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Buffs? Buffs. Buffs!


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buff unused mods so that we at least think twice about not equipping them....


- resistance mods maxed out reduce dmg by 50% or more (im ok with making it a 10 rank mod)

- combine mods like acrobat & marathon & quick rest, rush & mag lev, provoked & undying will etc

Yes, yes, yes to the combination part. The mods aren't used not because the effects aren't good, but because they're too specialized, especially things like stamina mods. Five mods to boost the crap out of mobility is far too many, especially when compared to the two mods needed to boost the crap out of defence or the two mods needed to maximize an Ability attribute (power, etc).

There should be two main mobility mods. One for movement, one for stamina, made out of combinations of the current mods.

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Grineeeerr -HNGGGGG


Going to add a little more detail to my previous statement.   


Please re-introduce the ability to rag-doll.


Rag doll:  Lifting the enemy off the ground causing them to clash with any near by enemy.  Causing both enemies to fall to the ground.


What weapons used to do this? 


§=Should do this as of now; anything else used to RD(Rag Doll) prior to DMG 2.0


1. Bo

2. Fragor

3. Kogake

4. Twin Gremlins

5. Magistar§

6. Amphis

7. Orthos

8. Furax


Weapons that should recieve their 100% Stagger back or be introduced to Stagger




1. Dual Ether

2. Gram§

3. Hate-Reaper Prime

4. Machete

6. Pangolin Sword

7. Bo (Probably not if it has RD)

8. Ether Reaper

9. Plasma Sword (I have something to say about this weapon)

10. Dakra Prime

11. Kama§

12. Prova Vandal§ ;)


Just my suggestions.  Also I would LOVE to see the Plasma Sword have a re-skin.  Maybe the Corpus Sword?



Y u no mention Dual Cleavers that had stagger before DMG 2.0 >:l

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Buff gore. Make explosive proc rip enemies to pieces, buff all melee weapons to do some kind of mutilation. Ok, slash damage dismembers, puncture leaves holes in bodies. How about you make impact crush enemies into chunks?


On a side note, I now own almost all weapons in the game, missing only a couple. I've realized.. Vulkar always feels wrong. Completely wrong. No matter how you mod it. Even MK-1 Braton can be made into a good weapon with enough forma and good mods. Vulkar is just broken. Not really sure what to do, probably reassess everything. Clip, damage, scope, reloading. Nothing feels right about Vulkar.

Oh and Lanka is described as lightning sniper gun from UT2004 yet fires projectile now. This is just wrong. It should fire a hitscan lightning bolt.

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My Wish list - 



Flux Rifle

Sicarus Prime


Braton Prime


Drakgoon / Hek / Tigris

I...Nope...Nevermind,you're right. Acrid needs to be brought back to it's former glory (maybe a bit tuned down),and Flux rifle...well...needs to cut stuff better,and if possible BRING BACK THE OLD FLUX PHYSICS IN THE FIRST 1-2 MONTHS AFTER RELEASE @_@ ,flying bodies across the room was fun,and incredibly satisfying 

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Buff gore. Make explosive proc rip enemies to pieces, buff all melee weapons to do some kind of mutilation. Ok, slash damage dismembers, puncture leaves holes in bodies. How about you make impact crush enemies into chunks?


On a side note, I now own almost all weapons in the game, missing only a couple. I've realized.. Vulkar always feels wrong. Completely wrong. No matter how you mod it. Even MK-1 Braton can be made into a good weapon with enough forma and good mods. Vulkar is just broken. Not really sure what to do, probably reassess everything. Clip, damage, scope, reloading. Nothing feels right about Vulkar.

Oh and Lanka is described as lightning sniper gun from UT2004 yet fires projectile now. This is just wrong. It should fire a hitscan lightning bolt.

^ All the YES. This especially the first part,this game used to be way more enjoyable back when enemy bodies would split and fly across the room,now they just fall down,most times not even getting a limb falling off. I remember when I got my orthos to a decent enough place where it could 1 shot infested with melee spam,and there was a rain of infested limbs and bodies across the other end of the room...those were the good days.

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I remember a time when shooting an enemy with a shotgun would send their corpse flying from the rag-doll effect once they died. What ever happened to those physics?


These days we shoot a corpus with a hek, body parts fly but they stand there as if kinetic force is something that happens to OTHER people.

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Volt and Banshee need overhauls like no other. Banshee is litterally useless outside of SONAR, the ONLY abilitiy anybody would use on her. Volt is yeah.. Volt.


Hell yeah.


Making volt's abilities viable in endgame would be great. As well as a Banshee buff : giving sonic boom better damage and range, making Banshee able to move while using sound quake, revamping silence.


For Volt, extend stun duration for shock and overload, and make zapped ennemies taking +50% more damage.

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All clan tech weapons need to be looked at, compared to their cost and rank requirements, as well as their counterparts that are available in the market.


Building clan weapons has ended up being a resource sink ; they're only good for mastery points.

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Hell yeah.


Making volt's abilities viable in endgame would be great. As well as a Banshee buff : giving sonic boom better damage and range, making Banshee able to move while using sound quake, revamping silence.


For Volt, extend stun duration for shock and overload, and make zapped ennemies taking +50% more damage.


YEAH!!! who needs a nova, right? powercreep guys, easy there...

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I love how everyone missed Daggers.


Buff daggers please, they are underwhelming and hardly useful(aside from stealth attack which is really hard to do considering that you are in a army of headless chickens)


I would like to see the daggers buffed. Now scott, with the galatine of buffing forge a new dagger stats for us !

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I love how everyone missed Daggers.


Buff daggers please, they are underwhelming and hardly useful(aside from stealth attack which is really hard to do considering that you are in a army of headless chickens)


I would like to see the daggers buffed. Now scott, with the galatine of buffing forge a new dagger stats for us !

So abysmally useless that the community forgot about them entirely.

Like Spectra.

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