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Do You Ever Feel Special And Priviledged While Playing Warframe?


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I felt very special when I got my Banshee (farmed, not bought) and started playing her, because she's such a rare and hard frame to get. I've only seen two other banshees in the time I've played since the PS4 version came out, and at least one of those could've been bought.


Now I recently completed my Ember Prime and my Orthos Prime should be done by now. I once was in a game with two regular embers plus a rhino and I felt very special then as well. Both Ember Prime and Orthos Prime have a reputation of being extremely hard to get, so I have a nice, warm feeling right now.


Anyone else have the same kind of feeling?

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When I use my Braton Prime and Dakra Prime together.  Both are very infrequently seen.


I am legitimately happy for OP for feeling proud of their accomplishments, not looking at it half-empty and saying "now what".  


Congrats OP, you deserved the hell out of that frame and all the respect that comes with it.

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Way way back, all the way back in the distant 2013, the month was April. I had just finished up leveling my Excalibur Prime when I decided to hunt for Rhino. After 25 runs without getting a single blueprint, I instead ventured to Earth to try my luck with Trinity. Six runs later, she was cooking in the foundry, and I've felt special ever since. <3

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I feel special every time I use my wallrunning shortcuts while other players take elevators, loop around or waste energy to teleport.


I also soloed Lech Krill with almost unmodded gear, just because. It was a really fun fight, none of his moves were unavoidable, but any ~2 consecutive hits could kill me, so baiting him to freeze-slam the ground and dodging his flaming hammer was really exiting.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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Yes, I often feel special as well.  I feel special showing off my infested and smoke colors, and my sayadana, all of which I purchased with plat I got from trading my max serration (immediately made another).  I feel special when I own the field on Callisto and hit the entire map with chaos.  I feel special when I run a pluto alert and I'm the only memeber of my team that never goes down, and I revive everyone over and over.  I feel special when I wallrun on the tiniest of objects, like the side of a box or storage crate, or even a doorframe, and launch off and fly across the map.

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I feel all-powerful when I play, but that's mostly because I listen to 

 or one of the many remixes of it while slaughtering my enemies.

It's my feel-stronk-song.


Personally, I use songs from the Rebuild of Evangelion soundtracks: the full range from "orchestral asskicking" to "sends a chill down my spine every time".


To the OP, one memorable time was when I picked the wrong Derelict key without realizing and suddenly found myself faced with Lephantis for the first time, alone... and won. What an epic fight, what a nice feeling to come out alive.

Also, whenever I'm doing Survival, unleashing my Penta upon the oncoming Infested armies, wiping four or five out with a single shot, and the hordes just keep coming.

And, like others have said, using parkour to fling myself to the other side of the cell, or bypass elevators.

Oh, and I still remember the first frame I actually built: Mag. I kicked Nef Anyo's rear so hard, so many times, with the Cronus I got from old Flameblade Vor. And then I used Mag to get almost everywhere else. Those were the days.


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Is it me, or this board has one of the most respectful communities I've ever seen? I know, random thing to say, but damn, you guys are ace.


Edit: And just to add myself ♥... I feel special when I run down a hall with my three star Soma. I feel strong, but I also feel reliable. Like I can really protect my teammates if they're down. It gives me confidence to face ANY challenge, instead of fearing I won't be able to protect my friends. ;-;~! I feel special when my teammates are really close to me in damage and perform well. knowing we all did our part and worked as a team. :O <3

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