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Soma's Future


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To all soma haters let me say this..The some is FINE!.its a nice well made wepon with its ups n downs like any other wepon.

People allways complaining about something...IF you dont like soma DONT USE IT but dont try to ruin other players games or wepons simply becuz you have to be butthurt about something,,,if soma gets nerfed you'll just find somehting else to be butthurt about....


SOMA is fine..dont like it?  THEN DONT USE IT!

The only damn problem with that is i have to witness that skilless people kill Literally everything before me. Soma is not fine, and opposed to what you said, it doesn't have downsides compared to other weapons. Stop being a fanboy and see the reality

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The only damn problem with that is i have to witness that skilless people kill Literally everything before me. Soma is not fine, and opposed to what you said, it doesn't have downsides compared to other weapons. Stop being a fanboy and see the reality


I can call literally everything before most people with my Braton Prime, Dera and Grakata as well.


Is the solution to Nerf everything?


How about this for a solution, we remove all weapons from the players and have them roll around the levels in wheel chairs armed only with sporks.

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People shouldn't worry about little kids running around with soma - de made the gun so incredibly easy and boring to use that most should be over it in a day or 2. I know I was.


If they touch my grinlok though, sparks will fly so I do know how soma fanboys feel.

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The game has few truly viable weapons to higher levels. And you ask for a nerf for SOMA? Think a bit before posting this stuff, please.

I don't think he's upset about Soma's dps.

He's upset that "skilless noobs" can easily kill stuff with a fully automatic accurate weapon with good dps. While he's being truly hardcore trying to kill stuff with his Spectra.

Because that what hardcore videogamers do, they play casual coop pve games.

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SO many haters. *puts on his hater blockers"


~~~~struts his Soma~~~





while I rap to myself "Eminem - The way I am"




btw you all do know there are like 3 weapons higher dps than Soma ( that's just primary weapons , not even going to mention pistols that do more dps than Soma )


so all this QQ over something that is NOT top dog.

Edited by Rompido
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So, you want to nerf the Soma, then make a Soma Prime that will be even better, just because it'll be a "prime" version? Or if it's Clan Tech it's automatically and should be better?


Sorry, but I don't see the point in your suggestion. You're complaining that Soma doesn't have weaknesses and that you want it nerfed, but then you want an even better gun with higher advantages just because it needs to be worked for a little more, is justifiable?


No thanks.

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Reduce fire rate and/or magazine size;

Remove the ability to cancel half of the reload. I haven't tried it with a lot of weapons, but the Soma seems to be one of the few, if not the only rifle that can have part of its reload cancelled.


Not going to make the weapon weak, but it's no longer going to be a superweapon with no significant drawbacks.

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SO many haters. *puts on his hater blockers"


~~~~struts his Soma~~~





while I rap to myself "Eminem - The way I am"




btw you all do know there are like 3 weapons higher dps than Soma ( that's just primary weapons , not even going to mention pistols that do more dps than Soma )


so all this QQ over something that is NOT top dog.


You are too brutal nuff said.


I do sick kills with Burston prime, Though ratio gets 1-1 or negative because i dont play conclave that much.

Edited by SALE94
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Reduce fire rate and/or magazine size;

Remove the ability to cancel half of the reload. I haven't tried it with a lot of weapons, but the Soma seems to be one of the few, if not the only rifle that can have part of its reload cancelled.


Not going to make the weapon weak, but it's no longer going to be a superweapon with no significant drawbacks.




Sorry, but I don't see the point in your suggestion


No thanks.

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The soma is still one of (and arguably) the best weapons in the game. It requires the same rank as the synapse but has equal or higher dps for less materials/work.


Reduce fire rate and crit damage

Add soma prime that is better than the current soma (even higher crit damage and slightly lower fire rate.)

Soma lovers still get an amazing gun, it just takes more work to get.



I believe that clan tech and primes should be the best weapons in the game


Another solution is to move the soma to the new tenno labs


Why so complicated? Just delete it from the game. Its simple. 

