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New Hud Feedback


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Some of the text looks a bit blurry too me. A lot of the information  (like your shields/hp) is hard to gauge at a glance because its too small and cluttered. Having the party on the right side feels *wrong* for me.


Otherwise this UI feels fresh.

Edited by BlasterOfMuppets
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The dots are fine! I actually like them but I believe they need more function. Like them turning red when there's a timer running or them becoming faded, almost invisible when you don't have enough energy.  Something as simple as that could make them very useful.




Actually.. it does do that.. huh. Never noticed until I actually stopped and examined. So if you do have too little energy the white lights turn off. However it doesn't tell me if a skill is on a cooldown or not.

Edited by Redlove108
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Actually posted in the "Update" announcement section before I saw this thread.....


First, thanks for all the work.  I really like a lot of the new elements in the game.


Now for some nitty-gritty comments on the "HUD" ...


- I like that t's more "informative".... when you're standing still, not fighting enemies, and have time to look for the info.
- However, when it gets real busy with the business of staying alive,  I find that it's not as intuitive as the previous HUD.

- For me, the problem stems from the predominance of the numbers, as opposed to the graphical bars.

- Graphical markers like bars can tell me at a glance where I stand ...  "Am I halfway down? Quarter? Toast?"

- The HUGE numbers just distract from the info (unless it's already at  0  =) )


- Power levels on the bottom right ... hmm, I had initially said in my previous post it's easier to see all info in one corner (top right)

  However, having read that this was a conscious decision to try something new, I'll try to give this a shot....

  But if you're canvassing opinions, I'd like to say I need the power-level as visible as ammo (it practically is ammo). 

  I don't need the power-type to be as obvious.... I think most people set it and they're done, or use the numbers (unless it's PS4 of course).


I know people have preferences, but by and large, I believe that graphical markers typically deliver information more intuitively at a glance than text would. Again thanks for all the fun delivered, and thanks for listening....

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- Icon fix is eagerly awaited

- Make the energy bar on the bottom corner blue (contextual colorization of UI elements in general can go a long long way)

- Make the reload circle larger, preferably on the outside of the crosshair

- Let us toggle the crosshair power dots in options.

- Let us scale the UI elements in options

- Let us set UI element opacity

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Glad to hear that the waypoints are getting fixed.


Would love to have a power semicircle instead of those power beads under the crosshair, I kinda need to know if I have 100 or 400 power in the battle. 


And, as was previously said, bottom corners are less favorable than top ones. And keeping power near health makes glancing at stats more streamlined, bad thing to remove.


Also, still wishing for an option to have waypoints at the doors instead of at some points guiding you to the door (since I can't shortcut that way).

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The 4 dots for the power. Could there be an energy bar there too? Something tiny? Or maybe tiny power icons that highlight when they are available? It's hard for me to tell which power I can use by glancing at the dots. I still end up glancing at the bottom right.


The dots are greyed out when you don't have enough energy to cast them, so in that way they reflect how much energy you have. But we probably went too subtle there :) We'll take a look, maybe up the contrast between the two states.

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I'm alright with the new HUD, although with only two minor gripes, which were detailed in the OP. Still, I feel I should copy/paste them from my notes to here anyway.


1. Waypoints (especially in survival) need greater diversity. As they are now, I can barely tell the difference between an extraction waypoint and an oxygen refill waypoint. I suggest making the waypoints different colours, as they were before HUD 2.0.


2. The OBJECTIVES section of the new HUD could stand to be larger. While it isn't excruciatingly small, it does little to catch my attention like it previously did.

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please make the right area things bigger and the minimap as well.



go from the little lines






to bigger things







so that they are more noticeable to the peripheral vision!

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My health and shields bar looks confusing. The blue and red contrast is too bright. I can't just glance up and see how I'm doing with my health anymore. I have to look and concentrate to see. It's kind of like wearing a new watch. Not a huge issue at all really, but feedback none the less.



The new minimap icons were really confusing at first. The minimap was good before.

Edited by KaraLotus
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What's interesting is that the health and shield? Appear to drain away from the middle. Which seems odd to me. What if they were to drain towards the middle? So the smaller the bar appears from one side or the other gives you an idea of how much you have left?

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Really like the new UI, but just like when codex came out, need some some extra work.


Here what I got:

- information too small ( I know you're already aware of this).

- guns/skills information stacked together. I think putting skill bottom centered would be the best.

- I would add a yellow gauge for ammo (and/or current clip/magazine), similar to HP and shield.

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I like the HUD way better than the old one. Good job.


However here's what I would change:


The font could use something a bit less generic/round.

I would change the bright red to an orange or add a colorblind mode.

Option to make everything bigger. Especially the power bar with the timers and the cryopod/oxygen health bar (at least 3 times bigger).


