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Petition To Fix Continuous Weapons


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Kinda +1 on this.


What we really need is a system where the game tallies up damage at a very fast tic rate, equal to the ammo usage rate of the weapon, but only displays the summed damage at set intervals. Upon summing enough damage to kill an enemy, weather or not it reached the display interval, it should kill the enemy and show the cut off damage as measured by the damage intervals.


Basically, damage interval should be much faster than display interval, with damage interval being dynamic to the fire rate of the weapon, and display interval being consistent to show changes in damage as the gun gets more powerful.

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-What if continuous weapons have a continuous spray of numbers?

-What if there was no delay in damage?

-What if status/wasn't locked per second?


If we had a system where damage was showed instantly and continuously as it happened we would have a better understanding our in-game DPS. As it is right now, we get a tiny number then a BIG number. I would rather have a barrage of tiny numbers, than random jumping between larger and smaller summed damage.


There is a delay in damage. It is still there. Corpus techs pump out their shield ospreys before the summed damage really kicks in. Yes I have a 5 forma Ignis and that delay is enough for them to pump out one before they die.


Status is currently locked in per-second rather than per tick. This is very wrong. Fire rate mods currently decrease status chance since your locked in per second rather than per tick.


DE's new continuous weapon system was meant to simplify the damage numbers shown and even out the status chance for lower proc continuous weapons. Knowing this shows entirely how the new system was unnecessary.


-Barrage of numbers gives us a more realistic show in-game DPS

       -AND shows us the enemy location behind our wall of fire(since Im using the Ignis as an example)

-Buff low proc chance weapons if you want more status chance. Dont change the fondation of every continuous weapon.


Please like this post if you agree continuous weapons should be reverted back to prior 11.6 changes.

Thank you for your time.

yes to sprays of damage number for continuous weapon.

but what about the status chance? the current status chance is per second.

making the hits into sprays/spams of numbers would'nt this decrease or completely removes the status % on ALL continuous?

(Status Chance % / Fire Rate) = less than 1% ...

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yes to sprays of damage number for continuous weapon.

but what about the status chance? the current status chance is per second.

making the hits into sprays/spams of numbers would'nt this decrease or completely removes the status % on ALL continuous?

(Status Chance % / Fire Rate) = less than 1% ...

Actually it could possible increase it. Don't forget some continuous weapons even had a status nerf on top of this change. (Synapse)


Right now it's based on per second where it used to be based on per shot. Theoretically being based on per second is more consistently random. But my main frustration on being based on per second is that mods that increase your fire rate actually lower your status chance in the current system. Well they lower it when considering per shot.


As I understand it right now:


(Ignis Status chance of 10% a second will be our example)(I'm looking at it per shot)

10 shots a sec with a status chance of 10% a second = 1% a shot

(10 shot)(1.6 speedtrigger) = 16 shots a second = 0.625% a shot


I don't know what the actual equation used for determining status chance on continuous weapons is though. So I can't completely offer a better solution. It could involve both per shot and per second? I don't have the code in front of me.


The reason I made this thread was because DE chose to start from scratch rather than just fixing the balancing they needed. They also sort of said one thing and did another. I don't like either of these things.

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At this point in time, I don't care in the slightest for the status chance. They could remove it for all I care.


But the %&$% damage needs to be applied with MUCH shorter time increments, say 0.1 seconds or even lower. There is no way of knowing how much damage I'm dealing until 2 seconds after, which is a too damn long lag for a weapon supposed to deal INSTANTANEOUS damage at SHORT range.


Change the weapons by nerfing ROF and buffing damage to compensate, remove them from the "continuous fire weapon category" and make them normal rifles with slightly different stats, but do something DE.



Also, has this issue been raised in bugs section as well?

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At this point in time, I don't care in the slightest for the status chance. They could remove it for all I care.


But the %&$% damage needs to be applied with MUCH shorter time increments, say 0.1 seconds or even lower. There is no way of knowing how much damage I'm dealing until 2 seconds after, which is a too damn long lag for a weapon supposed to deal INSTANTANEOUS damage at SHORT range.


Change the weapons by nerfing ROF and buffing damage to compensate, remove them from the "continuous fire weapon category" and make them normal rifles with slightly different stats, but do something DE.



Also, has this issue been raised in bugs section as well?

If they just revert the changes like this thread asks for then most of its problems will be fixed.


Continuous weapons may still need a buff/balance afterwards though.

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I'm assuming that if they did not revert, there must be a good reason.


