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New Contest: A Quest Unknown!


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Each day as Tenno you face challenges and obstacles that stand in your way. Does the Stalker play an important role in your quest? Or does your adventure involve revenge and betrayal?


We want to put your creative minds to the test and see what kind of fable you can invent. Depict your unique story with screenshots and written lore. Is your tale about venturing the dark corners of the Solar System as a blind Banshee on a quest to retrieve her sight? Tell us!


Here’s how to enter:

1.       Write a unique Lore Quest.

2.       Take multiple Screenshots to help depict your story.

3.       Submit your lore with the appropriate screenshots in this thread.


Open your mind and test your imagination, the possibilities are endless!



Only 1 submission per player

Maximum of 5 screenshots/lore paragraphs in your submission

Must be Warframe related images/lore

No Photoshop/Paint to enhance images

Lore must be appropriate in nature

Must include both Screenshots and Lore

Must be your original Lore

Maximum word count: 500 

Minimum word count: 50

Only post submissions in this thread

Do not reserve posts



Top 3 winners will be selected.

2nd and 3rd place will receive 1000 Platinum.

1st place will receive 1000 Platinum and have their lore read on the next episode of Warframe Prime Time!

The winners will be chosen based on creativity and only the player who submits the entry will win the Platinum.


The contest starts today Friday February 14 at 12PM EST and closes Thursday February 20 at 12PM EST!


PC and PS4 players can both participate!


Have fun Tenno!

Edited by [DE]Megan
*Added Word Count rules
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When you say "lore must be appropriate in nature," you mean "no Tenno/Grineer/Corpus/Infested hanky-panky going on," right? You don't want to read porno essays, but you don't mind the idea of say, my Tenno hanging the harvested skins of slain foes off of the back of his transport ship by their intestines as makeshift Boys' Day koi banners? I mean, come on. I'm a void-crazed exprimental child-soldier with warp powers. I'm allowed to have a few psychological issues going on, right?

Correct, please keep it appropriate in that sense.


For the love of gore!

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So, just to be clear here, we're supposed to design a quest, a scripted mission that will add to the lore of the Warframe universe?  Or are we supposed to tell a story of completing the quest, which would become part of Warframe the way the events of "The Call" trailer became the tutorial?

Tell a story of completing a quest that you invent. It can include the obstacles you had to face, enemies you battled, situations you encountered etc. The possibilities to create your own quest and depict it with screenshots are endless!


Can my quest be for cheesecake?


As long as you keep it Warframe related! 

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Hey DE , ( Yay another contest) 


Question : is there a minimum amount of text Required ? ( number of words) 


And on a less serious note why isn't Rebecca s my valentine ?Does she hate blue roses ? XD


have a nice weekend DE

Great question. I think a maximum word count of 500 and a minimum of 50 is reasonable.


Adding this information to the OP, thanks!

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Is that 500 words in total, or 500 per paragraph? I mean, five hundred words in total isn't a huge amount of wiggle room to tell a story.

500 words in total seems reasonable. I understand the need to write more, but with the amount of entries that will come I would like to keep it at a maximum of 500 :)

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Hope the forums scales the pictures down and that its below 500 words :/


Heres my Story about Valkyr and her quest for revenge on the one that scared her.



Memory loss from the long cryosleep isn’t that bad. Sometimes it’s better to forget the past. Sometimes the memories come back. And sometimes we wish we would have slept forever, because in cryosleep you have no dreams, and being awake left nothing for her…only nightmares.


A whole stash of cryopods found by the Corpus; the Tenno inside them ripped out of their sleep just to be sacrificed in order to form an abomination that was supposed to be stronger and better than the Tenno…ZANUKA!




Well these were the lucky ones. Unlike Valkyr. That is probably not her original designation. She can’t remember anymore. Being deemed unfit and too weak for the Zanuka project she was left in Corpuslaboratories for testing purposes. And being tested by the Corpus chips away what is left of your sanity bit by bit; it turns you into a wild animal. And often enough such animal breaks free from its cage with only one thing in mind: Revenge!



