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New Intercept Missions Needs A Slight Change, Cannot Solo(Especially For Low Ranking Players)


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First off why are there 4 towers instead of two. Makes it impossible to solo the mission at all.


4 way spawn of Grineers ruining you from completing the mission at all or even going further in higher waves. The team is too divded into unable to help each other at most of the time.



Suggestions to encourage teamwork:

#1 Decrease the Tower to two(so two player each side) 


#2 Remove 4 way spawn of Grineers, so that the grineers have to go through two tower first before the other two tower(last defense if it gets serious hard as in higher waves).


#3 Like Suggestion number 2 Grinner doesn't spawn on all four flags instantly. Two way random spawn massively. They could be in area "A" or "D", "B" or "D", "C" to "A". The Grineers will only respawn when enough of them are killed. This means players have to keep moving, but don't have to sit there on one flag all the time expecting them always spawning.



Note for suggestion #2: "Two way spawn instead of 4 ways. One group of Grineers spawns behind, the other group in front. The last two flag are near middle. This means Grineers have to capture first two flags in front before going to the centre ones allowing a single player to move back and forth quickly enough instead of all the flags being instant capture due to 4 way spawn."


Note: Don't even bother talking about team work because there are too many flags to defend which divides the team from working together which leads to warframe skill spamming.


Even with the skill spamming, if this was a high level mission you wouldn't be able to survive because you either die too fast or skill wouldn't kill fast enough.


This has became more of a solo play on each flag than actual teamwork.


Also, if you haven't tried the mission yet. The grineer hacks the panel and neutralizes your territory which is another cheap tactic causing you to wait longer and having to recapture.


Edited: Add an extraction platform after you get 100% because there is absolutely no way to loot rare mods once it ends. The endless defence exit menu pops up and you cannot loot the marked mods that was on the other flags.

Edited by Makemap
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Co-op game. Ring any bells?

Unlocking new maps parts, ring any bells? Plus everyone would rather play endless defense rather than divided into four due to the fact that it gets you to a much higher wave.

Edited by Makemap
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Unlocking new maps parts, ring any bells? Plus everyone would rather play endless defense rather than divided into four due to the fact that it gets you to a much higher wave.

What keeps you from unlocking them with 3 other players?

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What keeps you from unlocking them with 3 other players?

Sorry, but I have to say no what DE did and whoever thumbs you up. This was a test on low level right(so I tested in low level stuff)? Even if this is that hard already in solo I can really see the issue already. This is why I suggested the two things on top.

Have you even tried the mission first place? The nodes are far apart and everyone is left alone trying to defend each part while being swarm. There is absolutely almost no team work involved when we are so divided.

This leads to only Skill spamming which is just ridiculously stupid when you have weapons to level.


Just imagine them implementing this on Pluto or some high level missions where enemies destroys you really fast. Especially Nightmare mode.

This mission is also based on waves(which is ridiculously hard already trying to defend 1 node by yourself and trying to pick up loot while at it), just imagine a new loot table which is already happening(the new nature mod which I was planning to farm). Didn't even bother to wave 15 at this rate especially when people leave.


Hello this isn't like endless defense defending 1 node/Cicero event defending all sides. You have to defend all 4 flags!

Go look right now, the mission is mostly empty.

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Just saying, but you don't need all to complete the mission. You can do good with only 3. 2 ppl will cover the further one and rest will stay close to each-other and at the same time covering other 2 towers. It's all about team-work and ability to 'think'. Im against of what you said and will not change my mind.

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First off why are there 4 towers instead of two. Makes it impossible to solo the mission at all.


4 way spawn of Grineers ruining you from completing the mission at all or even going further in higher waves. The team is too divded into unable to help each other at most of the time.



Suggestions to encourage teamwork:

#1 Decrease the Tower to two(so two player each side) 


#2 Remove 4 way spawn of Grineers, so that the grineers have to go through two tower first before the other two tower(last defense if it gets serious hard as in higher waves).


Note: Don't even bother talking about team work because there are too many flags to defend which divides the team from working together which leads to warframe skill spamming.


Even with the skill spamming, if this was a high level mission you wouldn't be able to survive because you either die too fast or skill wouldn't kill fast enough.


This has became more of a solo play on each flag than actual teamwork.


