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New Contest: A Quest Unknown!


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     « -Teeno, une nouvelle planète vient d’apparaître. Votre mission sera de partir en mission de reconnaissance et de nous informer de toutes ressources ou race nouvelle se trouvant dessus. Faites bien attention, nous ne sommes certainement pas les seuls à avoir découvert cette planète.»

C’est ainsi que je partis en missions. Mon vaisseau me largua dans un paysage montagneux enneigé. Je partis alors en exploration, armé de mon Paris et de Furis en cas d’éventuelle attaque. Je pénétrai alors dans une caverne froide, mais pourtant densément verte.


     Une bonne centaine de mètre plus loin se trouvait un trou dans lequel je sautai. Je me retrouvai alors dans un second tunnel semblant appartenir à un bâtiment corrompus. Celui-ci débouchait sur une grande salle. Etrangement, elle était presque vide. Un homme d’équipage me vit, je décochai alors une flèche et la lui tira dans la tête. Un de ses compagnons vit son cadavre, je le tuai à son tour.


     Je traversais alors la pièce et me retrouva dehors. Et le spectacle qui s’offrit à moi me parut étrange. Les grineers et les corrompus se livraient une bataille sans merci. A l’abri des regards je contournais le champ de bataille, puis pénétra dans un bâtiment grineer quasiment vide lui aussi, je croisais une ou deux troupes qui paraissaient affolées mais elles ne prêtèrent guère attention à ma présence furtive. J’empruntais un ascenseur quand une communication pirate me fut envoyée. Le « Général Sargas Ruk » que j’avais pourtant tué sur Saturne m’avouait que « le Général Sargas Ruk » auquel j’avais mis fin était un clone, il me provoquait une nouvelle fois en duel. L’ascenseur s’arrêta, je sortis, traversa un long couloir et pénétra dans la salle où se trouvait le Général. Je fonçai sur lui, lui donna un coup de « kama » dans les jambes, fit une roulade sur ma droite pour esquiver son lance flamme, me releva et lui décocha une flèche sur son épaule gauche, elle explosa à son contact. Les flammes semblèrent déstabiliser « Sargas Ruk », j’en profitai pour l’attaquer au corps à corps mais il me donna un coup pied qui m’envoya contre le mur. Un message de Lotus arriva :

« -Teeno, une équipe de renfort est en route. », « Sargas » n’ayant pas entendu me dit :

« -Vous n’aurez jamais le contrôle de cette planète Teeno ! », je dégainai alors mon « Furis » et lui vida mon chargeur sur le torse. Le générateur qui s’y trouvait explosa alors. « Sargas », emplis de colère se jeta sur moi et m’écrasa le bras droit, ce qui me fit lâcher mon arme de poing. C’est alors que la porte derrière lui s’ouvrit sous les feux d’autres Teeno venus à mon secours. Son générateur dorsal explosa à son tour et il s’effondra sur moi. Lotus me contacta :

« -Il ne reste plus qu’à s’occuper des corrompus… »

Edited by Shauni64
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WarFrame History X



In Lotus We Trust. Against Our Common Enemies, We Will Stay Together. No Matter What It takes, Loyalty Is The Pillar Of Our Cause." Ruk has said something right. We are fighting for craps. We work for treasure.

It is the only reason for us to obey the Lotus.


The only things we are looking for in missions are rewards, and each time we lead an operation to success, we are immediately given a sweet. How many times will we stay as mercenaries ? How long will The Lotus be able to command us by buying us ? Our brothers keep dying on the battlefield when The Lotus has the most powerful Intelligency system in her hands,

it is obvious that we owe you one, Lotus, you're the one that woke us up. But staying in this cryopod wasn't a bad idea.

We rose to create a balance in a conflict that isn't ours, actually we rose to create another war ! The Lotus is hidding the truth.

These cryopods were supposed to release us by themselves.

I've been scavenging informations through all the systems.

Nothing is able to enlighten our past. How comes that the only one that knows our past is the one who avenges our targets ? No entry from The Lotus is entered for the one who we call The Stalker. This is my quest.

Every Tenno that is willing to join my cause is welcomed, as we all know that my cause is ours. You can call me Jaalor.

Together, we will be exploiting every glimmer of hope that could lead us to the Truth.

That glimmer is your blades, the truth is The Lotus Knowledge. Together, we will free us from The Lotus greed to know everything.

We will no longer be her spies.




Oxyneath- Codex- Seek informations for "Jaalor"

Codex- There is no such entry for this word in the database.

Oxyneath- Show me everything about the Pangolin Clan.

Codex- One entry found : Pangolin Sword. A blade used by an ancient Tenno clan.

Oxyneath- I'll guess we'll start from here. 

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The Cold Sleep


The Space.  Vast, cold, and deadly.


Many things happens in this Universe, however, many of  those "events" have no significant part in the course of the Universe´s future.


My mission was one of those "events".


Intel gathered by fellow Tenno from different locations across the Sol System had important data about the location of long lost brethren, still in cryo sleep.


By order of our wise guide, Lotus, I took a shuttle and headed towards the frozen planetoid, where cryopods were supposed to be.




When I arrived at the location, I took a deep breath, and fresh, cold breeze entered my lungs, refreshing the stifling air inside me.


Unfortunately, my small enjoyable moment got interrupted by the Corpus, who seemed to have recently colonized the place.


The cold air powering up my Warframe, I unleashed its power upon my enemies, shattering them in pieces.




The presence of the Corpus meant that they also were looking for the Tenno in the cryopods, with different goal in mind.


I rushed through the colony, between the cracks of the ice, over the mountains, cutting down anyone in my path, in order to save my kind.


I didn´t find any clues about the cryopods exact location, instead, I came face to face the one who was running this colony.




Sgt. Nef Anyo.


He was looking for them in order to sell them for the highest bidder.


He had brought reinforcements, his elite crewmen, to take me down.


After fighting against the crew while avoiding Nef Anyo´s shots, I finally got a chance to end his menace.


His reflexes were fast, but not as fast as mine, which cost him his life.


As the blizzard took away the cold corpses of my enemies, I started to fear I was too late.




Suddenly, nearby panel started blinking; there was a message for Anyo.


"We have found the rest of the sleeping Betrayers, ready to be extracted."


Then I knew I still had a chance to save my brethren. I sabotaged the colony´s main reactor, causing it to malfunction and headed towards the cryopods location.


When I watched over my shoulder, massive explosion destroyed the colony, and the avalanche triggered by it covered the remainings with ice and snow.




Most of the Tenno were saved but some were lost that day.


Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.


I will remember the names of the fallen.


I will avenge them all before the End of Days, when empires will fall, stars will die, and the Universe as we know it will be smothered by the very same thing which lingers inside me;


The dark, cold Void.




Now I managed to make my screenshots work, enjoy :)

Edited by DarkNebula
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Tenno. Warriors of ancient myths, reawoken into a new world. The Origin system changed, an empire crumbled, alliances were lost. They fight alone till they reform bonds, pacts, clans. Once a brotherhood is born there is no force that can separate them, that can break them. Not even an evil as ancient as them. Their ally lost in a maze of traps, preparations were made. They were ready for the hunt.



The Grineer. Mass Produced soldiers of the metal wombs. Their bodies and their genes rotten, reused, their weapons crude and brutal. Their empire rises in a way not meant to be. Now they hide secrets from the Tenno, information that is needed. To get their friend back no price is too steep, and Grineer blood is a cheap currency to the Tenno. They cannot hide.