Quite ironic, isn’t it? The one marked as trash and unworthy turned the much praised Zanuka into exactly that. But leaving Alad V behind, mourning his destroyed creation could be considered mercy or weakness. Two things that don’t exist in Valkyr’s mind anymore. Something Alad soon learned. But not in a fast way. Once Sanity is lost, there is no way to get it back. All you can do is embrace it and let it all out occasinally.





P.S.: shes not always evil: heres Valentine Nyanpire^^ 2014-02-13_00002_zpsb32d567c.jpg can you feel the claws of love?

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Damn, someone beat me to it XD

499 words Megan :3

Have fun!

Anyway, here is my entry:


Searching for the source of Hysteria


I wake up screaming. Again.

I hear Banshee rushing down the stairs, she was getting as little sleep as me…

This was not a one-time accident, this was at least the fifth time this month, and they were getting more frequent as more time passed.

Even though it has already been just short of four months, I just can’t shake the nightmares.

That horrid face, laughing as my friends were torn apart; stripping the Frames off their limbs and adding them to my own. It felt like cannibalism.


Banshee is already by the side of my bed, I can hear the others approaching too.

The concerned look on her face, why is it there? I can’t see clearly as tears fill my eyes.

I can’t help but cry, I hate myself for it but they understand…

They can’t understand, but that’s normal, as the horrors at that facility are unimaginable.



Today I will kill him. I’ve planned this for the last few weeks. I must kill him.

Alad V.

To me he was a monster worse than infestation, not even worth a name.

Volt taps on my shoulder, the ship is ready for departure to Themisto where he hides.

I wanted to do this alone, but Volt would not have it, but he promised me I would kill him.

I must kill him.


Jumping over a knee-high wall, Tigris at the ready.

Bang. A crewman is shredded to pieces by the shotgun’s shot.

Zap. Volt’s Shock fries the circuitry of 5 Moa’s. Maybe 6. I don’t care.

The speakers come to life. His voice echoes through and speaks but two words.

Welcome home.

I kick in the last door. There he is, standing at the other side of the room, Zanuka by his side.

Anger and frustration wash over me. There are other feelings mixed in too.

Jealousy? No. Disgust. He made another pet.


He activates Zanuka, but Volt seems to have encountered it already. He activates his Speed and rushes forward, making a giant leap, stabbing Zanuka right in the neck with his Galatine. He had told me he had studied Zanuka using reports from other cells. I almost felt sorry for the mechanical animal. Almost.

He stands there flabbergasted, unable to grasp what just passed. I walk towards him slowly, every step makes me angrier;  I roar at him and curse his very existence.

He crawls backwards across the floor, pleading for his miserable life.

As I stand next to the Boardmember my anger climaxes, claws of pure hatred and energy spawn from my armguards.

Hysteria. The Lotus calls it a power. I call it justice.

I must kill him.

He screams. I stab swiftly. The screaming subsides slowly.

The source of a river of hate, now dried up and soon to be forgotten.

I collapse and cry and it feels as though more Tenno than just Volt are comforting me as I cry out every last tear I have.








Good luck all~!

Edited by RidingSouls
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Ruk- The Corpus are crushed, the Tenno are strong. It is time for the second phase of our plan. As they fight for us we lead them astray the fools must die for grineer.


In mission


Excalibur- "hmm wow this is great look how many napalms joined us we hardly need to help them out to defeat the corpus now." 

Runs into a locked door

"what!, that's odd it is not showing a lockdown."


Grineer Grunt- recieves orders from a comm and looks over at the tenno waiting at a locked door, he motions to three napalms


All across the universe the same thing is happening Tenno are being cornered and betrayed going down in a fury of napalm and bombard fire, their bodies torn by rollers.


Ruk watched from afar sitting comfortably flanked by his personal scorpions


He had moved from Saturn to the grineer ship yard knowing none of the remaining Tenno would be able to find him


He looked out his window at the darkness that was Grineer and said " Tenno once died and returned, now Tenno will die and never return, All will fall to Grineer. 


