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Pubbing Kappa, Or How I Learned To Hate Hallway Heroes.


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Prove me wrong then I have seen the kill count rise much higher with a Nova spamming 4 rather than a team sitting at the objective.


That is just an effect of kill rate, the faster mobs are killed the more are spawned to replace them. If the Nova was at the objective the count would be even higher simply because M Prime would catch mobs coming in from all the spawn points rather than just some of them.

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Just yesterday I had a run in with one such individual on Kappa, luckily, I now play Zephyr as my default frame, which allowed for some shenanigans. After the first console was done with and it was clear that this guy was going to be uncooperative, I jumped up on top of the cliff sides and dropped the datamass up there, then jumped back down and watched as he tried to find it. Unfortunately, he was a Valkyr so he could also get up there, but not as fast as me so I just grabbed it again when he got near. I then flew out of bounds and dropped the datamass into the void destroying it completely.


Mutually Assured Destruction.


I quite enjoyed myself while he was calling me names the whole time. This will be my method for dealing with them in the future, until DE see fit to provide us a way to do it properly.


Its still griefing.

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Oh my god, who the hell cares?


If you want optimal experience farm, go play high level survival or ODD. But you don't. You're here for oxium, same as the rest of us.


If you're going to complain about "hallway heroes", the literal only reason I will ever listen to you is if you are a nova or rhino with a weapon that has puncture, radiation or electric damage. I say rhino and nova because they're the only warframes that can blow up a wave and cc the ospreys so they don't suicide. You better be modded for range and power efficiency. The optimal way to play kappa is to spam 4 and check occasionally for the ospreys. It's not fun or engaging but it is optimal.


If you aren't doing that, you don't get to tell me how I get to enjoy this game and you sure don't get to complain about hallway heroes.

Edited by adulus
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Oh my god, who the hell cares?


If you want optimal experience farm, go play high level survival or ODD. But you don't. You're here for oxium, same as the rest of us.


If you're going to complain about "hallway heroes", the literal only reason I will ever listen to you is if you are a nova or rhino with a weapon that has puncture, radiation or electric damage. I say rhino and nova because they're the only warframes that can blow up a wave and cc the ospreys so they don't suicide. You better be modded for range and power efficiency. The optimal way to play kappa is to spam 4 and check occasionally for the ospreys. It's not fun or engaging but it is optimal.


If you aren't doing that, you don't get to tell me how I get to enjoy this game and you sure don't get to complain about hallway heroes.


Then don't yell at me when I let the objective die because I didn't want to do what we were supposed to and ran off to do MY own thing.


I find THAT enjoyable.

Edited by Kalenath
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Funniest part is that unless they manage to kill over 62% of the enemy by themselves they will actually get lower xp on the weapon and frame that they are using (and of course nothing on the weapons they don't use) compared to just killing 25% while staying with everyone else.


In other words being a hallway hero is a stupid tactic for both XP and resource drops.



See above, you are hurting your own xp gain and leveling your stuff more slowly by doing that.



More than that, we earn more xp for unused weapon by letting other have the frag and do the job.


Kill everyone with m-prime will give most of your earned xp to your lvl30 nova, not really usefull!

Want xp? Don't play the hero! ;)



@adulus : The problem with door heroes on kappa is more the fact that they lock some spawn by staying to close from them.

And stuck close to doors or running everywhere, they are generally unable to dodge incoming osprey and lose most of them by suicide...


Another annoying fact, more far they are, more rooms the hosting cpu got to calculate, more lag, less drop, more untakable loot for low connexion etc etc etc....

Edited by ZeGreymane
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If you're going to complain about "hallway heroes", the literal only reason I will ever listen to you is if you are a nova or rhino with a weapon that has puncture, radiation or electric damage.


Lol. I use a 4 Forma Karak for Kappa with Punch Through, One burst (about 4-5 ammo used) kills an Osprey from full healthand the Punch Through means it doesn't matter if a Corpus runs into the line of fire. The only time an Osprey suicides is if its comes through a door very close while I am reloading. 40-60 Oxium is common for a Kappa run where there are no hallway heroes.



More than that, we earn more xp for unused weapon by letting other have the frag and do the job.



Absolutely, while farming the Oxium for the clan research I have leveled half a dozen mastery fodder secondaries and melee weapons.

Edited by Silvershadow66
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If you aren't doing that, you don't get to tell me how I get to enjoy this game and you sure don't get to complain about hallway heroes.

Optimal is maximizing the number of kills to maximize the number of spawns.


Yes killing quickly but to maximize the ability to spawn the most oxium and for everyone to pick up the most oxium you want everyone in a single room, and killing as fast as possible.


Nova helps, but is hardly needed.  Range is hardly needed as well as long as you are camping the right door.  I run with a four forma StrunWraith.  Oxium Ospreys die in two or three shots.


As well I like to bring nekros to up the rate of all other resources and cores and such... if your going to farm, farm right. No Nekros doesn't help with Oxium but maximizing Oxium means for the team. 


The total kills I see in the hallway hero games have always been fewer maybe not by a lot ~50, but the total team kills are less, it does screw up the spawn rate, and that means less Oxium overall.

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Optimal is maximizing the number of kills to maximize the number of spawns.


Yes killing quickly but to maximize the ability to spawn the most oxium and for everyone to pick up the most oxium you want everyone in a single room, and killing as fast as possible.


Nova helps, but is hardly needed.  Range is hardly needed as well as long as you are camping the right door.  I run with a four forma StrunWraith.  Oxium Ospreys die in two or three shots.


