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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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If it is this week? I will have time to play it and buy founders pack and all that. If it is next week? I wont have time for it, and wont buy a founders pack. Titanfall is coming out next week people... This game needs to grab us by the balls in the very near future, or i see a long hiatus for quite a few players. This is not me dissing on this game, but many of the people I talk to ingame are extremely hyped for titanfall. This game needs the update, or they will lose some money XD

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They're polishing the RNG elements of it.

Chance of hitting the enemy: 25%

New 10 rank mod increasing the chance of hitting enemy by 200%, dropped only by Corrupted Regulators at 5:100 ratio. You can find Corrupted Regulators during T4 Void missions. And T4 keys are rewards at 30 minutes ODS.

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Chance of hitting the enemy: 25%

New 10 rank mod increasing the chance of hitting enemy by 200%, dropped only by Corrupted Regulators at 5:100 ratio. You can find Corrupted Regulators during T4 Void missions. And T4 keys are rewards at 30 minutes ODS.


Or, as you put it, a 50% to drop and a 50% chance to not.

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If it is this week? I will have time to play it and buy founders pack and all that. If it is next week? I wont have time for it, and wont buy a founders pack. Titanfall is coming out next week people... This game needs to grab us by the balls in the very near future, or i see a long hiatus for quite a few players. This is not me dissing on this game, but many of the people I talk to ingame are extremely hyped for titanfall. This game needs the update, or they will lose some money

Except, they won't. Titanfall probably will be fun for a few weeks, then get boring as they do the same old mindless 'x y z event, rinse-repeat' then they'll come back crawling on their knees. I'm not being a DE fanboy, I'm simply saying that Warframe has too much of a lead over other upcoming games. even if there's some issue with how they run their prices they still have a game what is for the most part, unique, and unlike other games.

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Except, they won't. Titanfall probably will be fun for a few weeks, then get boring as they do the same old mindless 'x y z event, rinse-repeat'


In all seriousness though-




"-same old mindless-" Warframe.

Edited by Cepmosod
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^ He gets it! again, dont get me wrong; I love warframe. The grind is a little to strong though, and consumable content is running out for me. I had tons of resources when I came back to the game last november, TONS. So building new weps and gear was easy for me. This prime trading that they added exacerbated the problem. Now I am playing warframe, getting the mats needed. Day 1 ends, and I come back when clan research finish's up to build the new weapon. a day later I get it. I am just a little of sick of the new content consisting of build/consume as opposed to creation of new gameplay. Melee 2.0 will breathe a bit more life into the grind that is the current iteration of the game.

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Personally, I don't care about damage or elemental proc chance or whatever. I think it will just be fun. Some days yeah, it's nice to mow through waves with my absurdly damage-y penta, but it's fun to get crazy and dive in cleavers first and dice things up. I'm super excited to see what the new melee system has in store for it. Screw 'viability' and just have fun with it :D

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HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE OVER 9000!! (please don't report me for using caps, i am just so hyped) Melee 2.0 has a good chance of coming out today! :D



P.s out of excitement for this update i have killed every boss that can be killed with melee with melee while soloing. :D Lets all Melee kill some bosses so are bodies are ready for the epicness that is Melee 2.0!

Edited by Feallike
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I haven't watched the most recent livestreams since update 12 so I don't know what i've missed, but anyone think there is a chance it will be out today? Wiki said was estimated for February 2014, so does that mean it's today?

Edited by gaurdianaq
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