The master of the wretched is met, his rage is unchained, but the Tenno can't be stopped. Their will like iron, their guns ablaze. His fire charrs the frame, but leaves no mark, as the blade is prepared for the final strike. His head, in death, will be more useful than it was ever in life. There are no secrets before the Lotus, and even death is no sanctuary from her probes. His mind was the key to something that should have been forgotten. The past.



The derelict. It was once home, a part of their life. Now it’s a twisted reminder of their errors. It was a scar on the memories of their glory. So much lost in the eons. Yet it still lives. An error that now has a mind of its own and the strength of a titan. Now he sends his spawn against the Tenno. Their sister so close. Their charge is unstoppable, they must hurry before one more must be put to the ether. So few remain untainted, no more can be lost. The nightmare that awaited would change and shake mere men. They aren’t mere men, they are Tenno, and their blades will sing the requiem of the beast.



Purity, she was still alive. Her spirit not yet defiled by their hate, even so the nightmare did not end. Rage filled the mind of the hive, frenzied they charged at the Tenno. They first shot what they could, then, when there was no more options, their blades danced through the hordes. Each step a battle towards freedom from the nightmare. The sea of evil broke on the rock of their resolve till the escape was made. As they left they heard the cry of their nemesis, wounded but not truly dead. A pledge was made, they shall finish the hunt.

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История одного Тенно.


Много лет назад, я, представитель народа Тенно, был помещен в крио сон. Память, о давно минувших днях была стерта из моего сознания. Лишь отрывочные образы до сих пор приходят мне в снах. Но я, как и многие другие, был пробужден благодаря Лотосу, которая направила других Тенно, на мое спасение, от этого бесконечного сна. Я мог бы стать объектом экспериментов, однако благодаря ей, я возродился! Я видел лица своих защитников и ярость тех, кто пытался нас убить.




Возродившись, предо мной предстала вселенная. Как столь прекрасная, так и столь же мрачная. Бесчисленные орды Гриниир, клонировавшие сами себя и извратившие собственную сущность угрожали миру во вселенной. А их главные соперники, Корпус, преследуя алчные цели, в своей жажде власти, не сильно от них отставали. Эманацией же их стали зараженные мутанты, детища их безумных экспериментов, беспощадных ко всему живому.




Но в лицах всех их я видел лишь злобу и ярость, с которой они вновь и вновь бросались на меня и мой народ, в попытке уничтожить тех, кто благодаря долгому крио сну, остался нетронутым веками мутаций и изменений и сохранил генетическую чистоту. Которая и не давала им покоя, мешала их планам, и давала народу Тенно огромное преимущество. Но враг изобрел новое оружие используя слабости моего народа, которыми стали потерянный дом и борьба за выживание.




Они стали использовать меня и остальных для выполнения своих целей, бросая мне кость за костью и я почувствовал, как в меня начал проникать дух наемника. Каждый раз идя на задание, я безусловно стремился получить более выгодную оплату, а значит шел путем лишь личной выгоды. Той самой выгоды, которую преследуют и сами работодатели. Оборачиваясь по сторонам я видел таких же как я… Потерянных Тенно, становящихся лишь инструментом в чужих руках. Я видел как на смену отваге пришла гордость, на место самопожертвования пришло самоутверждение в глазах соплеменников и пренебрежение к более слабым. И тогда я понял, что это тупиковый путь. Путь вырождения, путь во тьму и мрак.





И тогда я поклялся использовать свою силу только во благо! Во благо своего народа! Защитить его наследие! Выяснить, что же произошло в те далекие времена и что вынудило нас впасть на долгие годы в крио сон. Своей целью я поставил использовать свою огромную силу для тех, кто нуждается в помощи и защите, для поддержания баланса сил во вселенной, не давая ни одной из них возрасти достаточно, что бы подвергнуть истреблению другие расы. Но вместе с тем я понял, что не смогу идти по этому пути в одиночку. И тогда, я объединил под своим началом первых друзей, и мы уже вместе начали поиски тех из Тенно, что еще не в полной мере пропитались духом наемничества. Тех из Тенно, что еще остались верными моральным принципам древних. Для которых, каждый представитель нашего народа это брат и сестра и которые готовы сложить голову за любого из них! Потому что народ Тенно, должен найти свой дом! И первым шагом стало создание Додзё. Это заменило нам потерянный дом, дало надежду на будущее и на исправление ошибок прошлого. Мы начали строить новый дом, новый мир, учась на ошибках прошлого, сокрытого в глубине веков.



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MAG’s Monologue


During my waking hours I hear his voice. And in my dreams, his face haunts me.

Alad V.




That…child! God, how I hate him.


My earliest memory is being strapped to a table, helpless.

Why did he capture me? Why?

The Lotus would only answer so many of my questions before she grew silent.




Experiments, she said. He wanted to obtain the secrets of my Warframe.

But why? To what end?


 I’m not sure I trust her either.


No one knows where she is, or whose orders she follows. The Lotus……a suspicious group if you ask me.

Does she know more about Alad V? The Corpus? And what about the Orokin? Who are they?

So many questions. And yet we, The Tenno, are just supposed to follow orders and fight this war.

Then I heard of The Stalker. According to him, I and my fellow Tenno just may be the faction that started this war again.

Is this true? Do we only have ourselves to blame? Or were we right to turn on our former allies.

Or perhaps….we were set up?


The Lotus already regards me warily. I dare not ask her more on my suspicions. Excalibur seems to blindly trust in her and Valkyr is too lost in her own pain to help me.


Every day I hear his voice. Every night I see his face.






I will find out what happened. I will discover the truth, regardless of whether or not we, The Tenno, are guilty. I need answers. To quench this burning hatred in my stomach. Of the Corpus. Of Alad V. Of this war.

I will have my answers. And pity whoever stands in the way of me.


I am MAG.


And I will CRUSH them all.


Edited by SuperMegs
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Some questions are better left unanswered. What are we? This question has brought me much pain...I wish I had never asked.

After my escape from the Zanuka project, and my tormentor, I had nothing but fury on my mind. Amidst the rage, I felt something else. Curiousity. Despite what was done to me, Alad V had one good question. What are the warframes? I began to look into myself, with the help of some archives we had obtained. After a few weeks of putting the pieces together, I felt I had my answer...an answer that pushed aside my rage and replaced it with sadness. These are the results of my research.




The Orokin were losing the war, and had become desperate. They needed a new weapon, one that would secure their victory, and that is when it came to them. They shipped people off to the void, a place of madness, and of course, the Technocyte Virus. Some were mutated beyond recongition, and became the Infested. Those that returned though, came back different. They returned with powers, and the Orokin saw this, and realized their new weapon. They forged suits of armor around them, to both focus and contain them. They gave them weapons, told them who the enemy was, and sent them off, just as they had done before.




They were celebrated as heroes, but they were really just biding their time. Did the Orokin really think they would forget? That they would not remember what was done to them, or that they were sent off to their fate? So few of them returned, and they knew what must have happened to the others. The Tenno had their revenge...killed their creators.




We were born out of an experiment, and even now, we are sought as the subjects of further experiments. I soon felt my rage rise up inside me again. Not again. Not ever again. I will not allow anyone to experiment on us ever again, or anyone else...no matter what I have to do.

Edited by Corvinna
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Mastery Rank: Unknown


“Welcome to your mastery rank test tennos, I apologize for bring you here without asking but I will get straight to the point, this ship are the place for the strong tennos that I happen to choose. Please follow the path to the meeting point.

