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Latron Prime Balance Issues


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You are THAT guy.

Please consider that many, MANY, WF players have asked for the Latron Prime to be buffed. NOTHING happened for seven months. Yes, that is correct SEVEN (7) months. It got buffed into usefulness YESTERDAY.

Yet less than 24 hours later, after the unliked, unwarranted, and unwanted NERFING of Frost Prime--you tempt FURTHER nerfing by writing such a post?

You ARE that guy.

^This dude is correct. Please dont be that guy. I have a simple solution to your problem, dont play with it if its to powerful, the weapon deserved a buff and its kinda hard to get for new people. So please dont mess this up for other players.

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^This dude is correct. Please dont be that guy. I have a simple solution to your problem, dont play with it if its to powerful, the weapon deserved a buff and its kinda hard to get for new people. So please dont mess this up for other players.

Latron was overbuffed imo, i proposed buffs yet you and most of other ppl doesnt even seem to notice that. 

Not everyone can pretend that problem doesnt exist.

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if the latron is op then what is the soma? the soma is pretty much a latron with 90 bullets in the clip auto fire and higher crit chance the latron is not op is pretty much a semi auto sniper so it should make alot of damage 

The Soma is a rank 6 Mastery-locked weapon whose DPS comes at the price of having suckage for ammo economy in order to sustain it.

The Latron Prime is a precision, semi-automatic, and though is obtained from the void, has no Mastery lock, is capable of potentially higher DPS than a fully automatic assault rifle-class weapon and with what may as well be an infinite supply of ammunition by comparison.

The Latron Prime needed a buff, yes, but not to this extent. I would not support a nerf if it brought the LP back into line with how it was pre-U12, but again, in its current state it's a tad much.

There has to be a middle-ground buff that is acceptable to both parties here. If players disagree with the fire rate being amended then it's either the raw damage itself or the crit rate that should be examined.

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Latron Prime #1 rifle now. It s a bit funny, it feels almost like Vectis now, except much faster (dont have it even close to maxed)

Looking at numbers I would nerf Latron Prime ~10-15% Why should it have more dps than Soma if it already has huge 1-shot damage and very good status chance.


with exactly same mods:



Edited by Monolake
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wow.. another one...


stop asking for nerfs your just ruining the progress of the game


latron prime better not get nerfed because a small % of pessimists who represent only a tiny fraction of people who play the game are constantly whining for unjustified nerfs  

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Is Heavy Caliber supposed to go on Latron Prime like it goes on Soma?

I use rank 6 HC for balance of damage/accuracy loss/cost. Both weapons are crit-based thats why they can be compared with exact same mods.




wow.. another one...


stop asking for nerfs your just ruining the progress of the game


latron prime better not get nerfed because a small % of pessimists who represent only a tiny fraction of people who play the game are constantly whining for unjustified nerfs  

Wow, another one. Could you people stop whining about balance discussions if you have nothing to contribute. 

Edited by Monolake
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I use rank 6 HC for balance of damage/accuracy loss/cost. Both weapons are crit-based thats why they can be compared with exact same mods.

Would a high-ranked HC hurt Latron Prime's compromise Latron Prime's accuracy at range badly? I don't use a Soma for shooting across tiles so HC doesn't seem to hurt Soma much.

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Would a high-ranked HC hurt Latron Prime's compromise Latron Prime's accuracy at range badly? I don't use a Soma for shooting across tiles so HC doesn't seem to hurt Soma much.

Up to 15 meters accuracy is pinpoint over 25 u may miss head over 35 u may miss body. Even then missing 1 shot isnt much problem due to stupidly high dmg.

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Why just don't you leave that goddamn thing alone ? It looks like you're only reacting because the Soma have now a strong sidegrade with a higher DPS. Let us having fun with it a bit.


That Nerf madness is really getting annoying. Now there's even a nerf thread for the bows.

Never said that soma is balanced, even more ive been saying that soma should get nerfed since it was released.

Madness is saying that everything is fine.

Also madness is saying that you can have fun with weapon only if its able to oneshot everything.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Never said that soma is balanced, even more ive been saying that soma should get nerfed since it was released.

Madness is saying that everything is fine.

Also madness is saying that you can have fun with weapon only if its able to oneshot everything.


