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Melee Design Contest Should Be Judged By Whole Community


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I don't trust design council to vote for interesting weapon concepts. I hope you enjoy katanas and other long swords.


Dont blame the DC if DE picked a bunch of swords.



Ok... we got the answer.



Feels good being the only non-sword/dagger/blade entry in the final running.

At least one person at DE looks to pierce the heav- status quo.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Tell that to the boring &#! tonfas that are literally just bladed tonfas with no interesting design.

You know nothing about DC. We always vote for the lesser of many evils. And besides, the winner right now is Ether Tech. ETHER IS THE FUTURE.

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We're going to have the boring katanas and longswords, not that mini-dogbot, or the harp, or the rocket-propelled hammer. You can clearly see it in the upvotes; those Dual Tonfa things are basically just Dual Kamas with cool animations, and yet it has like a couple hundred upvotes.

The upvoted didnt decide what got put in, we get to choose 3 of DE top 7 choices. Thats all we do. The dog bot, harp and rocket hammer werent even choices before you rage at the DC for DE's choices. The current winning weapon will be a nice change of pace if it wins though and thats I im saying.

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Feels good being the only non-sword/dagger/blade entry in the final running.

At least one person at DE looks to pierce the heav- status quo.

I want to see your entry make it, I hope the community can vote because then it most likely will. If it doesnt make it DE should throw out logic out the window and do the melee concept anyways. We need cool fist weapons. Edited by Overlord_Hades
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The upvoted didnt decide what got put in, we get to choose 3 of DE top 7 choices. Thats all we do. The dog bot, harp and rocket hammer werent even choices before you rage at the DC for DE's choices. The current winning weapon will be a nice change of pace if it wins though and thats I im saying.

Yeah, I know, but the point I'm making is that clearly a lot of people like neat, flashy stuff and don't care about how those weapons actually play. Apparently, none of the weapons being decided on are longswords, brawlers, dual daggers, etc. Nothing boring, so I'm not too worried.


And that's awesome. :D


EDIT: Why are the Tonfas winning, while the Pile Driver is falling behind?

Edited by AlchemistMute
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On topic about the new weapons poll, let’s take a look at the things that are getting votes, I will just be totally blunt here:


-Sword and Board revolves around one of the games most useless mechanics - blocking.

-A whip weapon? Look at how popular the whips that currently are ingame are..

-Something that might as well as be a cosmetic skin for Mire, which noone cares about of course.


9/10 hyper unexcited for this.

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All of the finalists look lots of fun and some have very interesting mechanics proposed by the creators.


Maybe our voting is just a "which weapon gets made first" and DE will go ahead and make all of them eventually, because a lot of them would be the first weapons of their type.

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and you wonder why the DC has leak problems... why are you posting this? you dont know the whole situation as far as adopting/implementation of ALL of these weapons. The order is not really relevant. But all you are doing is stirring up a bunch of people for no good reason. DC is there for feedback not drama


 Remove this nubcake from the DC.

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and you wonder why the DC has leak problems... why are you posting this? you dont know the whole situation as far as adopting/implementation of ALL of these weapons. The order is not really relevant. But all you are doing is stirring up a bunch of people for no good reason. DC is there for feedback not drama


 Remove this nubcake from the DC.


Doesn't matter. We're just talking about it. It's not like all of the sudden, everyone outside of DC gets to vote because someone leaked some info. 


You DC folks go on and vote for what you guys believe in. Let us common folks talk and bicker about things that we can't do anything about.

(It's a human nature.)

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I don't trust design council to vote for interesting weapon concepts. I hope you enjoy katanas and other long swords.


There were no katanas for us to vote on and the only longsword, that I think looks pretty damn good is hardly even close to being one of the accepted designs.


I'm more depressed that a sword and shield design is winning. Seriously, a shield....

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So the unique and fresh Grineer Pile Bunker is not even in the first 3? Holy moly...


I apologize on behalf of us in the DC who desired new weapons with equally new mechanics to be brought to the forefront.


I can't for the life of me imagine why the pile bunker isn't among the winning 3.  Hell, even the twin kukri bring something new to the table, and it's nowhere near winning.


and you wonder why the DC has leak problems... why are you posting this? you dont know the whole situation as far as adopting/implementation of ALL of these weapons. The order is not really relevant. But all you are doing is stirring up a bunch of people for no good reason. DC is there for feedback not drama


 Remove this nubcake from the DC.


We're voting for which get added first, in the months to come.  The order is fairly relevant.

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-Sword and Board revolves around one of the games most useless mechanics - blocking.

What? You don't want to go around shield-bashing those annoying Shield Grineer?!


-A whip weapon? Look at how popular the whips that currently are ingame are.

-Something that might as well as be a cosmetic skin for Mire, which noone cares about of course.

Not whips, Scorpion grapples! You don't want to give them some of their own medicine too?

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First let me start out by saying I am a member of the Design Council. Sometimes we get little sneek peeks of weapons and get to vote on ancient sound effects (it's as fun as it sounds, lol). Really, we don't have much to do.

But because you invited the whole community to participate in the Melee Design Contest, I don't believe we should be the only ones to vote on it. It's unfair to those who might be participating in the final voting but can't see design council posts. Also, founders packages have been retired so new users don't have a way to join the Design Council even if they wanted to. (for now)

Just my 2 cents, please tell me if you disagree. If you do agree spread the word to DE! I'd like the whole community to be involved in this awesome contest for your next 3 melee weapons.


Honestly I think its fine the way it is. I paid the extra money mainly so I could become a part of the council. And we are doing what we signed up for. We are helping shape the warframe universe. Yeah it may seem a bit unfair for those others who are not on the council but honestly I think things are as they should be. And also they are working on somthin to use to allow other people into the council, how soon its coming we don't know but it is coming.

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