I, still confusing, walk along the iron path that indicated at the floor.

I stop right in front of the giant steel door a second before walking inside. In front of my eyes are all the tennos that are brought here. Everybody seems to be confused about all these events. Still, I am somewhat glad to see somebody else besides me despite I am always stealth.

However, the little happiness that I just had is gone when there is another announcement:

“Now tenno, Here is where the real test begins, I will select an opponent for you all in pairs. Like tournaments, the one who live will move to the next round and the last person who survive will receive my reward. There are only two circumstance for those who are being here; live or die. Farewell”

With those truth, I can barely stand up again. My mind is freezing.

“Killing fellow tenno… I just can’t do that…..”


They don’t give anyone break, I found myself standing in the arena. Trinity, the first opponent I must fight. I can see TRINITY holding her SOMA in her trembling arms, I know she don’t wanna shoot me either but we both have no other choice. After TRINITY, I fight tenno after another; melting my mind in process.


I turn back, half shock. Your opponent is EXCALIBUR, after I heard the announcement my mind is almost gone. I know this EXCALIBUR is my friend. We both shock to see each other in situation like this. We are both silence as talking will make things worse.

The Battle Begin

The fight is fierce, he fight with all of what he got. But I just cannot shoot him. He said something when he is fighting with me.

EXCAL:“Do you know that killing other tenno is so much fun?”


This is the last things I want to hear from my friend. I know he never think like that..right?

EXCAL:“When I go out from this cage I will hunt other tenno, I don’t know this is so amusing! “

LOKI:“Are you crazy!!?”

EXCAL:“I repeat I am going to kill you!”

LOKI:“then I won’t hold back!”

Filled with rage, I shoot him shot after shot, he then goes down.


“You are always strong, friend” He said when he is lying and bleeding

“I need to said those words to make you don’t hold back and do your best….goodluck LOKI, you will be my best friend”

The energy on his body are gone and there are no sign of life on his body. This time I just can’t keep my position, I burst in chaos with all the emotion gone wild.





To be continue.


Here is the original one, 500 words limit is really hurts. I am not a native speaker but i tried my best.

Mastery Rank: Unknown



Mission complete, Bring the datamass to the extraction. As always, I rush to the extraction with DUAL ZOREN. For some reason, I feel something not right about this mission.

Loki: “ So, where’s the extraction? It should be here right?..”

Loki: “What the!?”

Loki: “ugh”

My strength are all gone and I am starting to collapse.



So I am not dead yet. I try to stand up but it is too hard for me for now. My body can’t move neither the eyes can see. The light turns on. I am lying inside some hallway. The first question that I asked myself is absolutely “where am I?” However, before I am thinking of anything, there is an attention sound.

“Welcome to your mastery rank test tennos, I apologize for bring you here without asking but I will get straight to the point, this ship are the place for the strong tennos that I happen to choose. Please follow the path to the meeting point.

The restrain on my body are suddenly gone. I, still confusing, walk along the iron path that indicated at the floor. I have really bad feelings about this place. All the cells and bars and iron plates without windows. This is like a jail. Depression,desperation and departure, all these feeling come to my mind as I walk along the way.

I stop right in front of the giant steel door a second before walking inside. In front of my eyes are all the tennos that are brought here. Everybody seems to be confused about all these events. Still, I am somewhat glad to see somebody else besides me despite I am always stealth.

However, the little happiness that I just had is gone when there is another announcement:

“Now tenno, Here is where the real test begins, I will select an opponent for you all in pairs. Like tournaments, the one who live will move to the next round and the last person who survive will receive my reward. There are only two circumstance for those who being here; live or die. Farewell”

With those truth, I can barely stand up again. My mind is freezing.

Loki:“Killing fellow tenno… I just can’t do that…..”


They don’t give anyone break, I found myself standing in the arena. Trinity, the first opponent I must fight. I can see TRINITY holding her SOMA in her trembling arms, I know she don’t wanna shoot me either but we both have no other choice.

The battle then begins. We both go all out. She move very quickly and throw me those deadly shots.


I can barely escape those. As the fight is going, she stop, and that make me stop too. She ask me

Trinity: “Hey LOKI, do you have something that you need to protect?”

Loki: “I have”

Trinity:“Then shoot me”

Loki: “Wha..what?”

Trinity: “I have nothing to lose but you have somebody that you care so you need to go ahead and protect them right? So shoot me now!”

I aim for her heart so she will die immediately without pain. I release my PARIS string with my eye close so the tear won’t come out”


I turn back, half shock. Your opponent is EXCALIBUR, after I heard the announcement my mind is almost gone. I know this EXCALIBUR is my friend. We both shock to see each other in situation like this. We are both silence as talking will make thing worse.

The Battle Begin

The fight is fierce, he fight with all of what he got. But I just cannot shoot him. He said something when he is fighting with me.

Excalibur:“Do you know that killing other tenno is so much fun?”

Loki: “Eh?”

This is the last things I want to hear from my friend. I know he never think like that..right?

Excalibur:“ “When I go out from this cage I will hunt other tenno, I don’t know this is so amusing! “

Loki: “Are you crazy!!?”

Excalibur:“ “I repeat I am going to kill you!”

Loki: “then I won’t hold back!”

Filled with rage, I shoot him shot after shot, he then goes down.


Excalibur:“ “You are always strong friend” He said when he is lying and bleeding

Excalibur:“ “I need to said those words to make you don’t hold back and do your best….goodluck LOKI, you will be my best friend”

The energy on his body are gone and there are no sign of life on his body. This time I just can’t keep my position, I burst in chaos with all the emotion gone wild.





To be continue.

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I couldn't get any images so just say that everyone is in corpus uniform. 495 words in the story.


"The Solar Rail is going incredibly. sir." said Draus to Capt. San Anyo, "Yes it has, ever since the peace treaty with Solar Committee’s militia, I heard there is a marine coming here now" San replied to Draus in a delighted tone. “Now excuse me as I must see to my children, Nef and Sven”. Draus responded with "Yes sir" and walked to his room.

 The corneer changed their shifts, a shuttle emerged from the gateway and lands while only two corneer Workers on duty at the time. "Huh" says one, clearly un-informed about the arrival of the marine, "Guess we should get the lift out?" he said whilst heading to the forklift bay "What are you doing crewman?", a female voice can be heard from the ships now open loading bay, followed by a tall marine with blonde hair and green eyes in a trench coat. “G-General Kaleen ma’am” stuttered the crewman not on the forklift that was driving back into its bay, “Corporal Junies Shon reporting, we didn’t expect you at our rail. Ma’am” He continued, “Information needs improvement” said Kaleen as she scribbled on a note pad, “May I check your uniforms?” in more of a demand then a request, “Uhh, sure ma’am”. Kaleen began inspecting Junies’ uniform “You are certainly updated on uniforms” says Kaleen again writing on her note pad.

After taking notes about import and export management and the defence control, an alarm began ringing incessantly “What’s happening?” asked Capt. San Anyo angrily. “It’s coming from my landing craft” called Kaleen, not knowing about something that was brought with her. Something that has not seen life for millennia, the infestation. Junies and his companion were found hanging upside down by their legs. “Wait!” shouted San, noticing the trail of organic matter leading into the fuel supply “Are they trying to start a fire or something?” asked Draus before sharing fates with the other two “Whoa! Get out of here” were his last words.