If it's madness to say that the actual buffs are fine, so I really prefer to be mad.

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Never thought that latron prime needed buff, was doing just fine with it pre buff, i

Say what? A lot of weapons can do "just fine" that doesn't mean they aren't behind the curve and need a buff.

It's a frigin prime weapon without auto fire, its old damage numbers were clearly too low.

I'm not going to get involved in the debate about its current numbers but honestly...

if you claim you're after balance but didn't think it needed a buff before I am questioning your credibility on the whole subject.



It has greater potential DPS, but much less ease of use. 

The Latron has less bullets in the mag, and punishes missed shots a LOT due to how much damage it loses from missing. Each shot made with the Latron is precious, and it makes missing really really depressing. Not to mention that it has greater recoil than the Soma, making target re-acquisition more difficult in the case that you do miss your first shot.

Well put.

Considering potential DPS and actual DPS are very different things. 

So when looking at its output we need to consider how much its doing under normal battlefield conditions not just ideal conditions where no shots are ever missed.

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If it's madness to say that the actual buffs are fine, so I really prefer to be mad.

Ive seen in this topic alone 2 suggestions how it could be buffed so stop this bullS#&$ and read


None of us said that it was bad to buff latron, but it was overbuffed and were thinking how to bring it in line.


You dont want to help?? fine, convince us that in its current state its actually balanced. Got nothing interesting to say about?? then get lost.






Say what? A lot of weapons can do "just fine" that doesn't mean they aren't behind the curve and need a buff.

It's a frigin prime weapon without auto fire, its old damage numbers were clearly too low.

I'm not going to get involved in the debate about its current numbers but honestly...

if you claim you're after balance but didn't think it needed a buff before I am questioning your credibility on the whole subject.


Fact that i never thought that it never needed a buff was due to it performing "just fine", im fairly content with baseline for balance being 9k dps after 6-7 forma. i thought same things about bows but it doesnt mean that im not enjoying changes, from what ive seen i cant call them op, on the other hand latron atm outclasses all sniper rifles and even beats op soma in terms of dps. Sure i wouldnt complain about 30% dmg increase but nearly doubling dmg output is too much.

Edited by Davoodoo
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I am tempted to build it, but because the damage is pretty high I think DE might dial it down.


Before the gap between Latron and Latron prime was a fair gap, but now it's pretty large it deals nearly double the damage of the latron prior to the buff. So right now I'm very skeptical of its current state.

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To be honest, I don't really understand the Soma and its crit chance to begin with. If you look at it from how they're calculated, critical hits are brought to their full potential when attacking weak points. The critical damage multiplier is applied twice over, which results in the usual ridiculous damage. This would suggest that critical hit builds should really be for precision weapons. 


And then we plop this ridiculous crit chance on a 100 round automatic rifle/machine gun, and give it a higher crit chance than every single sniper rifle other than a currently unobtainable when, which has an equal crit chance. I suppose now with the new changes bows have absurd crit chance, but honestly speaking I'm okay with that (only on full bow charges, NOT on uncharged bow shots...).


Honestly speaking, I think the crit mechanic in general is not very well done.


I would be okay with dropping the Latron Prime's base damage and rate of fire a bit, but only if buffing its crit chance by a good amount. The Latron Prime is a precision weapon, and you're supposed to take careful shots, not settling for body shots and calling it a day.


It is nice to have the Latron Prime be a competitive weapon with the Soma, though.

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serration, infected clip, stormbringer, heavy caliber, split chamber, hammer shot, vital sense, point strike

70k headshots with 90% chance to get extra shot


You said that HALF modded it can one-shot wave 40 defense enemies. What you are describing here is a fully modded weapon with forma. Lots of weapons get powerful enough to take on wave 40 enemies with a setup of this caliber.


I see no issue, let the Latron lovers enjoy their combat rifle.

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Anyone who says that the Latron Prime is equal to the Soma hasn't used the Latron Prime that much.


dpsframe is a GREAT resource to test the "theoretical maximums" of what the math can do, but one thing it does NOT reflect is the playability differences between weapons.


I haven't built the Soma, but it has Zero-Recoil, correct?  It's also an automatic gun, hold down the mouse button and watch things die in front of you.


