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New Hud Feedback


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Since the update I have liked the HUD. until recently where I find it just gets in my way. So I have resorted to making it small and or turning it off in some cases.

Fixes Suggested:
-Transparency slider in HUD options.
-Digital Transperency in general due to the fact that it is suppose to be an overlay projected within the Warframe helmet. (Making it more crystalline in nature would give this effect with some nice effects as a bonus) ie.just like on fighter planes their HUD is on a crystalline surface and the light refracts and reflects accordingly.


In the Area of designa nd at-a-glance recognition of health sheilds and energy, was thinking of a small to medium gradient at the top of the screen. (Left half is shields in blue, right top half in red for sheilds, and the whole bottom from the center out to the right and left edges is the energy bank for the abilities) as they are depleated they will shrink into the middle top and middle bottom of the screen indicating the lack of either heal, shields or shields.


UI Pic. Illustrating idea to follow later tonight. 


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I do not want a customizable HUD.

But they are if I chose it, I want to try the function early.

First of all, Stop raging. Its counter productive and is not getting anything accomplished.

Second, Pay closer attention to the content of DEV streams.

Third, Give reasonable fixes for the problems rather than crying about it. One of the reasons they dont listen to you is because you are not reasonable displaying a valid argument with valid content... just rage.  

Fourth... and most importantly, it is a FREE GAME AND IN BETA. Enough said.


Oh and you only have 27 posts and are a GrandMaster? Whats that about? Forum content is the life blood of information for this game and the direction it is going. so... why havent you put in the forum time? It would really imporve your information of whats going on.

Edited by Tuxpenguino
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I seem to lay misunderstanding by the correction that is machine translation and my clumsiness.
Sorry, but write it in Japanese to leave my right opinion.




また新HUDに切り替わったことによって無くなった機能として、プレイヤーのハイライトがあります。(Blue ghost)
Hightlighting The Team Players




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Okay, ran it through a translator, here's what I have:


1. Not sure why the "blue ghosts" are gone, but I don't think that's a HUD issue. It should be fixed, it hadn't occurred to me until now that it happens. I think this is a bug.


2. Look at the HUD options. That should solve most of your problems.

-You can still get your player list with the press of a button, it's in the upper-right corner right now.

-You can scale the HUD to make it bigger. This reduces eye strain.

-You can change the borders of the HUD to move it closer to the middle. This reduces forced eye movement.


3. You are absolutely right, we need a background and some transparency control on it, because it's too hard to read the HUD in many situations. However, doing the scale and border changes helps a lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I could be saying this in the wrong section, but when I started playing after the update, the HUD is very different and could be changed but the performance has gone down when i play. I have good internet speed, a fast computer, and could run the game with no issues. Now when i play, its a bit slow, lags here and there, and during missions (especially), its slower than before (by a little), and when i look around while walking,standing still, or running, sections of the screen dont move for a fraction of a second but its still noticeable and distracting. Before, the screen movements were fluid and never froze(unless there was a massive amount of stuff happening). nothing in my computer has changed and all my hardware is up to date. Anyone else having the same issues?





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There are a few things that may have been mentioned in all the previous texts, but I figure there are a few things I see that could be easily changed to make this a better overall game:


-being able to hit the enter key in the login screen.  I dont know why we cant do this. (Something to do with hacking maybe?)


-change exp color from damage color, or be able to customize the color and font??? of all your damage/status colors.  also maybe include the option to see your sentinels damage.


-I cant believe there isnt an option to see overhead status bars on your teammates with their names, hp/shield, and warframe.  WHY ISNT THERE ANYTHING ABOUT THE WARFRAME THEY ARE PLAYING IN GAME.


-Sort of in continuation of the last post, have the ability to hit the alt key and see the outlines of teammates through walls so you can have a much better idea where they are relative to you.  The minimap only shows which room they are in directionally and is no indication of how far past that.  I dont know if this was done on purpose or what, but its rather annoying.


-Separate shields and health bars.


-Loadout option where you can pre-set wf, primary, secondary, and even sentinel.


-Outline on solid surfaces of frost's shield.  Its very hard to tell where the walls are when inside the shield unless you run up to the wall.  A ring on the ground would solve this issue.

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I know it's a beta version, but I suppose the INTERFACE should be, step by step, more consistent (I'm talking about Update 13, too... Even worse!)

Can DE work in hardly... for once?

This is one of their projects now that u13 is out. They already said this.


In other news, the new rescue target tracking system and icon on the actual HUD and the minimap? LOVE IT! TY TY TY TY! Wanted this so much!!