San, Kaleen and a MOA ran alongside the trail, waiting to see where it would take them. Then out of the blue came an enormous burst of flame and terror as the fuel room exploded, along with it went a now molten service drone, a singed general and an enflamed captain, and with more last words, San whispered to Kaleen “Save my children, please” before having a small fit and meeting a gruesome death. Kaleen took San’s key with the number 5 on it and hurried towards a room with the same number, all while having to heave her way through infested soldiers. She found the two children in the room but Sven of them was lying near the vent and suffocated from the particles. She hurried to Nef with an enflamed arm and carried him to a transport barge and just escaped with her life. Once Kaleen got back to base, she awaited interrogation and had adopted the name “Ember” in memory of the disaster.

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Well this quest sounds good so i gived it a shot, but it been so long that i didn't write a little story !! i guess i still have some skills

and i'm not an english man so there may be a lot of ortograph mistakes and/or some words that don't exist in english vocabulary (hope i'm wrong :-/), so if you notice anything please PM me, that will be very helpfull for me



Number of words : 314

Number of paragraphs : 5

Number of images : 5





One day, while i was on mission on Earth, i found a grineer butcher's body.I looked in his equipement for some credits and ammo, but i've found a little paper where was wroten this story:




<<Today is the most wonderfull day in my life, because i have seen the thunder man !! that tenno whose every grineer talk about his light speed and his accurate powerfull hits, he's called "thunder man" because his attacks are fast, powerfull and accurate, just as a thunder, he can finish a very strong anemy as if he's playing a game !!




This day we've been in a real nightmeer, a large troops of infested leaded by a Phoride was striking on us, we were unable to stop them, our death was certain, untill he shows up from nowhere !! he striked with his melee just at Phoride's head. I know that it's weird but he knocked the Phoride out with that!! he keeped sliding between his legs and hiting it. In some seconds the phoride was down. He turned to the other infested Chargers and Leapers, start shooting them with some arrows from his bow while moving forward to them, when he was colse enough he sprayed some kunais and the area is clear !!




Then he walked away. I tried to follow him but when he saw me he used a kind of power and he wasn't there any more !! i don't know if he turned himself invisble or he teleported somewhere, but i was just happy because i finally had seen him.>>




When i finished this story i smiled and i told myself: "A grineer talk about happiness ??! I can't believe this !! but at less some of them appreciate what we do for them !!". And then i heard the lotus saiyng: "Enough sleeping Tenno, There is a mission waiting for you !!"





Hope you enjoyed it ^_^

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Before you begin reading, two notes. The Lotus is narating, and I use Tenno for the plural of Tenno, because Tennos sounds &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp;. Enjoy




"Tenno, I know that the cryosleep has erased the majority of your memory so I will give you a short history lesson.

After the old war against the sentients an elite group of Excalibur type warframes were sent to and beyond the outer reaches of known space.


Their mission was codenamed Operation: Checkmate and their orders were to eradicate all remaining sentients that had retreated into deep space. However, contact with this group when they were searching the planet they had designated Ares. The group was assumed KIA and were forgotten about. Until now.


Recently cells of Tenno have been attacked by what they thought were rogue Tenno.


However one of these attackers was recently captured when he unwittingly attacked our Alpha Team. He was brought to our testing facility were it was discovered that he was one of the elite Tenno sent on Opertaion: Checkmate, but with one big difference. He had been hosting a symiotic entity, which had taken total control of his body and mind.


Through much experimentation we were able to access the symbiote's mind and memories. What we found was...horrifying. These symbiotes have been using the Tenno of Operation: Checkmate to obtain dormant warframe cryopods and to abduct small cells of Tenno. These sleeping and kidnapped Tenno have been hijacked by the symbiotes. However, that's not the worst part. This army of hijacked Tenno has become alarmingly large, and they now plan to use this army to kill or hijack all remaining Tenno. If they succed, and the Tenno fall, there will be nothing stopping them from achieving total, galactic supremacy.


We cannot let this happen. All woken Tenno have been informed and we are planning a major offensive against their army. We have determined the co-ordinates of several small bases scattered across the Solar System. These bases contain roughly 50 of these hijacked Tenno, which we have nicknamed Stalkers. This is an extermination mission, Tenno, but this will be unlike any other. You will be pitted against your fellow Tenno. This is kill or be killed. This, is one operation we cannot afford to fail.


Stealth is crucial and your best weapon in this fight is the element of surprise. If they manage to sound an alarm, the odds will crush you and your cell. It is recommended you use silent weaponry or utilise the Hush and Suppress mods.

The fate of the galaxy is in your hands Tenno. Good luck."




Word count: 407

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El inicio de la caza




El asechador fue en algún momento, un renombrado tenno, en los inicios de la batalla contra los los clanes enemigos, el Tenno de nombre clave Wolf guiaba a su grupo de 4 Tennos a hacer frente a los Corpus. En aquel entonces la tecnología de los Tenno no estaba tan avanzada por lo que solamente contaban con excalibur, mag, loki y rhino. Wolf era un líder nato que tenia la especialidad de evolucionar sus poderes y adaptarlos a su traje haciendo de este el Tenno mas poderoso que jamás se haya conocido.


Este se preguntaba a cada momento porque no podían alcanzar la paz en el sistema solar. Las peleas que tenían el campo de batalla de sangre le hacían sentir un frenesí. Cada corpus eliminado hacia que sintiera remordimiento, no tanto como matar un gringer.


Llego un momento en que no soporto que se le ocultara la verdad. Solo Lotus tenía las respuestas.




Usando las habilidades de loki para infiltrarse en la base de datos de Lotus y hackear los servidores Tenno, encontró lo que buscaba… Un archivo el cual daba a conocer su propio origen. Él nunca fue un Tenno, nunca perteneció al clan, los Corpus habían creado a través de la tecnología de los Tennos caídos un sujeto que soportaba cualquier mutación en su cuerpo, esta investigación les llevo 50 años, dando a nacer a un hibrido el cual crecería para ser el asesino más letal.


Lotus pudo decodificar sus transmisiones para encontrar al experimento. En aquel entonces los Tenno y los Corpus tenían una tregua, pero los Tenno necesitaban resurgir por lo que decidieron traicionar a los Corpus. El sujeto del experimento al ser solo un niño, pudieron implantarle nuevas ideologías y con el surgió la diversidad de armaduras dotadas de poderes.

Wolf no pudo soportar la verdad, fue encontrado hackeando los servidores, antes de que pudieran reaccionar, la sangre de los guardias estaba en las paredes.

Wolf se abrió paso entre oleadas de los que antes eran sus compañeros hasta llegar a la sala donde ya hacia Lotus, hija legitima del linaje Tenno. Aunque los poderes de Wolf eran poderosos, Lotus pudo someterlo con solo levantar la mano y lanzarlo contra la pared. Wolf no se rendiría, pero esta batalla termino por darle a saber que no podía contra el poder de un Tenno puro.


Al caer en batalla fue lanzado al espacio para que se perdiera para siempre, pero una nave de los Corpus lo intercepto en poco tiempo.

En esta nave ya hacia un científico llamado Alad V el cual se interesó por el Tenno desterrado. Este lo reconstruyo a cambio de que le aportara su ADN.




Desde ese momento Wolf, con una ira incontrolable, empezó una aventura llena de espinas para hacerse más fuerte y castigar a todos los Tenno y encontrar y asesinar a Lotus. Solo asi si conciencia podría descansar en paz.

La caza estaba por comenzar.

