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So No Snow Globe In Kappa...


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When's the actually last time you needed snow globe ? Think really hard.

I only have ever needed snowglobe when there isn't enough crowd control among the 4 players to stop the pod from getting torn up.....so quite often actually. Unless a Nyx is present. Absorb>Snow Globe in defense, so long as Nyx's range is big enough for Absorb to cover the defense, especially when you add the fact that Nyx can use Chaos and hit every enemy on the map, and with Fleeting Expertise, she can use both Absorb and Chaos like, infinitely. 


that said, Frost now has a new and improved Avalanche, providing much needed CC outside of his snowglobe. I think Frost has more Defense Mission potential then he did before, though the health on Snow Globe is a tad low, I think it needs a slight buff, or armor to help it last just a little longer. I find myself recasting it every few seconds when fighting level 35+ shooty enemies, and end up spamming my ult instead, only using Snow Globe to help the pod recover it's shields, or to save a team mate etc. not to say that I can't just win by spamming his ult, but it would be nice if Snow Globe would function at least a little longer with it's natural health, making max blind rage + Focus frosts having the nigh super globe we are all used to having, and forcing everyone else to use the globe wisely.


Freeze however, still needs to effect an AoE from where it hits, just as it's always needed.....also having the enemies not "unfreeze" when shot, but maybe actually "shatter" dealing additional aoe damage if killed, would be a nice touch, and then DE could simply lower the duration of Freeze to like, 3-4 seconds at max level, or something like that. (I just don't see how it's anygood when in a group of 4 players, and any one of them shooting an enemy you hit with freeze, ends the effect...)

Edited by Temphis
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Nah it actually did, I could handle the mobs that got into Globe with my unranked weapons that I brought. It's mostly because I'm usually the only one who stays in the cryopod room, semi-afk with a dish of snacks and a cup of tea.(except for those odd times when I need energy and ammo and have to run all the way out to get it cause enemies are getting killed outside)


Maybe if you didn't bring unranked weapons......

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When level 35-40 Eviserators start spawning like crazy.

Team based game. Pretty sure you can tell everyone to focus a enemy type.


I want go beyond but i have fear cryopod can die.

Being scared of something is what makes the game challenging. Learning to work around it is what makes us better.

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Maybe if you didn't bring unranked weapons......

Then I wouldn't be on Kappa at all.


I'm not proud of it, but I used to Snow Globe on the pod and sit there with food, drinks and sometimes something to read and a Carrier to loot for me. Teammates just killed everything all over the place while I kept the pod safe so they could camp spawns. I'm not complaining about how I can't do that anymore, point of this topic is that Turbulence is a fun little skill that keeps your precious cryopod safe from bad people.

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I can't remember the last time I even needed snowglobe on a Mobile D.



I don't know you but I always like protection when playing D. 



On topic. Snowglobe is not -all- that bad, I mean, it still works, just really badly. Alternatively there's a lot of CC here and there, you could make good use of it. 

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