A sound of a vent falling was heard behind him 




Edited by LordMidnightX
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"We need to you to clean this place up", the Lotus had said of this particular Orokin Ship.


Xylia stood in the entrance hall, grasping her fingers tight around her Karak. "Just a routine clean-up. Shouldn't be too hard.", she thought to herself as she jogged into the first hallway.


The first room's occupants were easy pickings; though this quickly changed as she got pinned in a narrow hallway. She grinned as she faced down two Heavy Gunners. She always loved moments like these; they gave her the best opportunity to do what she loved doing best: Unleashing her Bloodrage. Ever since she broke free from the clutches of Alad V, she craved Blood; Corpus, Grineer, she didn't care.




Unleashing her blood-curdling scream of pure rage, she tore through them, her claws sinking into their flesh, filling her with the only pleasure she had come to know ever since waking up. They quickly fell one after another to the endless onslaught of her claws, until eventually everything near her was dead.




She stood above the corpses, panting her breath half out of effort and half out of some twisted glee when she blinked her eyes once. "This... this seems familiar... why? I've never been here before...?" She said to herself.




Suddenly, as she approached the center a large room, sounds filled her ears, but only for a moment: Cheers. An image flashed in her eyes: A stadium filled with countless people, whose forms and faces were obscured to her. She blinked her eyes and shrugged it off, figuring she was just imagining things. "This... this place warps your mind... I need to get out of here." She said, as she took off running down the hall.




As she ran down a short hallway and into a large open room, she was met with a hail of gunfire. Not wanting to take cover and wait, she again unleashed her bloodrage. This time, the memories were even more profound: Screams of pure terror, ones that made her shiver in pure bliss as she ripped into her foes. It wasn't corrupted sentries that she was seeing, though. No, she was seeing unarmed civilians, ripping them limb for limb as they screamed in horror and confusion.


She didn't care, she tore through them all mercilessly and by the time her bloodrage had ended, she was sure now, that the memories were true. This was a piece of her past, this Bloodrage was a part of her.


"Was I here before...? Did I kill these people...?", She asked herself as she paused at the exit, the extraction pods within sight. A grin spread across her face beneath her helmet. "I must know more... I must... Remember..."




She knew that unleashing her Bloodrage in the Void Ship had caused some of her memories to surface; she would go out and seek more Void Keys so that she could return, and experience more of this, until she remembered who she was, and what she did...


EDITS: BLAH, I hate the editor on these forums sometimes.

Edited by Xylia
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Loki's Paradox

(As written by WonbadEthic, credits to EdibleEnigma)




Loki. Some call him a Troll-frame, others, overpowered. But this is what Loki knows: He is what he want's people to believe he is. And now, Loki must, again, bring balance to the universe. But, you may ask, what does the balance of the universe have to do with Loki? I am glad you asked.






Some might not notice, but the Grineer have secretly been altering their tactics and soldiers, forming new ways of combating the Tenno, thus altering the very fabric of the universe with their new and secret machines. This, is what Loki must remove, if the war is to continue in the Tenno's favor. This is the paradoxes that Loki must fight against on a daily basis. More often than not, he succeeds in this never-ending quest for balance. But, as can be seen here, Loki... Misses a few "details".




So now you know, the story of Loki, the all-powerful and omnipotent. The next time you are on a mission, whether it be against the Corpus, Grineer, or Infested, and Loki is with you, take comfort in the fact that you are here, because Loki deems you to be just so.

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PLAY TIME ANYONE? by-"Mallows"



Tenno, I'm going to tell you a story about an "entity". Why do I say "entity"? Because this......THING.....is far beyond man or monster.....

This entity I speak of in fact is a Tenno, but unlike yourselves. Some say he has no soul and takes it from others to 

satiate his hunger, others say his sole purpose here is to bring suffering and plague to the universe. Now you probably know what Tenno i am talking about by now, any fool out there has met one. If you were thinking Nekros you are infact correct, but this Nekros in peculiar, is far....more...sadistic.