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Peace! So delicate and inconspicuous word, the real meaning of which we are not valued.



TENNO! So they called us. Our culture and thirst for knowledge and technologies serve us faithfully, exaggerating our wealth and increase our potential. On all sides of our great galaxy, we collected the bits of knowledge and experience, bringing them and developing for the good of all. But it did not last long.



In the eyes of the envious, whose mind was blind and filled with the threat of false enslavement, we were faced with the enemy, whoes actions led us to the destruction of our world. Forced to battle for our own home, every day led only to more deaths and false arguments about the potential dominance in the most remote sectors of our galaxy. Ignorance alone forced to blindly follow other fictional ambitions after sowing destruction where he was not supposed to be …


WAR! It’s like a poison that absorbs the mind and soul empties, transforming the very meaning of existence in your hatred for one and hope for the granting own salvation for others. However, at what cost ...


Years have passed since, as we were first attacked. It was a massacre that entailed hundreds and thousands of deaths. We were victims of someone else's ambitions and greedy desire for power. From the moment may pass a single day that I did not remember my home and those who are responsible for our suffering.


Planet by planet, they spread their infection throughout the galaxy. Our home was destroyed. Insatiable race, coveted not to just get our knowledge and technology. They encroached on something more valuable - our shrines and, more importantly, our freedom. We sprinkled its existence in a sea of ​​blood of our enemies and fallen comrades, lost sanity in insane battles for our home and believes. We have become monsters, but whether it was in fact so ...



But we will stand. Will not give up and will return our home and freedom. We are Tenno and this is our story ...


p.s.: thx to Deathproject and Olya.euphoria for helping me with screenshots :)

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Tenno Log No. N/A – Date: “Unknown” – Location: Outer Phobos – Code Signature: “The Wanderer” *********************************************************************************


“How… many years would it take? For a city once brimming with life, a city once known for its cultural unanimity and peace, to fall?... How many deaths would it take for neighbours, once close, to become potential burdens?… How many days would it take for the pleas of children to cease their echo in the wide and open streets?…”



“Would the oppressors show mercy? Do the lustrous stars of the universe spread their light forevermore? Does the wind rushing through the trees sound a whisper? Would a hungry predator, spare the weak, and… helpless prey…? How harsh and unforgiving, the answers to these questions foreshadow.”



“The city that was adorned with gracious leaders, nurtured by its prominent and selfless scientists, and populated with an abundance of promising, foolhardy youths. A city that exuded a light I once thought too bright to stand in… a city that is now gone. No longer will the children laugh. No longer will the city bear its kind, and humble folk. It is lost to a time, I can… no longer return to.”



“The… “Grineer”? … The… “Corpus”?... What a fool I had been! Were the cries so small?! So far away, my superior hearing could not wake me!? Is the strength that felled too many a foe so little it could not move me!? Were these eyes, supposedly so keen, so sharp, blind… to what surrounded me?...”



“I hear her… calling… Tales of glory and honour, with songs of hope. They glide from the seams of her lips, and fall upon confused, and naïve Tenno. These songs she sings to me are but grains of sand, whirling about in an ocean of woe, sadness, fury, and… knowing. I… know too much… I can see the sand, the rocks, the sky… even the stars, dyed red… not of a blood colour… no. Much, much darker. The time for the just and righteous drifted off into oblivion when the Tenno did. I will walk a different path, I will do what the Tenno, what she cannot… I will spare them from the darkness… Forgive me…~~~~~” ---- ERROR System Failure ---- Cannot translate speech ----


“The Wanderer” Short Story/Quest - 380 Words

By Daichi Raiton

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Shout out to my brothers who grinded to help me make these screen shots.


Bonds Of Sacrifice.



At a unknown set of coordinates a dead Orokin ship slept. A lone Nyx stepped into a large room of the ship, drawn to it by a curious distress signal. She received a comm from her wingman.


Volt: Junketsu where are you I cant pick up your nav signal. The Lotus sent us to Earth with a job to assassinate a high value Grineer target.


Nyx: Don't worry Jinx. I got this weird distress signal from this Orokin ship. There could be a Tenno in trouble, don't sweat it i'll be at the RV point just a day off schedule. sit tig-.


Volt: Junketsu? Junketsu! come in! Can you hear me!! Jun! come in. Damnit!




Jinx accessed Junketsu's contact list, he found an Excalibur nav location on Phobos. the contact name was baka Nii-san (Stupid Big Brother.)


Volt: Senketsu. Ok lets hope hes there.


so Jinx traveled to Phobos searching region after region in hopes of finding Jun's brother.


Excalibur: What brings you to Phobos Volt? I haven't seen many Tenno out here for a while.


Volt: Please listen. My name is Jinx im a close friend of your sister's. I lost contact with her when she was investigating a strange distress signal in a dead Orokin ship. I haven't heared from her since. She might have been captured.


Excalibur: Baka Nee-san's(Stupid Big Sister's) in trouble? Do you have her last know location?


Volt: I do, lets go.




Senketsu and Jinx made their way to Junketsu's last know location on the dead Orokin ship. They found Jun asleep in a cryo pod unharmed.


Excalibur: Jun! Are you ok? what happened?


Nyx: Sen, what are you doing here. Jinx you to? Oh thank goodness, I thought i was going to be next.


Volt: Next? next for what?


Nyx: The stalkers. theres more then one. I think their abducting Tenno and brainwashing them to become stalkers. There where two other Tenno with me here.


Excalibur: Stalkers? We have to get out of here. we have to warn the Lotus, the other Tenno. Jun can you fight?


Nyx: I can, lets go.




Junketsu, Senketsu, and Jinx made their way to extraction. But alarms now rang out, and a horde of Infested swormed them from behind.


Excalibur: Their on top of us we wont be able to make it!


Nyx: we need to hold them off.


At the same time both Sen and Jun spun around and shot into the frey of infested.


Volt: what are you doing?


Nyx: Jinx, me and Sen with hold them off. You need to get to extraction and warn the Lotus and the Tenno. The Stalkers are coming, you need to be ready. dont argue its your duty Tenno!


Jinx gave his comrades, his friends a goodbye bow then turned around and ran, leaving them at his back.


Excalibur: Well Baka Nee-san(Stupid Big Sister) are you ready?


Nyx: Ive always been ready, Baka Nii-san(Stupid Big Brother).




Some time has passed, no one knows the fate of the two siblings that stayed behind. But there are rumors of two frames who fight the stalkers clothed in the colors of their enemies to protect their friends, their comrades. Their Tenno.





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Brightness was everywhere. It emitted from the overhanging lights in the vast and decorative halls of the magnificent and glorious clan dojo. Many corridors led to others, and into rooms filled with synthetic ponds, artificial grass and desert sands, reminiscent of the resting places used by ancestors of ages long gone, now inherited by the warriors that inhabited these calm and safe junctions.


In one such room sat three such warriors, clad in the armour that they accepted upon themselves. A contest was about to begin, one that would determine their strengths and weaknesses, and further their galactic campaign on the side. This was a contest of elements – the unpredictable forces of nature that encompassed the space around them. These particular forces were electricity, the stinging shock of sudden death; fire, an uncontrollable demon that consumed and left victims screaming long after the inevitable end; and poison, unnoticeable and vicious, liable to eat away and destroy the target from deep within before they can even consider their doom.


Volt was the first to leave. Once the contest had been settled on and decided, there was no doubt in anyone’s minds that he would be the first to go. However, it was a bit unexpected to see him make a rather obscene gesture towards the other two as the door closed behind him. Ember soon followed, making a quick nod towards Saryn and strutting quite pretentiously towards the door, stepping through with a false grace that could only suggest pride.