I mean, disabling the "number funtain" is just a switch to turn off a visual effect, yet they did a major change in damage dealing mechanism? Lolwut?

I'm glad you see how unnecessary that kind of change was. Simply tweaking the stats of the guns would have sufficed.

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I'm assuming that if they did not revert, there must be a good reason.


I mean, disabling the "number funtain" is just a switch to turn off a visual effect, yet they did a major change in damage dealing mechanism? Lolwut?


Not a great assumption. It depends on how their system is setup and how the back-end feeds into the numbers that we see. It's likely that that visual effect is very closely tied to what's happening on the back-end if current performance is any indication.

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Yes, bring back the old Flux/number fountain! I haven't used the gun for some time (it used to be my fav) and when I tried it the other day it just felt wrong. I began to wonder if I was doing any damage at all.


This gun just feels nerfed through the floor since damage 2.0.

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The best way to use continuous fire weapons at the moment is to spam left click. This is clearly not what you want your players to be doing with a "held trigger" and "continuous fire" weapon. Remember what happened with semi-automatic weapons? People will start doing it with continuous fire weapons too, I know I feel like doing it, but I won't, because b&.

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and being that the case you actually lose damage using it in semi auto because you lose the damage made during the combined spread time of each damage stream

Damage is applied as soon as the trigger is pressed, then about once every .3 seconds after that. You can easily overkill or underkill by holding the trigger on at the moment. I think the damage is applied continuously, just the client only shows it in intervals like this.

Edited by AliasailA
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Damage is applied as soon as the trigger is pressed, then about once every .3 seconds after that. You can easily overkill or underkill by holding the trigger on at the moment. I think the damage is applied continuously, just the client only shows it in intervals like this.


just read that flux rifle was changed to hit scan on update 9.6 unlike spectra which still loses tics on semi auto. but according to wikia its marked at 12 tics per second which means one hit each 0.0833 seconds which is below human response  time of 0.2 so you overkill anyway

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just read that flux rifle was changed to hit scan on update 9.6 unlike spectra which still loses tics on semi auto. but according to wikia its marked at 12 tics per second which means one hit each 0.0833 seconds which is below human response time of 0.2 so you overkill anyway

Wikia is inaccurate, go try flux in game, it is about 3-4 tics a second. If it WAS 12 ticks per second this thread wouldn't exist.

Additionally, reaction time is less of a factor since you're not reacting to the enemy dying, but their health approaching 0. The margin for error is greater with higher intervals because the bar "jumps" instead of "slides" down.

Edited by AliasailA
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Wikia is inaccurate, go try flux in game, it is about 3-4 tics a second. If it WAS 12 ticks per second this thread wouldn't exist.

This thread exists because the change they made was completely unnecessary.

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I actually tried Flux today and it seems mostly ok. Damage is applied nearly instantly, stuff dies in time and I don't waste ammo.


Can anyone confirm? Would be a great stealth fix.

It isn't about damage. This thread is about the improper change of how the continuous weapons work.


I just tested it out. The damage doesn't seem different and ammo efficiency seems the same as it has been for awhile now.  Though the beam does reach max distance faster than it did. Note I haven't used the flux since continuous weapons were ruined. And I do remember this increase being mentioned before.


Problem not fixed.


Edit: To anyone who is a long time user of the Flux, your input would be appreciated. :)

Edited by Ribboz
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It is about damage not being applied instantly.


In the recent past I was experiencing ridiculous 2+ seconds lag on damage even on solo runs. Now stuff got sliced in half instantly where applicable (nearly always, lol).


This is very apparent when shooting at a bunch of mobs (without punchthrough). I minced them all with half a clip. Last time I pulled out Flux I wasted all magazine on the first row of mobs, that died 2 seconds later. On Venus (for the sake of making sure it's insta-kill) and on any other planet for that matter.


I'm a long-time user of flux (since before this "nerf"), and it has never been ammo efficient, the change caused ammo issues only because stuff did not die for 2+ seconds so you wasted half magazine on a trash mob. Still need to do controlled bursts like with any full-auto weapon.


Now I never ended my magazine in 10 runs of various different missions (no ammo mutation mods of course, although Carrier was my sentinel).


Then again, it's not 100% fixed. Numbers still pop up at random intervals (but seem to pop up more frequently, at least twice as frequent as before) and procs are very rare, but hey, no more lag on damage. That's a fix imho.


And this is hoping it's not a fluke of the game and tomorrow it's back to normal 2-second lag.


So, please confirm if you can.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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