Also, if you haven't tried the mission yet. The grineer hacks the panel and neutralizes your territory which is another cheap tactic causing you to wait longer and having to recapture.


Your suggestions would just make this into two 2 man defense games.


I think the point should be to have more resources than defenders, so you have to run between objectives and keep control of the battlefield.


Hacking was probably introduced bc there aren't more resources than defenders...Grinner have no way to take your tower back over with a tenno standing in it. One press of 4 and grinner go bye-bye.


I played it 2x with an unranked exal prime, 0 forma aklex no potato and rank 1 grakata just formad. So, I don't think it was just me.


EDIT - I'm not saying this mission is fun or good. I disliked it. But making it two towers would defeat the entire purpose and turn it into two 2 man defs. Needs to be slower paced, less cheating (hacking) and more towers IMO.

Edited by notionphil
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I understand that solo players should be able to enjoy the game but your suggested changes would make the actual co-op experience pretty boring tbh.


I don't believe decrasing the tower count for 4 playes would increase team work but instead would make the gamemode even easier.

I was actually thinking about the possibility to increase the tower count to 5 or even 6 to encourage a more dynamic and mobile gameplay because right now each player just sits at each tower and kills a few enemies until you reach 100%. Pretty boring already. What is even worse you are unable to gain affinity through yoru team mates on large maps and the already low enemy count makes this game mode one of the worst game modes to gain affinity. Here I suggest to remove the range restriction of the squad affinity share mechanic. Every player should get all affinity their team mates get no matter how far away they are (well as long as they are not afk at the spawn ofc). Additionally increasing the enemy spawn rate and spawn count would help out a lot to make this game mode more interesting. Most nodes are pretty much uncontested right now if you have 4 decent players.


But I dismiss.


4 towers for 4 players is the minimum amount for the game mode to make sense. Its a neat idea tbh. It encourages activity instead of the usual "4" smashing contest and pod hugging with occasional argument with door heroes.


That said for me your suggestion is a total no-go.



Instead having a dynamic active tower count could help out solo players. For example when you play as "solo" only 2 towers are active during that game. If it is possible, the active tower count could increase dynamically during a game if you invite players but thats probably not that important as long as solo players get a fair chance.

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if this game mode is going to be a standard (and sure, it's fun) it should NOT be a choke point on the solar rail system.

(i.e. you shouldn't be gated from continuing down the solar rail because of these missions. -- they should be at the end of single lanes)

some players CANNOT play with others due to p2p issues, firewall issues, etc.


if the netcode was bulletproof. (maniacal laughter) sure! but it's not.

there are MANY people who cannot group. not due to choice, but due to issues beyond their control. (carrier grade NAT, crappy routers, etc)

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I understand that solo players should be able to enjoy the game but your suggested changes would make the actual co-op experience pretty boring tbh.


I don't believe decrasing the tower count for 4 playes would increase team work but instead would make the gamemode even easier.

I was actually thinking about the possibility to increase the tower count to 5 or even 6 to encourage a more dynamic and mobile gameplay because right now each player just sits at each tower and kills a few enemies until you reach 100%. Pretty boring already. What is even worse you are unable to gain affinity through yoru team mates on large maps and the already low enemy count makes this game mode one of the worst game modes to gain affinity. Here I suggest to remove the range restriction of the squad affinity share mechanic. Every player should get all affinity their team mates get no matter how far away they are (well as long as they are not afk at the spawn ofc). Additionally increasing the enemy spawn rate and spawn count would help out a lot to make this game mode more interesting. Most nodes are pretty much uncontested right now if you have 4 decent players.


But I dismiss.


4 towers for 4 players is the minimum amount for the game mode to make sense. Its a neat idea tbh. It encourages activity instead of the usual "4" smashing contest and pod hugging with occasional argument with door heroes.


That said for me your suggestion is a total no-go.



Instead having a dynamic active tower count could help out solo players. For example when you play as "solo" only 2 towers are active during that game. If it is possible, the active tower count could increase dynamically during a game if you invite players but thats probably not that important as long as solo players get a fair chance.


That is what you think. You can take suggestion #2 then where 2 flags will end up being last stand when enemies start dying slowly(this also means DE making enemies spawn more). You aren't even considering the enemies level and having to farm mods such as "Natural Talent" which means going to higher waves. Solo should at least allow us to handle first or second minimum waves just like Endless defense that is 5-10 waves.