Saryn couldn’t understand why those two couldn’t focus; as she sauntered towards the very same door, she checked her equipment to make sure it was fully functional. This mission had to go perfectly.




Over the course of an orbital period, many acts of violence and espionage were performed against several factions. The Corpus were forced to shut down three supply stations after numerous nearby shuttles were attacked and had to shut off the oxygen supply, while the stations were ransacked. The Tenno were highly suspected, but scepticism was warded off with bribes and blackmails.




The Grineer also had to redirect their war funds to protection of highly sensitive documents and pivotal Grineer strategists, after several successful attempts by highly trained operatives, suspected to be Tenno, to steal such important items.





Finally, a slight percentage drop in the ranks of the highly dangerous Infestation located within the solar system was found and recorded by numerous anonymous sources. These attack rates, although frequent, have seen a drop of up to 2.4% from the initial percentage. Speculation involved reports of Grineer generals and Corpus merchant leaders recruiting Tenno as soldiers to assist them in eradicating the infestation.






The orbital period had finished. It was time to return.

The three met in the very same starting room, and the deciding began. As each brought out their score, confident of success, they began to realise that they could’ve done much more if they had worked as a team. And so, that is what they became. Teammates.


(500 words, exactly)


(P.S. Credits goes to fallenangel33 and C3_CheshireCat for Saryn and Volt screenshots)

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Behind the trouble of the Void, Lotus called me. An old threat was released by humans, this impure race of intelligent evolution. They ran after an orokin artifact, but they unleashed the infestation on the solar system to make experimentations on them and on corpus prisonners.


The result was our awakening.


I clearly remember my mission when my body moves to cut through their flesh ; I am Tenno and Vor must paid for his insolence. Playing with other's lifes will bring pain, and pain was running for him.




Beating down sentinels, no one can heard me, i was totally quiet and deadly. Like a shadow, i can clear up any place without firing any bullet.




But, imbued with myself, i was too greedy and i forget that heavy units can detected me better than their subordinates. My plans were modified by this new presence and my weapons speaked the symphony of carnage. Grinners, totally surprised by the power of annihilation were forced to flee, but Death has no pity.




Regrouping them, they tried to protect the last meters before Vor's lair, vainly.




Finally, Vor was forced to show up his face deploying some strategies to killing me. After a short fight, the issue was evident, but Vor launched his joker, some power stolen on an old friend captured an tortured. Vauban, i will avenge you from this fool who's used orokin technology. I must bring Teslas back to deprive Grinner from their military advantage.




That was not my war. But now i'm here to respect my commitment. Trample on Vor's corpse didn't fill me with happiness.

That is a warning for all intelligent race in universe : don't tramplin the ancients precepts


(game ID: Siolith)


P.S: i don't know why, but the forum don't upload my pictures so please click on links

P.P.S.S: if any moderator or administrator can delete links and remplace them with the pictures it will be cool)

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It was quite a challenge to make it in only 500 words, but i enjoyed it a lot and would do more something like this.:)

(500 words)

Revenge of the brotherhood.

It was a dark and silent night, when the young Rhino brothers returned home from a deadly mission. It was the only night of the year when their clan performed a special ceremony, welcoming new Tennos and remembering those who had gone, lighting hundreds of candles in their memory. The night that every fellow clan member enjoyed most. But this time it was different. As the brothers entered the dojo, they witnessed a living nightmare.  Dead bodies of Tennos and Grineer soldiers covered in blood layed in every room they walked in.  They searched for someone alive, but their hopes were crushed, everyone was dead...
How did Grineers know about this ceremony? It was carefully planed attack. The Rhino brothers lived only because their mission took more time to finish then usual, they were left crushed and full of rage among pile of corpses. They saw a small text written on wall with blood "Lech Kril".
The rage growed inside the brothers, they wanted revenge and not only just wanted, they tooked it as a duty. They trained for days, weeks, months, learning new skills,gaining expierience. They gave a start for a new clan, building a new dojo deep in space, hidden as possible. 
As the years passed, the rage overflowed them and they decided that it's time. All the clan members wanted to help kill the Lieutenant, but brothers insisted that they need to take him down on their own and nothing or no one will stand in their way.
They did not know the location of Lech Kril or the size of the army that protects him, but that didn't matter. They searched every planet, every corner and finally a dying Grineer soldier made a confession. "Ceres...but you will only become his new stuffed animals,dumb boys." He laughed, spitting blood on his broken armor.
Ceres, the Grineer empire. A deadly place. They were ready for  this battle from the very beginning. They wanted to kill Lech Kril at any cost and finally there he was, standing before them, loudly laughting. "I am Lieutenant Lech Kril. My hammer awaits your skull." Looking at the old clan emblem that both Rhino's wore for this battle, he understood why they are here and what they came for. The battle has started. Ice and fire combination of Kril attacks damaged their shields and suits hardly. Strike after strike... "Hold still and I'll make this quick." He taunted. But the rage inside the brothers, the anger made them feel stronger than ever and with the final strike, they sealed it all in the great "Rhino stomp". The earth trembled and the Lieutenant layed on the ground, with no signs of life. The Rhino brothers looked at each other and nodded their heads. Finally, the hardest journey of their lives is ended. They gathered his head, took it to the old clan dojo and hung it in the great hall as sign of their revenge. Finally they can rest with peace in their souls. 
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The Artifact



It wasn't just another mission. It wasn’t as simple as we thought, we didn't expect everything to take the turn it did. Intel suggested the Grineer had stumbled upon something valuable on a northern sector of Earth. That’s when suspicions were raised, we were never told by the Lotus what we were looking for, only that “It is of the utmost importance that you locate the artifact”.

We eliminated the Grineer guarding the site easily enough, they weren’t expecting us. We found what they had discovered, an entrance leading deep underground. The material was Orokin in nature and the facility itself was decrepit and plagued with overgrowth. 
As we descended into the vault our coms started failing and became utterly useless to communicate to anyone outside the vault. It wasn’t long however when we picked up movement. We didn’t know if we had been detected or not so we made an effort to tread carefully. It was infested, not unusual for these decrepit vaults, but it was what else was there that disturbed us. They looked old and decrepit and even worse, they looked us, like the Tenno. We didn’t even manage to sneak by them, their perception was deadly, their speed unholy. One of our own didn’t make it, we were overwhelmed too quickly to even try and save him. We ran deeper, saved only by a broken door leading to a light. The light was blinding, but it led to a flooded hole that seemed to be our only escape.
Unwittingly we went under the surface of the murky waters and swam through the flooded hallways of this underwater Orokin vault. As we did, one of us accidentally activated another security system. The electric current alone killed another one of our own, leaving only myself and one other. But we made it through the watery death trap and came up right under the end of the vault. The interior of the final room was beyond ancient, old outdated materials built it, cracked concrete, and rusted metal bars barely supported the roof and walls. And in the center of the room, a cryo-pod, bearing a title we had never seen before. I barely knew some of the old language but there was a name on the pod. I tried to decipher it but I was interrupted by a dreadful, whirring sound. The sound of a Paris bow. The arrow impaled my last comrade straight through the skull. Suddenly stunned, I turned to face our attacker.
“You have done well Tenno. You’ve fulfilled your duties, but I’m afraid I can’t let you leave here alive.” It was Lotus. I was too stunned to even dodge the next arrow she fired, hitting me square in the chest, its impact was painful, and likely lethal. I was only conscious a few seconds to see Lotus open the pod, and with a smile she reached in and uttered only one command. 
“Time to wake up Hayden.”
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Arts of Warframe: Victory Uncertain

Word Count: 476

Paragraphs: 5

Screenshots 5

Since awakening from cryostasis I have been in peril. I did not know my enemies, nor myself. The only tools left to me were instincts and weapons of personal combat, dulled by uncounted years in forgetful sleep. I was told that I am needed, that I was once a master “warrior of blade and gun,” a Tenno. I was told and found for myself that the Grineer are my one of my enemies. But who are the Grineer? I did not know this enemy.