This Nekros enjoys killing to a point where it brings him bliss. He likes to see the insides of his foes and he always leaves a path of cleaved bodies, but there is one even stranger thing he does when he kills. He cries as his victims fall, sometimes he even goes so far as to caress the bodies he left, almost serenading them, telling them that it will be ok...


Within seconds he goes into a psychotic unstoppable laughter, his cackles get stuck in your head.



Raising each body he savagely killed he makes them "play" with the living. Laughing and watching as they "play" brings him great joy. He doesn't care if his "play things" fall in battle for he knows he will have more when they fall and are done "playing" together... 


Want to know how I know so much about this specific Nekros?...



I am "this" Nekros...





And my nightmare....is your reality. Care to play?

Edited by Mallows
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Long after the Tenno were born a new warrior stood up. He was known as Vvia and had incredible speed and agility, his sword skills were amazing. Legend says you could see him fly, but the only thing you could see was a golden/pink blur passing by. He was a true inspiration to people, shared a lot and helped out the poor people. He also had a lot of knowledge that would surpass the most intellectual people.
Vvia became too powerful, not even the Lotus could control him so they had to seal him away. A spell was casted over him and he lost his incredible powers. People all around the world, his followers, his trainees, were sad and suicidal. Vvia must be unsealed they said! Our glorious leader must return! Vvia was hidden some place in the solar system but only Lotus knew where.
But then an elite team of Tenno were sent out to release Vvia. They were fighting the powerful Lotus with help from the Grineer.  But the Lotus didn't want too lose, so she asked the Corpus to help in return for ancient orokin technology. The secret of the Warframes! They gladly accepted and so the battle has begun.
After 2 long years of battle it was finally over. The Grineer had won and the captured Corpus prisoners were banned to the planet Europa. They were butchered and eradicated. Women and children were wondering where daddy went, but daddy never came back. The last few battles were fought on Ares and Martialis, General Sargas Ruk was leading the attack himself.
Meanwhile the Tenno finally found Lotus, she was hiding in the Sun. The last battle of the century has started. After a long battle Mag had the honor of slaying the Lotus. Lotus her head was cut off and people were cheering all across the system. After 2 years of pain and suffering there was finally peace. Vvia was set free from his spell, he is alive again but not happy. The Tenno were trying to get him back home, home to Saturn but "no" he said. "I-I will leave.. I only bring harm to other people. They don't need me anymore.. a new leader will rise, soon."

~The end.


Edited by Brahmastra
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Lore: The Killing Fields of Phobos.

The report came in the night. An invasion on Phobos. The Corpus had launched a raid and driven the Grineer from the desert world. They were establishing camps now, taking ownership of the Grineer drilling platforms and the flow of resources they provided. If they maintained their grip on Phobos, it would mean the end of the war that made the two forces manageable. The balance was shifting. It had to be kept.

Only three Tenno answered the call. Three warriors against a planet of Corpus. They made war upon the last piece of untouched land. Here, they said, the Corpus would never walk. Here, they said, we draw a line in the sand.

The battle went on for days. And then weeks. And the weeks flowed into a long, bloody month, and the sand turned red from the spilling of it.

The Rhino perished first. When the Corpus had finally tired of their losses, they set a neutron bomb upon the battlefield. The Rhino carried it upon his back, shrugging off shot after shot as he charged the enemy lines. He only stopped when the bomb detonated, consuming himself and the entire Corpus front line in a blast like a dying star.

The Nekros died in the very next breath. He had followed the Rhino like a shadow. He invoked the spirits of the dead just as his body was obliterated by plasma. The Corpus ranks broke in terror as their fallen brethren rose against them. Brother battled brother. Father fought son. The Nekros’ will lasted long after his body had vanished beneath the sands, urging the undead horde to fight for four more days. When the last revenant had finally fallen, half the Corpus forces lay in mounds on the ground.

