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Finding Out How To Spawn The Harvester



So we've nailed down a few things about him but there is still much to know, if you have any sort of substantial evidence please post so.


Primes increase chances of finding Harvester
Being involved in the Gradivus Dillema increases the chances of spawning it (This should be self explanatory players that registered after the event are having as much luck as those who supported the Grineer or Corpus full and through during it)
Specific weapons increase chances of spawning Harvester
Planets have higher chances of spawning Harvester (As long as its a Corpus mission he can spawn)
Being in a mission from the start of it increases the chances of spawning Harvester
Low level weapons/frames increase chances of spawning Harvester (Likely has nothing to do with loadouts)
Corpus defense has highest chances of spawning Harvester (Apparently not true, he spawns on any Corpus mission after 240 seconds after spawning it seems)
Having both a Stalker mark and Harvester mark spawns the Harvester ???
Killing Alad V gives death mark to spawn Harvester ???
Other Corpus bosses besides Alad V give a death mark to spawn the Harvester ???
Nef.Anyo is a Harvester mark trigger ???
Highest chances of finding Harvester are on invasions against Corpus ✓(Confirmed on Livestream 20 that it is triggered by supporting Grineer)
You get a email in your inbox when you have a mark ✓
If you have anything you would like to add or confirm/deconfirm please feel free to post it.
TL:DR Support grineer until you get a email but be aware that the probabilities are butchered for the Harvester to appear according to the people on the Livestream
Edited by Zulaica
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Ok so I got the message from vlad.


I killed the stalker but I have not seen the harvester?


What do I have to do?


Oh ya and if you want message me for harvester runs.

It'll take some time for it to spawn since your group members attention status affects the chance. It took me 2 days before the Harvester actually spawned to hunt me down and this happened yesterday, within that day I had 2 spawns though so a lot is depended on your groups attention status and RNG.

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Interesting, It seems RNG favors me. Helped the Grineer on an invasion. Run 1 of 5, got the message immediately after. Run 4 of 5, Harvestor appeared and dropped Detron Blueprint and Receiver. My equipment levels were: 9, 25, 20, 18. I also had a Stalker mark on me at the time.

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Interesting, It seems RNG favors me. Helped the Grineer on an invasion. Run 1 of 5, got the message immediately after. Run 4 of 5, Harvestor appeared and dropped Detron Blueprint and Receiver. My equipment levels were: 9, 25, 20, 18. I also had a Stalker mark on me at the time.

So you got two drops in one kill? Is it a chance based or should it work like that in the first encounter/ all encounters and General_Krull mentioned he got two in one if I did not misunderstand what he said. I heard another player mumbling about blueprint dropping in every kill but I have not gotten even one despite the fact I met the Harvester 4 times now. Then I thought that the last time I encountered Harvester and we killed it, one player complained that the Harvester did not drop anything for him even though the rest of us got the receiver from it, we figured that maybe the drop fell trough the floor and this made me also think that what if the first encounter is meant to drop you BP but for me, it fell trough the map thus leaving me weeping.

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So you got two drops in one kill? Is it a chance based or should it work like that in the first encounter/ all encounters and General_Krull mentioned he got two in one if I did not misunderstand what he said. I heard another player mumbling about blueprint dropping in every kill but I have not gotten even one despite the fact I met the Harvester 4 times now. Then I thought that the last time I encountered Harvester and we killed it, one player complained that the Harvester did not drop anything for him even though the rest of us got the receiver from it, we figured that maybe the drop fell trough the floor and this made me also think that what if the first encounter is meant to drop you BP but for me, it fell trough the map thus leaving me weeping.


 hotfix 11.8.2 doubled harvesters spawnrate and fixed his drops so that he drops a bp everytime.


Also he can drop 2 bp's at once, it's intentional.

Edited by Dead_Rabbits
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 hotfix 11.8.2 doubled harvesters spawnrate and fixed his drops so that he drops a bp everytime.


Also he can drop 2 bp's at once, it's intentional.

So it indeed is a bug in my build or something because 3 out of my 4 encounters with the Harvester are after the most recent change but I still lack the BP's of the Detron pistol. It either does not drop for me for some reason or it is not showing in my inventory at all.

EDIT: And by what I meant by 2 drops in one kill was always a BP and then an additional drop or occasionally BP and an additional drop. Though your post made it clear that BP should drop on each kill which for me, it certainly hasn't. Hopefully this get's sorted out soon as a possible bug or something.

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Does Harvester come if you are running the same invasion mission for a sixth time or more?

