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Warframe Etiquette



Given the amount of new players entering the game, and the unfortunate amount of people that just generally disregard their teammates, even though this is a game based on PVE and cooperation, I thought a general overview of "how not to annoy the crap out of your squadmates in a match" might be a nice thing for some folks to read up on.

(Please realize the is written from ONE veteran's standpoint on simple standard courtesies during gameplay that I believe will make everyone's experience more fun if applied.)


1. Wait for squadmates at the elevator


Aside from the occasional, oops I hit the button, this common courtesy is generally followed by most, given a reasonable amount of time. If a player is overly slow, keeps stopping for reasons unknown to his squadmates, and has fallen very far behind though, don't expect for your squadmates to wait forever.

It's pretty well accepted that it's a dooshy move to just rush to the elevator and hit it before anyone else can get there, however. So don't do that. If you want to rush, go play solo, or a private match with other invitees that know you are rushing, that's why those options are there.


2. Don't be a door/lane hero


This particularly applies to Defense, Mobile Defense, and Survival missions.

In these missions, enemies usually spawn and come from 2 or 3 directions following ai pathways which usually come from behind doorways or long lanes.

A door hero is one who, generally during one of the above stated missions, camps in front or outside of a door on a spawnpoint, and is shooting down that lane since that is where enemies are clustering/coming from the most. This is usually out of the Xp range of 50 in-game metres for his teammates who are protecting the objective or sitting on an air capsule. Therefore, by doing this, the door hero is robbing all his team members of A LOT of experience, and even more so because he is camping on a door/spawnpoint that a majority of enemies are coming from.


3. Stick together


This generally applies to every mission type. There is a 50m in-game cap on Team Xp for kills. If you're running off ahead and blowing up everything in sight and your teammates aren't within 50m of you, they are losing out on all that Xp that they could, and should, be getting.

This also goes in tandem with door heroes who go chasing down enemies outside of doorways during Def, MD, and Surv missions when your team is trying to camp on a point.
Be a team player.


4. Cater to your fellow teammates abilities


Pretty simple. Certain abilites (Nyx's Absorb for example) work better when your teammates work with you.

Work with your team, not against them.


5. Stick to your channel


This doesn't directly apply to gameplay but it still warrants mentioning as a major part of the game.

Traders. No one wants you in Recruiting. Recruiters. No one wants you in trading. Price checkers. No one wants you (lol). End of story.


6. Stick around for what you were recruited for


This particularly applies to Survival, Defense, and Intercept mode missions.

If you go to recruiting channel to join any of the above and someone says "Hosting 'x' we go til 'y' amount of time/wave" or, "we go til we get item 'z'"  then stick around for what the host wants, or until the host and squad agree otherwise in-game to leave.

You chose to join the host's mission. If you leave, before everyone has obtained what was stated by the host in the recruitment, you are a dooshcanoe. Plain and simple.

There is no "oh that's too good to pass up" or "oh I really need that".
No. You stick around for what you opted into. If the host doesn't specify, then the best course of action would be to confer with your squad when you all agree to leave. Leaving beforehand wastes the hosts and rest of the squads time, and possibly costs the host a key that he/she spent time farming for.

This should really be a non-issue now as defense rewards now stack, but still I see people jump out as soon as they get what they want and not help their teammates til the end.


That's all I could think of for now. If I see any other good ones posted in the comments I'll add them to this.

These are simple common courtesies that make the game better for everyone people, just be a good player and a good squadmate, then everybody's happy.

Edited by Instinction
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I'd add in there:

6/7) Revive Your Teammates

Being a Coop game that depends on team work and PVE, it should be common courtesy that if a member of your group is downed, you should drop what you are killing and run to their rescue. Unless there is a context sensitive objective like a capture target or defense pod in danger, you can spare the 15 seconds it takes to rush toward them and revive. It doesn't take a long time, and all your allies will be very thankful for it. No one likes to lose a revive when it could have been prevented.

Seen many die reviving teammates. It's not always worth it to run into enemy fire and it would taking long to kill them that the teammate might die anyway.

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Tip 1a: If you are in the elevator and someone else presses the button, while two others were not in the elevator yet, wait at the top of the elevator for the rest of your team. If rushing rambo decides not to wait and dies, let him die. If rushing rambo comes across a door that requires two players to open, wait for the rest of your squad.

What if the person decides to leech from the afterlife?

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XDeathCoreX Add them to ignore and ESC / quit.  I have got into the habit of checking for grey names in squad now and if an ignored shows I quit and find a new pug.