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Earlier today I finished my shade. When I went to mod its pistol, Burst Laser, the UI for the mod screen did not load. The only way to get out of the bugged screen was to log out. I found that this happens to me whenever I do not have a secondary weapon equipped when I go to mod the Burst Laser. I imagine this also applies to other sentinel weapons as well if you do not have a primary weapon equipped.

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+Health/Shield displays are much better than before

 - Would like the option to see the sentinel's weapon xp and level as well


+Simple view of the powers is much better than before

 - Instead of just saying you have insufficient energy when trying to use a power, I would vastly prefer it said "X Energy Required" and the bar flashed at the level it needed to be at to provide more visual feedback


+New layout for Weapon/Ammo works well

 - I would like to see an option for viewing all carried weapon XP without having to switch it to the active weapon



- The ability to custom place the UI elements out of combat would be amazing...

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Something bothering me lately: Skill error messages.


They're waaaaaaaaaaaaay down at the bottom, in the corner, in white text on what's usually a background that makes them nigh-invisible.


So when I hit my skill and nothing happens, I have NO idea why, and I have to glance down there and hit it again and hope it works.


Can we please get skill error messages put somewhere meaningful?

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Display of the health bars of Warframe, health is red, shield is blue.

This coloring is intuitive indeed, I did not feel dissatisfaction at the time of the old HUD.

The new HUD, these bars are given in one line. When I first saw this health bars, I thought as I have damaged.
I was also getting used to by now the new HUD. But this health bars is confusing, and very bad feeling. I have hidden only this bar use sticky notes.


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DE, here is my feedback.

I just cannot adjust to this new HUD effectively. I find myself trying to cast shock when I don't have enough energy because I cannot see how much energy I have in time. It feels a little straining to have to abruptly snap my eyes to the top- and bottom-right of the screen to see what's going on. When I am facing a 1-2 napalm/bombard(s) along with 3 scorpions and 2 heavy gunners/elite lancers, I need to keep my eyes in the centre of the screen.


I strongly suggest revision of the UI. As a player who emphasizes heavy hand-to-hand combat (even before Melee 2.0 dropped, I was tearing stuff up with the fangs, then the fang primes), I need to know my health, shields and system energy reserves immediately. Think about this: street combat is about fast, simple moves. This is why in martial arts systems such as Krav Maga, you do not see the usage of hammer kicks, for instance - it takes too long to execute in real combat, not a movie or tournament. I must do a complete roundhouse, in essence, to see my critical stats.


A split second may make the difference between life and death. In the time trying to look at my health and such, a bombard, for instance, may be approaching. Being able to keep my eyes in the centre of the screen while relying on my peripheral vision to pick up the slack, I would have seen him and been able to make the necessary adjustments immediately, which may mean redirecting my attack towards him, disengagement of the situation via dash or electrical shock, or a jump slam to knock down everyone near me so I can get at him or pull back for ranged fire. My first instinct would be to use my suit's abilities to disengage or temporarily immobilize.


Now, this is a crucial point - critical time.

Critical time, as I use it, is defined as that 0.2-1 seconds in which to make a decision after sizing up a situation.

Having to look up at the corner, then look down into the other corner to check my stats. It also takes a certain time for the numbers to register according to each line and then to process those numbers into useful information - in the time that all this is going on, that brief window may be all the enemy needs to put me down (if my sentinel doesn't save me). A rocket may be flying my way or a napalm shot coming at me from behind some enemies, but I did not see it in time in the brief glimpse it showed between bodies because I had to look away from the centre to check my stats. Big numbers are useless to me because they are simply visual "noise."

As you learn to fight most effectively, you will learn how to block out things that will not affect you directly and focus on the situation on hand. However, because those stats are critical, I need to pay attention to them, albeit to a lesser extent. But, I cannot just watch the numbers because they're not the biggest threat - the enemy is! This reduces the fighter's effectiveness by a significant portion.


Because I do not have access to these crucial stats of my warframe immediately (being in the centre if my sight), this hinders my ability to fight most effectively. For instance, using the Reaper Prime (all day, every day), I'll be in heavy combat, but hearing the warning sign of my shields being erased, I have to look up into the corner, to see what my health is. In the time that I am looking away from the action, I can be checking the situation to decide whether I have enough health to finish the combo or disengage via dash/roll/shock. A pause can mean death.


A summation of it: the pause I have to make to look at the numbers hinders my combat effectiveness and places a certain amount of eyestrain. Size adjustment of the UI does nothing to help - I need the critical stats (health, shields and energy) in the centre of the screen, below the dots.

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to say the ui looks great but I would like to be able to re-size parts of it to fit my attention style. overlay map, mini-map - buffs/debuffs etc


And move the elements around to where I want them.