I was a shadow and not a storm. My gun silenced and my blade swift. The Lotus bid me do battle against the Grineer, this empire of decaying clones, and free Origin from their tyrannical boot. However victory was uncertain. I now know this enemy through subterfuge and stealth. I have re-honed my blade on their backs, but I still do not know myself. The Grineer speak of the Tenno as demons, but they do not know us and I cannot learn who I am from them.


The enemy of my enemy is my enemy as well, and they know the Tenno. The Corpus call us betrayers, for they worship the long gone Orokin, and claim we were responsible for that empire's downfall. Do I trust the words of my enemy? No, I will have find the truth first hand. Their plundering of lost secrets may hold the Key to my self-enlightenment. So I turned my gun on the Corpus and forced them to show me the way forward.


The Orokin are gone, but not their works. They draw us all back to their dust free halls of gold and platinum. Relics of a past age preserved from time, like I was. I found weapons and armor as intimately familiar to me as those I have remastered. What I have not found there are answers. These Orokin Towers are sterile and cold, for all they are bright. Perhaps the answer lies elsewhere, in the shadows of places as lost as the souls consumed by this Tower's defenses.


I have pieced together a great deal from fragments scatter across Origin and the Void, and they have lead me here. A Derelict, a myth to the Grineer, holy plunder for the Corpus, almost forgotten by the Orokin, and Infested with a terrors to all. I have cut and blasted my way here across Origin, leaving a trail of destruction in my wake. I stand before this final door, garbed in weapons of the Orokin, and I hesitate. Will the knowledge I seek reside inside this Vault, will it tell me who I am? Or will I only find another weapon of a dead era? I know my enemies now, I am drenched in their blood, but I still do not know myself. Victory is not assured. I am still in peril. I must know!


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A Betrayer's Deal


Somewhere near a vast blue planet at the solar system’s fringes, a silent shadow crept across a blanket of snow. A sleek metal door slid open; one of many in the vast cold Corpus outpost. The complex stretched far along the rocky surface of an icy moon, cast perpetually under dim light by the years-long dusk, like a steel tumor alight with technology from within.




Inside, through a maze of narrow choking corridors and grand outdoor grounds, the crewmen milled about on patrol, unintelligible garbling coming from beneath their impervious boxy helmets.




Here and there, an armed guard slumped against a wall or a console, stabbed clean through, or dismembered with precise cuts, although there was very little commotion throughout the ordeal.  Someone was eager for a meeting.




Finally, a door shut in a particularly dim office. A Corpus officer jumped in light surprise, but he remained seated at his desk, quickly composing himself. The standard boxed helmet on his uniform was opened, showing off a nondescript male face, but his unique uniform suggested his influence within the ranks. He glanced over his desk, looking somewhat nervous about the meeting, even though he’d been expecting the Tenno’s arrival. 


"I understand you wanted to see me. I’m all ears, but before we begin, I must remind you; this is… a no smoking zone..."

There was only a low chitinous chitter from the other end of the desk, followed by a billow of ashen smoke, signaling the Tenno’s disinterest.


"…Right, ok, no jokes now." A moment’s pause from the Corpus officer. "Why do you wish to make deals with us, Betrayer? Your kind is already so very… unpredictable. Where does your allegiance truly lie?"




From the Tenno’s end, a single credit chip dropped before the officer, quickly pierced through to the table with a throwing knife. 


In times of great war, affluence was the single unifying language, and the Corpus knew this better than anyone. Even the Betrayers could be forced to bend knee to the Board with the proper incentive, as exemplified by operation Sling Stone, and the on-going invasions.  Many of those ancient warriors, stripped of memory, were little more than mercenaries, fighting without cause.


Here, the Corpus would give them cause. A deal was struck in that cold office at the edge of the solar system: a Betrayer would hunt his own kind. The Ash exited the office, leaving the officer alone.  The man’s gloved hands rested on his desk, shaking lightly. He was winded, as if he’d just survived a brush with death.  After a moment’s respite, he brought up a holographic communications window from his office terminal, immediately displaying a Corpus tech on the other end. He paused to take in breath.


"You know the drill. The Betrayer only leaves here in pieces."


Right outside the office, blood painted the hallways.




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Operator VX-201, Designation: Aurora     
Travel Log - A.E. 3125, Earth Month 10, Day 31, Time 23:30

    Found an abandoned civilian vessel in fringe space, three jumps from the Europa orbit. An odd sight, considering Corpus traders typically do not travel this far from the planet, unless under heavy escort. The ship is a Poseidon class trade vessel, designation “HMS Orias”, belonging to the Enis Group, a second-rate Corpus corporation; however, their presence within Europa space is unusual. Their reach should be no further than the Venus manufacturing and trade facilities.
    Visual inspection of the ship’s exterior show no breeches or signs of the ship being scuttled. All turret banks appear operational, but unpowered. Bio-signature scans return with nominal readings. No Mayday or Pan-pan broadcast from the ship. A ship like this usually means infested. Whatever happened on this ship, I need to find and report it back to Lotus.

Operator Transmission Log - A.E. 3125, Earth Month 10, Day 31, Time 23:40
    “Operator? This is Disciple Aurora, Code VX-201, investigating an abandoned civilian vessel in sector E6 of the Europa Space.”
    “Copy that Aurora, this is Operator Smiley, Code UG-1. Switch to frequency 132.2 for further support.”


“Operator, investigation shows transportation networks online. Cargo is still being moved and processed for some reason. Why keep the transport networks up if there is no one here?”
“Corpus trade vessels can operate autonomously to reduce labor downtime, though having the network online with no supervision is rare. Find the mainframe and patch me in, I may be able to find something in the ship’s log files.”

Time 23:50
    “Operator, what is going on here? There are clear signs of infested within the crew quarters. Why did the bio-signature scans turn up nothing?”


    “Aurora, I see no indication of infested bio-signatures on my scans.”
    “Well scan again, dammit! The scans are wrong.”
    “Rescanning the ship now.”

Time 23:55
    “Operator, Did you say something?”
    “Negative, Aurora, but I completed the scan. All scans indicate no infested on board.”
    “How have your scans picked up nothing? … We’ll know once I reach the mainframe.”

Time 23:58
    “Shut up, dammit!”
    “... Are you okay, Aurora? Suggest evacuation. Vital signs reporting erratic values.”
    “No. I’m at the mainframe now… Seems to be some sort of infested research lab. Just what were the Corpus researching? I’ll plug you in. Time to get some answers.”
    “Commencing override … Seems to be a new infested strain of some sort, but how did the Enis Group get their hands on it? Hmm… FB, can it be who i think it is?”


