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An Open Letter To De From Your Veterans (The megathread)


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All right, I guess I'll stop being lazy and add some thoughts here. Probably will be somewhat repetitive, I didn't read every page (dayum 46).

For what it's worth, I've been playing 11 months (started Braton Vandal OB weekend).


Will start with a somewhat generic 'I agree with the OP'.

This recent Detron business has been a sore spot for a lot of folks. After seeing how much RNG is tacked onto this thing, my mind has simply switched into 'nope.gif' mode; I refuse to care about it. But I feel for those who actually want it and are stuck playing those terrible odds over and over. And over.

The rest of the stuff (aka prime everything) I can tolerate but that's about it. Part of me is used to it and just accepts it / deals with it. In general though some kind of aforementioned token system would be preferable.



Wish there was more - that's the long and short of it. I don't need a detailed explanation of what my Rhino is doing 24 hours a day, but there needs to be a larger picture.



..yikes. Pluto was the highest level planet when I started last Feburary, and today it...still is. Why? At the very minimum a couple new planetoids could be added that start at level 75-150 or something. I realize this is tricky since different people will have different expectations of just what endgame should be; however all we've got right now is endless defense / survival - both of which pigeon hole you into specific play styles.


Which leads into, why are these 2 the only major 'rewarding' game types? At the very least, every mission type needs to offer a mod / key at the end. Then you could skew the %'s of the drops depending on the mission type. IE, want a void capture key? Run regular capture missions and there's a 20% (random number here) chance to get that capture key at the end. That way the oh so lovely RNG is still there, but at least there is some more control over it, as you aren't forced to always play defense / survival grab bag with every key available.


Some other random things:

- Why is zoren-coptering still a thing? People (generally) want to go fast in this game, and this shows they'll do whatever it takes to do it. Get rid of this ridiculous 'mechanic' and add in some type of sprint movement mode (not talking about holding shift) where you can't fire your guns, but move at x% increased speed with y% reduced stamina cost. /random suggestion/ I don't know exactly what's best here, but anything beats that damn slingshotting everywhere.

- These awesome new tilesets only getting added to low-mid level areas makes me sad (Phobos, Jupiter, soon Earth).

- Mastery rank is underutilized.

- Clan tech as well is quite underutilized right now. Which also leads to..

- Frame and weapon balance is incredibly lacking. I'm not touching this one with a 10ft pole.


I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting. Still, will wrap it up for now. Can admit I've been very attached to this game for some time, and I really want to see it realize its potential. Sadly my interest has been fading lately so I'm only playing a fraction of what I used to. Right now I'm waiting to see what U12 brings to the table (eager to see melee 2.0 play out) before I decide if I should just take an extended break or not.

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They did, around page 30-38 or so and this is why I posted my comment. Took them far enough... That being said, Grineeer A.K:A DE_Scott dropped in DC conversation just recently and spoke that the Harvester should drop a part everytime you kill it, but then he was wondering whether or not this implementation is in the live version which it should be.

Basically what General_Krull said:


I didn't take screenshots and I was in a mission when this took place. So basically we asked him if harvester was supposed to be like it is now, as in not dropping items whenever it's killed. He said it should drop items whenever it's killed and then went to test it. He said it was functioning right when he tested it and then started to wonder if it's not in live build. It's entirely possible he was pulling out leg, because he does that sometimes, but this is big enough issue for entire community so I think he was being honest.


In the topic:


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They did, around page 30-38 or so and this is why I posted my comment. Took them far enough... That being said, Grineeer A.K:A DE_Scott dropped in DC conversation just recently and spoke that the Harvester should drop a part everytime you kill it, but then he was wondering whether or not this implementation is in the live version which it should be.

Basically what General_Krull said:



In the topic:


Actually it wasn't in DC but Warbros clan chat.

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Your question was an obvious oversimplification of everything in this thread. It's not just the detron that causes players to start leaving, it's simply the straw that broke the camels back so they say.


I didnt summarize anything, i asked a question based on a statement made on that post.

Why are people having difficulty with this?

The post i quote isnt not that long... did i actually need to highlight that last sentence in the first paragraph?

And i am just asking a question, how does asking a question make anyone look like anything.


Some one made a claim then i ask for clarification, what's the trouble with this?




IIRC MWO is was in beta, and it seems to be failing pretty well. Beta has nothing to do with this at all.


