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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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I'm not going to use those cores to upgrade a mod (All of the ones I would use them on are already maxed, or one level off, making it a huge waste of potential).


No, no, I have something far more sinister planned for those cores. Given the costs of current Prime Parts, I expect to have the next set of Prime gear three days after release.


I sh*t you not. And the set after that.

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As for the legendary cores I do feel like they where terrible way to compensate for the change to steel charge. Personally I think DE should put a dead line and make it so that legendary cores not used by that point will be removed form the game.

They should have capped cores at 2 per account, it would have been harmless. I still do not know why the person that ok'd this though it was a good option to give more than 2 per account. Reason being, I think it should be 2 per account is simple, you only need one aura mod for an infinite amount of Warframes.


I had a rank 10 steel charge before the announcement, and made a single rank 6 steel charge just to see if DE would actual give me 4 total. I only had two steel charge and I doubt I would have made more than one rank 6 if I was able to.

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I don't understand how this is an actual complaint.

I mean, I was right there in U8 grinding keys with the best of them. Back when Latron Prime Receivers had 0.15 percent drop chance or something utterly ridiculous like that. I wouldn't wish that kind of grind on anyone. Yes it felt good finally getting that Latron Prime, but not so good that I'm not going to be happy newbies have an actual alternative to spending dozens to hundreds of keys on getting one even though I didn't.

I ground for Frost Prime. I ground for Latron Prime. I've ground for just about every piece of Prime gear. (Disclaimer: I've traded for glaive prime blades because the prime grind isn't fun and no amount of fixing prime drop tables will change that). Why should I feel bad that someone can get it easier than I did then, now? I'm happy because I don't like seeing newbies suffer to be able to do cool things or have shiny awesome gear.

I ground as well, which is why...that isn't really a complaint but that is how it feels. It's like "Well...crap. I went through all that for these things, and now someone else can just hop over the mountain I just climbed, I feel like S#&$." It's...how it's presented, how it feels, I went through the same thing you did and I honestly wouldn't wish it on anyone either, but to allow people to skip the process completely feels wrong and like a smack in the face. People should still have to play to get them, not just pop in and go "hurr durr, gimmie because I have plat." It's going to start breeding the "entitled" mentality that if they have plat they don't have to play the game, just spend plat which...*Shudder.*




I'd rather Prime trading just be removed and they actually make an effort to sort out the atrocious RNG.


But, I feel like DE will not remove it (they never remove their band-aids)


Part for part would be better if trading stays. At least it still requires you to go to the Void to actually get parts.

Plat trading is abso-@(*()$-lutely horrible for Prime parts.


DE needs to punish those who exploited it.


Remove all their legendary cores and revert any mods they fused to their previous level.

This means that those who decided to exploit it get no benefits at all from Legendary cores.


The exploit was possible because of dev stupidity, but it was on the players to decide whether or not to perform the exploit.


THe thing is, it wasn't an exploit! It wasn't! DE said "2 cores for EACH Steel Charge you have that is rank 6+" They WANTED this to happen! Maybe not to this extent, but they wanted it! And yes, I agree that DE should fix the RNG, not patch the issue with trading.

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If I remember DE actually did a roll back kinda similar to that not long ago...In terms of rolling back trading and such. And to the whole "How does this affect you personally?" statement, seriously? You're going there? People enjoy the trading system, which the LCores have just smashed all value of the rank 10 mods in a day. People enjoyed the time they spent grinding for their prime gear, or getting those fusion cores and credits to level their rank 10 mods, which they are now &!$$ed that people can come in with their LCores and plat and just say "Oh, you were stupid to grind for all that gear, why do that when you can just buy it? Pfft~ I don't have to earn anything when i have plat!"

As if people aren't already buying MAXED mod for plat? Why does it matter that someone skips the "grinding fun" and gets a MAXED mod for plat when that was already possible the minute they introduced the trading system? So the market crashed, so what. The market will eventually re-stabilize its called economics just like in real life there will be recessions and depressions and there will be growth. 

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Imagine all the hate and crying if they were to take away those LC.