The Excalibur died last. Riddled with holes, his body stiff as stone, he died a standing death. He was a terrible visage; the ground around him hidden under a carpet of corpses, his sword still ready in his hands, a gargoyle warding off the invaders. It was another day before anyone gathered the courage to see if he was actually dead. Even then the sight of him was so fearsome they did not dare to touch him.

The three Tenno fell, but not in vain. The time they gave their lives for allowed the Grineer to establish a foothold upon Phobos, and finally drive the Corpus out. The 14th planet was won by the Grineer, and the balance of power in the system was maintained.

It is all a fable now for the Tenno, and a ghost story for the Corpus. They say that if you can find that desolate patch of Phobos, where there is too much blood in the ground for it to be of any use, you might see the Excalibur still standing as a grim testament. Even now he keeps watch, they say. Over the graves of his comrades. Over a hallowed stretch of land. Over the killing field of Phobos.


(I was very glad that you changed the limit to about 500 words. Restricting a story on a paragraph basis tends to force people to just cram everything they can into a paragraph, which really hurts the flow of a story.)

(EDIT: Moral of the story? Should've brought a Trinity :P)

Edited by TheThreadWeaver
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Heaven's Grace


We are Tenno, we are the balance in this universe.


It started with a routine run, stow away onto a Corpus freighter, clean the ship and divert the navigation to a marked location for scavenging of the contents. The prize was a recent haul of Rubedo, scored unfairly on the markets. We aimed to make use of it for reconstructing our dojo. Turns out, we weren't the only ones who had the idea.




Ruk. Why he would send a Grineer platoon to take the vessel is beyond me, but if we could irritate both him and the Corpus, my bonus would have been so much sweeter. I charged forward and put his elite to the test. If the Grineer are the dogs of war, Tenno are the Gods watching.




Unfortunately, the ship's navigation computer threw me, it wasn't heading towards a Grineer galleon, or a Corpus base for that matter. It was going straight into the Void, I'd only been contracted for a clean-sweep mission, but if I passed up this opportunity I'd be disciplined.




The coordinates were headed straight for an Orokin Derelict. I'd heard the horror stories on the cell chatter, but I wasn't one for superstition, I didn't believe in ghost stories, I've been in the void, fought the sentries, the corrupted. One broken down ship wasn't going to put me off. We Tenno have faced worse, so I went on without fear. My initial engagement with the Infested wasn't worth noting, but as I pushed on they became more... Frantic, wild. It was if they were being called upon to stop my passage. They were not successful.




Sometimes legends and myths have a habit of being based in reality. I came face to face with what I can assume was the one directing the Infested drones. This towering monstrosity tore the floor out from under me and turned to face me, had I been prepared and had my clan at my side I would have faced it. But there is no glory in dying unwitnessed. I evaded, struck back and ran until I was able to find an opening in the side of the room. I was lucky enough to escape but toxins have damaged the inner lining of my frame, forcing me to put myself into cryo stasis before they reach my insides. My ship is on route to Heaven's Gate tower, hopefully I survive the journey. The likelihood of finding that derelict again are slim, I think the Corpus are mapping it though, possibly others like it, they will have records. The traders always keep notes.




I will gather my brothers and sisters, we will begin the hunt. The leviathans shall be found, and they shall witness Heaven's Gate in all our glory, they shall feel our grace.


Heaven's Gate Trinity, signing out.


[469 words]

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I edited my story down to 500 words after I saw that 500 was the hard limit.

Path of Ruin

Volt crept through the darkened halls of the Orokin vessel. The dim lighting flickered overhead, glinting off of the gilded arrowheads of Volt’s Paris Prime. Alongside him was his team, comprised of a Rhino and an Ash. Volt paused in a moment of awe as they approached their objective. A decrepit golden archway rose above his head, forming a foreboding tunnel.