Beta is not a catch all excuse, and the term beta is made even more muddied because tons of beta games are now charging in some way (be it F2P "betas", steam's early access, etc), compared to when betas were betas and all that was expected in it was feedback (even if it was a simple line of "This game is really good/bad/ok"), and didn't charge money until they were released (i.e. no cash shops)








Yes, yes it is. 

But the failures have nothing to do with that fact. 



The only failure here are people not understanding these new method of game building.

This appears to be the reason why Betas back in the day where basically completed games when released to a wide audience, because the general audience doesnt understand the work it takes to build something. 


I car can actually move without a whole mess of components but just because it can it doesnt make it a car.

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well im just gonna quote some things here

"Who the hell is Lotus? Why do we work for her? Why is she so concerned with maintaining a "balance" in the war between the Corpus and Grineer (doesn't that just result in endless war?)? Who is the Stalker, and why does he avenge dead VIPs? Where did the Tenno come from? Why were we frozen and banished? Why come back now, after the Grineer have conquered most of the system already? What exactly is our connection with the Technocyte virus? Or our connection with Hayden Tenno?" 

"1. Some HARDCORE CANNON"FACTS" not more lore, is really needed.

2. Expand the Rank cap. Rank 30 is nothing, I took a Karak Rifle to R30 in 10 hours, without really trying. (Done it 2 times now) A rank cap of 100, with mod points going up with the rank as usually, is what we need. At rank 30/60/90 you can use a Forma as usual and at rank 100 you get a polarization of choice for free, no rank drop. 
3. More Mod slots, say 4 of them per item, buy in the market, cost 200,000 credits each.
4. A reason to use the Dojo, other than research, they are always empty.
5. More than one way to go through a map, air shafts, overhead beams.
6. Bonuses for using stealth, healing squad mates, solving ciphers, thing like that.
7. Affinity points are NOT WASTED if your gear is max rank. Lets say you get 25% of the affinity from max rank gear applied to mastery rank as usual. Example a warframe at max rank gets 1000 affinity, normally this doesn't go to mastery. Now you get 25% of it (always rounded down) so 250 affinity are gained.
8. Mastery test are optional HOWEVER if you do and pass the test. You get a bonus towards the next mastery level. Say you need 15-25% less affinity." id say those are pretty good ideas thoughts?
Edited by skynexus
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Ah, ok, so the complaints were still from the beta (seeing as how the big rage was shortly after the summer ended)


Please understand this:

Even if a game is in beta, but already utilize ANY form of payment method, then the game mechanics and game features that supposedly lead the customers for purchases CANNOT BE changed with a light hearth. They need to compensate in any ways they can.


How would you feel if you buy the Stalker bundle and in two months they change the item stats drastically that you bought? You would definitely ask your money back for sure.


Please understand this as well:

Nowadays paying for a software means just the same thing as going to buy groceries. You purchase a product, and you purchase it for a particular reason.


Yes beta is beta. But when game features change drastically -and people get excited and pay because of those particular elements of that game that quietly or suddenly changes- ... that state for the game that is in just cannot be called "beta". That is alpha, or pre-beta.


Not to mention how amazingly hostile commercial practice is that from those devs?!! Very.

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They did, around page 30-38 or so and this is why I posted my comment. Took them far enough... That being said, Grineeer A.K:A DE_Scott dropped in DC conversation just recently and spoke that the Harvester should drop a part everytime you kill it, but then he was wondering whether or not this implementation is in the live version which it should be.



I love it -sarcasm- when I see Steve and Scott on live stream say:

-did we fix that?

-yeah I think we did, and it supposed to go into the next patch tonight


They have no idea what did they fix or what did they approve or what did they discussed for resolution on particular issues... _on occasions_

I strongly and sarcastically press on _On occasions_...


If I would have a conversation like the above, front of my boss with a workmate of mine, boy I would have at least a strong look minimum, but probably I would have to spend some extra hours, properly check, discuss, find a solutions and implement on particular issues straight away.

Unlike some people who can just drink a pint on live stream and just happily giggle about the fact that they have no clue if they fixed it or just wanted it.


No hard feelings, some people got it easy, some don't. But I think my good fame matters to me the most... Erm I mean if I would be a game developer. *hint hint* :@

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To continue the groceries metaphor: games in "beta" have a mention on the tin: "warning: this product can suddenly rot anytime we please, and you can't do anything about it. Also no refunds."

And that suck.