If they announced they would be removed, people would scramble and find anything worth upgrading to use the cores up. The only real way they could remove them now is a roll back or a stealth removal, and that would cause an epic amount of rage.

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As if people aren't already buying MAXED mod for plat? Why does it matter that someone skips the "grinding fun" and gets a MAXED mod for plat when that was already possible the minute they introduced the trading system? So the market crashed, so what. The market will eventually re-stabilize its called economics just like in real life there will be recessions and depressions and there will be growth. 


It would be at least nice to hear a reason from the Devs on why they think it was time to crash the market like they did.

It was not like in RL economics, noone crashes the market like that in RL, and if someone did, i bet there would be lots of Rage and questions on why the hell he did that...

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The thing is, it wasn't an exploit! It wasn't! DE said "2 cores for EACH Steel Charge you have that is rank 6+" They WANTED this to happen! Maybe not to this extent, but they wanted it! And yes, I agree that DE should fix the RNG, not patch the issue with trading.

I just think DE didn't stop to think for 30 seconds and figure out how it could possibly go wrong.

Either way, it was a @(*()$ horrible thing to happen.

It was definitely not intended for S#&$ like this to go down



People who pulled S#&$ like that deserve to be punished for it.

They should not get any benefit from the Legendary Cores, doesn't matter if they had a legit rank 10 Steel Charge or not.


Leaving things like this unpunished (which has happened before) is not a smart thing to do, as players will continue to do it.

Edited by Letter13
Let's not name and shame. Thanks.
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I ground as well, which is why...that isn't really a complaint but that is how it feels. It's like "Well...crap. I went through all that for these things, and now someone else can just hop over the mountain I just climbed, I feel like S#&$." It's...how it's presented, how it feels, I went through the same thing you did and I honestly wouldn't wish it on anyone either, but to allow people to skip the process completely feels wrong and like a smack in the face. People should still have to play to get them, not just pop in and go "hurr durr, gimmie because I have plat." It's going to start breeding the "entitled" mentality that if they have plat they don't have to play the game, just spend plat which...*Shudder.*


With sufficient money you can take a helicopter to the top of Everest right now. Yet people still climb it to say "I climbed it." Because taking a helicopter to the top of the mountain is easy, so it doesn't inspire awe or engender respect. That's what's going on here. Other people being able to buy prime gear in no way diminishes the achievement of grinding it the natural way. Other people being able to do it easier in no way changes the achievement for you, you know? 


Either way, it was a @(*()$ horrible thing to happen.

It was definitely not intended for S#&$ like this to go down


Okay, why exactly? I mean, that's an awful lot of cores and credits to fuse that many steel charges to rank 6. Trading legendary cores has a million credit tax so it's not like anyone can just trade them. Even an ubergrinder and credit hoarder like me could only afford to buy/sell five legendary cores before I'm bankrupt.


If they want to fuse everything to rank 10 with the dozen + cores they got, why shouldn't they? How does that diminish your enjoyment of the game?

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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If they announced they would be removed, people would scramble and find anything worth upgrading to use the cores up. The only real way they could remove them now is a roll back or a stealth removal, and that would cause an epic amount of rage.

Yes epic amount ! DE never seems to grasp what WF fans can do though that is funny, always have to revert something because players find a way...


Its time they figure out gamers are crazy like that, and they should really think through what they come up with.

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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It would be at least nice to hear a reason from the Devs on why they think it was time to crash the market like they did.

It was not like in RL economics, noone crashes the market like that in RL, and if someone did, i bet there would be lots of Rage and questions on why the hell he did that...

This will be known as the Great Depression of Warframe. So they unexpectedly crashed the market same thing or worse nearly happened IRL. Back in 2010 a single human or computer error caused the DOW to drop over 1000 points in an instant.

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They should have avoided this mess in the first place, they gave ppl the cores i say move on, whats there more to do?


I don´t agree with taking back the cores either, but maybe DE shouldn´t forget about the ones who got nothing, or the ones that maxed mods by playing their game with hundreds of hours instead of one core magic, and maybe learn that we as a community don´t need these kind of situations that just seem to turn one against the other, one gets shinnies other doesn´t what else do you think will happen?


In short this one is all on DE, and i hope something like this doesn´t happen again.

