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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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The important updates are taking entirely too long.  Still no hint of an endgame coming anytime soon, which is so badly needed it is not even funny.  Didn't even get anything that could keep high lvl players busy for long at all.  3 days to craft new sentinel (be bored for 3 days).  I love this game, but DE needs to get priorities straight.  I know melee 2.0 is going to be epic when it releases, but giving the players just crumbs for new content while most of the companies resources are being pulled to work on melee 2.0 (which keeps getting delayed), in effect delaying other updates like ENDGAME CONTENT.  I was really expecting either melee 2.0, the sorely needed clan menu, or that HUB test thing they said was coming soon like a month ago.  Ok, rant over...for now...

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I usually anticipate updates greatly. This time i just completely forgot about it.


If melee 2.0 doesn't hit soon I feel I might even forget about Warframe itself !  Parkour 2.0 would be neat too ...


The most fun I've had in this game was using mag with pull V2 and meleeing everything. Bring the fun back DE !

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Welp, Melee 2.0  is pretty much confirmed for update 13 according to the stream. On the bright side, we somewhat know when it's coming. But it still means at the least a few more weeks of waiting...


Update 13 is gonna be special, though.

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Welp, Melee 2.0  is pretty much confirmed for update 13 according to the stream. On the bright side, we somewhat know when it's coming. But it still means at the least a few more weeks of waiting...


Update 13 is gonna be special, though.

As with past updates, we know the 12.X means nothing towards the next major update.

Ultimate DE troll move activate, U13 is next week. 

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As with past updates, we know the 12.X means nothing towards the next major update.

Ultimate DE troll move activate, U13 is next week. 


Haha, that'd be great.


Also, you're right. I just checked the Update & Build Notes forum and while updates 11, 10, and 9 ended at around 11.9, 10.8, etc, update 8 actually ended at 8.3. So theres still a chance we'll get it next week.

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Are There Going To Be Any Melee Combos That Require Two Buttons(Light > Heavy And Heavy > Light) Instead Of One Button?


According to this thread:


Which Melee System Would You Prefer? Time Focused Or With 2 Buttons In Sequence? <---------------------------------This thread


The majority love the combos system found in DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear Rising and some would actually use that more than the DC Universe timed attack combo system that comes with stances.


So can players press two buttons to activate combos(Light > Heavy and Heavy > Light)?


it would be better for warframe to have both systems like DMC has so players get the best of both worlds and not be forced to one combat system and end up finding new combat system uncomfortable. So this would open melee to everyone. It's really about comfort and having a wide variety of ways to do combos and not stuck getting killed trying a combos system many may not be familiar with as opposed to a combos system found in the mass majority of games.

Edited by SirAuron
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  I'm pretty so I can't be wrong.

Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me

I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed

She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb

In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming

Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running

Didn't make sense not to live for fun

Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

So much to do so much to see

So what's wrong with taking the back streets?

You'll never know if you don't go

You'll never shine if you don't glow

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I would prefer  something similar to vindictus also thats one thing the devs did right was its playing style a few classes in vindictus also required timing to get a few combos there also i remember sucking hard at playing fiona in that game couldn't get block timing down.

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Does that mean melee 2.0 got delayed again? People are saying that U13 is to come Mid-April.....


If it is, this will be my reaction:






BTW, I had to delete the previous post I made (same topic as this one) because I mis-typed the title, and the "Topic Moderation" only gives me the option of "Deleting the Post"

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Guys, melee modification involves awfully lot of time actually make those animations, by animators. It's a time consuming, tedious process and has to be very-very well pulled out. (I'm saying this as an animator myself). We should  respect the effort and work of those guys put into this thing. 


I'm sure Geoff having a pretty hard time.  And then there is the implementation, programming, balancing, testing etc. I don't mind if they don't want to release something ugly and unbalanced, let them work on and be patient.


Also we shouldn'let our expectation too high. I personally think this whole melee 2.0 is really more just about  a visual and gameplay improvement, it won't hit  general balance and damage system that much. 

Edited by 000_Briarius_000
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