Well, then you shouldn't pay for that grocery, but go over to another shop, where the sales guy smiling at you, and they say its fresh and will not rot in weeks and healthy and it costs fractions like in the other shop. And of course they really don't sell garbage because the other shoppers do agree with the sales person and they say they shop there for months.


This is a market if they want to sell me something I don't like I don't buy it. Nor should you.

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I do not play the game anymore. I'm tired and bored of it. I might log in to do an Alert (thanks to the app) from time to time.

But the lack of modes, lore, functions, stablity, bug-fixes, and all other stuff mentioned over and over again on the forums, has reached my limits.

I have always thought that a game that's in beta, is about testing the game and flatten the bugs out as much as possible.


When you have a stable core, then you start adding new things.


It is, thanks to us, the players. the community that your game is alive at all. So ignoring us will lead to one thing. Your game will die.

Just look at he forum right now, ppl are begging on thier knees, to DE, not to release new weapons or frames. And DE does the exact opposite.

Now, I understand, that many of the weapons might had been in development since several months back, but it's time to stop it, and focus on the core of the game. Many people has come up wth outstanding proposal on how to fix certain aspects of the game, yet, they get ignored and instead we get another new re-skinned weapon with just few minor values in stats.


I used to watch the livestreams, but have stopped doing so. It's the same crap over and over gain. Promises after promises and nothing gets ever done. Last live stream I felt ashamed. I could just not keep looking. It's funny as soon as any of the guys stated to talk, he looked at Steve, talking real slow and keep watching steve to see his reactions, and if Steve started to make funny movement with his eyebrows, he slowly reversed and then tried a new path to say something else.


It,s not the first time this has happend, and it's so awkard to look at.


It is clear to me that DE don't care about you and me or the community as whole.

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One thing I feel like Warframe could do WITH, is a Test Client.

Similar to World of Tanks, have a Test Client that connects to the "test server" for the duration of the major/semi-major update test, that has a copy of the warframe account at that time. 

People who choose to do so, will be able to play these content changes/additions to work with DE on bug and balances. This would continue over the course of 1-2 weeks. After which, the Test Server would shutdown, wipe and the fixed version of the update would go live.

Edited by Helwig
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Thanks --collstro-- for expressing the speach of alot of us, just so OP thread.

I can only say that my +1 is nothing comparing with the words sayed there.

I only play this from 10 months and Eternal Sunshine is my clan, i was happy about this game and from the beggining helping reporting things untill i have seen that my tickets are passed like solved and nothing happends passing updates and hotfix's so i'm one more for this revolution of comments against the real ones that rule all this.


4lin (Founder of Eternal Sunshine)

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"PGI started selling a new game bundle known as Project Phoenix. In essence, it was a second founder’s pack: you got to buy 12 ‘Mechs, three months of premium game time, and a bunch of alternative gear, all in a large bundle."


Taken from http://www.gamefront.com/mechwarrior-online-forum-ragesplosion/2/


Sounds eerily familiar *cough*Prime Access Flare/Blaze/Inferno*cough*, wonder if DE and PGI are using the same marketing Staff? Warframe will prolly end up like MW:O with out serious changes and far more transparency with the community about goals and timelines.

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"PGI started selling a new game bundle known as Project Phoenix. In essence, it was a second founder’s pack: you got to buy 12 ‘Mechs, three months of premium game time, and a bunch of alternative gear, all in a large bundle."


Taken from http://www.gamefront.com/mechwarrior-online-forum-ragesplosion/2/


Sounds eerily familiar *cough*Prime Access Flare/Blaze/Inferno*cough*, wonder if DE and PGI are using the same marketing Staff? Warframe will prolly end up like MW:O with out serious changes and far more transparency with the community about goals and timelines.


HAHAHA, just reading up on the PGI fiasco. And it seems eerily familiar to what is happening with DE.


I hope DE sees and understands what PGI is going through and understand how not to replicate their mistakes.

i.e: Communicate effectively with the community.

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Please understand this:

Even if a game is in beta, but already utilize ANY form of payment method, then the game mechanics and game features that supposedly lead the customers for purchases CANNOT BE changed with a light hearth. They need to compensate in any ways they can.

So long as it says they can in the EULA/TOS they can do whatever they want pretty much.

As for changing item stats: Covered by the EULA/ToS, and you still have the items, they haven't removed them, so you can't demand a refund and expect it.


They can change whatever they want, whenever they want. And we want them to change stuff, hopefully for the better.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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