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Trading legendary cores has a million credit tax so it's not like anyone can just trade them. Even an ubergrinder and credit hoarder like me could only afford to buy/sell five legendary cores before I'm bankrupt.

Trading a legendary core has a million credit tax? I didn't know that, and if If true, a person could be stuck grinding a lot of credits just to be able to sell a few. I guess DE did at least put a gate on the ability to sell the cores directly.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Is it that hard to accept this and move on?
Whenever I stumble across some misfortune irl, I don't ask the big guy upstairs for nerfs.

Whenever I get fifty nine BRs or Russians or whatever on my US east games of dota, I either move forward,

or prevent that situation from happening, simple as that.


I missed out entirely on these legendary cores, so did most of the people I knew who played this game with me.

I could not care less, and I'm happy some people got a nice treat that made this game less of a farm fest.


Whine all you want, I'm not gonna read a single post in this thread after I post this. Maybe if you whine enough

I'll change my mind, and come back into this thread just to lap up your delicious tears.


Maybe you people need a bit of time away from this game. That really wouldn't kill anyone, would it?

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I just think DE didn't stop to think for 30 seconds and figure out how it could possibly go wrong.

Either way, it was a @(*()$ horrible thing to happen.

It was definitely not intended for S#&$ like this to go down



People who pulled S#&$ like that deserve to be punished for it.

They should not get any benefit from the Legendary Cores, doesn't matter if they had a legit rank 10 Steel Charge or not.


Leaving things like this unpunished (which has happened before) is not a smart thing to do, as players will continue to do it.


OK now for the million dollar question...


How does this affect you?

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But you also miss out on the crazy rush it is to feel things are falling apart all around you. At least you can spectate on the forums!


I know! Watching everything explode and and burn just puts a sadistic smile on my inner pyro's face!

Yes...you are? You're getting the same update as the rest of us...If you guys aren't getting the same compensation that's bull.

Our next update, 12.0.5, is just giving us the updated Steel Charge. No R10 version, just the buffed percentage. You PC players get everything first, the good and the bad.

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I've been trying to avoid this whole controversy because, frankly, I've been absolutely disgusted by the sentiments expressed by my fellow veterans.


We talk about reducing grind. DE introduces something that cuts a lot of grind off at the knees. Suddenly we complain about this because we had to grind so by God those newbies should have to grind just as bad as we did.


What's next, should DE revert frame part drops to pure chance instead of guaranteeing one at end of mission because I had to run raptor 60 times to get Nova because most of the time he never dropped a pink orb? Because way back in the day I had to run Jackal dozens of times to get ahold of Rhino while a newbie can be reasonably assure of getting him in ten runs or less?


I'm sympathetic to the guys who didn't get cores. They have decent complaints. One of my clanmates is like that and he's an awesome bro, the broest bro to ever bro. But DE's said that this is just the beginning of the legendary core's story, not the end. They'll probably be endgame rewards for Badlands or something and that should soften the blow...


But the other complaints? The ones making those complaints make me ashamed to be a founder and ashamed to be a mastery 13 player who's been here since U7.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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How does this affect you?

Ah, JerryMouse. I was wondering when you were going to appear.


How does that diminish your enjoyment of the game?



It has nothing to do whether it diminishes my enjoyment or not.

Contrary to what you might think, players have the ability to think of things other than themselves.


When I say it's a stupid @(*()$ move, I'm looking further than just "Oh, other players get stuff fast"

I'm talking about how much it completely ruins any of the tiny amount of "Endgame" we had.


Rare 10 mods were described by Steve on a livestream as "These mods are designed to take a very long time to level up. They aren't aimed at new players. They are aimed at those who have been here for a while"

What does a Legendary Fusion core do? Oh, completely negates that quote.



Warframe has very little content.


Prime Trading and Legendary Fusion cores gave players the ability to instantly bypass the majority of what Warframe has to offer.

No matter what game you are playing, instant content bypasses are never a good thing, ever.

They do nothing other than allow players to burnout quicker.


I'm all for an option to accelerate the process (xp boosters, for example). But, allowing players to skip content is a horrible move and should never have happened.

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