Edit: Sorry, forgot the new mission is only 1 wave based not 5 wave based like endless defense.

Edited by Makemap
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I'm relatively new to the game (only started playing about a month ago) and so far I have only ever played the game solo with the occasional exception of the friend who got me into Warframe. After finding this forum and reading through the topics on the matter I decided to see if I could contribute a few ideas and provide feedback to the devs and other players so I’m hoping this is the best thread to do so.

When this new Intercept mission type first became available I thought I would give it a try and see what it was like. As it currently stands, I am unable to complete this mission solo even with a maxed ranked warframe. Now if this was a really high ranking mission with level 20-30+ enemies it would arguably be reasonable. However, this is on Earth with level 6-8 Grineer.


My run went pretty much like this:

I start the mission as normal and rush in to claim the nearest capture point. Because the enemies are low level, they die almost immediately, so it’s easy to take control this first point. However, while I’m waiting for the percentage to reach 100, the other 2 locations are claimed while I’m stuck at the first fending off respawning enemies.

The real problem occurs when I leave to go claim another point, because as soon as I capture the second point, the respawning enemies at the first location quickly take it back. Now if I’m really diligent I can maybe hold 2 locations, but that only means that at the very best I’m only staying even with the enemy. There is no chance for me to win.  


Now I’m sure there are players more skilled than me with better gear who can somehow manage to do this solo. I’ve already seen a few posts stating that it’s doable, but I can’t really verify the validity of those claims. All I have is my own experience.



The first thing I look at is balance. From what I’ve read this game mode is supposedly too easy with multiplayer and incredibly hard to solo. As much as I’d like to make this easier for soloist such as myself, it wouldn’t be fair to make things too simple and unchallenging for multiplayers.  Gamers like having options, so instead of forcing people who play solo to join a group, or making this far too easy for multiplayer, I feel there should be a scale that makes this mission type more difficult as your party size increases and less difficult with the fewer you have.


The easiest and most simple solution could be to increase/decrease the amount of points you have to capture based on your party size. Perhaps there could even be an increase or decrease on the spawn rate and spawn points of enemies with the same principle.

Say, if you have a party of 4, you would have to defend 4 points, but you have more enemies coming in more directions. Whereas if I’m playing solo, I only have 2 points I have to defend with less enemy count and a slower spawn rate than I would if I would if I was teamed with someone else.

That way it could make things more challenging for people in multiplayer who find this mode boring while making it more soloable at the same time.


Another idea is if DE still wanted to keep 4 locations on solo, perhaps you could have some AI backup from a rival faction. Their numbers and spawn rate correlate to how many tenno you have on your team, so more players = less friendly AI.

The main reason I think it could work in solo is cause the AI could be left defending a point you have already captured so that you’re not immediately losing it when you run off to the next area.

It’s just a thought, but perhaps with enough tweaking to make it could work. Either way, I thought I’d try to contribute something new I’ve not seen suggested before.

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That is what you think. You can take suggestion #2 then where 2 flags will end up being last stand when enemies start dying slowly(this also means DE making enemies spawn more). You aren't even considering the enemies level and having to farm mods such as "Natural Talent" which means going to higher waves. Solo should at least allow us to handle Wave 5 or 10 minimum just like Endless defense.


I don't think your #2 would be any different than having only 2 towers when enemies can't attack the 2 back towers protected by the 2 first ones. 2 Towers would still get coverd by 2 players each and simply makes the game mode easier for a full squad.

Like I said, making the game mode any more easier for a full squad is a bad move.


I don't see in what way I am not considering "enemies level and having to farm mods such as "Natural Talent"", though. Please explain.


Dynamic tower count based on amount of players would solve the solo issue without having any impact on the gameplay of a full squad though. Where is the problem with that?

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I don't think your #2 would be any different than having only 2 towers when enemies can't attack the 2 back towers protected by the 2 first ones. 2 Towers would still get coverd by 2 players each and simply makes the game mode easier for a full squad.

Like I said, making the game mode any more easier for a full squad is a bad move.


I don't see in what way I am not considering "enemies level and having to farm mods such as "Natural Talent"", though. Please explain.