I can wave my $&*^ around too about killing them with latron prime or penta. It doesn't matter. The point is, if you aren't playing efficiently, don't get mad when other people aren't play efficiently either.

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I can wave my $&*^ around too about killing them with latron prime or penta. It doesn't matter. The point is, if you aren't playing efficiently, don't get mad when other people aren't play efficiently either.

And running out into another room, or worse two rooms away is not playing efficiently no matter how much $&*^ waving you do about the kills you are getting.

Killing everything in a more centralized location is the most efficient way to maximize the team's gain.

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Why call them heroes?



however if you are interested you may look for presentation of Daniel Brewer about ai for warframe. maybe you will learn basics of this game after all.


It's really interesting to see what's going on "under the hood".

Edited by Bibliothekar
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yes this at gamasutra.


so Mr. Brewer here is explaining how spawn mechanics actually working. However you don't really need to watch that to notice how mobs are spawning. you can just run a grineer galleon or place a decoy in a terminal room near the door, so you could see how mobs are spawning at the point near main doors to a cryopod room.


So sane person having this knowledge will never-ever run in a small room before terminal room or in a cryopod room itself. Sane person will not leave terminals at corpus outpost md. any players who is leaving terminal room, who is camping spawns on ED, who is wondering through room to room on a survival is either noob or clinical idiot. No. other. option. And yes being an idiot is also can be considered as game style.


Having this knowldge at your disposal you can no only gather let say 60-80 oxium on kappa, but also exploit that knowledge at survival. I was exploiting this many months ago to gather 3-4k ferrire on a Mercury running raid missions. I have no idea who said that extermination is good for resource gathering on a wiki page, but this person have little understanding of gaming process.


In Warframe - each and every game mode is using this spawning mechanics even interception. So be a nice Tenno and carry this knowledge to a missions. Because being a door hero is bad, it is bad for you in the first place.

Edited by Althix
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Oh my god, who the hell cares?


If you want optimal experience farm, go play high level survival or ODD. But you don't. You're here for oxium, same as the rest of us.


If you're going to complain about "hallway heroes", the literal only reason I will ever listen to you is if you are a nova or rhino with a weapon that has puncture, radiation or electric damage. I say rhino and nova because they're the only warframes that can blow up a wave and cc the ospreys so they don't suicide. You better be modded for range and power efficiency. The optimal way to play kappa is to spam 4 and check occasionally for the ospreys. It's not fun or engaging but it is optimal.


If you aren't doing that, you don't get to tell me how I get to enjoy this game and you sure don't get to complain about hallway heroes.

XP comes from kills.  Kills come from mobs.  The more mobs, the more of them statistically speaking will be the Oxium Drones.  So basically, maximized xp is maximized oxium.  And to that you can add the benefit of having the loot in a more centralized location, so less time spent running around, more time spent killing.


Also, my Saryn blows up the Ospreys with Miasma (in Kappa at the least), which means no suicide.  But even if it didn't, the group together means my 4 can combine with your 4 or your gun... and kill the thing regardless.  So once again, good team play wins out.

Edited by Axterix13
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Here's a suggestion to all the people who dislike 'hallway heroes'....


Do not PuG no more and form your own group filled with like minded players.


You cannot expect PuG players to play exactly how you wish. This applies to every single online game I have ever played, if you want people to be peons and play how you want...then it's up to YOU to do something about it like making your own squad.


Pretty simple, yes?

Edited by fizbit
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Just answer me this question. What would happen if everyone went to go play hallway hero like you do? There is only one answer: the mission would fail. The objective would be destroyed and all that bonus XP you gained, and denied from other players, would be lost.


You're not a special little snowflake that gets to go off and do whatever he wants while he $&*^s the other players out of hard earned experience for doing their job of DEFENDING THE OBJECTIVE. Stop your childish rationalization and work as a team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think mobs should rush in greater numbers if their being killed faster than expected, possibly lvling up as well to compensate, maybe giving the missions a Kills Per X/Sec average number determined by the maps difficulty, if their being killed faster than the avg predetermined number then more arrive at higher lvls and the avg kills per/sec, if the total kills made by players drops back to the expected amount then the numbers drop again to normal etc.


...or something possibly less complicated but equally as effective.

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Yeah, hallway/door heroes bug me too.   I let a T3MD fail this morning because nobody else was paying any attention to the console and left me behind out of XP share range.


It doesn't even make sense for oxium farming. If you kill enemies in the room or just outside the door, the oxium is easy for everybody to pick up as the mission progresses. But no. People defend the hallways 3 rooms away, which means anybody who is actually on task and helping the mission to succeed has to spend minutes searching and gathering. (And hallway heroes, in my experience, do not wait for other people to do this).


Defend the room or just inside the doors.  If you do anything else, then you're not actually helping as much as you think you're helping.

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I always try the soft way because new players often don't know : "Please kill closer to pod, it's faster and less a problem to collect loot and to share Xp", etc etc...


Sometimes it works, but often we have some retards "Don't tell me how I must play"  running everywhere like the apocalypse is coming. I encourage everybody to let the mission fail : it's the only way to educate and put some sense into them.

Edited by Hyunsai
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You can still have it - if the client has noteable lag, Vortex still pulls them in. Something new I discovered: Zephyr's tornadoes shake the screen quite violently when you're standing close to one (even for other players). Good to troll players who stand still and try to take perfect aim (accuracy goes down so deep, I wouldn't have hit a barn with my Gorgon).

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It annoys me to that some players do this. I want to kill just as much as they do but I play the objective first. So I let the defend objective get to about 25% HP before I kill the attackers, and normally it brings the team mates back.

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