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Warframe Community Book Club - What Have You Been Reading Recently ?


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Reading is my favourite pastime, and I thought that I should see what other people like to read in our community. ( sorry for the inelequant wording, but you get the gist ).

Please you you post in this topic what kind of books you like, where you like to read - and the latest books(s) that you have read. Really - just say anything you want , as long as it is vaguely based around books.

Anyway, I'll begin :

My favourite book of all time is 'How I live Now' by Meg Rossoff (sorry for probably horrendous misspelling) . It is a beautifully written book , and I urge any of you to read it ( it only takes a few hours, and is extremely rewarding, it is not a slow placed long haul, like LOTR ...

Recently I have been reading Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith, a soviet thriller which I really can't say much about because it would give so much away. It is faced-paced and incredibly gripping - I was up 'till 5AM with it !!!

I will update this regularly, and I hope that this thread is popular with everyone - please get posting guys !

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Book I've been reading......Eragon series....I just love 'em so no flame plis.

Hey, I love the Eragon series too. XD


Right now, though, I've been re-reading Mogworld by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, of Zero Punctuation fame. I just love that book, and really recommend it.


Another author I really like is R.A. Salvatore.

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I love books, I burn half of my monthly savings on Amazon Kindle whispernet :D


I think my favourite genre is sci-fi, even better if it is blended with a little bit of horror.


Recently i read pretty entertaining series "Odyssey One" by Evan Currie (History of first interstellar voyage, first contact and... no more spoilers ;) ). Also, I found quite interesting series titled "Blood Skies" by Steven Montano which is described as military-fantasy-horror. Basically Earth collided with few other dimensions, which was supposedly caused by entity (?) called The Black, and now we have vampires (good, old, undead psychopats not "glittering not-necessarily-blood-suckers"), sentient, bloodthirsty forests, warlocks carrying swords and MP5As and other nice things. If you are not scared by lots of "purple prose", give it a try, first part on Kindle is free.

Now I'm reading "Nemesis" by Jeremy Robinson - it's "Kaiju thriller" and that should explain everything.


I'm looking for sci-fi/horror books dealing with government/military/law enforcement dealing with paranormal stuff. Something like game "Clive Barker's Jericho", "SCP Foundation" or "Warehouse 13". I tried "SEAL Team 666", but it was rather "meh".

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I enjoyed RA salvatore until he decided Drizzle and Arty are invincible.


 Seriously though, those two characters are some of the most boring characters ever concieved and I cannot fathom how Salvatore manages to write them. The rest of the cast of his books make for a pretty fun read(Jarlaxle for president!) 



I'm a Wheel of Time fan though. Currently on the Path of Daggers!

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A Soldier's Duty, An Officer's Duty and Hellfire


'Theirs Not To Reason Why' series by Jean Johnson.


Solid sci-fi from a... VERY unique soldier's perspective.


((FYI, Eragon ROCKS!))


I read it, and while I liked overall concept and enjoyed military aspect of the series I had trouble liking main heroine. But If you enjoyed it, I would highly recommend Tanya Huff's "Valor" series, really good military sci-fi (and IMO much more likeable heroine :D).

Also "Lost Fleet" by Jack Campbell, superb military sci-fi focused on fleet warfare and command.



If you like oddball stuff, try John Ringo's 'Special Circumstances'. Princess of Wands, Queen of Wands.


A bit heavy on religion at times, but... AR-15 toting soccer mom vs demons.


Will check it out, thx. I was thinking about reading Ringo's "Troy Rising" series, so might as well look through his other works.

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I read it, and while I liked overall concept and enjoyed military aspect of the series I had trouble liking main heroine. But If you enjoyed it, I would highly recommend Tanya Huff's "Valor" series, really good military sci-fi (and IMO much more likeable heroine :D).

Also "Lost Fleet" by Jack Campbell, superb military sci-fi focused on fleet warfare and command.




Will check it out, thx. I was thinking about reading Ringo's "Troy Rising" series, so might as well look through his other works.


Ringo does military sci-fi well.


Also Douglas Shepard with the Kris Longknife series if you like military sci-fi with intrigue, politicking and some old fashioned skullduggery mixed in. Add an AI with a nasty sense of humor, odd friends, odder enemies and a family that... well... You think YOURS has issues?


As for Huff's Valor? What is NOT to like about Gunnery Sergeant Torin Kerr? (Especially after the first book where she tells a general what she really thinks of him... I didn't stop laughing for an hour.)

