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This can cause the glaive/glaive prime/kestrel to get stuck in certain parts of the map indefinitely, emitting butt-tons of particles that cause massive FPS lag. Apparently, this is only caused when there is an Oberon in the session (confirmed with your video).


I think its the activation of a certain Oberon power that triggers this glitch. I'm thinking Hallowed Ground?

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i wonder if this glitch is related to the glitch that can cause enemies to have near-infinite rate of fire for brief moments.


occasionally i hear krakens firing something like 30 times in less than a second... thank god I've never been in front of them when that happens.

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It would be fun to have actual mods for similar effect (not bug/glitch), effectively making weapons behave similarly to Drakgoon - Flux would look particularly cool... especially if the range would be reset on every rebound.




- Rebound Snapshot:
Making shot's rebound once a level, or for X% dmg per level, or Y% chance for rebound per level.
Though maybe it would be best like this:
Lvl1: You have 25% divided by firerate for your shots to rebound if they don't hit enemies.
Lvl2: You have 50% / firerate for your shots to rebound if they don't hit enemies.
Lvl3: You have 75% / firerate for your shots to rebound if they don't hit enemies.
Lvl4: You have 100% / firerate for your shots to rebound if they don't hit enemies.
The chances would deteriorate by every "bounce" with a large amount, like the mod's base one of 25%. This way it wouldn't go that far even on maximum but would still provide the spectacle and utility usage.

- Spread:
A mod for splitting your shots - halves the damage but doubles the number of all shots for every level with a small bit of a spread effect making them hit a wider area. Using it on a shotgun would be crazy... :) Pretty useless normally since it would devastate precision but could look funny... actually it could make snipers usable against crowds... like Lanka modded with Split chamber providing 2 shots to begin with, those shots being split and applying penetration to it and voila, you have made your longrange shotgun :) And since the damage is distributed among the shots, we don't have to worry about balance at all.


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I have a group of 4 that I play with regularly, and 2 of us have this issue almost all the time.  Here's what I've noticed:


*Happens with Glaive OR Glaive Prime.

*This has yet to occur for the owner of the glaive.  It is always the glaiver's party members who see this.


I'm unsure of host status, but I almost never host.  Ironically, the 2 of us who keep experiencing this glitch don't even own glaives, while the 2 of us who have never seen it own a glaive and glaive prime, respectively (not both).

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Sorry for such a long delay in reply. This was not my glaive, it belonged to the player BouchDag in the video. He was the one running Oberon and he was also the source of the bug on the other instance I saw it. I dont know specifically what mods he was running at the time. I am the only other player who saw the bug and it didnt seem to affect enemies.

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