Is it useful regarding Harvester farming to play invasion missions beyond the point of reward?

If the Harvester has not yet spawned for you, it will come after you at some point in the future as long as you are fighting against Corpus and it is not an Assassination - mission type. Once you have encountered the Harvester that specifically came to hunt you down, not one of your party member (needs confirmation, worked for me but lack of more examples) means that you need to go and kill another Corpus boss to obtain a mark, then do more invasion missions, new or ongoing but done in your part to get a new message from Alad V that you have again, gotten his attention and the cycle continues.

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Wait, wait guys, you're quite confused:

-boss kills are not involved; keep on doing assassination missions and you'll keep on getting the stalker. DO NOT KILL BOSSES. Get the message with invasions and then run corpus missions, when Harvester spawns do invasions again until you got the message.

- the drop now is 100% sure, this means he will give you one of the three parts; occasionally he could drop two at the same time, usually BP and barrel or receiver. BP is a pink orb, barrel and receiver look like mods.

- The BP, meaning one of the three parts necessary to build the Detron is not a sure drop, you can get only barrel or only receivers.

- invasions are useful until you get the mezsage/mark and you can be remarked doing again an invasion where you already reached the point of reward. But also invasions are the best missions if you run in public and don't have a farming team to make the Harvester spawn, since a lot of marked players do those runs. So, set up a team and do defense afk for 4 minutes or run invasions non stop.


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Wait, wait guys, you're quite confused:

-boss kills are not involved; keep on doing assassination missions and you'll keep on getting the stalker. DO NOT KILL BOSSES. Get the message with invasions and then run corpus missions, when Harvester spawns do invasions again until you got the message.

- the drop now is 100% sure, this means he will give you one of the three parts; occasionally he could drop two at the same time, usually BP and barrel or receiver. BP is a pink orb, barrel and receiver look like mods.

- The BP, meaning one of the three parts necessary to build the Detron is not a sure drop, you can get only barrel or only receivers.

- invasions are useful until you get the mezsage/mark and you can be remarked doing again an invasion where you already reached the point of reward. But also invasions are the best missions if you run in public and don't have a farming team to make the Harvester spawn, since a lot of marked players do those runs. So, set up a team and do defense afk for 4 minutes or run invasions non stop.



Let us see.

My fiend had never paricipated a single invasion including the invasion missions event - he got spawn of the Harvester on him three times.

Yet another guy had done only the boss assassinations lately and once again - no invasions - and he made the Harvester happen.

Me on the other hand had done over 1k of the vs Corpus Invasion runs and got Harvey only once.

Based on your discussion try to explain that. Mainly, how's not doing the invasions helps to attact the Harvester.

Edited by YourMoms
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Let us see.

My fiend had never paricipated a single invasion including the invasion missions event - he got spawn of the Harvester on him three times.

Yet another guy had done only the boss assassinations lately and once again - no invasions - and he made the Harvester happen.

Me on the other hand had done over 1k of the vs Corpus Invasion runs and got Harvey only once.

Based on your discussion try to explain that. Mainly, how's not doing the invasions helps to attact the Harvester.

Yet I do all and dont get him to spawn.

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Let us see.

My fiend had never paricipated a single invasion including the invasion missions event - he got spawn of the Harvester on him three times.

Yet another guy had done only the boss assassinations lately and once again - no invasions - and he made the Harvester happen.

Me on the other hand had done over 1k of the vs Corpus Invasion runs and got Harvey only once.

Based on your discussion try to explain that. Mainly, how's not doing the invasions helps to attact the Harvester.

It's not my words dude, it's DE ones, confirmed and officials:invasions trigger him and that's it.

I'm not saying everything is working as intended, but what I wrote is what we know officially.

Also, after 11.8.3 I farmed with several teams, everyone who got a spawn went to invasions to be remarked with the message and got new spawns, that's how it worked and works now.

Also, when we've seen that all the bosses are now triggering the stalker, it was quite reasonable to think that it was made by DE to stop speculations about bosses involved in Harvester hunt.

Anyway, even if I'm done with the hunt I'll keep on look on this matter and collect feedbacks!

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It'll take some time for it to spawn since your group members attention status affects the chance. It took me 2 days before the Harvester actually spawned to hunt me down and this happened yesterday, within that day I had 2 spawns though so a lot is depended on your groups attention status and RNG.

what do you mean groups attention status?

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So I killed a harvester that spawned on a teammate and I got a stalker on me in an invasion shortly after.  Does that mean my mark is gone?  I always thought Harvester would override stalker if you were in a corpus mission.

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