As Volt stepped inside, he couldn’t help but shudder as he saw the ruined grandeur of the room. Volt nocked an arrow as a howl of fury echoed throughout the chamber. The vile minions of the Infested began to pour from the tunnels, seeking to overwhelm the Tenno with their numbers.


Volt fired, his arrow streaking towards the lumbering form of an Ancient. It tore through the monster’s flesh and left it hanging limp against a wall. Another Ancient grew bold, charging Volt. It lashed out its elongated arm, knocking Volt to the floor. Volt regained his footing, glancing around the room and taking in the condition of his comrades. They struggled valiantly against the Infested, dealing out death with a trusted Glaive and a handful of throwing stars. This is taking too long, Volt realized. The objective won’t show if we can’t take down these Infested, and fast. Volt focused his energy. He stretched out his arms, bolts of electricity crackling around him. They struck the Infested, clearing the room. As if on cue, the floor shook. Volt cried out in shock as it collapsed, sending him tumbling into a pit. He wished he had remained above…


The Infested monster Lephantis stood before them, screeching with indescribable malice. Its three heads turned as one to glare at the Tenno, each one a grotesquely distorted face of one of the Tenno’s many enemies. It moved awkwardly on its spindly legs, advancing towards the group. Wordlessly, the warframes divided across the room. Volt launched an arrow, striking the mouth of one of Lephantis’s heads. Its upper jaw split in two, creating a disgusting, worm-like visage. It roared in frustration. Ash leapt over the head of an engorged Corpus, narrowly avoiding the gas that spouted from its maw. Lephantis struggled to catch the quick warframe, but Ash disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Its legs shook on the uneven ground. Volt grinned. He’d found a weakness. Taking a leap of faith, he drew close to their massive enemy. He pulled his dual Ether blades off his back, their translucent blue glimmering through the dark. With a victory cry, Volt plunged the swords into Lephantis’s leg.


The beast crumpled to the floor. Rhino quickly took advantage of the situation, unleashing a lethal torrent on the prone Lephantis with his Gorgon. With the final cry of a doomed animal, Lephantis died. The Tenno rose out of the pit. Volt paused to gaze down at the lifeless form of his enemy. The monster seemed harmless in death. But Volt couldn’t suppress a shudder as he witnessed the destruction that his own team had caused.


Edited by Grievous40
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Rhino – The Invincible Warframe


Suddenly, my back was pierced by something sharp. I looked behind, and saw a Scorpion. I stood strong on my feet and made a rash move, touching the Warframe skeleton standing just in front of me. The skeleton started shining. Then, the Scorpion finally pulled me back. I thought I was done for. But her blade shattered on contact, as my body started shining too. The Scorpion took a few steps back. I soon noticed my body was now covered by a strong looking armor. A Warframe. My awe soon passed as I started getting shot at. I got up and turned around. The Scorpion was the first person to come in sight. I took one step forward, and suddenly felt my body become light, then slammed into the Scorpion. The blow was so strong I actually heard her bones crushing. The same happened the next second to the Butcher that came to her help.




I then started running through the forest I was in, hoping I wouldn't run into anyone else. But my luck was on the dry side for years now. I quickly ran into a group of Elite Lancers. I instinctively roared, seeing them. Somehow, I felt like my strength doubled itself.




I quickly took most of them down, but one of them was still alive, and took me by surprise. He had a jetpack on his back, and used it to gain the upper ground. I was weaponless, and he knew it. He released a small burst of rockets towards me. Seeing them, I braced myself. The rockets soon hit me, but I was unscratched. I looked at my armor. It was shining gold. Another burst of rockets hit me, once again doing no damage. Realizing that, I finally started feeling like I have a chance at surviving this, even on my own. With that in mind, I jumped towards the jetpack Lancer, taking him down quickly.




