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Prime Weapon Must Be Stronger.


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To build prime weapons we spare a lot of orokin cells, keys, time to farm keys or platinum to buy them. But we reseive weapon which is more weaker than weapon from market. So what the sense to build prime weapon if it only beautiful but very weak. So to solve this problem I suggest to give to prime weapon high critical damage chance and damage. 


Rifles: х2|10%

Bow: х2|20%

Secondary: х2|15%

Melee: х2|25%

Heavy Melee (Throwing): х2|25% (charge)


P.S. Topic was mabe by russian so sorry if i made a mistake.

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We need to take it easy on the buffs. I'm all for Prime weapons being good, but not for them all to be Crit-Dealing machines of mass destruction. Just give Primed versions somewhat better Damage, Magazine size, and less Recoil than the standard versions.  

But in the case of a Prime being weaker than the normal version, like Boar Prime, I do suggest a high Crit rate. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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So what the sense to build prime weapon if it only beautiful but very weak.

That is the point: they are only slightly better and ornamental.

Why buy it? Because some people would rather wear an expensive suit instead of jeans and a tee-shirt.

If it's not worth it, don't build it.

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its ok Russian Tenno but you are wrong


Prime are not mean to be stronger in all point


they are mean to be diferent and somewho a bit stronger


but not all mighty


a well moded normal can do as much as damage sometimes and that's  a good thing

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I decided to make this topic than saw Glaive Prime stats. It is beatifull and cool but to spare ~1hour to farm orokin cells from Sargus, ~1hour to farm it from 3rd defense and reseive 100 damage and  x1,5|5% crit - this is .......................................................................not good

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we don't need them to be better. we really don't. Weapons deal enough Damage as it is. 

i'd still much prefer for them to be built to support alterior playstyles rather than 'superior in all ways just because'. 



Glaive Prime is fantastic! it does plenty of damage, but it's also faster! that faster air speed alone should be plenty for you. because that's generally what people would have wanted more of when using Glaive. 


both of them can easily wipe out entire columns of enemies, i don't see why you'd need more damage. 


But in the case of a Prime being weaker than the normal version, like Boar Prime, I do suggest a high Crit rate. 

but BoarP is superior to what Boar was in every single way. BoarP has only a little bit less damage per shot in Physical, for Crit Stats that blow Boar out of the water anyways. BoarP is one of the top Damage Output Weapons in the game, i don't see why it needs more :v



Prime Weapons i'm glad have been normalized a bit and are now overall only minor upgrades once all stats are considered, with many stats being the same (and even some lower once in a while, which we should have more of honestly, shifting to alterior playstyles while making them overall a bit better). 

since we don't need more Damage Output than the weapons on the Market give us to start with, i don't see why 'special' things need to blow them out of the water. we already kill almost everything with just a few shots at most, i see no reason for more. even fighting lv100 enemies, my preferred weapons only need a handful of shots to eliminate such an enemy, since my Elementals are well targeted for such an enemy. 

 - and anyone that knows me, knows that my preferred weapons are far from the 'best' weapons that exist.

Edited by taiiat
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I still wish prime stuff were skins with unique sounds and effects... :x


I remember when "Primes should be skins!" and "Primes should have an option to use the original weapon as a crafting ingredient and retain the original weapon's Supercharge!" threads were a major topic many months ago. DE apparently liked the system that we have now, though, unfortunately.

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i will say my opinion here,as owner of all prime weapons,(sorry for long post)

i can tell you that with damage 2.0 they can be as powerful as soma and karak(braton prime)


burston prime is a really good weapon,more precise than braton,3 shots instead of 1(latron/prime reference)


latron prime was a "junk" weapon before dmg2.0 now it's used by a lot of ppl(conclave reference)in a sniper fight(vectis,lanka ecc) you can win with it if you have the skill


primes can be as powerful or more as dread (paris prime)


boar prime is complicate,it is for the speedrunner type of player,good as sobek and strun wraith for what it's meant for (rushing)


secondaries are good too,sicarus prime kills everything with 2 bursts up to lvl 50-60


bronco prime is good too if modded and used right, and can be as good as brakk!


for melees dakra is the best longsword out yet(and it does good damage!)


fang prime do what they are supposed to do,very fast attacks to balance the low dmg they have


orthos prime is really good(you all know)


reaper prime can be as good as hate if USED well,


glaive prime is my favourite melee,it kills stuff with 1 throw up to lvl 60-70's and it can do 90k dmg crits! (seen 7 already)


maybe i forgot some primes,but you know,it's hard to remember them all xD(don't have lato prime T-T damn.)

Edited by DAFIRE
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yeah I can't think of a prime weapon that isn't better than the original, at least in some stat.  As dafire points out, they're all better than their normal versions, and quite a few are best in class.  Sure some of them also change the way the weapon works, moving damage types, or making it more crit based, but all of the weapons come out better for it.  The market weapons that beat out primes are rarely in the same weapon class, and are never just the non-primed version of a prime weapon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking in the Codex the Reaper Prime and Ether have the same stats.. am I missing something?

Been like that since their first release, IIRC. Reaper Prime's only selling point over Ether is that it looks more like a true scythe than an elongated hatchet.

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It seems this is not always true :-/

well, Dakra Prime and Reaper Prime don't have a direct counterpart

and Glaive Prime does the same amounts of dmg then the original, but has a stronger charge attack.


other than this, all primes deal slightly more damage then their original counter parts (which might just be as low as +2 dmg)

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Ether Reaper.


well, if this is the case (which i find unlikely since A. Reaper Prime was implemented before Ether Reaper and B. the two don't come close to eachothers looks)

then we might have found the sole exception where a normal weapon outmatches a Prime (by Ether Reaper having a V-pol, all other stats match)

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