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I have three forma in mine and I'm willing to say that even with no forma it's just too effective a weapon. The Soma is a Gorgon with all the flaws turned down to be almost unnoticeable and nearly best in slot stats.

Chop the magazine size down to 60 to keep it big but not hugely bigger than any other rifle and drop the crit damage to 200% should bring it in line without being OP.

Edited by Fuzzykat
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That's funny...


one of DE guys from stream said themselves they won't touch Soma anymore after its last nerf (crit reduced from 35% to 30%).

I forgot which devstream was it but nah...



inb4 DE can break promises. Duh I know that can happen but I'm confident enough that there's not enough whining yet for Soma to get nerfed.

Edited by faustias
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My take:


This is a PvE (main) game, higher level items SHOULD be more powerful than their lower-level counterparts. This happens makes since for DE financially, as it ensures that potatoes will always be in demand. If everything were sidegrades, then the incentive to buy plat drops to almost null for many a player since you can trade for plat to buy slots.


DE has already stated that they will be creating a tier system, so weapons WILL become straight upgrades (primes were already doing this).


@whoever complained that noobs are killing stuff before you can get to them, here are the solutions: 1) Use the Soma yourself; 2) Play Solo; 3) Use ranged weapons. Your complaint is asinine when other guns like bows, penta/ogris, boar prime/sobek/twin vipers are more effective than the soma in different situations.


The true issue here is not that the gun is too powerful absolutely, it's too powerful relative to guns of similar requirements. Supra only was decent combo'd with Electric Shield, until the Synapse dethroned every gun in the game there (until its own nerf). Synapse is harder to get and has less range. Lanka was relatively fine until the bow buff, but then it lost the damage advantage, and punch through is no longer unique to it.


Soma needs no nerf, it simply needs either 1) to be harder to acquire; or 2) weapons of higher rank/resource requirements are to be buffed past soma's power level.


@whoever brings up the "HERP DERP this game isn't hard" argument, why the hell do you insist that everyone else in the game suffer because you want a "challenge" while using the highest level gear. Maybe you could make that argument if rewards scaled better than they do now, but they don't. Besides, you can always go run a nightmare mission with Oberon +MK. 1 Braton + Krakken + Ankyros + * Dragon Key. No one's stopping you. Difficulty is relative to an individual, weapon balance is not.


@Whoever asked why DE hasn't balanced all the weapons yet if it's so simple, because they only have so many people who are "qualified" to do so, and their attention is split amongst other things. The punch-through buff was super easy, but took forever. The status chance mods are useless atm, only God knows how long it'll take for them to buff those. Things don't happen just because, it's life.


Besides, we have bigger issues at hand. Rhino and Nova (and maybe Trinity) are still the only 2 frames that are useful in almost every circumstance that in most scenarios they will do just as well in a mission as other frames that were specialized for said mission.

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And it doesn't matter how easy or difficult it would be to bring the weapons to the level of them soma the problem is that if you do that the game is too easy. Buffing and nerffing isn't difficult on it's own, its making them fit with the entire game and if DE actually did buff everything the game wouldn't be fun.

Logical fallacy. The game is only as easy as the strongest weapon or weapons. And I don't really think buffing everything up to Soma levels is the answer. But certainly some minor increases for comfort are required. IE, less straight damage boosts unless the lack of damage is specifically the issue. Challenge shouldn't even be found by difficulty with guns any ways. Enemies need to be made more intelligent. A properly modded Karak can still chew threw grineer without much trouble because they're all dumb as posts. 

Although I do support the tier system of guns, I want there to be reasons to use lower tiered guns. 

Guns as tiers increase should specialize. The overall 'strength' of the weakest gun, compared to the strongest gun shouldn't be extreme, but be at least noticeable. Conversely, the ease of use of the weakest gun compared to the strongest should be in favor of the weak gun. 


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