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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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What is bothering me about this is that if I choose to max my Hornet Strike or my Vitality instead of Steel Charge, because I intended to max that next, I lose out. People were basically rewarded for choosing a randomly enchanted mod that would eventually let you skip out on maxing two other pain in the &#! mods. It isn't gamebreaking and it isn't immoral. It's just a $&*^ move. It's giving away a great prize in a "choose your door" competition that nobody knew they were playing. Even the lotto makes you play to win. 

Well, then you still have your Hornet you lost nothing, but Steel Charge was scaled back so they had to compensate. They overcompensated as an apology or to anyone who might have bought it for plat. 

But giving a window for exploiting it further was totally a mistake.

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Absolutely not.

First off DE is already under fire as it is with prime parts now allowed to be traded. Pushing players to believe that the motive was purely to cash in on demand.


Second, Legendary cores only exsisted as a fair means to compensate those that invested in a mod beyond that of the new requirements. Sort of a way to say, "we're sorry we understand you spent your time improving this for your gameplay, however due to an oversight we've decided to change it, here max another mod you feel would help you"


While I feel it was foolish for them to announce prior to the change of such a compensation, for those that prior to actually used it, this means allot to them. 

This core should only exist as either a customer appreciation token, or a fair compensation on the exact lines of steel charge. NOTHING ELSE.


To allow this on market, would undermine every player who decided to spend their time, and endure the grind, so they can max a mod and resell to get themselves something nice on the market.

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Never gonna hapen again, these cores will never be in this game again.

You sure? 

Cause you know, it's not like there are any other serration mods out there that are of incredibly high rank hornet strike and make a lot of players feel they unbalance the game.  

Likely this is just their test to see how 'legendary' cores work as compensation for the nerfing of mods like that. 

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why is it a $&*^ move?

the aura gave way too many energy points, they fixed it, but had to conmpensate people in some way.


they gave an extremely generous compensation to the people that had that mod.

key word: compensation

not reward


what exactly do you want? you think they should have given those people a lesser reward? that doesnt help you in any way

you want that reward too? not gonna happen. you didnt have a high level mod rolled back, you dont get a compensation

you want them to roll back the reward? not gonna happen. people would get angry and DE or the players wouldnt get anything from it


im sorry, but i dont know what you want

I know what he wants, it is not hard to see either. He put time and effort into the game to get where he is now because he earned it. People are getting a free ride. He is saying stop this free ride madness. Hope that spelled it out for you clearly.

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Indeed. 1 core would have been enough for me to replace the 5-10 investment i made for those ranks. I do lose the credits and can't get them back. But then, i can use that core on a rarer mod for a bigger return. So that would have been ok still.


But these people that went out and hacked the system to get as many rank 6 steel charges as they could, worth 16 times less than a rank 10 in effort, and DE_Steve told them sure why not I'll give you 2 for each one you get. What a frickin' joke.


If this is the type of shafting DE are doing to investments of time and platinum and everything else put into the game, I'm not spending another cent. Ever. You obviously have no intention of looking after that. 16 times difference, and that's just with 1 mod. times that by how ever many mods these hackers were able to get in the few hours notice they were given. And you just go yeah whatever, what do we care. Fine. care factor noted.

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Well, I don't buy the notion of it being fair compensation. It's not compensation as it goes above and beyond what they spent. What it was was a reward for exploiting. I'd have leveled up my Steel Charges had they given me enough notice.

Also I don't think this undermines everything. Does someone spending plat on an item undermine you grinding for it?

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Eh, think of it as a convenience fee. It's not meant to compete with the player market. And why would it matter if it crashed mod trading? People are still giving plat to DE, so it doesn't matter on their end.


It will crash all trading period.


If DE is going to set a price on such a core, it has to be higher than what the player market has establish.

For example Gold Fusion pack was priced at 80 plat.

So it keeps an upper ceiling on the rare fusion core prices although a rather ridiculous one.

But most players sell them at 3 to 5 plat a piece.


So an upper ceiling of 400 will maintain and keep prices in check.

Then of course, re-work the rest of the Fusion core packs.

Edited by fatpig84
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You cannot possibly  be "serious". Some people stand to make a "profit" equivalent to 1567 Rare-5 fusion cores plus 4.9 million credits... And you say it isn't a big deal?

This. They basically just gave many players hundreds of hours of progress. I definitely agree that the players with steel charges needed compensation, but this is over the top. Hell, I'm not even on PC and I still find this a pretty big deal.

Edited by (PS4)wienerbaby
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I know what he wants, it is not hard to see either. He put time and effort into the game to get where he is now because he earned it. People are getting a free ride. He is saying stop this free ride madness. Hope that spelled it out for you clearly.

as i said before, you want to take a compensation from the players. this, i repeat, doesnt affect you.


you are in no right to demand this change, and neither i am.


i  can only respond this:


get. over. it

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Well, then you still have your Hornet you lost nothing, but Steel Charge was scaled back so they had to compensate. They overcompensated as an apology or to anyone who might have bought it for plat. 

But giving a window for exploiting it further was totally a mistake.



the compensation is to the players. only the players that got the compensation can complain about it.


do you decide for other people? no.



Question to both of you... Did you get cores?

Edited by Miose
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It will crash all trading period.


If DE is going to set a price on such a core, it has to be higher than what the player market has establish.

For example Gold Fusion pack was priced at 80 plat.

So it keeps an upper ceiling on the rare fusion core prices although a rather ridiculous one.

But most players sell them at 3 to 5 plat a piece.


So an upper ceiling of 400 will maintain and keep prices in check.

Then of course, re-work the rest of the Fusion core packs.

Again, I ask, why is it a bad thing to crash the trading market? Do you really think that the market was intended to drain plat from newbies that don't know any better? Because that's about all plat trading amounts to right now.

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Or you can look at it like this...


It allows people to max out 2 cards.


Oh boy are you mistaken.





Will I get 2 Legendary Cores per Steel Charge rank 6 and above? 

Yes, you will get 2 Cores per Steel Charge. 



Apparently, nobody at DE could foresee that giving people hours of notice that if they have a rank 6 steel charge mod they will get 2 legendary cores per mod would be exploited.


I'm not spending another cent on this game ever. if this is how they care about the investment of time and platnium we put in. now we have a bunch of people running around with piles of these cores. Someone who explited 10 of them to level 6 will have 20 of those cores. I had my one at rank 10. I got 2. And that rank 10 steel charge takes 16 times as much investment as a rank 6 one. Screw you DE.

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