And here's a farfetched list of what I would like:


Options to toggle stuff (for example I want to play without crosshair but need the map/objective info)

Different colors/crosshairs or a customizable default crosshair (colors for the entire HUD as well)

More info in the lower center part of the screen or below the crosshair, I liked the stamina bar in there.

And this is totally unnecessary, but would save me the typical 3 key pushes every match:

Make the option to start with the Z player list on by default, big map by default and remember shoulder view (I play with the character on the right).

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What's interesting is that the health and shield? Appear to drain away from the middle. Which seems odd to me. What if they were to drain towards the middle? So the smaller the bar appears from one side or the other gives you an idea of how much you have left?


This is a good idea!


Also if the Health/Shield Bars represent percentages you could tell at a glance who was running at Low Shields or Health.


Right now trying to monitor Health on Trinity is a real pain.

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Yet another "wish I had seen this before" feedback post.

- The HUD size is very small, and uses colors that are not suited to the size. By turning it into tiny squares, is too easy for the eye to relegate it to the background. One has to make an actual, voluntary effort to see the stamina bar.
- The font choice, other than being of no consequence with the game theme (looks like an accounting font, instead of a stylish one) is too small to understand what most of the things are. The enemy characteristics are barely readable, while the color and aliasing make powers readout and party HUD letters and numbers a mess of cyan and red.
- The map, with the new bouncy delay, is almost nausea inducing (as in dizziness). The map should not have a rotation lag.
- The icons on the new Interception mode are so small and indistinguishable, that is very difficult to know if the tower is captured or not. Other than that, there's the bug that, after the first wave, the HUD no longer reports capture bars or energy pickups (a Host Migration or a level restart is required for them to work again).
So, what would I do in order to fix this? Here's some suggestions:
- Use a rectangular shape for HUD readouts. This takes more area, but is easier for the eye to see it.
- There's no need for shield and health bars. The color-coded numbers work well enough. If you totally must have them, then the stamina bar should have the same height. This not only will make the stamina readout easier to see, but would give more weight to the general info area.
- Return the party readout to the left area of the HUD. Even if it's the new one. As it stands, it just creates more clutter in an area where all that can be seen are some huge numbers and a mess of cyan and red.
- Drop the cyan. Really. It's too hard to combine cyan with anything, making the interface look cheap and contrasted. I'm sure it shouldn't be too difficult to make it closer to blue, and it would really improve that way.
- Add a transparency option. I rather miss the info boxes. Some people might not. But for those of us who prefer easy readability over flashy looks, the boxes work just fine.
- All bars should be in one spot. Therefore, health, shields energy and stamina should be in the same spot. It's a pain having to look at two different corners to get all the info.
- If none of the transparency or rectangular shape suggestions are feasible, then at least a free positioning-resizing option. This way, those of us that have problems with the HUD can customize it to an extent that allows us to gather all the info that currently is hard to gather.
Thanks for your attention.
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The dots are greyed out when you don't have enough energy to cast them, so in that way they reflect how much energy you have. But we probably went too subtle there :) We'll take a look, maybe up the contrast between the two states.

Can you please add a toggle in the Options menu to hide those dots? It would appear as some people like them, while others don't. I dislike them as they are useless to me and create clutter on the crosshair... 

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Hi Pablo so here somestuff I would like you to review if you have some time :


The size to Avatar / name Allies HP/MP is to low and the HP/shield bar is kind of weird


The Skill part , again is to little i had to guess what was the number for Except that it's seem to be Ok even if that 4 Dot under Crosshair feel strange

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Hi Pablo so here somestuff I would like you to review if you have some time :


The size to Avatar / name Allies HP/MP is to low and the HP/shield bar is kind of weird


The Skill part , again is to little i had to guess what was the number for Except that it's seem to be Ok even if that 4 Dot under Crosshair feel strange



Totally agree. Avatar size is too small. I get the impression they are about as important as watching my sentinel's health. (which isn't that important, fyi since I can't heal it.)

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- Font is too small


- Minimap is too small


- Shield/Health bars are too small, especially for teammates


- Weapon information in the bottom right is too small


- Are you catching on yet? The HUD in general is too small, it's as if DE intended us to play the game in 800 x 800 resolution.


- The 4 dots under the reticle give no useful information at the moment and are redundant since it shows which skill is highlighted with the scroll wheel but is lacking the skill timers that are present in the bottom right. Add the timers with the dots. I'd like to speak with the person who ultimately made the choice to tuck away vital information in the corners with ant sized font while these dots sit in the centre.

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I`ve noticed that when the map is extended and the objective text is moved it becomes partially hidden, it can be fixed by adjusting the HUD but it stays above the rest of the items showed on the HUD and i don`t think it was planned this way.


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