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De Staff Frame


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I used to play Halo a lot, and there was a thing (flaming helmet) that only the staff have. Why not DE do something similar? e.g. Lotus frame for all staff. This might not be a big thing, just a thought from me.


so you want them to spend time on creating warframes for staff?  next you be asking them to make content for staff only.

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Yes, but since we're East Coast Canada ping can be an issue.



I can imagine, i sometimes play on East Coast to see how things are in your region, the connection can be a bit strained sometimes. Strangely i encountered less lag than in my native europe setting.


Anyway, glad to hear you are guys are checking the other regions too.

Edited by Othergrunty
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so you want them to spend time on creating warframes for staff?  next you be asking them to make content for staff only.

I don't mean like a whole new frame, I imagine just a skin or some kind of cosmetic that could let us recognised as a DE staff. something like a Lotus model (skin) for their sentinels. No special ability, no buff, just looks.




How about a skin for the Asa Syandana made up of the DE logo being repeated?


Its a small thing and could be cool.


I remember back in ME3 the Bioware employees got a special banner, though BotB was still better =P


Yeah, just small cosmetic changes would let player recognise you

Edited by CWJLee
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like a Lotus model (skin) for their sentinels.

Lotus sentinel mask?


In my opinion, something like that will be useful once we get those space stations, to see if there is a dev on duty around. But while playing, I honestly don't care what country or clan the other guys in my PuG come from, where they work, what they had for dinner ... as long as they get the job done.

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I agree with this. I think developers/admins should have something unique and awesome to make them stand out.

In a game world, the developers are basically gods. They should be visually striking in a way that inspires awe in players. 


of course, staff are always going to have their own sneaky alt accounts, that's cool. but showing off is fun and stylish.

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I agree with this. I think developers/admins should have something unique and awesome to make them stand out.

In a game world, the developers are basically gods. They should be visually striking in a way that inspires awe in players. 


of course, staff are always going to have their own sneaky alt accounts, that's cool. but showing off is fun and stylish.

If you've ever been in a team with any DE staff, you'd notice they tend to die far too much to be considered gods :P

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Personally im till waiting for my Bacon Prime frame.


(no,not bacon prime as in the sword)




Till I get that one ill have to settle for my powersnax.


Here is where I found this culinary masterpiece.







Edit: Typos and what not.

Edited by Stormfinnare
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The truth is that DE Staff actually have an exclusive palette which uses colors outside of the light spectrum visible by normal humans; as a result, your eyes trick you into believing the palette isn't at all unusual. Only the staff themselves are able to bask in their true, glorious beauty when wearing them.

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