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What Do You Guys Think Of Login Awards?


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Ok so ever since starting this game...  I have had various emotions from the login in rewards.




In general, they have made both happy and sad.  I have laughed when I got unexpected like more xp for my weapon or 20% off Platinum, even if I didn't know what platinum was; however, I have also cried or curl up in a ball and logged out when I got something repetitive like Vauban's blueprint or credits.  (You'd curl up in a ball too if it was your 5th Vauban blueprint in row)


With such mixed emotions, I am not sure whether to praise the login system for making the game interesting or curse it to hell for making the game boring.  What I do know is that as new player my opinion is probably very biased because I have not experienced the game much.


So, I thought I would ask you the community for a collective opinion.  What do you guys think of login rewards?  Do they help the game or hurt it?

Edited by mlane16
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Largely useless. Even when I get a platinum discount I find it hard to get excited. There's so many other outstanding issues that need to be fixed with the game before logging in and getting free stuff will be exciting to me again.



On a less pessimistic note though - I wish they'd fix it so that primary/secondary/melee item xp would only drop if you had a primary/secondary/melee that wasn't max rank. So many times I roll one of those with my Rank 30 gear equipped and have no benefit. 

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I prefer when they provide blueprints for things you've never thought about getting. "Hey, why don't you consider getting this weapon?" is a pretty cool little system. Bonus weapon XP is pretty bleh and underwhelming though, especially when you get it with that weapon maxed. At least you could sell the extra BP, I got nothing.


It's a nice idea, and an interesting variant on the "First Daily" mechanic in lots of games like this. But it could stand to be fixed up a bit to make you look at things you weren't thinking about, or provide nice surprises that you didn't really need.

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Login rewards used to feel awesome to me when I first started, but most are just kinda lackluster now. I don't really look forward to them that much. They happen and I don't really notice too much. I wish they were more exciting and gave significantly better rewards for more days in a row. I don't really notice any real change when I go for like 10 days in a row or if it's the first day.

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I'm very indifferent. The concept of getting a little something each day is fine, but the majority of rewards offered are underwhelming and sometimes inapplicable (Experience for specific things being the most notable) so it certainly could be better, for sure. I think the fact I'm so indifferent about it is the worst part. It should be an exciting thing of possibilities.

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what i think about it? well, i can actually open a business with all the gorgon bp i had from it

just kiddin, it's always nice to get daily rewards but i think that it should work in a different way then now and also Xp rewards should be instant +1 rank up instead of "2500xp" :\


Actually u have only 3 ranks of rewards and the 3rd rank rewards are mostly unuseful (sombody says that u have better chance to find 75% discount from 1st rank :\ actually having less rewards on 0-2 days reward means more chances to find the 75%)

in my opinion the reward system should be divided in 4 stances a week and resetarted every week, something like this:

1st and  2nd  days of the week: affinity or credits 2500

3rd and 4th days: affinity, credits 5000 or platinum discount 20%

5th and 6th days: credits 7500, platinum discount 50% or weapon/warframe bp

7th day: forma, forma bp, reactor and catalist bp, platinum discount 75% and maybe 1day affinity or credit boosters too

this way people will login everyday lookin forward to the "good weekend" reward


just a little idea, don't get bothered much reading it u.ù

Edited by Regar
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