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Why Is Ogris, Penta And Torid's Ammo 540?


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They're so strong it doesn't matter how much ammo they start with or how much ammo they pick up. Unless its pick up was made really small and its starting ammo count was made smaller. Just making it 72 and whatever Snipers pick up wouldn't cut it. Might as well leave it at 540 and 20 without diluting the ammo pool for another colourful piece of garbage we won't use most of the time.
Not saying it shouldn't probably be done at some point but in the scope of the game its largely irrelevant in light of things like...




Want to pursue a worthy topic ? How about ammo for high fire rate weapons with low base damage, I don't think those should be spent at the normal rate. 


This. This would be a much better thing to discuss. 

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I'm getting sick of people complaining about this when there's no point to changing it. 

Think about it. These weapons are so ammo efficient that even if they only came with 72 spare ammo you'd almost never run out. Enemies drop ammo pickups pretty frequently so the chances of you running out are miniscule, unless you deliberately avoid every ammo pickup you see for 20 waves on Xini. 

Why bother changing something when the change won't have any impact at all?

Besides, don't you think a high chance of self-mutilation is enough of a downside already?

Edited by Plasmaface
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i dont think self harm is enough of a downside for a weapon to warrant infinite ammo, on top of the destructive force these weapons already carry

72 ammo for a weaon this efficient is also virtually infinite when you factor in the frequency of ammo drops. 


I guess you didn't actually read that post. 

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One of those topics was made by the same OP as this one btw. Do you hate those weapons that much, or do you feel like there was an angle that wasn't brought up yet in this discussion? This topic is borderline spam/flamebait.


DE surely noticed the other topics, the discussion is over.. move along, nothing to see here, it's been done to DEATH.. let the horse rest in god damn peace now.


Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but "The discussion over" is the worst ****ing method for ending an argument, closely tied with calling your opponent Hitler. Not even your picture of cats redeems that.

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Arbitrary number is not the color I like, let's change it to my favorite color. Why don't you understand me !


The most any conversation regarding ammo for explosive weapons will accomplish is force people to add ammo mutation, and that accomplishes a lot if you like &!$$ing people off and not doing anything meaningful. These are the only viable endgame weapon and if you're using them anywhere else given their suicide component for most, you probably need to rethink a few things.


Want to pursue a worthy topic ? How about ammo for high fire rate weapons with low base damage, I don't think those should be spent at the normal rate. 

Once again, you've completely missed the point of this thread. *slow clap*



I'm getting sick of people complaining about this when there's no point to changing it. 

Think about it. These weapons are so ammo efficient that even if they only came with 72 spare ammo you'd almost never run out. Enemies drop ammo pickups pretty frequently so the chances of you running out are miniscule, unless you deliberately avoid every ammo pickup you see for 20 waves on Xini. 

Why bother changing something when the change won't have any impact at all?

Besides, don't you think a high chance of self-mutilation is enough of a downside already?

Learn to read OP and maybe you wouldn't embarrass yourself this much.

Edited by Twilight053
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And since it wont change anything because of how efficient it is why are you whining about wanting it to be lower and spamming the same thread repeatedly?

And I think crisisavatar has the point of the thread down perfectly:

You want the penta, ogris and torrid to have a super low ammo capacity for no real reason, even though it would accomplish absolutely nothing (not to mention that the torrid is no where near as ammo efficient as the penta and ogris and should have more ammo).

And maybe you could try to not come off as a condescending troll?

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And since it wont change anything because of how efficient it is why are you whining about wanting it to be lower?

Why not? They're launchers. They should have 72 ammo.

You want the penta, ogris and torrid to have a super low ammo capacity for no real reason, even though it would accomplish absolutely nothing (not to mention that the torrid is no where near as ammo efficient as the penta and ogris and should have more ammo).

How can you tell? I'm only asking why do they have rifle ammo capacity. I mean, come on -- It's a launcher, why shouldn't it be 72?


And maybe you could try to not come off as a condescending troll?

Not my fault they argued about a point that isn't needed to be argued.

Edited by Twilight053
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I'm only asking why do they have rifle ammo capacity. I mean, come on -- It's a launcher, why shouldn't it be 72?

Let me turn that around:

They're a launcher, why shouldn't they have 540?

The is absolutely no reason that they should have only 72 ammo, just like there is no reason to have 100 ammo or 10. Just like there is no reason that they should not have 540.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Let me turn that around:

They're a launcher, why shouldn't they have 540?

The is absolutely no reason that they should have only 72 ammo, just like there is no reason to have 100 ammo or 10. Just like there is no reason that they should not have 540.

And let me turn that around again:

They're launchers, why should they have 540 ammo? There is absolutely no reason for it to have 540 ammo, just like there is no reason they should not have 72.


And if both choices are not viable as a choice, what do we have left to decide? The answer is "Why-not".




Let's just admit it, both of us will never run out of ammo regardless of ammo capacity, and since these weapons are safe from the harm of ammo tweaks, it won't hurt to do a cosmetic change -- So why not?


Even if you only have 72 grenades, you'll never run out of ammo -- It's a win-win, bud.

Edited by Twilight053
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