Okay, here's a test.  Take your Soma, add whatever mods you want, and do a run on...  Alad V.  Look at him with your Soma, press down on your mouse button, and hold it until he's dead.  You may count the approximate seconds.


Now take the Latron Prime, modded any way you like, and run Alad.  Look at him with your Latron Prime or Latron, press down on your mouse button, and hold it until you need a revive because Zanuka killed you.


Latron Prime's new place at the top of the all-power dps chart depends entirely upon you being able to engage the enemies with perfect accuracy, never missing a shot, and having superhuman trigger control, all while managing the heavy recoil of the weapon.


You CAN'T use the Latron Prime in the same way as the Soma.  You can't spam the trigger madly on the Latron.  You don't have the ammo supply in the magazine, and the recoil will obliterate your accuracy.


If the recoil does NOT obliterate your accuracy because your reflexes and ability to intuitively aim are THAT refined, you NEED to stop playing Warframe, and go join the military where your instincts will make you an amazing sniper.  If you're THAT good, stop pretending to be a ninja commando and go BE a ninja commando.


Meager "normals" like me will happily then play a video game where we pretend to be the uber-elite Delta Force members like you.


The Latron Prime HAS to be overpowered because its the only way to make this prime weapon honestly useful in the hands of most of us.  Great, you're an awesome mega-sniper.  I apologize for my inferiority.  I don't have the ability to headshot everything.  Yes, in the hands of an honestly elite player, it's probably overwhelming.


After all, the Soma is a marketplace item.  It has no right to be top-tier, it's too easy to acquire.  Compare the requirements for getting the Ignis or the Supra, or the Boar Prime.  All you need to do to get Soma is grind through the game's equipment, which admittedly takes a crapload of time if you're on solo.  It's not terribly tough though, and if you have good multiplayer, it can honestly be easy.


Clan Tech requires forma, to build dojo rooms, for which you are at the mercy of the RNG.  Prime items require Orokin missions and rare component drops.  I get it, forma isn't rare for mid-tier players, and High-tier players have it stockpiled in interstellar warehouses.  I have 4 that I'm not sure what I want to do with.  For a low-tier player though, these things are... incredibly rare.


The best weapons in the game shouldn't depend on "I ran Lith 1200 times in pickup groups, and then paid a few credits for the best gun in the game".

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You said that HALF modded it can one-shot wave 40 defense enemies. What you are describing here is a fully modded weapon with forma. Lots of weapons get powerful enough to take on wave 40 enemies with a setup of this caliber.


I see no issue, let the Latron lovers enjoy their combat rifle.

Drop split chamber drop hammer shot 24 mod points less still capable of doing so.

70 mod points total, you will fit it with no forma.

Edited by Davoodoo
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serration, infected clip, stormbringer, heavy caliber, split chamber, hammer shot, vital sense, point strike

70k headshots with 90% chance to get extra shot

Screenshot, please.


Even half modded it can oneshot anything up to wave 40 on t3 def

Screenshot, please. Don't forget about "half-modded" statement.


And no, dpsframe fancy math doesn't count.

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Im really loving new latron. But truth be told, its op. Even half modded it can oneshot anything up to wave 40 on t3 def, 


I propose to reduce base dmg to 60(6imp 48punc 6 slash) raise crit chance to 20%, decrease crit dmg to 2.0, decrease reload speed to 2.0.

This should tone it down a bit letting sniper rifles compete in dmg with it.


Really wish they did not remove down votes. I'd give you one.


Latron Prime was one of my first Prime weapons ever. once I played with it for a good long time I just had to put it away. too many other weapons out there where simply doing much better. I love how it is right now. don't change a Thing. not 1 single thing. 


This weapon deserves some time in the spot light. and now that it does players like you want to ruin it.

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These nerf threads really need to stop..

Some things are a little ridiculous because they are just plain OP (Like the old bastille and snowglobe and trinity's ult)

But why nerf things that are just good?

why not just buff other things?

Nerfs shouldn't be asked for, it's hard to even enjoy using weapons sometimes 'cause of fear of the nerf hammer.

:I Stop begging for nerfs, start asking for buffs geez.






"nerf so Sniper rifles can compete in dmg.."

Why not just make sniper rifles better at their job of instagibbing things?

instead of wanting the LatP nerfed, why not ask for sniper buff or something?

come on man.

Edited by Kaboinglefop
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