The instant I find a leecher, or uncooperative player in game, instant blacklist so hopefully I don't have to run into those people again.

Unfortunately, I rarely ever get a good random lobby, so I try to stick to running with my clan members or just run solo.

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Not being a $&*^ at the elevator is pretty self evident, but it sure would be nice if the game explained some of these things like Ash's blade storm.  First I ever saw it was last night, I had no idea, the bad guys are still shooting at me, so duh, of course I killed them while Ash was standing their AFK or whatever the pre-blade storm zen move thingie is.  Seriously, I thought Ash was posing impressively while AFK for 10 seconds.  Now it seems like a pretty cool power.


Ditto for Nyx's Absorb.  How would I know until I've played Nyx ?


And why wait until life support is at 30% instead of 60% ?  The capsules given 30%, so 60% seems a lot more reasonable with a buffer for pick ups.  I've had A LOT of pug games get blown if I leave it to 30%.  Either I have to stand with my **** in my hand at the objective bored out of my skull while all the door heroes screw me over, or I have to rush out to revive someone, deal with a heavy, or otherwise get distracted for a few seconds only to have no one else on the team cover the objective and fail us all.  Sorry, I don't trust you guys.  30% is for clan mates.  50-60% is for randoms.  deal.

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And why wait until life support is at 30% instead of 60% ?  The capsules given 30%, so 60% seems a lot more reasonable with a buffer for pick ups.  I've had A LOT of pug games get blown if I leave it to 30%.  Either I have to stand with my **** in my hand at the objective bored out of my skull while all the door heroes screw me over, or I have to rush out to revive someone, deal with a heavy, or otherwise get distracted for a few seconds only to have no one else on the team cover the objective and fail us all.  Sorry, I don't trust you guys.  30% is for clan mates.  50-60% is for randoms.  deal.


50/60 or 30% is just a general rule of thumb.  In a good team 30%, but I only risk it that low if there are 3 or more O2 capsules up.  Otherwise never below 50%, as all you need is one of the snow globe casting mini bosses to make any team have a hard time.  I have seen snow globe Corpus Techs with shield Ospreys at or near the O2 capsules, right pita.

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Not everyone is sitting around waiting to scam you.

If you have a solid idea of how much you expect paid for an item, (whether you're buying or selling) don't play guessing games with the other person. Just tell them. Especially if the first thing they do is ask.

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The team work and communication is absolutely zero in this game so i play solo more than i play online. If you are in a clan where the peoples aren't so active and differ from your style then better to solo the game alone but it's my opinion about it. The etiquette could be good thing but not so much player willing accept them.

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An advantage of waiting until 30% to activate Life Support is that if anyone else activates another one at the same time (not unknown to happen in PUGs), it's not a total waste.



I'd add in there:

6/7) Revive Your Teammates

Being a Coop game that depends on team work and PVE, it should be common courtesy that if a member of your group is downed, you should drop what you are killing and run to their rescue. Unless there is a context sensitive objective like a capture target or defense pod in danger, you can spare the 15 seconds it takes to rush toward them and revive. It doesn't take a long time, and all your allies will be very thankful for it. No one likes to lose a revive when it could have been prevented.


Generally good advice, though I'd add that mindlessly rushing in for the revive often just results in two deaths instead of one. If you have any defensive powers, use them before reviving. If there's enemies in the immediate area, clear them out or at least use some crowd control before going for the revive. If another teammate is going to get to the revive before you, provide covering fire.


Losing one Tenno is bad. But it's not as bad as losing two.

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When doig mobile defense, wait for team before inserting the data mass. Do not be a hero and try to defend a damn objective alone. U get downed while team mates are far, chances are u also lose objective

If ur team mate is confident to do stealth rescue, let him do it. Don't be an dooshball and set off alarms

In a spy mission, if u cannot do the obstacle, let team do it for u. Do not ba adooshuby and set off timer.

Do not use up all life support to troll.

Edited by Beef-DeathLegacy
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Not really seeing this one for loot though related to some mentioned, but in Defense missions Dont' kill enemies on the far ends of the map, have a bit of patients and let the enemies come to you. To many times I've seen objectives destroyed because all the players are running around at the ends of the map trying to find any loot. Doubly worse when your Limbo/Frost/ext aren't around to re-up protection for the objective and it gets bombarded.


Nothing worse than getting to 30+ waves only to loose it all because of amateur mistake like this.

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There is no "oh that's too good to pass up" or "oh I really need that".

