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We Are The True Villains In Warframe


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....  Dude just shut up and do what you're told.  The universe has no black and white.  You better start looking at things as shades of grey.  Everyone is evil.  The Lotus is just the necessary evil.  We do what we must to uphold balance.

You have no idea how weak evil truly is. The Darkness within us all is far more powerful than any evil. The Devil himself felt sorrow for the Corpus and Grineer. I do not. I take souls without regret. So far the Lotus has treated us well. She gave me a purpose once again. And for that I do as she commands of me. It's the least I can do for my master.

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I looked into a grineer's eyes and I saw disgust and hatred.  I have no problems killing Bob the Pyro or Bill the Butcher.

I said bosses are fair game. They are bad peoples taking advantage of the weak minded. And the clones are indoctrinated, they don't know how not to hate.


To the rest of you. It's so easy to just not care, because caring is hard. You want to be strong? Try giving a damn. 

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Are you rebelling against the Lotus? You dare question her authority and wisdom? As Grand Master, I will see to it that you do not live to see the next day, traitor.


You don't even know who Lotus is. You are loyal to shadows cast so long, you fail to know its light. How does one betray a cause they do not understand? A cause that does not exist.


You are worse than traitors, or rebels. You're the spent shell casing of a weapon long fired that has forgotten why its trigger was ever pulled.

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I see a lack of #TeamGreed in this thread...


Is an independet corporation independent from the orders and moral code of the Lotus,wich only follows the ideals of "Kill only to be rewarded"

TeamGreed is always open to join,if you follow our mindset and wish not to be derailed by the Lotus anymore...

"I once killed a man for free,but then I took his wallet and felt better about the whole thing"

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I think of us more of mercs for hire than a group of noble ninjas. Thats why we pick either corpus or grineer, not because we think one is right or wrong but whichever has the better battle pay. And if the other factions are the bad guys then why do we care if they decide to kill each other?


Because you used to be something more. The illusion of being a 'merc' is basically a metaphor for free choice. "Hello, you can have steak or chicken tonight, which would it be?" You choose chicken. "Great choice." This is free choice in action for you. You've awoken into a universe that has told you what you are, and what you should do. You can kill these people or those people. There aren't any other options. Why should there  be? From a completely lore based perspective, you're anything but a merc. You're a tool. Something even in our modern tongue is often used as an insult.


Because to be a tool is to be less than capable as a being in the universe. When a weapon is branded with the Lotus symbol and given to the player, it is typically assigned the word "Vandal", such as the Braton Vandal, indicating its corrupted, vandalized version of another's weapon. We are marked with the same symbol. We are Vandals. Weapons branded by Lotus to fight for a cause she's convinced is ours, for "balance" she's convinced we desired.


Mercenaries fight for treasure.


We fight for nothing. We were never awoken from slumber. Our eyes, are still closed.

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The clones are indoctrinated, they don't know how not to hate.


To the rest of you. It's so easy to just not care, because caring is hard. You want to be strong? Try giving a damn.

I'm doubtful whether or not are the clones sentient or not by this point. And trying to indoctrinate them to be regular citizens of Sol after we take over their existing Indoctrination infrastructure is a whole different thing. They'll simply be extremely degraded shells of their original self suffering an empty life, they'll be better off without any suffering.


Regarding the whole "caring" thing, it isn't about difficulty, it's about wasting your time caring about things that don't matter at all. If anything, neither is true, if you don't care, you'd be torturing yourself trying to not care about what you did, while if you care, you'd torture yourself caring about what you did. Now, if you pulled that stick out of your &#! and got over it, problem solved.



Also, I just realized that we are treating this not-so-serious thread as though it is serious and we really are doing those actions IRL. We only need one justification in the end: It's a game. Nothing matters, it's your own choice what you do. If the Devs judge your actions with a Karma meter or something like that, screw them.

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....  Dude just shut up and do what you're told.  The universe has no black and white.  You better start looking at things as shades of grey.  Everyone is evil.  The Lotus is just the necessary evil.  We do what we must to uphold balance.


Not sure exactly what sort of balance the Tenno are upholding at the moment, perhaps the one of their Tenno bank accounts? Because it certainly isn't the balance of power in the solar system. :D

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You know? This argument is just getting too old. Learn something, there is no black, there is no white... There are no bad guys, nor good guys. There are no friends nor nemesis, just factions with their interests and motivations, Targets or allies, like in every war.


Btw, i dont care if my enemies want money to save children or cure greedymilkeryonosis. They would murder us in mass numbers if they had the opportunity just for a bunch of creds.


"They sowed their fate when they took that job... i´m just the reaper"

Edited by Eversor
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