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I'm about two thirds through The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop.  It's considered fantasy, but I highly recommend it for anyone who loves to read, whether you're into fantasy or not.  This book is life-changing good.  It's made me feel a range of emotions I didn't think possible just from written fiction.  I'm not an emotional person, and this book has made me cry, laugh hysterically, and feel cold rage.  Read it.

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As for Huff's Valor? What is NOT to like about Gunnery Sergeant Torin Kerr? (Especially after the first book where she tells a general what she really thinks of him... I didn't stop laughing for an hour.)


Oh yes, not to mention race of sex-addicted elves serving in Marines :D


Btw, there is kinda similar series by Evan Currie - "On Silver Wings". Not as good as "Valor", but still quite entertaining.

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Oh yes, not to mention race of sex-addicted elves serving in Marines :D


Btw, there is kinda similar series by Evan Currie - "On Silver Wings". Not as good as "Valor", but still quite entertaining.


'On Silver Wings' had it's moments, but was nowhere near as good. Agreed.


But if you want a REAL heroine, try 'On Basilisk Station' by David Weber. My absolute favorite line in the whole thing was on the back of the paperback edition. This made me buy it on the spot. I was not disappointed.


"They've made her mad."






Having made him look a fool, she's been exiled to Basilisk Station in disgrace and set up for ruin by a superior who hates her.

Her demoralized crew blames her for their ship's humiliating posting to an out-of-the-way picket station.

The aborigines of the system's only habitable planet are smoking homicide-inducing hallucinogens.

Parliament isn't sure it wants to keep the place; the major local industry is smuggling; the merchant cartels want her head; the star-conquering, so-called "Republic" of Haven is Up To Something; and Honor Harrington has a single, over-age light cruiser with an armament that doesn't work to police the entire star system.

But the people out to get her have made one mistake. They've made her mad.





'nuff said.


Kindle edition is free. Not all of the sequels are as good, but one thing remains. Cross Honor Harrington at your PERIL!

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'On Silver Wings' had it's moments, but was nowhere near as good. Agreed.


But if you want a REAL heroine, try 'On Basilisk Station' by David Weber. My absolute favorite line in the whole thing was on the back of the paperback edition: 





Yup, read two first books (because they were free on Kindle :D) but amount of books in series kinda scared me :D. I have to get back to it at some point, On Basilisk Station and Honor of the Queen were quite a read. As his series "Mutinee's Moon". well, maybe 3rd book was weak, but two first were good read.


Regarding Currie's series - Odysey One is much better (if you haven't tried, go for it!) even if it starts very cliched - very minor spoiler:


First alien they meet is human female, beautiful ofc :D but it's not as terribly cliched as idk, "Princess of Mars", it's rather quite interesting how he explains that, even if not very innovative.


Also i read some other series - "Expanse" by James S.A. Corey, which i would recommend if you don't have anything better to read. It's not bad, it's just terribly misguiding. It's described as series dealing with "ascent" of humanity to multi-system species. In truth, this whole deal with "protomolecule" plays secondary role. Third book disappointed me the most.


"Revelation Space" by Alastair Reynolds - great sci fi bar last book in trilogy (mind you, book is not bad, it's just conclusion to the trilogy that lacks). It consists of main trilogy, two books dealing with secondary characters/backstory and quite a few shorter novels. He created very interesting world, with interesting politics, factions and history. And "Diamond Dogs" nad "Nightingale" are creepy as F***.


IMO least enjoyable - "Star carrier" by Ian Douglas. It's not plain terrible, it's just every aspect of his books were done better by some other writer. What is annoying as hell, he keeps reusing ideas in his other books, that are not connected in-universe (some obvious things are repeated with his new series, Star Corpsman). And my personal issue, he keeps repeating ad nauseam description of changes in society, at some point I really wanted to scream "YES, I GOT THAT, YOU CAN BANG EVERYONE AND IF YOU BANG ONE PERSON YOU ARE WEIRDO NOW SHUT UP AND CONTINUE WITH A STORY"


And one rotten egg - B.V.Lason Star Force. I stomached only first part "Swarm". IMO terrible nerd-powerfantasy (and i'm writing it as a nerd who likes to read pulp scifi) with some things that are downright insulting. Maybe other parts are better, but I value my money too much to try.


Some other, stand alone books


Frozen Sky by Jeff Carlson - good sci-fi about humans encountering life on Europa. No Raptor.


The Void by Brett Talley - it could be described as "Event Horizon: the book". Not bad read and not bad horror.


Faith by John Love - maybe i'm too stupid, but I didn't like it. Too much of style over substance, some things that were put into book "because it looks controversial" even if it doesn't make sense and author tries very hard to be very deep. Interesting idea though, pity that it was wasted. But, someone may like it.

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