Edited by Saicoman
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Warframe's UI is is not really a GUI. It is an aggravating minigame that I have to play before and between every mission in order to play, and a way of annoying me even further by placing important information inside missions as far away from the center of the screen as is possible.


I want my health and shields to be wherever I want them. Personally, I want to put them in a radial HUD very close to the center of my screen. Right now, how close you are to dying is way up in a corner that you would never look towards if that critical information was not tucked away up there like a pot of leprechaun gold. The same for ammo and energy. I want them to be where i am looking, and not have to look where they have been placed way out of my way. Can we have an iota of UI customization? And after that, can we have a crapton of it?


I can resize the chat window. It scales back down after every mission. This makes me angry. It also makes me angry that If i scale the chat back up so that I can see more than 9 words at a time, it covers a lot of the buttons in the armory, market, and weapon mod windows. Why are the exit buttons for most screens down in the rightish bottom? Why put them where the chat window is? They need to be up on the left side, or the mod screen should be in a tree-type view so that you can go right from one weapon to another without having to exit and go back in.


Why can't I close region chat? I don't want to talk in region. But i do want to remain in my clan chat. Why are you forcing region chat upon me!? Trading subchats(that won't take up 175% of my chat tab bar) are overdue. I know they are coming, but it's been a while. Recruiting chat is really clunky. Take it out and give us a real lobby system, even a basic matchmaking system would be good, where you can pick missions you want to go on and puts you in with hosts.

Edited by exelsisxax
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Bottom line to 70% of the posts here: Give us UI customization like any competent MMO has.


Even RPG's allow mods to change this crucial display of information to suit individual needs. No, not desires - NEEDS. I can desire something to look good, but I need to not die due to bad UI decisions. Give us the tools we need to enjoy the game.


I've played WF for 860 in-game hours now. At least 4 times as much when accounting for time spent during mod optimization(probably my favorite part of the game, more so then the actual gameplay)/mechanics research/theory-crafting/weapon comparison and related mathematics/wiki activity. Even with all this time spent on this hobby, THE DAMN UI nearly got me to quit, on two separate occasions.

This is the kind of response that should tell you, in no uncertain terms, that you have made mistakes. Most of us are even telling you WHERE you went wrong - you're trying to force a interface style that just does NOT and CAN NOT cater to everyone's needs. I've since mellowed in my anger due to options like 'HUD Scale', 'HUD Motion', visible Sentinel vital stats, and the very useful ability dots under the pointer - but it's just a band-aid solution for a fundamentally flawed approach to how players take in information.


All of the above is why once a certain critical mass of players have formed, every MMO switches to custom UI layouts - because you can't please a casual player that wants everything to look as sleek and non-intrusive as possible while at the same time please the hardcore players that have put hundreds of hours into the game that want something efficient. Trying to please both with the same UI leads to no one being content.


You could, of course, make two different layouts - one catering to style and the other to performance and let players switch between them; but while certainly better then the draconian UI that currently exists, you're still pushing your own opinions onto players that want to make their own, informed choices. There's a reason why every big MMO uses custom UI's - it's the smart choice that pleases (nearly) everyone.


To end on a good note, I will say that I appreciate the lack of horribly jarring total-UI-changes in recent months. If custom UI is still a wondrous thing of the future, at least changes are happening at a digestible pace that allows for troubleshooting before too much horror is ingested by players at once. I look forward to a lack of utter ragequit moments as far as UI is concerned and maybe, possibly, hopefully, one day we can have our custom prize.



Glaring bugs regarding UI: Addressing the bug where in-mission vital stats vanish (ammo being the most crucial) and target cursor gets bumped down after ANY change to Video or HUD options during the mission would be nice as well. This has been a bug for months now.


PS: The chat bar needs to snap to whatever border we drag it on to - atm you can only place it up or down, both being areas that are already filled with other needed visual information.



Best of luck.


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Currently the HUD is way better than the old one. That said, it also has come with new problems that have, for the most part, been adressed. The HUD should be able to be scaled down alot more or the font changed, because as it is now it's a bit too big. Future updates of the hud should allow for the text to and bars to be toggled on or off independent of each other.


The dots under the reticule are a good step in the right direction for a minimal HUD setup, but I'd like to see the quarter circles of the reticule be used to indicate health and shields (this was suggested in a mockup but I cant remember where I saw it). This should be toggleable like the dots.

The current position of energy is a bit out of the way as well and could be displayed beside or below the ability dots(player customisable preferrably).


Tweaks I'd like to see is are the dots being changed to tiny icons if possible, and the ability to change to positions for the map, health and shields, and player list. Also a sort of stretch UI goal I'd like to see in this game would be energy level on the actual warframe model itself like it was in Dark Sector and possibly ammo count on the weapon itself, to make playing without majority of the UI an actually viable thing.

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