinds of things people dislike about the game right now. The reason why I made this thread was because literlly just a few minutes ago I found a host who's internet was a disaster. It was nearly impossble to pick up anything and I couldn't damage the enemy. This has happened for 20 minutes striaght and then after the mission the game said I disconnected and that I will return to the multiplayer screen but it didn't...All I heard were just the infested feasting onto my corpse...So then I had to completely turn off my game...Hopefully this doesn't happen to anyone because it just would make you feel useless.

That it does not have Armor Parts,I keep saying this thing because I want to spend more time playing with Rhino yet I cannot see him evolve visualy

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-some body areas of the frames and some weapons cant be color customized

-music : i keep the game music volume low and run itunes instead

-lack of skin surface variation for the frames: i don't like that the whole frame has to look like a uniform coat of waxed leather. id like some areas to have a matte finish.

-lack of a pub or tavern that functions somewhat like a clan headquarters but for the public just to show off how cool we look while we chat with no monsters and no objectives and no shooting. we should still be able to hold and point our guns just not fire in these pubs.

-lack of a browser for void missions. i hate that we can't just browse them the same way we browse normal missions. i think the rng would be a lot more tolerable if running these missions was as hassle free as pugging a normal mission

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The lack of endgame content other than aimless grinding.

And there is so many fixes out there that could be used that wouldn't even require the devs to churn out too much of their time.

Ladders, sequential main story updates yadda yadda. 




And definitely lack of "Fluff" elements that allow you to socialize more....examples have already been given in this thread ^^




Edit: One thing I can NOT understand is people complaining about Steam exlusive skins. No one complained about Nvidia and IAH exclusives (and whatever other sites had them)

If you participated in that steam event you could have earned yourself the first 2, namely Vauban and Phased Asa Syandana as they only cost a few cents now, and every snow globe that you got could be sold for 9-12 cents each. (Which means you would've actually had those two...AND some free money left over.

To explain this quickly for all the blind haters: You could've easily earned 10-11 snow globes for a total time investment of 5 minutes.
Selling those in the market nets you 90 cents to 1€ -> Syandana and Vauban dont even cost 30 cents (both together) thus you would've even had money left over to buy a game like VVVVVVVVV which was on 90% sale.

And yea...of course Ankyros is gonna cost a fortune....Less than 10 people are gonna have it worldwide. A skin you can barely see in action for a weapon that is horrible...big woopin deal.
But no one has a problem with people selling Primed Chamber for HUNDREDS of €/$ per piece even though thats a limited mod that is 3x as strong as its open access counter part.

Way to just blindly hate on Steam for no reason.

/fanboy rant end

Edited by Shehriazad
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Keys. They were neat at first. Now they're just a drag. Let me farm for my toys without having to farm for the key to the toy chest please...


The Foundery. Don't get me wrong, I like being able to craft my own tech. But having to pay for blueprints, farm resources (some of them rare and hard to get a hold of), and then pay further credits to start it, as well as paying time to wait for it to be done? Those first three are fair enough, making me wait half a day to play with my new toy unless I feel like paying 5$ to get a bit of plat to rush is almost a scam. If it was a half hour or so it'd be one thing... Also, 3 day wait period to play with a frame? I might as well go buy a gun in real life...


The Alert system. What was once a cornerstone to the game has now become an annoyance. Alerts of all types save for a handful of weapon blueprint and helmet blueprint alerts are now worthless with the advent of survival and invasion. Alerts need to have their drops redone, and resource alerts should only be for rare resources with a guarantee max amount. I'm not doing an alert of any level for credits and nano spores... 10 minutes of survival and I've already trumped what a resource alert can give...


Frame speed and stamina. This is probably my most hated aspect of the game. i get that some frames should be a little slower than others, but I should not have to stick a speed booster mod on just to keep up with a teammate who doesn't have one. It doesn't help that Stamina is a joke of a system that serves no real purpose other than getting in the way. What's the point of being a super space ninja if I have to stop for a breather every other room? And no, stamina does not stop rushing. It just makes the rushers a little slower. They're still going to blaze past you as you poke around for all the other goodies that they normally pass up anyways...


