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Thank You De, There Is No ''endgame'' Anymore


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I agree. What made clan weapons special was that there was a lot of time and effort put in. So when you saw someone with it you knew they worked hard to get it. Now you buy them just like anywhere else and now you can trade Prime parts? They were the ONLY end game DE had! Now its just a giant market for plat. I do not like these changes.

While I agree that clan weapons should not be on the market for plat clan weapons have not been hard to make for a long time annoying thanks to how long it takes to make them yes but not hard.

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I farmed all the primes and have many duplicates and I spent hundreds of hours farming the S#&$... The struggle is real my effort means nothing to the rich credit card wielder

yes, credit card wielders should praise you for your efforts. do you want the golden statue now or in a week?

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For me it was still acquiring some of the rarest gear + I set my own goals for me to complete.

So you can't do that anymore?


you can make it more pleasant by trading a single part you have 5 of for that one that just doesn't seem to drop.

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And here I was thinking DE is working hard in the office coming up with a good endgame to bring players back to the game/keep those already in from leaving but Nope.


So we got:


-Very rare Orokin Catalyst Invasions*

-Really low credit invasion rewards

-Low quantity/quallity invasion rewards

-Out of this world rare Vauban parts as well as Vauban NOT being in the Tenno lab*

-Tradeable Prime parts*

-Bugs that haven't been fixed but instead of the time spent fixing those we keep getting more and more weapons, No syndana's or stances or anything cosmetic to make us feel cool or anything, more frigging weapons.

-Rarity of forma blueprints compared to the 1-3 per void survival in the past*



So what happened to "We love to listen to the community's feedback and give them what they want as long as its in our standards"

So your saying your standards are anything platinum related?



*Because DE wants to drain your money

Edited by 1lusion
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And here I was thinking DE is working hard in the office coming up with a good endgame to bring players back to the game/keep those already in from leaving but Nope.


So we got:


-Very rare Orokin Catalyst Invasions*

-Really low credit invasion rewards

-Low quantity/quallity invasion rewards

-Out of this world rare Vauban parts*

-Tradeable Prime parts*

-Bugs that haven't been fixed but instead of the time spent fixing those we keep getting more and more weapons, No syndana's or stances or anything cosmetic to make us feel cool or anything, more frigging weapons.

-Rarity of forma blueprints compared to the 1-3 per void survival in the past*



So what happened to "We love to listen to the community's feedback and give them what they want as long as its in our standards"

So your saying your standards are anything platinum related?



*Because DE wants to drain your money

Because there wasn't a list of like 30 bug fixes in this update?

Because the forma drop rate was increased to kinda silly levels with the previous void drop table re-work

Because the game is still 100% free and everything in game can be acquired without ever dropping a penny.


Everything in your post is wrong and the attitude behind is worse.

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from a business stand point, clan teach was making DE loss money. they make weapons, but players cant spend real money to buy those. considering how overpriced weapons are, i dont think many people would buy those (except for masters and grandmasters, which is only a fraction of the playerbase)


farming for prime weapons was horrible. now they fixed that.


and some people got the ability to max 2 mods.


the sky is not falling, and endgame never existed, so i dont know how they destroyed endgame


Instead of fixing the droptables...they just said fuk it and made void parts tradable...i don't call that fixing anything...


i hope everyone gets the parts they are looking for..but boy this isn't a good look


imagine nintendo releasing a code that unlocked every node in super mario world....some would go straight to King Koopa...some would do each node....but who do you respect more T_T..who do cater to more ;_;



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>Level and grind to get a good frame capable of doing...

>more grinding

>to get a shiny frame from RNG bosses, to level and grind... 

>to do more grinding.


I don't know why anyone would basically skip the entire point of this game. Its fun and all in small doses. But really, there is no point to it aside from Checking the tickboxes of "completed"

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Because the game is still 100% free and everything in game can be acquired without ever dropping a penny.

The ability to use a weapon without having to forma it six times due to complete lack of any way to obtain catalysts at a rate anywhere near comparable to the rate at which new weapons are released.

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