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Coming Soon: Devstream #22


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Can you talk about what are your plans regarding in-game music? I feel it's something that we have been ignoring for a while...And everytime it comes up, there's some dude that tells us to switch it to MGS OST or other stuff. I mean that's not a valable excuse! I believe it's as important as graphics or gameplay!


Edited by Ryujen
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- can some changes be made to new hud ? bottom right corner  for skills, energy etc is to small and I can't control it efficiently enough, and watch out for health and shields at the same time - this is too far apart.


- will there be a scaling of tenno skills to the level of enemies - now nerfed Frost snow globe is teared down in moments by high level enemies on endless missions - opponents scale up, are tougher, but our warframes and abilities don't 


- the new mission is to hard on people that like to play solo, I've tried and first decoding of signal was not that difficult, but when I stayed for another enemies overwhelmed me - I can't be in 4 places at once and they capture the towers to quickly


- what happend to Trinity ult ? it is much shorter than it used to be


- ancients energy and shield removal on corpus and grinner - You can avoid ancient "touch" but this new mobs can cast it before You can shoot them, from a cover, corner or so - upon entering a new room I got this debuff, didn't even know what is going on, the b*stard that casted it was somewhere in the middle of map, behind barrels - found him afterwards :/ Got it 3 more times in that mission ...


- this has been asked much, but : what about end game content for high lvl players ?


- would there be a voting system for team ingame ? there are a lot of "vultures" out there, they join game and just stand and wait until rest of team finish - it would be good for us to have an option to kick out such players


- oh and why do You bring down high level players to be comparable with fresh ones ? what is the point of maxing out mods and making formas on weapons and frames if You envisions this game for players to play against max 40 lvl enemies ? Then maybe a change on endless missions ? no scaling up just more mobs.

Edited by tocorro
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With the new focus on endgame content (pun intended), is there any hope for Nightmare mode to be what it was intended to be? Also what's the future of conclave/pvp as another alleyway for late game entertainment? Is the new Interception mode going to be added as a conclave gametype?

With the Grineer being generally favored by the community and having stronger units, the detron coming from attacking corpus, and the new oxium resource only dropping from corpus, there is basically no reason to support the corpus in invasions besides the occasional potato (which seem to be offered by Grineer more often, anecdotally). The way things are going, Corpus will be soon wiped off the map entirely. Is there any plan to incentivize players to fight with the corpus? Maybe bundles of Oxium or detron pieces as battle pay?

With the new badlands gametype, what exactly will stop a megaclan of trolls from setting a ridiculous tax on badlands missions and essentially locking everyone out of the content for an extended period of time? will the clan controlled towers be separated by tier to allow some kind of fairness in that aspect?

A recent change to hammer/staff weapons made them ragdoll enemies on charge attack, but it feels more like hitting them with a tranquilizer than it feels like smashing them with a giant space hammer. Could we possibly get the ragdoll physics from fragor mayhem circa update 6 back? when enemies would go flying hundreds of feet when killed on a heavy melee attack?

This video is good for reference/nostalgia 

Edited by VegetableBasket
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1.) Will all new warframes developed in Clan dojo? And what a special condition to warframe to be placed here (Is it some lore special, like using new void technology or finding it, or is it just workaround to get "old" and "new" frames)

2.) Close combat update (2.0), when it will be? Next big update, or in short time with hotfixes?

3.) What are your new ideas for warframe? Your thoughts about next update?
4.) Next prime warframe: who will it be and when will we meet him? =) Also, will new warframe be like "old" ones, with additional polarized slot, or like Ember, with 2 slots, but other polarization?

5.) Some information for Founders about T-shirts. Some of them got it, some of them not. Will there be some topic about it for questions?

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We know it's been stated that melee 2.0 wont affect Hysteria. Is anything going to be done about this? Maybe if the raw damage isn't affected, the custom melee weapons Valkyr receives during Hysteria should be affected by the global buff to melee damage at least. 

Also, any update on immortal skins for other frames? Alt helm for Valkyr? 


I too have to question why the decision was made not to include Hysteria in Melee 2.0? She is meant for players who love melee, and she is also in dire need of new animations for her ultimate. She should be slashing instead of punching. Hysteria already feels rushed and half finished; it only makes sense that she gets a Melee 2.0 combo treatment for her ultimate. 

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When will new prime gear come out?


Will new prime gear be included with the tiers of Prime access, will we have to buy a new tier/ set of tiers to obtain the new prime gear, or will those who bought prime access just get nothing from the new prime gear?


What is your plan for fixing the drop rates of prime parts in the void, will it something of a token system or will it remain largely as it is?


Why isn't Vauban included in the  clan dojo research?


Why does frost's freeze work the same way it did before the update?

Edited by Konnivar
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1. Currently Zephyr is platinum exclusive for ~11 days, will this be the new standard for future warframe releases?


2. Are there any plans to add new damage deformers for the enemy models? Such as introducing more deformer variety by creating damage type specific deformers (for other types than slash) or implementing deformers for robotic/ancient infested enemies.

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Last time you talked about something with the helmets, about chosing to wear the helmet we want with the bonus we want. 

Is that still on the list ?


Also, will Ash get to be looked at like frost ? There has been 2 or 3 threads about it already, it would be nice to hear something official about it.

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- why does U12 feel like U11.9."not-even-close-to-twelfe" (and boring compared to U 9/10/11) ?


- why has the nerf hammer done a charged critical hit (with nerf proc) on frost? (i don't play frost at all, but 3.5k hp is seriously a joke)

    - have you ever thought about abilities that scale with the enemy level?

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- we have CR and exp boosters on market, is there any oportunity for resources booster appear there?


- didnt hear anything about like bigboards for dojo where you can tipe usefull info about where you can find anything in dojo or for some sort of rules in clan and etc., basicly in big dojo rly hard to navigate, those things, like big tables with text (that you enter like in room option computer) would help a lot to navigate clan mates


- anything about clan trades? or clan vault? when and how?


- what about penta\ogris ammo? due to rifle ammo consume its unlimited, is there something about new ammo?


- Melee aura was increased to 10 from 5, what about others?


- if talk about clan, emblems and other stuff more, if there will be some sort of clan syndana? like cape or smt with laaaaaaaaaarge emblem on back? because those small emblems dont make members fill their clan power))


p.s.: sorry for my saaaad English =(

Edited by YodgiYamamoto
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Q1: one of the main lore reasons for siding with the corpus in the dilemma event was that we would be saving colonies. Any lore or trailer plans to actually give a sence of what exactilly the tenno are protecting?

Q2: how will throwable melee weapons be affected by melee 2.0?

Q3: what thoughts have you given to improving stealth gameplay?

Q4: whats the progress on account migration from pc to ps4?

Side note: loved how you guys ninja droped advertisements on last weeks king of the nerds.

Edited by Ether_SolRac
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Why isn't there a plasma damage type instead of a radiation damage type? Plasma is the fourth state of matter, superheated matter with a charge, which is what I'm assuming the corpus weapons fire. It would make sense for Fire + Electricity to = Plasma.

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