Boss design. Invincibility states, damage caps and weak points, oh my... Boss design is some of the most boring and uninspired in Warframe, and o the new generation bosses, only Alad V and Zanuka have shown any sort of creativity beyond the paradigm of boring limitations that are there solely to elongate the boss fight beyond a couple of shots from a fully modded weapon (if your weapon is fully modded, you should expect to kill a boss in a second flat... don't be stupid people). With boss revamps happening left and right, most of them are going to become an even more annoying grind than they were in the past where you had to pray for blueprint orbs to drop. At least in those days you could kill the little turds quickly and get out/abort and retry...


Lack of Stealth beyond certain builds, and lack of a point to doing stealth without using Loki/Ash to speed up grinding. Why even sell this as a ninja game at all? Stealth kills don't even guarantee insta-death? What's the freakin' point!? I'm much better melee charge attack spamming, or even just getting up in their face with a fully modded shotgun...


New Lotus voice. So dull and lifeless... She was an interesting individual before... Now she sounds like the girl working the drive thru and hating every second of it... For that matter, why does everyone's voice need to be synthesized to the point where they sound like a speak and spell? Have they not perfected proper voice generation devices in the distant future?


I'm pretty sure I have more complaints beyond these, but I can't be arsed to remember them this early in the morning...

Edited by ToeSama
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I'd have to say the thing I hate the most are people complaining with little to no insight into what they are complaining about. I'll probably have to start a thread eventually to dispel all the fallacies some have created, but by god it clogs these forums, pushing out anything meaningful. Ignorance is our greatest enemy.

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What I dislike in Warframe?

- Same people, asking same question, getting same answer, and do it again over and over, in hope they'd get different answer.

- People who don't know how to chat, yet know how to spit and curse on you when you displease them, whether intended or unintended.

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- Lot of bugs which not fixed since closed beta.

- Evolution engine

- Some animation which is just shame in 2014.

- Very minimal customization options - no gender swap to try a frame skills in different looks "male/female" versions

- P2P Hosting system

- Strict Nat when you try to play with your brother/sisters

- Misleading Lore - no have any normal lore every just after made.

- Few Sentinel - pets


- Peoples who arguing with others about their ideas and thoughts.

- Others who calling down peoples when they are right

- Peoples in game who just play as dumbfuck

- Still no fan made concept to help improving this game

- Raid and infestation mission removal

- Grind grind grind ----> for nothing (everything is just you farm for better stuff for farming a far better)

- Pvp options and Pve options not split into two option and then nobody arguing about why have this or that.

- Weapon balancing not really how to balance weapons just make more crappy what was good before

- GUI bugs and primitivness

- Small variations of maps - no have real random maps

- Rescure missions

- No have friendly npc-s in dojos and they are all almost dead.

- No have enough room type in dojo which can make me interest to go there "unless trade/research"

- Clan members.


These things is my opinion and a lot of this could be solve others so far from it but not need to agree with me i used nobody agree with me so continue your thoughts.

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What I dislike about Warframe:


- No real "Endgame Content"

- Whiners who whine about anything and everything. Learn to adjust, if they do not make big changes the game will be stale.

- Nerfs/Nerfcallers. It's a PvE game brah, it's ok to have OP stuff, we are all on the same side.



I think I'm ok with the RNG and the grind, or else there would be nothing more to do for me in the game.

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Boring grind.

RNG = Almost everything A lot of things.


"Pay 4 Exclusives" Milking.

Other players.

Minmax/comparison discussions.

Banshee's feet.

Public games.

People who use both uppercase i's and lowercase L's in their names.

The removal of Ember's Overheat.

Being a botanist on top of a farmer.

Oberon's Arms.

Spawn killers.

Slow pacing of game.

Almost every previous event.

Ankyros being so weak.

Steam-only exclusive skins.

DE giving false hope by going "we'll see, but no promises.".

Stamina being limited when it's biggest use was just to travel.

The excessive rate of players who quit this game.

The next person to quote this post to contradict me.

Everyone who contradicts me for this, period.

The value in this game is hoarding, design and gameplay.

2/3 of those values lean a bit towards pay-2-get.




- The BS credit rewards when doing survival missions.

- Lack of a proper story.

- The dumb AI, sometimes.

- Random containers that go through the ground.

- Being pushed into a corner and insta killed by 5 chargers and 2 ancients.


Edited by WondahBoah
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