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If I Were The Dev, Warframe Will Looks Like This...


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First thing first, I just want to say that I'm a huge fanboy of Warframe, I've nothing to complain or anything else with the game. I could say this is the best free to play game I've ever played in my life so far. So... if the topic below have anything or words that's make you feel uncomfortable, just remember that this is just my opinion and the way I want Warframe to looks and play like. Lets just stop wasting time and start the journey to my other version of Warframe, shall we?!
And by the way, long post alert.
Warframe type is a Sci-Fi / Fatansy based game. The way it was mixed between those two type by DE is just simply brilliant, half based on real things in the universe we're living everyday and the other half is just by imagination. Because its a "hybird" game, that's why I can't take things seriously - not that kind of "serious"... what I mean is that I always wanted Warframe to be a more realistic sci-fi, not just fantasy... things in-game should be based on things that can and may or will be able to do or happen in reality.
So, now we'll start the first suggestion which is the story. Warframe lore was meant to be the "future version" of Dark Sector and DS is also a sci-fi / fantasy based game, so now I'll get rid of DS out of Warframe lore. Warframe now have nothing to do with DS anymore. The story that I think the Warframe should be is kinda like this - This is my sloppy lore to demostrate, its not ready for read: 

So the humanity is evolving and take over the solar system, then their first contact with the Orokin and the big war start between the two... after centuries the war ended with the lost of both side. Orokin stand on the brink of extinction, the fews remaining Orokinian left the solar system and never return, left their tech and stuffs all over the system...

The human race in the other hand is now split into 2 side. Back in the day, human scientists has researched and created cloning technology to out number the Orokin people because humanity current tech mean nothing compares to the Orokin one. After the war, the remaining human survivals get back together and form a new faction named "Corpus". There's nothing left to "protect" anymore, most of the planets in our system is now uninhabitable. So they became merchants... greedy, corrupted, live here today - gone far tomorrow. They've established a solar rail to trade goods and stuffs between planets in the solar system. Seem like the Corpus really interested in new and advanced tech and precious materials.
Left alone with no purposes, human clones has rise and unite as one to form a new faction of themselves called "Grineer" - they start cloning themselves over and over and over using the human cloning tech that was left and become a vast army of souless beings. They wage war with the Corpus to take over the goods that Corpus has found. Most of the solar planets are dominated by the Grineer and their also start invasion on other Corpus planets, Grineer now has one and only one purpus only... to conquer the whole solar system.
This is where our story begin... in the old war, if the humans have the tech that can multiply themselves, the Orokin also have their own project. The plan is to silently kidnap potential humans with no harms or sickness and else... bring those humans back to Orokin place and then they start to inject a special medicine that accelerate humans cells, organs and molecules. The first ever test subject has shown that after gets injected, he became more agile, faster reflexes, enhanced eyes vision and icreased intelligent.The test subject has run away and disappear in that same experiment. That plan is called... "Tenno" - The first half of the project is to create a whole new army of evolved-human to fight along side with them and the other half is to create a new power-suit to fit with the Tenno, these suit give the Tenno even more powers and abilites that come with it, Orokin call them "Warframe".
Orokin may have left but their techs and the "Tenno" is still here... all over the solar system. There is hundred, thousand and even milions Tenno out there in our system... but only the first ever Tenno that gone that day is alive and actually live... if not say missing. The rest are put in the cryopod and waited to be awaken by... "I am Lotus... I will guide you..."

The second suggestion is the game design, I will design Warframe to looks like these type of power-suit / power-armor:


There you go, you get the idea how its will looks like. The other factions is also based like that but have it own "style" in it for player to spot the differences easier. And here are weapons:



Now the new tileset which is set in a city:


And other misc. like ships, dojo and stuffs. There you go.

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So... Generic Space marines, doing generic space marine things while looking like generic space marines and using generic space marine guns?


No offense, but if DE takes you seriously, I will re-neg my account. All of the money that I had spent. I wouldn't even care if I get perma-banned, it would be worth it to not have to put up with another generic space marine game.

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I didn't bother to read anything you have there and just glanced at the pictures (fyi you got a broken spoiler tag that opens/closes funny).



However from what I saw, the artwork is amazing but it's not warframe. The thing that I find amazing about warframe it's set in the distant, distant, distant future. Where technology is so advance it's become damn near biological. Their frames look almost like a second skin but clear is not. It's seamless, form fitting, and even acts like a second skin.


This is what has made warframe so unique and so ahead of sci-fi in my opinion. You take a look at current sci-fi, current "high tech" genres and they have absolutely nothing on warframe's style or aesthetics. This is original and shouldn't change, ever.

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Those armor and weapon suggestions look very, well, generic.  Like they would fit in any other game that was power armor and guns.


Warframes are much more organic in design, and the visual designs of weapons are much more varied.  That kind of bulky armor would fit little with the art style of this game.  Same goes for those weapons that all look almost the same.


I can, however, agree with the suggestion for city tilesets.  I've been wanting a sci-fi city tileset for months.  With civilians and all that jazz.

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  • 5 months later...

Well this would certainly make for a cool game, but it just wouldn't be warframe. The strange, psudeo-mystery lore is what makes the setting so interesting, and the art direction is completely different from what you've shown.


I'm not hating on your vision or anything, I'm just saying it wouldn't be warframe.

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that sounds like a great concept. there needs to be more TPS out there


There's nothing wrong with the concept, this game just isn't warframe.


This concept feels more like a military sci-fi game with a generic post-apocalyptic setting and a generic supersoldier character.


It doesn't have any of the unique touches that make warframe so interesting.

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Dont listen to any of these people these designs are amazing theyre just jealous of your artistic ability, and so am i. loved the broken offramp 


You necro'd a five month old thread with a blatantly false statement?


The artists who drew those concepts (as in, not the OP) are very skilled to my untrained eyes.  However, as concepts for a game, they are completely unoriginal.  As concepts for this game, they're a total 180 when compared to the game's current art direction, which is literally the best thing about Warframe.


As I said five months ago, I still have no qualms about the idea of a city tileset, though.

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