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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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I say ideal world because likely j3 will be added in u15, but typhus most likely wont, according to a couple founders I talked to currently on the design council forum the most likely frame concept for u15 is a void/time wizzard


edit: I claim page 120 as mine

Edited by Melos-mevim
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I say ideal world because likely j3 will be added in u15, but typhus most likely wont, according to a couple founders I talked to currently on the design council forum the most likely frame concept for u15 is a void/time wizzard


edit: I claim page 120 as mine

you never know we could have another .5 frame like Oberon.
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you never know we could have another .5 frame like Oberon.


Psst, Senk.. anyone made a topic on how to use Loki to help other players? Like using Loki as Support whtn there's no Trinity or Oberon around e.e"


I wanna see that topic if it exists, and if not maybe you can do it.. I'm too afraid to >_<

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Weiss is who Typhus was before he became Typhus. And I believe he changed Weiss to the Dracul Concept.

but what happened if Weiss had an enemy or Rival called Schwarz


like in the past y'know then something happened between them, that caused a major event/incident or something


sorry i just thought it would be possible becuz maybe i was just thinking about the name,

Weiss is White


Schwarz is Black

so that's how I got the idea

Edited by Hunter126
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Yeah. cool and all that you can use Thunderbolt on the Attica. 30% chance isn't that great, but it gives you some more versatility in combat... for a single shot rifle. But... why not just use an Ogris if you want to explode the bad guys, which has a 100% chance to detonate on impact!


Or what about the Latron Prime? Sure its kind of vanilla, but its still leagues ahead of the Attica.

Or if you want to pin enemies to the wall that bad, why not use the Boltor Prime? Have you seen the damage numbers that thing can crank out? Its nuts!

Or how about the Paris Prime? Which is like the Attica, but, like, more. So much more...

ogris is also semi auto


also your comparing the best guns in the game to a clan research weapon


two of those weapons can be red crits and one of them is arguably the strongest in the game  


so tell me how this makes sense again


that's like comparing skana prime to dakra prime

Edited by Rynefall
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