As he died, I got up, and looked ahead. I could see a landing pad. I thought that, maybe, a base was around too, and I could hide in it. “I hope you enjoy my gift, Tenno.” A voice suddenly said in my ear. I stopped on my tracks and looked around. There was no one around. “Make Hyden proud.” The voice continued, before the connection was cut... by her. “Good job, Tenno. You have proven yourself worthy. I have sent a shuttle your way. Now get to extraction.” She said. I looked ahead, and saw the shuttle make it's way towards the landing pad. I quickly ran there too. And made my first extraction.




Since then, I became one of the most brutal and ruthless Tenno under Lotus' command... one of the most disposable... but one that is never getting disposed of. Whenever it comes to my mission, I will stomp my way through everything and everyone. I want to prove the Lotus that I am worthy of being part of her team. You can call me Rhino.


Yeah, finally made it. 500 words exactly (well, unless you countthe title adn the image links). Originally, it had a bit more action and a bit more hatered for the Lotus (sorry, Rebecca, I just can't seem to be able to trust Lotus in the game... I feel like she uses me like a tool). But, hey, at least I made it. Not sure if all the facts are right (still gotta play Dark Sector and read most of the Warframe lore), but I hope it is a story good enough for you to at least enjoy it.


And yeah, the Rhino in the story is weaponless but he has weapons in the screenshots. Because... well, no choice here.

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He Was Death


Once in times long-past and forgotten, when his mind had not slipped into the psychedelic realm of insanity, he may have called himself human. But that right was denied to the frothing monster in the present, a fallen angel of war, now little more than an abomination of flesh fused with machine. No memories. No dreams. No loves. Only a single cause, a single wish that flowed from his brain to the weapons he held.




He wanted nothing more, the only drive his mind felt was to kill. Ages prior the abomination may have known what he fought for, known why he butchered the degenerate creatures that now inhabited the galaxy, but such thought was beyond his sundered soul. His mind failed to realize that he was a human and born of flesh and blood. Now he was metal, born of a maelstrom of electricity and hatred. He no longer had to think to act- for his body cleaved through hordes of the infected degenerates independent of his thoughts on pure rancor. His blade seemed to move with a mind of its own- tearing through the assembled bodies of the infested and spilling the contents of their pus-filled bodies on the floor.


No debaucherous pleasures were reaped from the killing of the hordes of enemies, no happiness coursed through his body at their destruction by this hands. There was only hatred. Hatred of the enemy, hatred of their mere existence and the insult of it. By his hand and blade, he would see their degenerate lot purged from reality- along with the zealous Grineer and avaricious Corpus. He fed on such venomous thoughts, empowering himself with frothing, spitting anger and channeling it into the infested hordes with a storm of sword-strikes. The magnetized mono-molecular claymore cut through the abominations with zero discrimination- equally slicing through flesh, bone, and armor.


No organic sound signaled his gore-traced slaughter through the bowels of the Grineer ship. No joyous cries of war echoed into the ears of the infested from his speakers. Nay, the only sound that rippled away from his body was the quiet cackle of electricity arcing across his armor and the death-rattles of shredded foes left in gore-filled piles. No stop was made by him, no pause in combat to check ammunition before moving on to the next collection of rooms. Only the endless symphony of battle filled his mind as he charged from a finished battle headfirst into another.


Then it stopped.

His chest heaved, sucking in air to fill his exhausted body with oxygen. The purge had been intense, and while he reaped an impressive body-count, he was not without wounds of his own. Behind him lay a caked trail of rusted blood and pus, a river of gore that led throughout the ship and marked his path. Ahead waited extraction to the void and temporary sweet oblivion for his mind.


He collapsed


He sucked in another gulp of air before breaking into a sob. There was no release. No end. The hatred burned through him, it possessed him. It was the only means of which he was capable of surviving each day. His race was dead. His civilization was dead. He and others may have crawled out of holocaust that marked the end of their age, but refugees would never repair a fallen civilization. Now new civilizations stood over their ruins and attempted to exterminate them. The ignorant young abominations that inhabited the system now were fools and had forfeited their right to exist upon attacking them in their coffins. Hatred washed over his mind again and filled his mind with a burning desire to kill. The fight was lost and the cycle would continue.