Dynamic tower count based on amount of players would solve the solo issue without having any impact on the gameplay of a full squad though. Where is the problem with that?


players dropping, players being added post-start. would be too easy to "game" 

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I don't think your #2 would be any different than having only 2 towers when enemies can't attack the 2 back towers protected by the 2 first ones. 2 Towers would still get coverd by 2 players each and simply makes the game mode easier for a full squad.

Like I said, making the game mode any more easier for a full squad is a bad move.


I don't see in what way I am not considering "enemies level and having to farm mods such as "Natural Talent"", though. Please explain.


Dynamic tower count based on amount of players would solve the solo issue without having any impact on the gameplay of a full squad though. Where is the problem with that?

I don't get you. Your just one of those players who want to turn the game into a hardcore difficulty game. There is nightmare mode for a reason. There is no reason to make the game harder than it needs to be especially at start. Have you ever play endless defense? 2 players is good enough. I've seen players losing at wave 10 on endless and everyone was together. 


2 players each means they are already divided which makes it harder because they can't really support each other that much unlike endless defense. Also unlike endless defense you have to wait for the points to go up, not survive all 5 waves. Enemies grow stronger each and everytime.


Right now it is on Earth(low level). Next could be Pluto, you wanna try that alone where your AOE skills doesn't kill anyone?

Edited by Makemap
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I tried this mission solo with a maxed Rhino and with the best weapons but I failed. Seriously, this Interception mission is impossible without a team mate. This is too co-op focused mode.

Also it doesn't work right, it lags/freezes for 1-2 seconds before enemies spawn.


The towers should be decreased to 2 or 3

Why 3? The two upper towers/nodes are close to each other and the 3rd node could be inside a structure.


The progress bar speed should be increased a little bit.To not waste time so we would be able to run around the map and enjoy looking around.

Enemies shouldn't pop out of nowhere and start capturing so fast. They should be coming from multiple directions.

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I don't get you. Your just one of those players who want to turn the game into a hardcore difficulty game. There is nightmare mode for a reason. There is no reason to make the game harder than it needs to be especially at start. Have you ever players endless defense? 2 players is good enough. I've seen players losing at wave 10 on endless and everyone was together. 


2 players each means they are already divided which makes it harder because they can't really support each other that much unlike endless defense. Also unlike endless defense you have to wait for the points to go up, not survive all 5 waves. Enemies grow stronger each and everytime.


Right now it is on Earth(low level). Next could be Pluto, you wanna try that alone where your AOE skills doesn't kill anyone?


You are making some wierd asumptions here.

What I am saying is that I like the idea of a new and fresh aproach of a dynamic and mobile defense mission. Something that is different to regular defense and mobile defense where you simply equip fleeting expertise and team energy restore and smash 4 until your done.


I agree. Right now Intercept missions are not perfect. But its a new game mode thats out for 1 day so thats ok. We are here to give feedback.


These suggestions being made by the OP would eventually destroy these promising and fun aspects of Interception missions like I tried to explain earlier.


I also stated that there are other ways to make it more resonable for solo players without having a negative impact on full squad play. These ideas are yet to be fully explored but I don't see anything like that happening here.


I am sorry to say that but I feel like these suggestions here are biased towards solo play and simplifying gameplay.

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Hey, I like the new game mode. It's pertty fun!


-I guess DE will put some of this game mode on higher lvl planets as well, sooner or later.


Right now I got 3 suggestions beside high level intercept missions.


 1; Increase the number of the attackers. Not on Earth obviously but later, on higher difficulty maps.


 2; Each node could sometimes attacked by a bigger and/or stronger group of enemys (Just to give them a chance to break our domination).


 3; Not so frequently but a special enemy unit could carry a data mass or something which will be able to take control instantly on a node. Lotus could warn players (just like when a heavy unit approaches) to get the chance to stop him before he reaches the nearest node.



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i hate to say it again, i like this game mode... 




it should not be in the main pathway of the solar rail.

solo players being gated from progression due to this game mode is in very poor taste.

some people CANNOT group, not by choice but by circumstance.

they shouldn't be penalized like that.

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just make it so Enemies have a deploy point in the middle of map, and that they actually have to capture the point instead of standing infront of a terminal for half a second and instantly turning it over to their side, i just ran around the map having to recapture every tower because as soon as i would capture one tower, the enemy would capture the one i just capped, and then when the enemies cap all 3 towers at the same time i just gave up.

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