No. You stick around for what you opted into. If the host doesn't specify, then the best course of action would be to confer with your squad when you all agree to leave. Leaving beforehand wastes the hosts and rest of the squads time, and possibly costs the host a key that he/she spent time farming for.

pls change that sentence ^^

rewards do stack o.o

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I'd add in there:

6/7) Revive Your Teammates

Being a Coop game that depends on team work and PVE, it should be common courtesy that if a member of your group is downed, you should drop what you are killing and run to their rescue. Unless there is a context sensitive objective like a capture target or defense pod in danger, you can spare the 15 seconds it takes to rush toward them and revive. It doesn't take a long time, and all your allies will be very thankful for it. No one likes to lose a revive when it could have been prevented.


I try to get to the downed person as soon as I can, but if I notice someone else is already there, I would either continuing dealing with the objective or I would do crowd control/cull the enemies near the downed player so we won't end up with two dead players instead of one.


For the downed person, please don't take it personally if your teammate was unable to revive you for whatever (valid) reason.   I've seen downed player cursing at the teammates and/or rage quitting when the others were unable to get to the downed person in time, even though the other teammates have revived him  numerous times already or he got into the bad situation on his own.   I'm always very grateful for those who revive/help me, but other times I would let them know don't bother to save me when the objective is more important.


I think a lot of times people forget that this is just a game and that each of your frame has 4 revives PER day so if you wasted your a revive or two, eh, just play a different frame or, at the worst, wait for the daily reset.  It's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.

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Don't rush forward while spamming 4, then expect teammates to rescue you when you bite off more than you can chew. I've seen even Nyx's do this, to the point I'll have to break the abovementioned rule just to discourage the behavior to begin with.

I have been guilty of this from time to time but not frequently.


Another thing I hate is in tower defense,  someone always seems to laser me in the back....oww.


It should be decided as to when the laser are to be used if at all........

example: No lasers when the map isn't red.

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Only in a theoretical scenario: when a fellow player becomes downed in a group of 4 or 3, one person should revive the person while the remaining cover the player who is reviving the incapacitated individual. This reduces the possibility of everyone being downed in most cases.

EDIT: I just realised this has already been said >_< 

Another idea I guess:
Utilize gears to the fullest extent: Shield,Energy,Health Restores you name it, Trinity won't always be around to save the day. Specters are known to be great help in solo sessions, I cannot fathom how much of an assistance they would be in group sessions.

For the the experienced players: Go online and join sessions on Earth with open squads, you're bound to come across the bumbling newbie that requires help but doesn't know how to ask for it! You're also bound to make a new friend that would some day be churning corpus and grineer troops alongside you like a partner in crime.

For the newbies know the limits of your Warframe: This sort of relates to Point 2 made by Instinction, however in regards to soloing especially, don't do missions that exceed your capabilities. Rely on your fellow Tenno. Ask them on region chat or recruitment chat for assistance.

(This leads to my next point) Join an active clan: An active clan in Warframe is bound to get you somewhere that is higher from where you started. You make connections, friends and mentors which can assist you in completing missions or getting you component for MORE POWERFUL weapons that will DESTROY the enemy. (yes)

Also please don't brag about how powerful you are: it's extremely embarrassing to see someone destroyed because they didn't know how to utilize their Frame to the fullest extent despite claiming they can clear the whole world because of their inifinitely powerful (the late) Kohm (Rip 2014-2015).

Edited by Venlige
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Given the amount of new players entering the game, and the unfortunate amount of people that just generally disregard their teammates, even though this is a game based on PVE and cooperation, I thought a general overview of "how not to annoy the crap out of your squadmates in a match" might be a nice thing for some folks to read up on.

(Please realize the is written from ONE veteran's standpoint on simple standard courtesies during gameplay that I believe will make everyone's experience more fun if applied.)


though the intention might be valid and good natured, the condescending tone of this first paragraph is just too much, sorry.

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Hi there,


thanks for the help :-)


4. Cater to your fellow teammates abilities


Pretty simple. Certain abilites (Nyx's Absorb for example) work better when your teammates work with you.

Work with your team, not against them.



There's a big problem with that one: I don't know anything about Nyx's Absorb. I don't even know how a Nyx looks like. Sure, I could look it up (and I will after this post), but for someone who doesn't invest some time in the Wiki, it's impossible to know these things. So please be so kind and explain it to my fellow newbs and me, if we meet and we do something wrong. We're eager to learn, but with a game this size we don't know where to begin :)

Edited by Daydr3amer
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