He resigned himself and stepped into the ship, letting it envelop him and grant a brief reprieve from consciousness. But upon awakening the cycle would continue endlessly. Superstitious Grineer would label him a daemon of the void. Corpus would describe him and his kin as amoral sociopaths.


And they were right.


He was a daemon.


He Was Death


He Was Tenno







Alright, so what do people think? I personally am not too fond of it, but I always are extremely critical of my work and always think it's terrible.

(I haven't posted pics because my modem is crawling ATM.)

Edited by Wyzilla
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Okay. Two questions.


Do the screenshots need to be of high quality because i play the game on the lowest settings (my PC sucks but the game runs great on these settings)? I would need to ramp up the settings which could get awkward if i try to take screens while in certain mission types which would be needed to be taken for the story.


Basicly is there any minimum level of setting that needs to be taken for the screenshots or is it enough that you can make out what's going on in the picture?


Also we can completely make up a bit of lore as long as it fits into the general lore we allready know of?


Okay make that three question.

What kind of lore/story do you want to hear? Explaining unexplained things? Slize of live story? Creating new myths?

Edited by Othergrunty
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"The Return of the Prodigal Son"


Lotus Transmission: "Tenno, I know that you were acting behind my back and was making deals with a trader Corpus named Darvo. I dont blame you for doing so as we need every little bit of help. I appreciate that you provided me with information regarding Grineer project Tethra. But we have problem here. I contacted Frohd Bek, he says that Corpus desperately need help or they will be wiped out from Solar map and Grineer will turn on us once more. We cannot alow it to happen, balance must be maintain.


Bek says that he needs Darvo to have a chance against Grineer. I know that it was you who liberated him in the first place, but its not time to take personal needs before needs of whole race. Bring Darvo back. Bring him back alive.


In case he will refuse to do what he must - we have our ways. One of my Nyx warframes will assist you in this mission, get her close to Darvo - she will do the rest."



Basicly it starts as capture mission on a Darvo's ship. But for some time all Corpus on ship are friendly to you. You basicly walk around like you do in Dojo. NPC Nyx is assisting you during the mission. Darvo greets you and your friends and invites you into main ship hall. After you reach his place - he will try to act like a good host but will mostly be talking random stuff about how he appreciates your help and such. You can iterract with NPC Nyx and she will mindcontroll Darvo, but Darvo will shake off the mindcontroll effect and will go ranting on you how you have betrayed his trust armming defences against you.


At this time Lotus will send you a message:

"Tenno - the Grineers found you, they are launching an assault on this ship. We need to get Darvo to safety now!"

Darvo: "Is this Lotus? Talk to me! What is all about!"

Lotus: "Darvo, your father needs you. Grineer are taking over the solar system...."

Darvo: "I only care of my own profits, Lotus, just as my father cares only about his seat in the Board"

Lotus: "Its not time to act selfish Darvo. Will you let your own race to go extinct because of that? Go back home, and help Bek to stop Grineer!"

Darvo: "You know nothing, Lotus.... Sorry my friends, I am not going with you."


Lotus: "Tenno we dont have time for this..."


At this moment Grineer assault begins. And Darvo gets deadly wounded.

Lotus: "Protect Darvo! Your assistant will take care of his wounds!"

Defence timer begins. NPC Nyx is trying to ptach Darvo up but he resists the treatment

Darvo: "No! Spare me of this! I am not going back! I'd rather die!"

Lotus: "This is what awaits your kin, Darvo. Grineer will come for every Corpus and every Tenno. Are your profits worth it?"

Darvo: "I.... I... I dont know..."

Lotus: "Listen Darvo. I promise you - we will get you out of if once its over, but right now - your people need you."

Darvo: "Alright..."


Nyx finaly patches him up. And we start rescue routine with Grineers breaking into the ship from all over the place.

After the end of mission we see the cinematics of Darvo returning to Bek speaking "I have returned, father. I guess we have a problem to solve".

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