    “Get out of my head!”
    “Aurora? What’s happening?”
    “Gepetto? … you … here?”
    “Aurora? Gepetto’s alive? She died in the solar rail incident on Pluto.”
    “Stay … out … one. Let ... in.”
    “Aurora? … Please, respond.”
    “We are one now. We see the way. We are the future.”

End of Transmission

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It killed our brother Tenno. That... thing killed our brother Tenno and stole his corpse to add to itself. 




It was all simple, take a job or two from the Corpus the defend against the abomination of flesh that had hunted and slaughtered all along the Martian system. 
"All too easy" Ash spoke as the frame ran it's hidden blades against a whetstone. 
Little did we know Ash had plans of his own, not only was Phorid rampaging through Corpus space, it recently tore it's way into an independent station and slaughtered the many that called it home, Ash knew someone there.  It was supposed to be weak, days of constant stalking and close calls led the group to it's lair,but the creature was surprisingly agile and overpowered the Tenno before the rest of the Cell had arrived. The three members of the Ghost cell managed to escaped the beast stampeded around, they cared little for the Corpus allies that aimlessly wandered into the monsters path... such fools. 
"We can't leave him" Rhino's voice echoed over the HUD's of the Ember Prime and the Loki.
"We must" Loki spoke low, as if not to anger the larger Tenno next to him "That beast will kill and consume us as well" 
"You never liked him, Brother, did you?" The Rhino's voice was growing in anger 
"No, Brother I did not, Ash had no concept of discretion, he got what he deserved" 
Ember clenched her first and looked at Loki "No, we save him"
"Fine" Loki growled under his breath and vanished into the shadows. "But the Elder will hear of this when we return... if we return." 
"The Elder will hear of this, coward" Rhino fumed under his armor, next time Loki wouldn't be sparing against the newly inducted frames, he would have to contend with one unhappy Warframe. 
As much as they prepared the monster put up a fight, when the creature fell the Tenno found themselves in the sights of their Corpus employers.
"In the name of Profit, hand over the hardware!" One of the crewman yelled, motioning his rifle at the slain Tenno
Before he could take a step forward his helmet was crushed inward by Rhino's fist. With their fallen brother on Rhino's back the three Tenno fought through the Corpus traitors and the infected all fell before Ember's fire and Rhinos might. Crewman that survived spoke of that day, when such a small number of Orokin Hardware tore through there Infection Control Forces and escaped into the abyss. 
Ember changed her colors after returning home, white for remebering the lost, and blood red for promising revenge against the Corpus dogs.
(Mission idea, rescue a slain Tenno Operative from the infested, only to have the group you were supporting turn on you, maybe they will maybe the won't kind like the "change of plans" the Lotus used to drop on us XD)
(Word count 442, 3 poorly put in pictures)
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                                                                            The Endless Cycle


Location: Earth.

Time: Cycle 0.126

Report: Intel on Enemy movement.

"I am the Lotus, I will guide you..."
her dulcet tones fade as does the dream.
I can hear the faint sounds of whirring gears growing louder as they arrive closer, they settle into a
low hum, and I begin to stir as they drag me from my slumber.1932669_451593961636847_762605675_o.jpg

As the light pierces the unseen veil over my sight, my vision becomes unencumbered and I regain enough
composure to lift myself up. I look around and see there are smoking and broken grakatas, flashing memories of dismembered
limbs, entrails flying, seeing armored plates and gore littering this small enclosed area.  Victims from the latest patrol I had stumbled upon.

The Shade's hum turns to a thrumming noise, as I turn to see my little companion emitting that same sound
that has kept me grounded within the duty that was beset me all those years ago, before my brothers and sisters went into their Dormancy.
But she... she chose a few of us to remain at our posts, until the call was made to awaken our brothers and sisters, watching the events of the present unfold into the past, and turn into the forgotten.


For the last 126 cycles those of us who were chosen, have eventually lost contact. Why?, I do not know,
nor do I understand how. But their voices have remained silent or disappeared, especially her voice... her voice has gone.
So for those passing cycles it has been Shade and myself, left here on this rock that was called Earth so long ago.1618193_451599968302913_454803371_o.jpg

This place has been asleep for as long as I can remember... until a few months ago, when “they” started
arriving. Bringing down their massive constructs and pollution into these beautiful, serene and yet,
unforgiving forests, desecrating the natural resource wherever they touch the soil.
Their tainted stink noticeably on the slightest of air currents, their horrid gutteral tones invading the
essence of peace the forest enshrouds one with.

But there is one building of particular interest. It looks as if they are erecting a mixing plant
of some kind, for the creation of a malignant curse.

I whisper "Shade?" a sudden whirring mixed with the happy little thrumming sound it makes, gives rise of
acknowledgement. I barely utter a request and Shade cloaks itself and looks towards the big dark design,
before darting off to scout around inside the building.1956937_451599878302922_708666106_o.jpg

Waiting outside, I hear the crude and foreign tongue of a few moderately armored grunts, the voices get
louder and I silently move through the branches of the nearby trees until I can see a patrol snaking its
way along the darkened forest path. Patrols widen their borders, for more vile and objectionable constructions

to descend and infest this planet.


My body and limbs burn, smoke pours from all over my frame and I
grab my sword and fade from sight in a cloud of Ash,

I hear her voice once again, uttering a single word....

Edited by Deicidal
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Сказка на ночь.

-“Послушай сынок, существует легенда, рассказывающая о великих воинах, могущество которых не знало границ”.

“С незапамятных времен, человечество стремилось превзойти свои возможности с каждым годом совершенствуя известные технологии. Вечное движение вперед характеризует людей, и достигнув своего предела развития, они не знали куда стремиться дальше, их физические тела не позволяли жить дольше, а импланты продлевали жизнь лишь на несколько десятилетий.

Люди стали деградировать, пойдя по пути клонирования тел. Но каждое новое тело, становилось хуже предыдущего и требовало внешнего вмешательства для поддержания жизнидеятельности.


Пока не появился среди людей тот, кто смог подчинить внеземной организм себе, став подобно богам из древних легенд. Он, обладая внеземной силой, дающей ему возможности, выходящие за грань понимания обычных людей, был готов делиться ею с другими людьми, но не со всеми.



Внеземной организм подвергал человекамутации, изменяя его внешность до неузноаваемости, помутняя рассудок и путаямысли. Лишь люди с сильной волей могли противостоять вторжению симбиотическогоорганизма, становясь чем-то большим чем были раньше.


Необычная внешность сделала их изгоями среди людей: большинство считало их чудовищами и не хотело иметь каких либо дел с ними, другие же были готовы использовать их умения и способности, во имя обогащения и процветания.


Но рано или поздно всему приходит конец: изгои устали быть изгоями, люди людьми и все разрушилось в мгновение ока, разделив некогда единый народ.

В последней битве, люди под предводительством генерала Грина сошлись с отверженными под предводительством героя Тенно в неравной битве, где не было победителей. Сколь сильны не были изгои, они потерпели поражение. А Тенно, оставшись прикрывать отступление челноков со своими товарищами сгинул вместе с Грином и преданными ему подчиненными. Люди остались на земле и стали зваться Гринир, в честь огибшего полководца, а изгои, назвались тенно и покинули пределы солнечной системы, заключив добровольно себя в криокамерах. Но однажды они проснутся и снова грядет век потрясений, который изменит весь мир.”

-Эти тенно и вправду существовали? Они однажды вернутся?”

-“Возможно сын, возможно. Посмотрим, Дарво, если легенды о них говорят правду, то может и мы заставим их поработать на нас, когда они проснутся.


[330 слов]

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